Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 184: disappear


This was really an extremely shocking scene.

The huge star in the sky is slowly turning, and the ocean on the surface of the star shows a completely different color from the sky. If you observe carefully, you can also see the huge white cyclone on the surface of the blue planet.

In fact, it is not as huge as everyone's senses, but at this moment, the oncoming impact still makes the five people on the top of the mountain feel dizzy, as if they have lost the ability to speak, and only shocking emotions are left in their hearts .

And compared to the impact brought by the star itself, what really swayed the hearts of several people was the terrifying thought in their minds.


Could this be the earth they live on

Thanks to the popular science of film and television and pictures, modern people already have a clear impression of the appearance of the star they live in.

At this moment, when seeing this scene, everyone realized what it was, and then, instantly realized where they were.

"We... are we on the moon?!"

In the extreme silence, Li Tai heard Jiang Yishan's slightly hoarse voice beside him.

Yes, if there is really a place in the universe where you can see such a huge earth, it is probably only the moon.

"No...impossible..." Lu Yan, the person in charge of Yangcheng, stared at the scene above his head, and said, "Even on the moon, it shouldn't appear so big...

And most importantly, how can there be oxygen on the moon

Have vegetation


have it all

unless… "

"Unless... we are in the black box." The young man in the team said in a tone that he couldn't believe.


Deathly silence.

Everyone didn't speak, just looked at each other, and this land of mountains and rivers.

Sometimes the silence itself expresses something.

In fact, the idea of entering the "black box" had already appeared in several people's minds, but no one dared to say it.

This is a very normal association... The oasis is originally the inside of the black box, and it just so happened that one appeared on the moon recently.

Moreover, whether it is the excavated ruins or the information glimpsed during the global projection, they all reveal the same information, namely:

It is very likely that civilization is evolving inside the black box.

Combining all kinds of clues, it is a matter of course to come up with this kind of idea.

Right now, it is just a certain degree of "confirmation".

"Could it be that we have really reached the inside of the black box of the moon? Have we seen the traces of civilization here?" Li Tai said after glancing at several people.

"Not completely sure yet, if it's true..." Lu Yan said with a complex expression, his tone suddenly paused, and he glanced at his phone.

From the time they saw the Forest of Steles, everyone kept recording in batches with their mobile phones. At this moment, the time numbers on the shooting interface are still beating, and everything around them has also been recorded.

It is conceivable that once these records are brought back, it will inevitably cause great shock.

But at this moment, when Lu Yan saw the beating time, a terrible thought suddenly flashed in his mind:

"If, as the outside world guesses, the flow of time inside the black box is different from that of the earth, will they be affected?"

"No... Even if there is a problem, logically, after returning, it won't be long outside... But we really can't stay longer."

Thoughts flickered in Lu Yan's mind, he looked at the others, and said:

"It seems that the surrounding environment is covered by thick fog. If we go further, we may really lose the position of the space door. Let's go back."


The rest of the people had similar thoughts at this time. This place was too weird. Although they were not in danger, the fog kept stirring everyone's nerves, making them exhausted.

Hearing what Lu Yan said, he didn't stay any longer and turned back towards the star gate light spot behind him.

Going up the mountain was slow, but going down the mountain was much faster. Everyone was anxious and kept silent along the way, just running wildly.

When they saw that the star gate was still in place, they finally breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Jiang Yishan one after another.

The latter is no nonsense, compared to others, she is not so nervous.

After all, she knew that "Taihe" was secretly observing, and with the support of such a mysterious and strong man, nothing would happen.

But since Taihe didn't give any more orders, it means that he also acquiesced in everyone's return.

In the sky, Lin Tuo, who was hidden in the clouds, did not intend to stop him.

While observing the progress of several people, he raised his head and looked at the huge planet.

Although I have seen it earlier, I still can't stop admiring it.

He didn't quite know what was going on, but only guessed that it might be an optical phenomenon caused by the earth's image passing through the "isolation cover" layer and incorporating it into the simulation system.

As a metaphor, the isolation cover is like a lens, which magnifies the image of the earth, and when it is night here, the starry sky seen is also based on the perspective of the moon.

very funny.

Feeling emotional, he saw that Jiang Yishan's hands had covered the star gate on the ground, and immediately opened the passage, and then, the light gate shook, but this time it lost its suction.

Jiang Yishan walked in first, and the others stepped in one after another, but Li Tai intentionally stayed behind.

After the rest of the people left, he turned around and saluted:

"My lord, what are your orders?"

Just before opening the star gate, Lin Tuo ordered him to stay with the sound transmission.

There was no figure falling in the mist, but an illusory voice sounded in Li Tai's mind.

After a while, he showed a slightly surprised expression, as if he wanted to ask something, but in the end he just nodded in response, then turned around and stepped into the star gate.

When there was no one else here, Lin Tuo released the invisibility effect and appeared under the star gate, his eyes moving slightly.

His order to Li Tai was also very simple, that is, to find an opportunity to report to Li Tai after he went out, and to inform the government of the method of learning and mastering Daowen in the name of his own enlightenment.

Although it may take some time, it can always be researched, but firstly, it is faster, and secondly, it can also help Li Tai accumulate more "merits" so that he can continue to be promoted in the department.

As for whether it will appear abrupt, it is not a problem. Consciousness outlining and casting spells is not an unthinkable method. It is also a necessary price to stand out among many practitioners.

And the reason why Jiang Yishan was not allowed to do this was mainly because she had performed enough before.

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo raised his hand to put away the star gate, and then Takong returned to Lishan with the help of his body, and started to send back the five people who had entered the "transit place".

According to his plan, the Stargate will only open once in the near future.

Follow-up people will not be allowed to enter unless necessary, so there is no need to continue to place it for the time being.

Deep in the oasis.

Beside a cliff, the stream is gurgling, the sun is slanting, and the atmosphere is extremely depressing.

Qi Liang, Academician Zhou and others still stayed where they were, looking at their watches from time to time, with extremely ugly expressions on their faces.

"Three hours."

Yes, three hours have passed since the five people entered the star gate, and no one has come out yet.

Everyone tried various methods, but they couldn't enter, let alone rescue, so they froze here, not daring to leave, and could only wait while trying.

As time goes by, anxiety and worry grow stronger.

Once they really can't come back... Thinking of this, Qi Liang felt like a heavy stone was weighing on his heart, and academician Zhou didn't know how to face his grandniece after returning.

Just when the atmosphere was anxious and depressed, suddenly, the star gate on the cliff changed again!

The black hole-like vortex suddenly lit up, and then one after another figures were thrown out!



"It's them!!"

"People are coming out!"

There was a commotion, and both the soldiers guarding and the researchers on the periphery were shaken. Qi Liang and Academician Zhou were overjoyed, and hurried to get up and run over.

I saw five people waking up from the dizziness one after another and getting up.

"Leader Lu! What happened?"

"Little Jiang, are you... all right?"

A large group of people surrounded the past, and the entire frozen atmosphere came alive.

"Director Qi, Mr. Zhou, how long have we been in?" Seeing the familiar face, Lu Yan's heart suddenly relaxed, and he hurriedly asked.

After knowing the specific time, he calculated silently, let out a breath suddenly, and then he was completely relieved, and murmured:

"Synchronized, is synchronized, with almost no perceivable time difference..."

Everyone saw that he was muttering nervously, and the rest of the people also had different expressions, and couldn't help but said anxiously:

"What happened? Where did you go? What happened again?"

In the face of everyone's inquiries, someone was about to speak, but Lu Yan grabbed him and said:

"It's not convenient to say it here! Go back! We brought back top-secret information! I want to report it to the Central Committee!"

the capital.

In the afternoon, the sun was shining, and today's temperature has risen compared with previous days. There are crowds of people in the lively streets and alleys.

However, in the conference room of a certain gray building, the atmosphere was tense and depressing.

As a special incident investigation department established after the appearance of the black box, when the news of the appearance of the star gate was sent back, it immediately attracted great attention.

Today's exploration operation, here is waiting for the results sent back from the front.

However, several hours have passed, but the frontline has still not sent back any valuable information, and it is not easy for everyone to rush, so they can only wait patiently.

Just when the leader of a department couldn't sit still and was about to call to inquire, he finally received a message from the oasis base:

"A group of teams accidentally passed through that portal and entered a mysterious world. They found stone carvings that were suspected to be left by extraterrestrial civilizations, and guessed that it might be the inside of the moon's black box!"

Hearing this news, everyone present was shocked.

After learning that the team had taken a video with their mobile phone and sent it back through an encrypted channel, a senior leader immediately ordered it to be played.

Then, people with insufficient rank left tacitly.

Soon, the screen on the wall of the meeting room lit up, and everyone present held their breath.

The screen was jumpy at first, and it was a splicing of short videos shot by several people after they left the star gate.

There is a wasteland in the camera, and the distance is shrouded in fog, which makes it difficult to see clearly. The camera shakes from time to time, and the fragmentary conversations of several young people can be heard.

Including close-up shots of the plants on the ground, but because of the dim light, it is really hard to see anything. The people present also couldn't understand, but they didn't dare to let go of the details.

Fortunately, soon, the screen cut to the mysterious forest of steles, in the valley shrouded in mist, giant steles stood one after another.

On the surface, an unknown pattern exuding a reddish radiance is depicted.

There is a strange aura everywhere.

At this moment, even though they were thousands of miles away, everyone present seemed to be there.

At the same time, in the video, there are also five people's comments and exclamations:

"look at this!"

"There are also here!"

"A lot... I can feel it, they have subtle aura fluctuations!"

"Come and see! There are discoveries here!"

As the camera advances, more details are revealed.

Soon, everyone continued to move forward. This time the picture was more coherent, but there were no surprises. They just walked through the mist. It wasn't until a few people started to go up the mountain that the scenery along the way changed.

When they finally climbed to the top of the mountain, broke through the sea of clouds, and the infinite sunlight poured down, the whole picture finally brightened from the dark, and the expressions of several "audience" in the illuminated office changed.

Especially when the giant tree like a white cloud breaking through the sea of clouds appeared in the far distance, some people couldn't help but exclaimed.

And all of this is not as shocking as the last scene...

When the camera zoomed up and the huge blue planet full of impact appeared, no one in the conference room could keep calm!

Everyone gasped, their eyes full of disbelief!

It wasn't until the screen was turned off and the video ended that several department executives finally came to their senses and saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

"This news must be kept secret! Proliferation is strictly prohibited!" One person said.

The contact person hurriedly said: "The base has already started to control it, but the news about that door may have been leaked."

"It doesn't matter. What I mean is the world behind the door. This video and related content must be kept secret! At the very least, the leaking time must be delayed!"

The man said in a deep voice, and then asked:

"Apart from this video, what else was said over there?"

"It is true that in this incident, the five people involved all practiced the Yangcheng Breathing Technique. The details of this part have not been sent back, and they should be available later.

And... a person who entered the different space, Yangcheng pilot reported afterwards, claiming that the pattern on the stone tablet seems to contain mysterious power... "

Listening to the report, the faces of several people changed. After a long silence, the leader of the department said bitterly:

"It seems that this matter is more complicated than we thought."

"You mean..." one asked.

"Perhaps, we didn't pay enough attention to the so-called cultivation before."

In this dull afternoon, very few people in the capital are aware of the undercurrents in the upper echelons, and even fewer are aware of the changes in the oasis.

Even most of the people in the oasis base don't know the details, and only a few words have been circulated.

After the five people came out, the group quickly returned, leaving only some people to guard, but when Qi Liang and the others arrived at the base, they heard a new piece of news:

The "door" of the oasis disappeared in full view, as if it had never appeared.

But thousands of kilometers away, the "instigator" in Lishan, Yangcheng, didn't care much about it.

I just sorted out the stargate system silently and took a rest.

It wasn't until night fell that the phantom space was opened again.

(end of this chapter)