Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 190: Let's go to Wangting


For humans, not having a tail is a perfectly normal thing, but for the Moon Clan, it is clearly classified as a disability.

According to the memory in his mind, Lin Tuo learned that the Moon Clan without a tail performed poorly in terms of body balance, and their daily actions were fine, but it was basically impossible to become a "warrior" or a similar profession.

Just as Lin Tuo was groping curiously, suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps outside the door. Immediately, the wooden door was pulled open, and a half-year-old boy among the Moon Clan came in with a woven bag.

Seeing Lin Tuo holding the mirror in one hand and touching his back with the other, his eyes met. After a brief silence, he couldn't help but say:

"Teacher, why don't we buy another fake tail, you can't feel it if you touch it. Could it be that you really expect the potion you prepared to be effective?"

Seeing Lin Tuo's mouth moving, the boy suddenly shook his head and sighed. He seemed to know what the teacher was going to say, and said to himself:

"Okay, okay, I know, the tail is expensive, we have no money, and we have to save the cost of going to the royal court and buying medicinal materials, we need to save...

But it’s not a problem to not have a tail. It’s okay at home, but it’s inevitable to make people laugh when you go to Wang Ting... I heard that people in the city that never sleeps in Wang Ting care about their clothes.

Especially the rich, the clothes and accessories all over their body are so beautiful and exquisite, if you really want to go, you have to clean it up, otherwise people will not let you enter the city gate... "

The boy was a little chattering, and also a little thin, with a pale, dark complexion, looking like he was malnourished, with messy short hair. While talking, he turned his head and put the bag in his hand on the table.

And took out two cheap-looking breads from it, and a fluffy tail with two forked tails hanging down listlessly, which was quite interesting to watch.

Next to him, Lin Tuo remembered his identity the moment the other party entered the door...

The boy is called "Qing Kong", and he is the only student of this poor doctor. The two poor men, the master and the apprentice, depend on each other for their lives, relying on making some general-purpose medicines similar to "cold granules" as their main source of income.

"Shanhai" wants to go to Wang Tingbo to make a living this time, but Qingkong is not very supportive.

On the one hand, it’s because he knows how bad “Shan Hai”’s medical skills are... In addition, he is also reluctant to bear the travel expenses to the royal court. After all, in this small town, the master and the apprentice still have a broken house to shelter from the wind and rain.

But going to Wang Ting is not considered a carriage, and the accommodation alone is a big expense...

The information flowed through his mind, and Lin Tuo "remembered" some interesting knowledge. Although the reproduction of the Moon Clan people depended on the "Moon Tree", that is, the small tree he planted, somehow, there were The distinction between men and women.

However, the gender characteristics are not in the direction of Nako, but men have horns, women do not have...

As for the figure, voice, personality, etc., they are highly similar to human beings, not much different... Lin Tuo highly suspects that this may be the memory left by the tree when it was potted. Made a poor imitation, as for the horns and tail, I don't know how it came about...

In addition, there seems to be shame between men and women of the Moon Clan, but the main function is not reproduction, but entertainment... and because the genitals of men and women are the same, the process of shame is different from that of humans.

As for the specific details... Lin Tuo didn't find it in Shan Hai's memory, not sure if it was lost, or the seventy-year-old virgin has no idea about it...

Beside, Qingkong is still talking:

"Also, I know you don't like to hear it, but I have to say, if you still can't find a way to save the princess, teacher, then we'd better give up.

I know, it's a gamble to change our destiny. Once we succeed, we won't have to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of our lives, but that has to be realistic. Except for the travel expenses, the rest of our savings will be consumed by buying herbs for you.

You said it yourself yesterday, you have to try it one last time, and if it fails, let’s just hang each of us with a hemp rope, so as to save this meal..."

Speaking of this, Qing Kong finally packed his lunch, handed Lin Tuo a loaf of bad-quality bread and a cup of boiling water, and then cast a suspicious look at his silent poor master.

Nose wrinkled, face suddenly pale, as if thinking of something:

"What does it smell like? Also, teacher, why don't you speak? Could it be that the experiment..."

As he said that, the Moon Clan boy named Qing Kong suddenly jumped sideways with agility, stretched his neck and glanced behind Lin Tuo.

When he saw a messy laboratory bench and an unknown liquid dripping down on the table, the malnourished and nagging boy choked for breath, his eyes darkened, and he almost fainted.

"Blue Sky..."

Lin Tuoqing coughed, imitating the appearance of "Shanhai" in his memory, and opened his mouth to say some comforting words.

In the next second, I saw Qing Kong turning around expressionlessly and pulling out two hemp ropes from the corner, stuffing one to Lin Tuo who was a little dazed, and then throwing the other on the beam of the house, and the end skillfully swung Tie a knot, put a set on the neck, and said seriously:

"Thank you teacher for nurturing me in this life, I will never see you again in the next life, the student will take the first step!"

"Cough cough cough."

Two minutes later, in the dilapidated room, Lin Tuo looked at Qing Kong who was sitting on the ground rubbing his neck and coughing hard, with a rather helpless expression on his face.

So upright... I don't know if it's Shan Qingkong, or the Yue Clan people have this temper... too anxious.

"There was indeed a small error in the experiment, but it's not a big problem, why bother to seek death?"

Lin Tuo felt that it was necessary for him to explain the other party:

"If the money is gone, you can earn it again. It's a pity to die like this without enjoying wealth for hundreds of years."

On the ground, Qing Kong, who was rubbing his neck with a frustrated face, wanted to cry without tears:

"I don't want to be rich anymore, I don't have that life."

"Okay, even though I made a mistake, it's not a failure. Your dejected expression makes people think that your teacher and I are dead."

Lin Tuo said, thinking that he is also a student, Huaxi is much better than you... at least not so reckless.

The boy named Qing Kong was stunned for a moment, raised his head and said in a daze:

"What do you mean? Didn't fail? Then you..."

"It's hard to say the specific situation. Anyway, I have some ideas."

Lin Tuo dealt with it vaguely, and then endured the awkwardness in the suspicious eyes of the other party, ate the cheap bread, and left Qing Kong to clean the laboratory table, leaving a word that something was wrong, and then went out the door.

The dilapidated house in "Shanhai" has indeed been around for a long time, even in this small town, it looks extremely dilapidated.

The entire town is of a medium size. Walking on the streets in the center of the city, there are many shops on both sides. From time to time, Moon Clan people pass by. Most of the houses are made of wood. The low city wall of stone piles separates the city from the outskirts.

Walking to the center of the town, you can see a water well, and further forward, there is a small square and a fountain. Some musicians playing strange instruments are playing, and they don't look like entertainers.

Lin Tuo looked at it calmly, and continued to walk forward. Along the way, he saw places such as taverns, blacksmith shops, etc., and there were people from the Moon Clan staying there.

When he came to a watch shop, he went in curiously and looked at it, and was surprised to find many clocks with extremely delicate mechanical structures, some of which were made of ordinary metal, and some of them were actually made of branches that fell from the "Moon Tree". Made of material.

In the memory of "Shanhai", the material of Moon Tree is more widely used in the royal court, and the farther out the city is, the less it is, the price is not expensive, but it is much higher than ordinary metal.

When he walked to the bulletin board in the center of the town, he finally saw the reward for the death of "Shan Hai", issued by the royal court, and the content was probably similar to what he remembered.

The lord of the royal court, the patriarch of the entire Moon Clan, or the daughter of the king here was unable to move a leg due to an accident, and Wang Ting's doctor's repeated diagnosis and treatment did not work. Go to the royal court for treatment.

"Sounds like an opportunity."

Along the way, he also had a basic impression of the world, and immediately realized that he might be able to use this opportunity to spread alchemy.

Although there was an idea of pretending to be a god before, but the Moon Clan believed in the "Moon Tree", Lin Tuo was not easy to pretend.

In the memory of "Shanhai", the moon tree growing in the center of the royal court possesses great power and infinite wisdom... Although Lin Tuo expressed doubts about the latter, it is true that he has intelligence.

Under such circumstances, it is not very convenient to pretend to be an envoy to spread knowledge...

It is easy to be exposed.

In addition, he also wanted to take the opportunity to test the limits of this ability. On the way, he found an opportunity to withdraw his consciousness back to the body, and found that it was similar to switching clones.

During the second coming, the consumption of ether has also been reduced a lot. The problem is that both bodies need to eat, which is not as convenient as a clone.

Moreover, following the experiment, an idea came to Lin Tuo's mind:

"What will happen if I activate time acceleration as Shanhai?"

When the avatar is accelerating, it will enter the "virtual state". This has been determined, but Lin Tuo is not sure what will happen after the body is seized.

If the acceleration is turned on, and he lives here as a "mountain and sea" for a hundred years, will only one day pass for the earth

"I have to find an opportunity to study it, but there is no rush for now." Lin Tuo felt that it was very important to understand this point. "It's a pity that the body is not my own. Even if I can, practicing here will not increase the strength of the body."

Thinking of practicing, Lin Tuo stood on the spot and closed his eyes, tried to meditate and practice the "breathing qi method".

After a while.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Lin Tuo coughed for a while, and his face was flushed, hot, and he was speechless for a while, "Can't practice?"

He didn't feel it before, but when he consciously adjusted his breathing, he realized that there seemed to be some differences between the internal organs of the Moon Clan and humans.

It is relatively easy for humans to adjust the breathing rhythm, but it is extremely difficult for the Moon Clan to do so.

"No wonder, the monsters in World No. 3 need to take shape to cultivate." Lin Tuo thought for a while, and stopped trying, and immediately turned and returned to the wooden house.

When he opened the door, he saw Xiao Qingkong was sitting in the cleaned room, wiping a broken beaker distressedly. When he saw Lin Tuo, he was about to speak when he saw the teacher wave his sleeve and said:

"Pack up your things and get ready to go out."

Qing Kong was stunned: "Where are you going?"

"Wangting, the city that never sleeps."

(end of this chapter)