Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 176: The original Creator (seeking votes Monday)


Human beings... In the field of vision, the figures on the ground are so clear.

Lin Tuo's heart was full of turmoil, but he quickly suppressed his emotions and "heard" a new sound around him:

"Huchi... Huchi..."

It's 'myself' who is breathing heavily... It seems to be extremely exhausted, um, is it because of the exhaustion after crossing the distant starry sky

It doesn't seem to be all, the panting sound is not normal, but it has a feeling similar to pushing and pulling an old bellows... Occasionally, there is a severe coughing sound...

'Are you hurt? '

Lin Tuo was thinking wildly, and found that 'I' started to walk on the ground, with slow, staggering, weak steps... After walking for a while, a puddle appeared in front of me...

Some rainwater has accumulated inside, clear and transparent, reflecting the clouds above...

"Water..." Immediately, 'Myself' said.

However, what fell into Lin Tuo's ears was not so much "sound" as "information"...

It is a very illusory "voice" that can't even distinguish between male and female, and naturally understands the meaning of the words.

Very strange.

Most likely it was because he was substituting himself into the opponent's state.

Then, 'I' staggered and knelt down beside the puddle, stretching out both hands to hold water to drink... Lin Tuo wanted to use the surface of the water to see clearly the face of 'I', but for some reason, I couldn't see clearly.

I only feel that the light and shadow are blurred, and even the "hands" are blurred.

'I' seemed to be really thirsty, and drank several sips in a row. At the same time, some bright red blood streaks appeared in the water...

After a while, 'I' finally stopped drinking water, turned over and sat on the ground, as if looking at this barren land, and then said to myself:

"Having an atmosphere... fresh water... oxygenated enough for intelligent life to survive.

Gravity... not so good, but just tweak the parameters a little... it should be fine...

The location is out of the way, far enough from the empire...well, really'

Saying that, 'I' suddenly laughed.

Have a good laugh! Wanton! happy!

It was as if a person in a desperate situation finally saw a glimmer of hope, or, before dying, fulfilled his last wish!

"Ha... ha ha... ha ha ha... cough cough cough!"

I kept laughing for a while, and finally, probably due to the injury, 'I' coughed fiercely, spitting out a pool of blood, but seemed not to care, wiped the corner of my mouth, and suddenly whispered, "Command, activate."

In the next second, another "voice" appeared in the body of 'myself'... also vague, illusory, with some mechanical rigidity:

"Didi-Derivation Sandbox has been activated, please order."

At the same time, 'my' eyes were fixed on the air. Lin Tuo guessed that he was operating the "virtual panel", but unfortunately he couldn't see it when he substituted this memory.

"Open the creative mode, select the current planet... modify the basic parameters, adjust the mass, select the default value of the gravitational constant... modify the orbit..."

Then, there was a series of complicated commands, which were to be finished in one breath.

The mechanical voice sounded again:

"The record is complete, please check."

"Correct... ahem... start evolution."

After a moment of silence, the mechanical voice suddenly said:

"Reminder, turning on the setting evolution will consume the energy reserve, and the system will enter a deep sleep state, which cannot guarantee your survival status. The system recommends that you think twice."

"Think twice... Cough, you are really getting smarter." I seemed to smile, and then laughed at myself, "You should be very clear about my physical condition, I won't live long.

After all... my evolution direction is not physical function, lifespan...

Besides, I'm tired, really tired.

Fortunately, luck still favored me, allowing me to find this planet before I died, otherwise I really don't know what to do, maybe I can only find a black hole and throw you into it

It's probably useless... Sooner or later they'll come, I'm sure of that.

Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to destroy you. "

"Sorry." The mechanical dull voice said sincerely.

"It's not your fault." I smiled again, and said, "No matter what, I don't want you to be found by them. If that happens, it will only bring disaster... There is nothing wrong with tools, but the people who use them will make mistakes …

Heh, since God brought me here, maybe this is the guidance of fate... to evolve this planet.

If you are lucky, perhaps, the newly born human beings can have the ability to protect themselves before their arrival... Of course, it may also give birth to a new tyrant...

But it can only be a gamble, and the worst is nothing more than that. "

After a short silence, the mechanical voice said again:

"There is also a greater possibility that they will self-destruct in a crisis."

"That's true, but..." I paused, and suddenly raised my eyesight, looking at the blue sky, and said, "But... I always believe that life will find its own way out.

Life will not be controlled, and life is more free. They open up new areas and break through obstacles painfully. Of course, it is dangerous, but that is life. "(Note)

"I understand." The mechanical voice said, and then said, "The system will immediately execute your instructions, great creator."

"Ha," I laughed exaggeratedly, and then said very seriously, "I've said it before, I'm not the creator, I'm just an ordinary person with bad luck."

"… Feel sorry."

"I accept it this time."

The conversation ended here, and in the next second, Lin Tuo felt an extremely powerful force spread out from this center, covering the entire planet in an instant.

And 'I' stood up silently, as if looking down at an invisible sand table in the air, suddenly spit out blood.

Suddenly, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and scarlet blood rained down.

Lin Tuo's perspective suddenly shook violently, as if he had fallen, and then his consciousness broke away from the "carrier" and rose rapidly.

The earth shrunk, and in the blink of an eye, only a blue planet that was undergoing drastic changes remained before Lin Tuo's eyes.

The entire planet seems to be shrouded in "time magic"... The original only continent slowly split apart, spreading towards the ocean, forming several continents he is familiar with...

The barren land gradually became green...with animals, with...human beings...

Then, time accelerated and stopped, and Lin Tuo's consciousness was also ejected by a huge force.

There was a whirlwind.

Break away from the "system record" and return to the ontology.

"Huchi... Huchi..."

Li Shan, in the study room, the sunlight outside the window is just right, and the air is harmonious.

In the room, an illusory galaxy within the old long table slowly moves according to the law.

Lin Tuo was leaning against the desk, panting, with one hand propped on the desk and the other pressing his forehead, slowly getting out of the dizziness.

About ten seconds later, everything returned to normal. He looked at the virtual panel again and found that the "mailbox" icon was empty.

it's over

That record has already played

But Lin Tuo couldn't calm down for a long time, until now, the backlog of emotions in his heart surged like a raging wave, and he was shocked for a while.

Compared with the upgrade of system functions... this record had a greater impact on him.

The amount of information is too much!

This is not just a matter of the origin of the "Derivation Sand Table", but also faintly reveals... the origin of humans on Earth!


If it is said that the last evolution really happened, could it be said that the birth of human beings on the earth was not "accidental"

Is it derived from the blood spit out by the human being in the record

That continent... split into several continents... When Lin Tuo opened up the No. 2 sandbox and built the northern and southern continents, he referred to the drift of the earth's continents and separated the "new continent" with meteorites.

Now, if it is recorded according to the system... then in reality, the separation of the earth's continents may not be a natural phenomenon, but a predetermined process of sand table evolution!

This completely overturned some of the cognitions he had established since he was a child.

Previously, although the evolution sand table would have a direct impact on the earth, Lintuo only guessed that this thing might be an extraordinary item containing spirituality.

But what he saw today broke his mind.

The origin of the evolution sand table is even more mysterious!

Judging from the information revealed in the conversation, this thing is very likely to be the creation of other civilizations in distant galaxies!

And the masters of that civilization are also human beings... The human beings on Earth are the "descendants" of the other party.

"Calm..." Lin Tuo muttered in a low voice, trying to calm down his emotions.

Then I sat at the desk, took out the pen and paper, and began to recall the conversation in the record.

Thanks to the enhanced mental power after entering the Inhuman Realm, he memorized almost all the conversations.

After transcribing it on paper, Lin Tuo felt more at ease, and began to study the information contained in it, looking for key words:

"Empire...intelligence...direction of"

Lin Tuo frowned, staring at these words and began to think:

"Based on the affiliation, it can be judged that the person I substituted is very likely to be the first owner of the evolution sandbox. He seems to come from an 'empire' in the universe...he was seriously injured and fled to the solar system..."

"The sand table called him the creator... This can be understood as his authority to control the creation of the sand table... He claimed to be an ordinary person, and mentioned the direction of evolution...

It can be inferred that he may be a member of the so-called 'Empire', and his status will not be too high, but he will not be too low... "

"Someone is hunting and looking for him, the purpose is to find the evolution sand table... Can it be understood that he is carrying the sand table to avoid the pursuit of the empire? The sand table is a man-made creation that has a deep connection with the empire..."

"The earliest version of the sand table is far stronger than what I control now. It can easily cover the entire planet, and even change the basic parameters... and has a certain degree of intelligence.

It's just that, because I ran out of energy, I fell into a deep sleep... So, the current version is not in a complete state? "

"It needs to consume energy...referring to the ether? Maybe there is also computing power. The evolution sand table needs energy to repair itself and gradually restore its integrity?"

Note: The words are from "Jurassic Park"

Thanks to book friends: Damn, how handsome I am [Guardian], Banana Resistor, Thirteen Xiaoyong, Zhou Yifei 3 Family 2, Three-cornered Hat Forest, Little Funny, Tong Bolin, Fifty-one Stones, Eternal の (no Get to know each other), Wu Ji, 2018... 0142 support!

(end of this chapter)