Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 175: Travel through BC



When Lin Tuo gave the command, the virtual panel on the retina suddenly went dark, leaving only a circle constantly rotating, showing that it was still running.

Outside the sand table in the study, a light mask that was barely visible at first also brightened up, blocking his vision. The sand table was wrapped in a ball of light, which was a bit dazzling.

Lin Tuo looked at it, then turned his head away, anticipating in his heart.

Upgrading... what will change

Is it a change in functionality... or something else...

The sun was rising outside the window, but Lin Tuo became a little apprehensive. Compared with unknown functional changes, he was actually more looking forward to the acquisition of knowledge.

In other words, it is expected that this upgrade will allow him to know more about this item.

After all... the current function is honestly enough.

In contrast, his understanding of the "Derivation Sandbox" itself is seriously insufficient.

This is also the source of his insecurity.

While thinking, time seemed to slow down. In the blink of an eye, the virtual panel was lit up again, and a message appeared in my mind:

[Derivation sand table restart complete!]

In front, the dazzling light also slowly dissipated, and in Lin Tuo's nervous eyes, the upgraded true face was revealed.

In the next second, when the light completely dissipated.

I saw that in the sand table, it was no longer a flat, melting No. 2 sandbox, but a... Galaxy!



Except for the edge, the big table case seemed to have a bottomless hole in the middle, and inside, there was a slightly illusory galaxy!

A round of sun emitting thousands of rays of light is suspended in the center, releasing light and heat.

On the invisible ring orbit around the sun, there are planets of different sizes.

Outside the planet, there are some smaller stars scattered.

All stars are illusory, existing in the form of light and shadow, and orbiting in the sky according to their own rules.

The closer to the edge, the more unreal.

"This is... the solar system?" Lin Tuo narrowed his eyes, even though the dynamic nebula looks very different from the solar system depicted in books and videos...

But when his eyes glanced over Mercury and Venus, he saw the slowly rotating blue illusory ball.

A strange sense of familiarity welled up in my heart, as if I had some kind of deep-rooted connection with this lovely water-blue planet...

I am even more determined in my heart:

"This is Earth!"

"So, after the upgrade, the coverage of the sand table has spread from the earth to the solar system? No... Maybe it's not as good. How far is the coverage? More observations are needed..."

Lin Tuo's heart was surging, and then he was a little puzzled:

"This is the 'observation mode'? Or what?"

This illusory appearance is actually more similar to the "creative mode"...

Pulling his gaze back, Lin Tuo found that the system panel hadn't changed much, it was still the same... the options of the two modes... the mall or something...

Lin Tuo hesitated for a while, and clicked on the "Observation Mode" option, and found that there were still two cards, "Periphery of Yangcheng" and "Oasis".

"The panel is basically unchanged, but the appearance of the sand table itself has changed..."

Thinking about it, Lin Tuo thought for a while, and raised his hand to try to penetrate into the galaxy... His movements were very slow, for fear of causing any abnormalities.

But soon, he discovered that those planets seemed to be just "light and shadow".

No matter how he disturbed it, it had no effect, and the huge Jupiter passed directly through his palm...

"Is it because these planets are not within my control?"

Lin Tuo realized something, thought for a while, and raised his hand to point towards the also somewhat illusory earth. This time, there was finally a difference.

When Lin Tuo's finger touched the surface of the earth, a layer of ripples appeared on the evolutionary sand table. In an instant, the earth suddenly grew larger, filling the entire sand table, and the rest of the planets disappeared.

"Similar to the 'zoom' function? Because there is an area on the earth that I can control, so the touch will respond?"

Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his hand and moved it lightly, and the whole earth let him turn... But in reality, there was no abnormality...

"Feels like playing with a globe..."

After making complaints, Lin Tuo quickly discovered that the earth in the sand table is still illusory, but there are several shining "dots" in the domestic Tucker Desert, the area around Yangcheng, and the Pacific Ocean.

Lin Tuo raised his hand to touch the "surroundings of Yangcheng", and then, the earth expanded rapidly again.

In the blink of an eye, only the flat Yangcheng area was left in the sand table, and there were many cities. At this moment, it was early morning and the earth was bright.

This is the same as the "observation mode" before the upgrade.

"Current ambient ether concentration: low"

Tsk... The display on the virtual panel is also the same as before.

Lin Tuo clicked the "Back" button with his mind, and the land shrank rapidly again, turning into an illusory earth again.

Click on the Pacific Ocean, and the sandbox switches to two sandboxes again... the same as before.

Lin Tuo studied for a while, then withdrew his hand, exhaled slowly, and had a clear understanding of the upgraded sand table.

A brief summary is as follows:

First, the appearance has been changed. The default viewing angle is a galaxy, which is more cool.

Second, the rest of the functions are basically unchanged. You can switch to the control area by touching the planet or from the panel.

Third, the scope of the creative mode has been expanded. In the past, sandboxes could only be placed in selected locations on the earth. After the upgrade, this scope has expanded to the entire galaxy.

Fourth, the computing power has increased. Originally, because the time of the No. 2 sandbox is synchronized with reality, the "time acceleration" button has long been grayed out and cannot be clicked, but this time it lights up again.

"Speaking of which, the first two are pretty useless...the main upgrade is the latter two." Lin Tuo complained in his heart.

Well, the increase in computing power is not unexpected... There is also Hathaway's credit here... The practical significance is also great, which is equivalent to breaking through the original system limitations.

Originally, when the "complexity" in the sandbox was equal to the reality, it could no longer be accelerated, but now, it can be, of course... how much it can be accelerated is uncertain, Lin Tuo reckons it will not be too much.

However, when he tried to speed up No. 2, the system popped up another prompt, which probably meant that if he wanted to speed up, the evolution of No. 3 world would stop.

The total amount of computing power is only so much. If you want to speed up No. 2, you must transfer the computing power back from No. 3...

As the "complexity" increases, sooner or later, it will still face bottlenecks and cannot be accelerated.

"It's not bad, at least it's better than before." Lin Tuo smacked his lips, quite satisfied, and the key point was that it actually helped him collect ether.

As for whether the newly added computing power can evolve into a civilization that completely surpasses modern times... He thinks that the key technology tree is different.

As for the expansion of the scope of creation, Lin Tuo is not very excited... Although he has broken through the Inhuman Realm, he is still in the adaptation period and has little demand for ether.

Even if he needed it in the future, two sandboxes would be enough for him personally.

As far as the earth is concerned, the Yangcheng pilot project is still advancing steadily. Although he hasn't paid much attention to it recently, everything is going well. He feels that there is no need to open the sandbox again recently.

As for what he desires most, the understanding of the sand table... It seems that he can't get it... Huh

Just as Lin Tuo was thinking wildly, he suddenly saw a change that he had ignored!

In the upper right corner of the system panel, there is a small icon similar to a mailbox.

At this moment, the icon seems to be flickering slightly.

"What's this?"

Lin Tuo was taken aback, he didn't have it before.

Try to open it with consciousness... A new page pops up... On the empty page, there is only one message, the title is four words:

[System Record]


Lin Tuo's heart moved, and his breathing subconsciously became rapid.

These four words really make people imagine...

Vaguely, he felt that this was what he was looking forward to.

Without hesitation, click and turn on!

In the next second, Lin Tuo felt slightly dizzy, and a stream of information poured into his sea of consciousness, which turned out to be... some pictures.

In a trance, Lin Tuo's soul seemed to fly up and entered this information flow. There was no study room or Lishan in front of him, but a boundless sea of stars.

It seems that I have been substituted into a certain "identity".

Galloping in the sea of stars.

Surrounded by a silent deep space, there is no sound, only strange stars.

'Is this the perspective of the record? What did you put in yourself? life? Or the sand table itself? Lin Tuo turned his mind and wanted to move the angle of view, but he couldn't.

It is even more impossible to know the state of "self".

It can only be judged by the changes of the stars that the moving speed is extremely fast... I don't know how long it took, and suddenly, "I" broke into an asteroid belt.

There was a brief moment of confusion in front of him, and the record seemed to be missing a section... When Lin Tuo's eyes became clear again, he had already stepped into a new star field.

In the silent and cold universe, a ball of light appeared.

That's the sun.

This is... the solar system!

Lin Tuo was startled suddenly. Although there was a difference, the star field in front of him was clearly similar to the star sea that appeared after the evolution sand table was upgraded.

When the giant gaseous Jupiter appeared in the field of vision, this guess became a certainty.

'This record... Could it be the process of the evolution sand table coming to the earth? A long record? So, it actually comes from the depths of the universe? '

Lin Tuo's heart was full of emotions, like raging waves, but he became more and more focused on observing.

After a long time, "I" finally came to the vicinity of "Earth". The blue planet was so eye-catching that "I" stopped for it.

"I" seemed to be watching it carefully for a while, and then fell straight towards the blue planet. At this time, Lin Tuo was surprised to find that the continents on the earth were not in the current layout.

There are no continents, different plates, except for the ocean, there is only one huge piece of land.

What the 'self' fell into was the center of the only land.

And as he approached, Lin Tuo further discovered that the earth at this moment is extremely barren, with no trees, and no large animals can be seen. Maybe there are in the ocean, but we can't see them.

The whole world is full of primitive and barren atmosphere.

After a while, 'I' finally fell into a mountain range, not landing, but falling!

'Own' body seems to be injured.

At this time, because of the atmosphere, Lin Tuo finally heard the voice.

The sound of the wind... and the violent and painful panting of 'myself'.



The "recorder" who left this picture is indeed a life!

Moreover, the shadow on the ground is also a human figure!


Although it is slightly deformed due to the angle of the sun, the shadow cast by 'self' is definitely a human shadow!

Across the universe, it was human beings who left this record

At this moment, Lin Tuo was really surprised.

(end of this chapter)