Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 180: Defiled Chang'e


Why is there a black spot on the moon

At this moment, when the slightly familiar exclamation spread, some students around who hadn't noticed it also stopped one after another.

Dazed face:

Black spot


what's the situation

The one who shouted was the girl who accidentally photographed the "Mysterious Warrior of Taihe Mountain", Zhou Mo.

At this moment, with her schoolbag on her back and a cup of milk tea in each hand, she yelled in surprise and excitement, which immediately attracted the attention of the people around her.

As more and more people looked up, the exclamations became more and more one after another.

"really have!"

"what happened?"

Could it be a lunar eclipse? But it doesn't look like..."

There was a sound of doubtful discussions, and some people picked up their mobile phones to take pictures, while Zhou Mo ran quickly under the tree, looked at his best friend who was waiting for him, and said:

"Shanshan, help me take it down, I'll take out my phone!"

But at this moment, Jiang Yishan didn't seem to hear anything, just staring blankly at the black spot on the crescent moon in the sky!

The waning moon was very clear, and the so-called "black spot" happened to be located at the incomplete bend, just like "a dog eclipsing the moon", biting off a small mouthful of the crescent moon.

Ordinary people's first impression would probably be a lunar eclipse, but Jiang Yishan is extremely certain that this is definitely not a normal celestial phenomenon!

Just now, that black spot didn't exist yet!

It came out of nowhere!

Which eclipse will be like this

Furthermore... Even if it is, it should never be located on this side, but should appear on the other side of the arch!

"What happened? Could it be that..." Jiang Yishan suddenly recalled the subtle abnormality in the expression and behavior of the "Taihe Immortal" in the fairy gate dozens of minutes ago before he left... and became more and more uneasy.

"Shanshan? Don't stand still." Zhou Mo beside him couldn't help urging.

Only then did Jiang Yishan come back to his senses, and said, "Something went wrong."

"problem occurs!"

Yangcheng, the self-cultivation hall building, after nearly two months of development, as the first official practice institution open to the public, it is already quite large.

When Li Tai walked into the second floor of the self-cultivation hall, he noticed that the atmosphere was a bit strange. Before he could speak, a colleague said solemnly.

"What's the matter?" Li Tai asked, his body tensed slightly.

The man said in a deep voice, "I'm not sure yet, but..."

As he said that, he glanced at the phone, and suddenly he was a little uncertain: "You said, will the black box appear on the moon?"

In the early morning of the end of November, the networks of various countries, which had been gradually calming down, were once again shaken by an explosive news without warning!

The black box, which has been quiet for more than a month, has changed again.

However, its source is not from the Pacific Ocean, nor from somewhere on the earth, but from the star that hangs "over" the earth for countless times and is entrusted with countless romantic colors.

On the surface of the moon, a new black box appeared.

At first, only "moon spots" were circulated on the Internet. At home and abroad, some netizens successively took photos and posted them on social networks, which also attracted the attention of some nature bloggers.

But soon, rumors about "lunar eclipse" or similar astronomical phenomena were refuted.

What really caused a sensation was not the official agencies of the governments of various countries, but some images from a circle of foreign astronomy enthusiasts.

Although the sandbox on the lunar sea only occupies one-fortieth of the entire satellite, considering that due to the tidal locking effect, only half of the planet can be observed from the earth, this spot is very conspicuous.

It is obvious that some private high-definition space telescopes can already capture a rough idea.

Even the government cannot stop people from looking at the sky.

And when those captured images were spread, many people recognized that the "black spot" was very similar to the "black box" on the surface!

The news was like a hurricane, sweeping through major Internet platforms at home and abroad.

Even some remote corners were affected.

Yangcheng local forum.

This place was originally just an unknown small forum attached to a large forum, but because of the Yangcheng practice pilot, many local people gathered to discuss the topic of practice.

Therefore, in just a few months, it unexpectedly became popular, and even attracted many netizens from surrounding cities to stop.

Usually, most of the chatter is related to practice, but today, when many people opened the forum page, they were surprised to find that the style of the posts had changed.

"Blast! Send back high-definition photos from abroad! The whole picture of the moon black box! "

"Reprinted! The official account of the Federal Space Agency has been exploded! No response so far! "

"Has the official statement yet? Is there really a black box on the moon? Which elder brother will analyze it? "

Just click on one of them, and there will be heated discussions below:

"I just found out in the group. Is it too late? I heard that it appeared after seven o'clock in the morning? I can't see it now."

"Nonsense, the sky is bright now, where can I go to see the moon? There are some places in foreign countries where it is dark and you can still see clearly. Otherwise, you should have professional equipment." You said.

But even so, he still uploaded a picture taken by his mobile phone.

"There should be news soon. What I think is, if this is really a black box, what does it indicate behind it?" A volunteer moderator of the forum said in a worried tone:

"Originally, we thought that the mysterious and unknown power that made the black box was aimed at the earth and human beings. It may be a temptation for us by an extraterrestrial advanced civilization, or it may have other purposes.

But now, the black box has appeared on the moon, which is worth pondering.

Could it be that the power that dominates everything has other plans

Or is the earth just a part of its sphere of power? Or, our thinking is wrong, there is no will to control, and this series of changes is a 'phenomenon'? "

No one can answer, and everyone is just guessing.

At this moment, with the appearance of the lunar black box, people seem to have returned to the beginning of the Tucker black box a few months ago.

Everyone was immersed in this apprehensive and excited atmosphere.

"I think that there must be a clue behind this, whether it is the civilization that may exist inside the black box, or the cultivation method with mysterious origin, it is by no means accidental.

It's just that we still lack an opportunity to connect them. "

In the forum, one person seriously said:

"I have a hunch, perhaps, the black box will be different this time."

Someone below couldn't help but rolled his eyes:

"If I remember correctly, you said the same thing last time! And the last time! Did you copy and paste it? Are you really a fortune teller?"

The former replied angrily: "This time is definitely different from the previous two times!"


As more and more people joined in, the topic of discussion became more and more crooked... The tense and serious atmosphere was also diluted by humor. At the end, someone couldn't help saying:

"Speaking of which, what I am concerned about is that this black box will not always exist in the future, right? Then it will be over, won't it be impossible to take pictures of the beautiful moon again

From now on, when we talk about admiring the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival and looking at Chang'e in the Moon Palace, a group of people looked up, okay, Chang'e gave birth to a big mole... I can't even think about it. "

"That's called a beauty spot! A beauty spot!"

"Why don't you say it's acne...Chang'e has acne."

"Hehe, how old is she, can she still have acne?"

"Not always… "

Li Shan, in the study room, Lin Tuo, who was sitting in front of the computer and reading the forum posts, was also a little speechless, thinking that there was nothing to argue about...

Shaking his head, he opened other online platforms and looked at them, all of which were hotly discussed.

Several mobile phone brands even came out to catch a wave of hot spots, competing to take pictures of the moon and so on, and they also had some wonderful ideas. Lin Tuo couldn't help laughing watching it.

Occasionally turning to look at the sand table, the interior is also undergoing violent crustal changes.

At noon, the Federation finally took the lead in announcing the relevant news, confirming the existence of the Moonsea black box, and then, other countries also released confirmation information one after another.

and pay close attention to it.

But at this time, Lin Tuo no longer read the post, but stood next to the No. 4 sandbox again.

After a morning of derivation, the crustal changes in the No. 4 sandbox have stabilized, forming a land-sea pattern, but it is still far from the emergence of life.

At this time, Lin Tuo took the initiative to turn off the time acceleration.

Then throw the prepared flowers and plants pulled from the corner of the yard, as well as their seeds, into the sandbox at will.

After thinking about it, and looking around, Lin Tuo also pulled out the small tree that survived many transfers from the potted plant, and stuffed it in the soil of the sandbox with a puff.

"I don't know if I can live..." muttered, Lin Tuo reversed the breathing method and spat out a piece of bluish-white air into the sandbox.

With this mouthful, a full thousand points were spit out!

Then turn the acceleration back on...and that's just the first batch.

In the next few hours, Lin Tuo used the "armillary seismograph" to monitor the ether, and when the inner ether dissipated, he would spit it out again, at least a few hundred points at a time, and at most one or two thousand.

The remaining 9693 points of ether in the body also kept falling.

Soon, it fell to three digits.

And in this process, the ether in the entire No. 4 sandbox is unprecedentedly abundant.

This is what he is going to "try".

"World No. 3 spit out a small amount of ether and the initial demon was born. If the ether environment is thicker and lasts longer, what will happen?"

Lin Tuo was very curious.

This is also the reason why he only designated one million square meters. If the sandbox is too large, it will seriously dilute the concentration of ether.

But it doesn't work if it's too small, otherwise, if nothing is tested, a lot of investment will be wasted.

Wuguan, next door.

With an open window, Huaxi rested her cheeks and pressed her elbows on the crystal ball, staring at the closed study room in a daze.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

"Hey, let me say, what exactly is your teacher up to

I've been alone in the room for a day, but don't let anything happen, I can feel it, there are magic fluctuations from time to time, don't be doing some magic experiments.

"Hathaway flew out of the ball, hugged her shoulders and said, there was still a little bit of magical light on her body.

"Shut up, you're the one who talks too much." Huaxi didn't like her at all.

Hathaway said lightly:

"Let me tell you, I used to be a gamer. You know, I've come into contact with a lot of nerds, and they all stay at home all day long. This won't work. I'll find a girl in the future..."

"Shut up!"

"Okay, okay, I won't say."

The two were muttering to each other when they suddenly saw the door of the study room open, and Lin Tuo came out with a dark face.

Glancing this way, without saying anything, he walked towards the front yard.

After he walked away, Hathaway murmured, "You see, her face is darkened, hey, why don't we go to his room and take a look? In case something unexpected happens, we should be prepared..."

The next second, the two heard Lin Tuo's voice coming from the front yard:

"Huaxi, palm your mouth."

The little girl was stunned, but immediately came to her senses. She patted Hathaway's confused face back, rolled up her sleeves, and shook! move! rise! Come!

In the front yard, Lin Tuo, who was approaching the storage room, shook his head. "Inhuman Land" has limited improvement in hearing, but it is so close, he wants to hear it, and it is still clear.

Putting this trivial matter aside, he picked up a knife and started cutting the sterling silver in front of him. After a while, he returned to the study with the materials and looked at the "Moon Sea" that had evolved for hundreds of millions of years.

(end of this chapter)