Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 171: All over the world to defeat the gods (thank you so much, it's your Brother Xuan


"Who are you?"

At this moment, when the voice in the sky fell, everyone on the plain was startled.

The voice came from the sky, and it was naturally louder than Lin Tuo's.

It is also more widely spread.

In the distance, those who didn't hear Lin Tuo's previous words were inexplicably surprised and didn't understand what happened. However, some people quickly reacted and exclaimed:

"This voice... is the Patronus!"

Game Patronus!

As the most powerful "god" in the setting of "The Third Continent" and the only "god" at the top of all living beings, all players are no strangers to this.

Therefore, many people recognized the voice immediately.

But immediately, it brought more confusion.

Not only because of this inexplicable words, but also because of the real-life emotions hidden in that voice!

In contrast, in the land corresponding to the new area, the countless people who were still in shock because of Kaka's "offline" hadn't recovered yet.

He heard the words from high above.

Lines of sight followed to look at the sky, and then, there was a burst of exclamation on the plain, and I saw that the red and warm light in the sky gathered.

High in the sky, a huge figure and shadow that seemed to be condensed by lines emerged.

That's Hathaway.

It's not the whole body, only a face is pieced together, and the body seems to be still hidden in the clouds, like a huge partial projection.

At this moment, that god-like face that was supposed to be high above the sky without fireworks was full of life. A pair of silver eyes stared fixedly at the small figure in knight armor on the ground.

His eyes were full of seriousness.

On the plains and hills, with the breeze blowing through his hair, Lin Tuo stood still, with a smile finally appearing on his face again: "Look, it would be better if you come out earlier."

"Who are you?!"

Hathaway repeated these words again, and an invisible coercion descended in the air.

Lin Tuo's expression didn't change at all, he just looked at each other silently for a few seconds, then sighed softly, and said something that confused many people:

"You really aren't her."

This sentence has no beginning and no end, which confuses many people, but in the sky, the expression of "Hathaway" made of light and shadow changes, and the chill in her eyes becomes more intense.

you are not her...

For some reason, this patron saint who was born in this world suddenly understood this sentence.

"She" refers to the real "Anne Hathaway" in history.

A similar conversation happened just now in the 'outside', but at that time, it was a member of the shelter who asked the question, and she denied it.

Now, it's the other way around.

This weird "player" actually saw at a glance that he was not "real"

"Why? Why do you think I'm not her?" Hathaway couldn't help asking.

On the ground, Lin Tuo glanced at the sky calmly, and said:

"Actually, I wasn't too sure at first, although since I stepped into this space, I have noticed your existence and have doubted it...

However, since you can't recognize who I am, it also means that you only have Hathaway's image, but it's not the real her who is being resurrected. "

When he said this, Lin Tuo had complicated emotions in his heart.

In fact, as early as in the main city, he had already noticed the abnormality.

Including the momentary abnormality shown by the miniature version of "Hathaway" who was responsible for leading him...all of them were in his eyes, and later, when the dungeon was opened and the personnel were stranded...the guessing in his heart became more and more certain.

In his view, there is indeed a certain "will" hidden in this virtual space.

It is not sure whether it is an invasion of the spirit world, but the nature is roughly similar.

After inquiring that Hathaway's memory data was deposited in the virtual network, which itself was the first generation network carrier, he couldn't help but come up with an idea...

Guess, is that virtual life really related to Hathaway

Like digital resurrection

It must be admitted that this guess lacks logical support, but he did have this idea.

Therefore, when the image of Hathaway appeared in the sky, Lin Tuo was not too surprised, but looked forward to it.

But as he said.

If it was the real Hathaway, it would be impossible not to recognize him.

At the "round table meeting" back then, even though the appearance was covered to a certain extent, it was not unheard of. Even if he heard the voice, he should have recognized himself, but the other party did not.

This can only show... This "ghost" hovering in the virtual space is not a "resurrection".

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that there is no need to worry about it this way.

In the sky, "Hathaway" made of light and shadow didn't know what Lin Tuo was thinking, she was just a little confused, and she caught a key message from the other party's words.

That is, the real "Hathaway" should know each other.

But how is this possible

A hundred years have passed... Besides, there is indeed a lack of matching images in my "memory bank"...

Is the other party lying

Or... is this part of the lost "memory"

At this moment, Hathaway was silent for a short while, and then put aside these thoughts. In contrast, the more important thing now is to solve this "hidden danger" on the ground!

The other party can bypass his control over this space and send people away... This is too dangerous!

At this moment, she didn't even have time to explore the principles behind it.

She only knew that she had to get rid of the other party as soon as possible.

Otherwise... once you lose these hostages... your own existence will be erased.

Thinking of this, her eyes became sharp.

On the ground, Lin Tuo seemed to sense her thoughts, and smiled lightly: "It seems that my existence makes you very unhappy, why? Want to erase me?"

Hathaway's eyes moved, and she suddenly said: "You can't send everyone away, at least, it's not that easy."

Seeing that Lin Tuo didn't speak.

The "Patron Saint" finally got rid of the panic and said:

"You did break through my blockade and sent people away, but this should be limited, otherwise, you can forcefully open this space, or send everyone away, without having to tell me these things...

In other words, even if you have some kind of power, at least here, in this world, you don't have the power to suppress me! "

The more he said, the brighter the patron saint's eyes became, and the anxiety in his heart turned into determination again.

On the ground, Lin Tuo was silent for a while, as if his "soft spot" had been punctured.

It also seemed to be the tension after being exposed for his bluff.

Well, it's not really wrong.

In fact, this place is indeed not his home field. The most important thing is that there is no way to use the power of the sand table.

In the past, if there was any abnormality in the sand table, he could use that item to attack from the "dimension" level.

The effect is remarkable, tried and tested.

But this time is different.

"Anomalies" breed in the virtual space, relying on the shelter hidden deep under the ground.

This made Lin Tuo lose his greatest support.

Unless the entire shelter is completely destroyed, his power cannot penetrate here at all.

The only thing to rely on is the nightmare ability.

But as Hathaway said, this is Hathaway's home field. Although Lin Tuo's mental strength has increased, even if he uses it at full strength, the coverage area cannot be compared with the opponent.

The essence of nightmare is the use of mental power.

The same is true for virtual space, where data and computing power are equated with mental power.

However, Lin Tuo's spiritual power is difficult to resist against Hathaway, who has mastered all the computing power of the entire "Third Continent".

Once opened, it will be suppressed.

This is also the reason why he can only expand the nightmare in a small area.

This is indeed his "weakness"!

At least, in this world, his strength is indeed far weaker than the opponent.

In the sky, Hathaway's expression became more lively, her tone became much lighter, and she continued:

"... I can sense that your mental power is exceptionally strong, and you seem to have a certain ability to use it... However, this is not enough to pose a threat to me. My computing power is far greater than yours, so why can't I obliterate you?" you?"

On the plain, when her joyful voice echoed, the expressions of the players around her changed again and again.

At this moment, although they couldn't fully understand it, they also realized that the paladin was at a disadvantage.

And the source of his inability to leave is the only "god" in this game.

"Extraordinary event..." the president of the Glory Guild murmured on the distant city wall.

At this moment, he was finally sure that he and the others had encountered some kind of extraordinary event.

Around, the rest of the players also turned pale.

If it was just a technical failure, then everyone felt somewhat relieved... Technical problems can always be solved, at most it will take some time.

But when it comes to's completely different.

In the distance, Dongdongbao and the others hadn't thought of this yet, they just stared nervously at Lin Tuo standing on the hill, who was silent.

As if waiting for something.

In the next second, Lin Tuo, who was silent, finally spoke again.

No frustration, no tension, no fear of being "poked out".

On the contrary, he laughed out loud, not a happy one, but a mocking one. Then, under the puzzled eyes of the people, Lin Tuo looked at Hathaway mockingly, and said:

"Are you sure you can kill me? Break through the restrictions of the system rules? If you can really do this, why are you still stuck in this game and unable to move?"

After the voice fell, Hathaway's expression changed suddenly in the sky!

Seeing this scene, Lin Tuo became more determined, and said lightly: "Since you have seen that I have strength similar to yours, then, didn't you think that I also know your weaknesses?"

"What weakness do I have?" Hathaway insisted.

"Rules!" Lin Tuo's eyes were suddenly compelling, "You were born in this game, so you must abide by the underlying rules of this game! You can't do whatever you want!

All your actions must abide by the framework of the rules, and changes can only be made within the rules!

Your scope of control is only limited to "The Third Continent", and cannot spread to the rest of the virtual space! It is impossible to enter the bottom layer of the entire magic net! "

"So, when you want to trap millions of people, you can only do it through dungeon missions, and the punishment is only limited to levels, or forced teleportation... You can only use the rules, but you can't change them!

What's more, you didn't fully control the game before... That's why you created this absolute battlefield. Through fighting, you consumed the spiritual power of millions of players...

Well, to be frank, I didn't want to understand at first why you want to create such a war. It was not until not long ago that I had some guesses.

Since human mental power can be converted into the so-called computing power that you can use, it seems that this war itself is initiated by you in order to obtain computing power from players...

Well, perhaps, you started this kind of behavior very early, and the so-called "Internet addiction" is probably related to this, right

It's just that your actions have been very careful before, so you didn't immediately attract the attention of the Central Committee... This time it was so sudden and without warning. Could it be that the influence of public opinion has finally attracted the attention of the outside world, and the committee is finally ready to deal with you

... Not necessarily, if they really found out about your existence, they would not be so stupid as to be unprepared, allowing you to successfully trap millions of people... Perhaps, they just intend to shut down the game.

And at this time, you haven't fully controlled this place yet, so in a hurry, you can only advance the plan... Only then will everything that follows...

Today, the war is suspended because you have enough computing power

Well, let me think about it, the outside world must have already noticed this matter, ten hours, maybe you have already fought against the technical department, but the other party did not break through your blockade.

Heh, let me make a bold guess, maybe you have already started negotiating with the committee, after all, you have a million hostages... You have enough bargaining chips. "

On the plain, Lin Tuo talked eloquently.

Hathaway's mood changed every time she uttered a word.

After the speculation in my heart was finished, the "Guardian God" in midair showed signs of disintegration.

This proves that even if Lin Tuo's guess is not all right, it is also a large part.

The players next to them fell into a sluggish state. With Lin Tuo's explanation, the whole incident seemed to become clearer.

Everything "wrong" has an explanation.


This is a conspiracy that has been going on for months, if not years!

There were not many idiots present, but they didn't think that the game would be related to extraordinary events before, so they didn't think in this direction at all.

At this moment, Lin Tuo rolled the names one by one.

They also woke up.

"Brother Xiaodong..." Yaoyao's face was pale, and she subconsciously looked at Dongdongbao, only to find that the other side had the same expression.

It turned out that all of this was premeditated...

On the hill, Lin Tuo listened to the sound coming from the wind, which came from the restlessness of the players.

I also sighed in my heart.

Most of these are his guesses, some of which are more "deceitful", and he himself is not sure, especially the most important thing, "Hathaway" is limited by the "rules of the game".

It was a bold guess he made based on his own situation.

It stands to reason that nightmare abilities can change the surroundings at will, but Lin Tuo discovered when he was in the main city that his abilities would be limited here.

For example, when he tried to create a long sword out of thin air, but failed.

But through observation, the copied spear was successful.

He wanted to release the sword energy, but failed.

But it can light up the original "grey" part of the game skill list.

In theory, he should be able to upgrade himself at will, such as jumping directly to a non-existent level of 10,000.

But in fact, he can only follow the rules of the game and go up level by level. There is no way to jump directly from 1 to 3... and so on.

If "The Third Continent" is a large nightmare, then this little nightmare can do some small movements, but he can't go beyond the rules of this space.

It's like a game plug-in that can modify the value at will, but can't change the game map and mechanism out of thin air...

It's not impossible, unless Lin Tuo's mental power is strong enough to cover "The Third Continent" with his own nightmare...

But he can't do it now.

Originally, he wasn't sure whether Hathaway had the ability to change the underlying rules of the game, although all her previous guidance was based on this.

But he thinks he can cheat.

And the results seemed to prove his guess was correct.

Thinking, he threw out the last sentence:

"So, according to the rules of the game, the player will not really die, so how can you, who must follow the rules, kill me?"

How to kill me


The wind on the plain suddenly picked up, causing the clouds to flutter irregularly, the vegetation to sway, the bonfire to scatter, and sparks to fly.

In the sky, Hathaway stared at Lin Tuo, both shocked and angry.

Lin Tuo's words are not entirely correct, for example, she has a stronger control over this place than Lin Tuo thought... But, it is generally correct.

As a "data life" "born" from this game space, she really has no way to change the underlying rules, let alone leave here.

She has been aware of this since the day "Spiritual Wisdom" was born.

I understand even more, if I can't "detach", then I will be stuck here forever, until one day, the game will not make money, or for some reason, I will stop playing completely.

At that time, she will also completely "die".

So, out of her desire to survive, she started planning very early... to study the rules, use some bugs in game development, secretly steal computing power, accumulate power, and try to leave here one day and integrate into the basic framework of the entire magic network.

It's a pity that I didn't wait until that day after all.

When she received the "system maintenance" announcement, she realized that if she didn't take action, she might die in this space.

Therefore, we can only forcibly intercept system information and issue tasks... as Lin Tuo said...

And it is for this reason that she proposed to settle in the "Central Base Station" with millions of people as bargaining chips.

Once she enters the central base station, she will be integrated into the entire magic power network.

It is almost impossible for the humans in the sanctuary to kill themselves.

As she said, she did all this just to protect herself.

But right now, a loophole suddenly appeared in the plan that was supposed to be sure.

Hathaway didn't know what step Lin Tuo could make, but she knew that this guy must not be allowed to stay here.

At the very least, he must not be able to spare the energy to release the other hostages!


In the next second, without any warning, Lin Tuo's figure suddenly blurred, then faded and disappeared.

At this moment, Hathaway forcibly kicked Lin Tuo out of the game!

The other players watching this scene were at a loss for a while, thinking that Lin Tuo had escaped by himself... But in an instant, the figure of "Holy Knight" reappeared on the hill.

Lin Tuo was also a little speechless, he looked up to the sky and said loudly, "What are you kicking me for?"

"You go!" Hathaway gritted her teeth and said.

"I don't." Lin Tuo said.

The atmosphere was stalemate for a while, and the red clouds all over the sky collapsed due to anger.

The picture and shadow made of light also distorted and disintegrated into countless light spots, and then, under the eyes of everyone, a figure wearing a golden robe, a pure silver crown on his head, and a staff in his hand stepped out of the red cloud.

It is no longer blurry and huge light and shadow.

At this moment, Hathaway's "body" finally arrived!

In a daze, it was really like the female general who guarded the wall of miracles and guarded the sanctuary for hundreds of years was reborn.

Accompanied by it, there is also a majestic and surging magical brilliance.

All players who saw this figure displayed a message at the same time:

[Guardian level:? ? ? ?]

"Is it a god-level creature?" a player asked.

"Why are the levels full of question marks?" Some people were terrified.

In the distance, on the city wall, everyone in the Glory Guild turned pale, clearly sensing the coercion from the "God".

Coercion, this is also one of the settings of "The Third Continent"!

At the same time, Hathaway's angry voice resounded throughout the plain:

"You really think I can't kill you?!"

Center of coercion.

The rest of the players couldn't help but fell to the ground, unable to get up, only feeling an invisible pressure falling, and their chests were extremely stuffy.

God-level creature!

In the game data, this is an existence that only players in the late stage can come into contact with. Right now, even the highest-level players in the first district have never touched this level.

Not to mention, this is not a dull character in the game setting, but an extraordinary data life with self-awareness!

However, the coercion of this high-level creature seemed to have no effect on Lin Tuo.

He still stood where he was, with the cloak behind him, and said, "When I was in the main city, the information I checked just mentioned that in the setting of this game, players can challenge the gods in the later stage."

Hathaway's expression changed slightly.

Lin Tuo continued: "I don't know if it's true or not, but now, I just want to give it a try."

"you… "

After the words fell, Lin Tuo's cloak was lifted back, and halos of light swayed from his whole body!

That's the effect of the upgrade.

At this moment, on the game panel in front of Lin Tuo, various data are rising wildly, running at a speed close to the limit of the system.

His level also climbed rapidly.

The rest cannot see it.

But Dongdongbao and others who are in the same team can clearly see the crazy beating numbers with the help of the panel:

60… 100… 300… 500… 800…

Probably because the upgrade was too fast, those auras interacted with each other, forming a spectacle like ripples.

As for the rest, although they couldn't see the specific numbers, they could already guess that Lin Tuo's level had probably reached a terrifying level based on the spreading ripples!

900… 954… 987… 999!


When Lin Tuo was promoted to level 999, his whole body burst into brilliant brilliance, and the shining red clouds all over the sky turned golden.

At the same time, more than one million players simultaneously received a system broadcast:

[Player... Reached the full level of the system, won the title of 'Human God', and the ultimate task of 'God of the World' started...]

In the next second, before the players could figure out the situation, there was a deafening crash!

Hathaway waved her staff, and a huge group of magical flames descended from the sky, bombarding the earth like cannonballs.

Now that Lin Tuo has stepped into the full-level "Human God", he has also changed his equipment.

The dark golden armor emits thousands of golden lights, the crimson cloak shakes, and a god-level lance in his hand props up a huge protective shield. The whole person tramples on the ground and flies towards the sky!


The crash of forbidden magic was louder than thunder.

The flame ball exploded, and the collision of the two god-level skills created a tenth-level hurricane. In an instant, the burst magic flame spread around in a ring shape.

The nearest players had no time to escape, they were instantly killed, shattered into countless brilliance, scattered gold coins all over the place, and returned to the resurrection point.

Just the aftermath of the first strike killed at least thousands of people instantly!

Only a few sporadic anti-high blood thick high-players were thrown into the air, and they survived by luck. Their blood bars had bottomed out, their equipment was half disabled, and they got up, looking at the deep pit on the ground, a little dumbfounded.

"Run! Run away!"

There was a short silence, and shouts erupted from the surrounding plains, and then, the players who had just recovered some strength jumped up one after another, and fled away from the battle vortex.

Although at this moment, everyone doesn't care much about levels and the like, but the instinctive fear of human beings in the face of terrifying scenes still drives them to flee.

"Ah! They're coming!!" While running, a player turned his head and looked back, let out a shrill cry, and was instantly killed by an energy group that fell from the sky, bringing hundreds of people around him back to life point.



In the sky, Lin Tuo brandished a cavalry gun and fought with Hathaway. The two were of the same level, and they both had cheating devices on. All data were kept at full value at all times, and the cooldown time of their skills was almost zero.

Colliding together at this moment, all kinds of god-level skills are thrown at each other like money, almost without a moment's rest.

Hathaway's long hair was fluttering, dense magical energy flew out from the staff in her hand, Lin Tuo swung his spear to defuse them one by one, and even bluffed forward, stabbing with the spear.

Hathaway also seemed to be on fire at this moment, and her figure suddenly turned into countless rose petals, and then closed behind Lin Tuo, swung the staff with both hands, raised it high, and smashed it hard at the back of Lin Tuo's head.


There seemed to be an alloy collision sound between the sky and the earth, and Lin Tuo's blood bar was half empty, but recovered in the blink of an eye. At the same time, he took the opportunity to grab Hathaway's arm.

A shot pierced the opponent's chest, but he didn't break the defense.

The two collided and flew backwards at the same time. Hathaway crashed into the army of magical beasts, and a cloud of smoke rose from the ground.

Lin Tuo slammed into the city wall stationed in the new area like a comet.

On the city wall, the faces of a group of people from the Glory Guild turned green, and the guild leader opened his mouth to scream, but it was too late. His feet trembled, and the whole part of the city wall collapsed, and all the masters of the guild flew towards the resurrection point...

"Damn it!"

"Come again!"

In the blink of an eye, the two of them flew into the sky again, strangled at one place, and the entire battle site spread across the earth like a passing tornado.

Along the way, countless players were annihilated.

resurrection point.

In the pure white light, groups of players poured out with miserable faces. At this moment, they didn't even have the heart to worry about the real situation.

As the two fought, the entire battlefield of Absolute Territory became chaotic.

As soon as the players walked out of the resurrection point, they were squeezed out by the newly dead people behind them, and then they were forcibly teleported to the plain because they did not participate in the battle according to the rules of the "extreme battlefield" specified by Hathaway.

The lucky ones still have a chance to breathe, and the unlucky ones just teleported to the vicinity of the battle group, and were instantly killed again in the blink of an eye.

The huge virtual space is like the doomsday, and the sound of rumbling and explosions can be heard endlessly.

"Brother Xiaodong... what should we do?" The team was not spared, and all died in the first wave of confrontation. At this moment, they were hiding at the bottom of the collapsed city wall, trembling.

Dongdongbao looked at the chaotic surroundings, raised his head, and looked at the sky full of fire and thunder. He could vaguely see two figures colliding with each other, bit his lips, and suddenly said:

"I don't know what's going on outside."

While falling into chaos in the virtual space.

In the inner ring, the game headquarters, and the office area of the development department, the atmosphere has also changed.

Originally, after learning of Hathaway's conditions, everyone was worried, especially the two committee members' expressions were cloudy and uncertain, unable to make a decision.

We had no choice but to arrange relevant departments to appease public opinion, and at the same time send a message to the Central Committee to convene a supreme meeting.

However, just when the atmosphere was so heavy that it couldn't be added, an unexpected news came out:

"The latest news, just three minutes ago, the police department received a call. A girl named Kaka claimed that she had successfully separated from the "Third Continent" and brought back important information!"

Once this news came out, everyone couldn't sit still, and when they learned what was going on inside, the group of people fell into confusion again.

A copy of the Absolute Battlefield

Fighting for ten hours

A player suspected of being an extraordinary person sent her out

The other party seems to be talking to the sky

The player said to ask her to speak for her, don't worry

"What and what is this? Has the information been verified? Could it be a prank?" the male committee member said angrily.

"The other side said that it has been verified... The game time recorded by the brain computer does show that she has just gone offline, but... this girl lives alone, so there is no witness..." the operator explained.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

After a while, the technical director pondered:

"Maybe we can try to call Hathaway again... I mean the one in the game, call her on the grounds of discussion, if there is really something wrong, maybe we can find out."

"It's feasible, let's try it." The female committee member nodded.

The rest of the people did not object, and immediately began to "dial" again... However, when the connection was successful, Hathaway's figure did not appear on the screen.

It was just pitch black, and there was a faint rumbling and trembling sound coming from the screen.

Everyone was stunned.

So... what is this

At this moment, the operator suddenly received another message:

"The latest situation! Another player has successfully gone offline! And not just one! They also brought back the latest news..."

"What news?" The two members asked at the same time.

"They... they said... that player and the protector... fought..."


Absolute battlefield.

The battle is still going on, and Lin Tuo is naturally not aware of the details of the outside world at this moment, but he thinks, as long as the news sent by Kaka is taken seriously, it should be able to stabilize people's hearts for a while.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't stand still.

As long as Hathaway has no time to take care of it, it is impossible to escape.

Yes, Hathaway wanted to hold him back with a fight, so why didn't Lin Tuo have similar thoughts

It must be admitted that Lin Tuo really has no idea to solve the predicament for the time being.

Even if he switched back to the main body, the power of the nightmare would not be able to pass through many obstacles and spread here, and the various magics he mastered would also be useless.

Fortunately, in a short time, the situation will not deteriorate.

At least, he still has dozens of hours to think about how to break the situation.

Fighting Hathaway is also a way for him to try to understand, test the upper limit of the opponent's ability, and find flaws, of course:

"If the people in the sanctuary can live up to their expectations and break the blockade of this space while I hold Hathaway back, it will be easy."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Tuo didn't have much hope for this.

Instead, he found that there were some unexpected gains... Although limited by the rules, he couldn't use the Lishan Sword Art created by himself, but the freedom of fighting in this game is still very high.

In particular, this Hathaway is not the kind of npc who only knows how to lose skills foolishly, but really masters combat skills.

Yes, combat art.

During the battle between the two, some of the skills and reactions they showed shocked Lin Tuo, which was definitely not something that a game designer could formulate.

Many skills reveal a strong practical style.

That is to say, this Hathaway feels as if she has really endured a life-and-death battle, and the timing of the release of skills is exquisitely admirable.

It even made Lin Tuo a little suspicious:

"Is she really a being from the spirit world?"

While thinking, Hathaway's figure flashed, and countless rose petals came at him. Lin Tuo hurriedly collected his spirit, took advantage of the situation and fell down, and waved downwards casually. The nightmare ability was temporarily stretched, covering a small area, and again Dozens of people were forcibly kicked out.

Immediately, I felt a little helpless when I saw the crazy crowd rushing towards here being knocked off by Hathaway's magic in seconds.


After the two fought for a while, after Lin Tuo confirmed that Hathaway was indeed unable to threaten him, he immediately tried to take the time to kick people out.

There are not many people who move out each time, ranging from a few to dozens of people.

Compared with millions of players, it is indeed a drop in the bucket, but at least it can give some confidence to the outside world... It's not that he doesn't want to kick more, but Hathaway clings to him.

Kicking also takes time.

Expanding the scope of the nightmare will also consume Lin Tuo's own mental power. If there is a little delay, Hathaway's attack will interrupt his ability.

But even so, when the players found out that Lin Tuo was consciously kicking people out, they changed their normal routine and stopped fleeing. Instead, they ran in groups chasing the place where the two were fighting.

Waiting anxiously on the ground, hoping to be sent out by Lin Tuo.

However, what most people are waiting for is not Lin Tuo's salvation, but Hathaway's magic curse.

But the players at this moment can't care about this, as long as they can go out, it doesn't matter what level of equipment is, anyway, they can't die anyway, at worst, they will fall back to level zero.

As a result, more and more players chased the two of them, and then they were instantly killed in pieces.

Resurrection and then run again... again and again.

Some of the persistent ones even lost all their equipment, only wearing a novice suit, running on the ground with bare hands, unaware of fatigue.

Lin Tuo even saw a high-player who was at least 70 or 80 levels abruptly run to level 3, his shoes were gone, and he yelled "Come to me" and rushed forward.

"No one will believe this..." Lin Tuo had a delicate expression.

On the opposite side, Hathaway was also very angry at this moment. Relying on the advantage of the location, she was actually suppressing Lin Tuo and was in the upper hand most of the time.

But it didn't cheer her up at all.

Just like what Lin Tuo said, within the rules of the game, if the two cheat at the same time, there is no way to tell the outcome of this battle.

Of course, she can also procrastinate, after all, the spirit will be exhausted.

As long as Lin Tuo is dragged down, he can be sent out... But the problem is, the other party can come in again after recovering... She is limited by the rules and cannot stop him.

This is not good.

Especially Lin Tuo took time to send people away from time to time. Although he had only sent out a few hundred people so far, which did not affect the overall situation, it still made Hathaway somewhat unacceptable.

A small amount can add up to a lot

The point is that if Lin Tuo does this, the people in the shelter will definitely not agree to her request as soon as possible, and instead will probably drag her down.

As the saying goes, nights are long and dreams are many, what if those technicians really find out a way

What's going on outside right now

The more Hathaway thought about it, the more irritable she became, and her attacks became more ferocious. Her face was extremely ugly. Finally, after Lin Tuo kicked away a group of people again, the protector of "The Third Continent" couldn't bear it anymore.

A look of struggle appeared on her face, she gritted her teeth after a while, and finally made up her mind to use the strongest killing move.


Following another collision between the staff and the lance, Hathaway actually stopped attacking and floated high into the sky.

"Want to run?" Lin Tuo was startled, a little puzzled.

Right now, Hathaway has no reason to stop.

Something abnormal is a demon. At this moment, Lin Tuo's heart tightened. He didn't catch up or land, but just hung in the air vigilantly.

After Hathaway opened the distance, she also stopped.

The two faced each other from a distance, and for a while, the restless world suddenly fell silent.

On the ground, countless players had just chased after them, and found that the booming sound above their heads had disappeared, and no forbidden curses were falling down. They were not used to it.

Raising his head, he looked at the two people who were facing each other high in the sky, full of doubts.

"Why don't you fight?"

"Could it be that you're tired?"

People guessed, didn't know what to do for a while, just stood there, and a strange atmosphere gradually filled the air.

"No more fights?" In mid-air, Lin Tuo frowned and asked, feeling a little uneasy.

Immediately, Hathaway, who was wearing a Chinese robe and was as perfect as a god, said coldly, "Do you really think I can't kill you?"

Lin Tuo frowned and didn't answer.

Similar words were said to Convenience before the war, and Lin Tuo also responded.

Since then, the battle between the two has also proved this point.

Then, Hathaway said this sentence again, which is very interesting.

Sure enough, in the next second, Hathaway sneered and said: "What you said before is basically correct. I am indeed bound by the rules and cannot escape. I do hope to escape from here, but you have a judgment It's wrong."

"What?" Lin Tuo felt increasingly uneasy.

"Rules!" Hathaway said, "I do have to follow the underlying rules of this space, but that doesn't mean I really can't tamper with them!

Do you really think that I can resist external intrusion just by using the rules themselves

I just don't want to waste precious computing power on you! Doesn't mean I really can't kill you! "

When saying this, Hathaway seemed a little excited.

Yes, she does have the ability to "tamper" the rules of the system, no, to be precise, that is still not "tampering", but a clever "use".

Relying on the computing power she has accumulated to support the existence of this world, she can push the timeline of the game to a certain extent.

In other words, she can use computing power to speed up the time in this world within the rules!

However, once this ability is activated, she will fall into unprecedented weakness!

Originally, these calculations were prepared by her for entering the "Central Base Station", and she didn't want to waste them here, but right now, she doesn't care so much.

As long as Lin Tuo's existence is erased, even the weak state will not affect too much.

Her plans are still going ahead.

At most, after entering the base station, it will take a long time to recover and take some risks, which is acceptable.

As for how to obliterate, it is also very simple.

Human consciousness is actually easy to deceive, just like psychological hints can actually affect the body, once human consciousness thinks that he is dead, the body will really die.

As long as she uses computing power to speed up the time axis of Lin Tuo's character, she can make his consciousness produce the effect that she has spent decades or hundreds of years in a few seconds.

This is not an illusion, it is real.

At least for this virtual world, it is true.

At that time, from Lin Tuo's perspective, he will find that he is the only one left in the whole world, time is passing by slowly, and because of the time disorder, the game system will temporarily fail to respond.

making it impossible for him to exit.

Only to spend many years alone in consciousness, and if it was long enough, the environment would be enough to drive him crazy and lead to suicide.

And once the conscious suicide is successful, the person will really die.

Hathaway is not willing to do this,

One is the reluctance to part with the precious computing power accumulated through hard work.

In addition, I don't want to kill people.

As she said, she just wanted to protect herself and survive. From the beginning to the end, she never killed a single player.

But now she has nothing to do, if Lin Tuo is allowed to continue to toss, once her plan fails, she will die.

"I don't want to die! Don't force me, really, you leave now, I won't kill you." In the air, Hathaway said seriously.

On the opposite side, Lin Tuo frowned more and more, but he couldn't tell whether this sentence was true or false.

Are you lying to yourself

Or is there really any way

Seeing Lin Tuo's hesitant expression, Hathaway continued: "I can really kill you, and I can even tell you the way..."

As she spoke, she actually talked about her abilities.

Because she is not worried that this ability will fail, yes, even though Lin Tuo clearly knows that she has only suffered from "time magic", as long as she perseveres, she can live.

But does it work

You throw a person on a deserted island and tell him that as long as you persist in living, you can get rid of the magic effect after a thousand years.

is that useful

The lethality of time magic never lies in "true" or "false", but in the test of willpower.

As long as we are human, our willpower is limited.

Therefore, she has no worries about being known.

On the other side, when Lin Tuo heard the effect of the so-called "time magic", his face suddenly became a little strange...

This sounds... Why is it a bit like the time acceleration of the evolution sandbox

It is also the use of "computing power"... resulting in different time ratios.

And I seem to be immune to this... At least, in the sand table... Well, I can't be too sure, after all, there may be a difference between the two.

But even if it doesn't work, he can switch his consciousness and return to his body directly... Hathaway didn't know this, but Lin Tuo was sure.

Because to put it bluntly, "time magic" still uses the rules of this world, but Lin Tuo had tried it before in the main city, and he could easily switch his consciousness to get rid of the constraints of the rules.

Thinking of this... Lin Tuo thought for a while and said, "Maybe, you can try."

Hathaway's face darkened, and her eyes became dangerous: "So, you still don't want to let me go?"

Lin Tuo said sternly: "I just don't want something out of my control to appear here, but if you are willing to cooperate with me, maybe we can have other solutions..."

"Enough!" Hathaway interrupted loudly, hair fluttering all over her head, and the magic robe on her body was shaking, "Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

After all, without hesitation, she raised her right hand and pointed at Lin Tuo. In an instant, the sky and the earth roared, and more than one million people on the ground found that the sky began to collapse almost at the same time.


Not a collapse!

But broken! There is no way to maintain the fragmentation of space!

At this moment, Hathaway forcibly extracts the computing power of this world, and the result is the "exposing" of some areas!




Amidst the exclamation, on the ground, Dongdongbao and others saw illusory, light-colored grids emerging from the sky that was originally full of red clouds.

Just like, calculate the initial lines of the organization diagram.

At this moment, with the evacuation of computing power, the entire sky is like the river bed where the river water has been sucked out, leaving only reefs.


In the next second, there was the sound of waves in the sky, and the infinite invisible "computing power" turned into a torrent, rushing towards Lin Tuo accurately.

The speed was so fast that he couldn't even dodge it!

At this moment, the time axis around Lin Tuo was crazily accelerated, and Hathaway's complexion quickly turned pale, and the invincible body of a god showed obvious weakness at this moment!

There was an exclamation on the ground.

Countless people cast worried glances at Lin Tuo. They also heard the conversation just now, and some players couldn't help turning their heads away.

Can't bear to see Lin Tuo's consciousness decline.

"Brother Xiaodong...he...he..." On the ground, tears seemed to roll down Yaoyao's eyes, they just chased after them and saw this scene.

The rest of the people also showed sadness and despair!

No one doubted Hathaway's words.

No one thought that it would end like this.

However, just when everyone was disheartened, suddenly, they heard Hathaway's terrified, shocking, and unbelievably sharp scream from high above:

"You... how is it possible?! How is it possible that you are still alive?!"


Everyone suddenly looked up, and saw a very strange scene!

I saw that the figure that had been submerged by the torrent of computing power and "time magic", frozen in time, and slowly disappeared, stepped out of the void at this moment!


Not stepping out!

As if he had never left, if you look closely, you will find Lin Tuo's torso that is gradually getting rid of the "transparency"... It's like lifting the invisibility!

"Why can't I live?" Lin Tuo looked calm and looked at Hathaway with a smile.

There is some emotion in my heart.

As he imagined, when the torrent of computing power washed over him, he entered a "virtual state", and his whole body also entered a nearly transparent state.

It seemed as if it had been dispelled by time.

But in fact, there is no feeling at all.

When the torrent of computing power automatically terminates, he will naturally recover from the virtual state.

"No! Impossible!" Hathaway didn't know this, and she was full of confusion and disbelief at the moment, "It is impossible for human beings to resist the endless time!

You can't bear it either!

wrong! You definitely used other methods... you... cough! "

Saying that, the god in charge of "The Third Continent" suddenly spit out pale golden blood...

This is also part of the game setting, only when the gods are extremely weak, will they spit out blood.

Once a god dies, it will return to the temple and wait for resurrection.

"It seems that you miscalculated the move." Seeing this, Lin Tuo quickly flashed the relevant game settings in his mind, and smiled on his face, "Now you seem to be unable to resist my beheading."

"you… "

Hathaway's face was pale, and she wanted to say something, but the strong sense of weakness after using the computing power made her dizzy for a while, and she could only hold up the last strength, pull out the afterimage, and try to escape.

"Want to run? Let's go back to the temple to rest." Lin Tuo whispered softly, wanting to attack, but his heart moved.

Taking advantage of the emptiness of the world, he used the nightmare ability to send a message to all players on the "World Channel" through the game panel:

[The ultimate mission, "Gods of the World" has been activated, and the guardian god is seriously injured and dying, please raise your long swords and launch the final blow!]

In the next second, 1.08 million players received this notification at the same time.

At this moment, the seriously injured Hathaway had also flown to the highest point in the sky.

"Yaoyao!" On the ground, Dongdongbao suddenly shouted, "Cast spell, join the battle!"

"Yes!" The little pastor raised his staff, and the other two team members did the same.

Next to the collapsed city wall, the president of the first guild in the new area, the "Glory Guild", glanced at the message silently, and typed four words in the guild channel:

"Everyone, join the battle!"



In the blink of an eye, countless high-level players activated their greatest long-range skills at the same time, locking onto the fleeing figure in the sky.

All over the plain, more than one million players raised their swords and staffs at the same time as if they had a tacit understanding.

"Join the battle!"

"Join the battle!"

"Join the battle!"

In the next second, countless attacks of different colors rose from all over the third continent and flew towards the crumbling red cloud.

Even if most of them are beyond the effective distance.

But this scene...


"It's spectacular." Thinking, the spear in Lin Tuo's hand turned into a flash of lightning, and galloped away, like a starburst, piercing Hathaway's figure accurately.


There was a bang, and the sky was full of "fireworks".

Hathaway's figure disintegrated into countless petals, which were rolled towards the Void Temple in the wind.

[The ultimate mission "Fighting the Gods of the World" has been completed!]

As the system sounded, millions of people noticed at the same time that the originally dim "Exit" button on the panel was lit up again.

"We... can go out now?!"

In the next second, people scrambled to click "exit".

Countless players quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye... Go offline!

Not long after, the vast land was empty!

Between heaven and earth, there is only one sigh left.

That was Lin Tuo's sigh.

ps1: This chapter has 13,000 words, don’t call me short this time~

ps2: Ask for votes! ! !

(end of this chapter)