Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 192: This is the power of alchemy


About two hours later, when the sun was setting to the west, Lin Tuo and Qing Kong, who had passed the inspection, finally stepped into the palace wall led by Han Ye and the rest of the guards.

The two also saw the appearance of the palace for the first time.

For Lin Tuo, this is a large building complex full of exotic styles, with wood and stone structures, symmetrical distribution, flat roofs of the temples, and gorgeous pillars and eaves.

Both sides of the neat and tidy palace road are full of flowers, fountains and pools are scattered, and flowers and butterflies are flying. It is not as majestic and majestic as the human oriental palace, but also different from the magnificence of the western palace, and is more natural.

The entire palace is like a large garden, but the details of the building are surprisingly fine.

"Teacher, look at the flowers carved on those houses, they are too detailed."

While walking, Xiao Qingkong stared around for a while with his eyes wide open, then moved to Lin Tuo's side awkwardly, and said in a low voice.

The latter nodded, and then heard the tall maid named Han Ye say:

"The architecture and layout of the palace are the masterpieces of art masters of the past dynasties. This area is just a corner. If you can successfully cure His Highness, you may be able to obtain the qualification to enter and exit the palace.

At that time, you will find that the detailed design styles of each courtyard are different from each other, and the entire palace has gathered the essence of various art schools. The most rare thing is that it is unified as a whole. "

There is no intentional show off or arrogance in Han Ye's narration.

If there is, it is only with the inherent personality of the residents of the city that never sleeps.

In almost any civilization, the beings living in the core area will have a subtle mentality of "at the feet of the emperor, higher than other areas".

However, these simple narrations have already made Qingkong admire him, and he feels that the knowledge in the past many years is not as much as it is today.

While Han Ye was talking, she also looked at the two from the corner of her eye, she was not surprised by Qing Kong's performance, but the doctor named "Shan Hai" was a little weird.

From the appearance and demeanor of the other party, it can be seen that he has indeed never entered the palace before. This does not seem to be fake, but he is not half surprised or cautious.

Not to mention panic.

The demeanor unintentionally revealed while walking... If I have to describe it, I can only use the word "appreciation"!

Yes, he was admiring the palace!

Han Ye was taken aback by the thought that popped up in his heart, shook his head, but looked at Lin Tuo from suspicion to a little more trust...

A clansman with such a magnanimity must have some skills, right

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so calm.

Little did he know, for Lin Tuo, he really had the feeling of admiring his own garden.

After a group of people passed through an arch and entered another quiet and elegant courtyard, Lin Tuo finally saw his goal.

In the small courtyard, several houses stood indifferently, and a wheelchair was placed under a tree of unknown species.

There was a soft cushion on the back of the chair, and a petite, white, silver-haired girl was sitting in it, her eyes were looking out of the palace wall, and in the distance was the magnificent trunk of the Moon Tree.

"Your Highness, this is the doctor who was called here."

Saluting in the cold night, the girl named Sesai came back to her senses, twisted the wheelchair, turned around, looked at the pair of master and apprentice in surprise, her eyes fell on Lin Tuo who was wearing shabby but clean clothes, and said with a smile :

"Sorry, I'm inconvenient, I can't get up to greet you."

"Your Highness, you don't need to be like this." Lin Tuo followed his memory and crossed his right arm in front of him as a salute. At the same time, he looked at the patient curiously... Petite, weak, quiet, calm... Sorrow, this was the first thing he felt. an impression.

At the same time, the vision also stayed on the other party's shiny silver hair for a while.

According to "Shan Hai"'s memory, he knew that apart from force, wealth, and power, the internal hierarchy of the Moon Clan was largely derived from the purity of blood.

Yes, a group of beings derived from the Moon Tree also have this kind of thing!

Just like human beings, the descendants will inherit the genes of their ancestors to varying degrees. The moon clan's identity is reflected in the degree of connection between the blood in the body and the moon tree. The most obvious feature is hair color.

The closer to the white color of the Moon Tree itself, the purer it is. For example, the silver hair color of a young girl means that her blood is extremely pure. No wonder she can stand out from thousands of newborns and be adopted by the royal family...

Correspondingly, the hair color of the maid next to her, Chang Hanye, is not so pure, but more mixed. In the social system of the Moon Clan, her inherent status is lower.

As for the body of "Shanhai" inherited by Lin Tuo, the blood purity is above average. If there is no "incompleteness", it will probably not be exiled to a distant tribe, but will be adopted by the residents of the city that never sleeps...

A lot of information flowed through his mind, and Lin Tuo heard the girl in the wheelchair say curiously: "I heard from Han Ye that your Excellency came all the way from the Dongsen tribe."

"Indeed." Lin Tuo said calmly.

"Ah, that was really hard work. The journey was tiring, so I should rest in the official residence for a few days before entering the palace." Saisai said, with a hint of apology in his eyes.

Han Ye next to him didn't speak, but thought that His Highness still had a good temper after all.

A low-level doctor with a handicapped body, if he hadn't been "in a hurry to go to the doctor", the master and apprentice should have never had the opportunity to step into the palace in this life, and they haven't shown their true skills, so why be so polite...

At the very least, we have to wait for the other party to come up with brilliant means.

Lin Tuo smiled and said:

"It's not necessary, I think, His Highness probably doesn't want to stand up a few days later."

Cersei was taken aback, and there was a little brilliance in his eyes:

"The doctor has not diagnosed and treated me, but he has seen my illness with his own eyes. Could it be sure that my leg can be cured?"

Originally, Sesai didn't have any hope in his heart. On the one hand, Han Ye insisted on receiving Lin Tuo, and on the other hand, it was also out of etiquette.

If there is anything else, it is the boredom of being trapped in the palace for a long time, thinking about meeting outsiders, but at this moment, hearing Lin Tuo say this, he is a little nervous.

Immediately, Lin Tuo shook his head.

Cersei was at a loss when he heard Han Ye beside him say with a strange expression: "This man said that His Highness's leg injury cannot be cured with his medical skills, but... His Highness can stand up again."

Cersei was startled, and became more and more puzzled, wondering what is the reason for this

The guards and maids guarding by the side also cast their eyes on Lin Tuo, and Xiao Qingkong's face turned pale in the face of everyone's probing or annoyed gazes.

I thought the teacher wouldn't play it off... This is a princess, how can she be fooled

Turning to look at Lin Tuo, he heard the latter smile and say:

"I need some materials, a set of His Highness's daily clothes, and a quiet, undisturbed studio."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Han Ye deliberately reprimanded and questioned, she really didn't like the mysterious appearance of this "Shan Hai", and thought to herself if the chief patriarch was present, how dare you play tricks like this.

Then, the girl in the wheelchair answered curiously:

"Okay. Han Ye, what does this doctor need, you go and prepare."

After a pause, she hesitated and said, "If medicinal materials are too scarce..."

Lin Tuo raised his hand to interrupt Sesai's words, and said with a smile:

"It's not scarce, I just need some fallen branches of the moon tree, and a part of the moon tree sap, that's all."

As Lin Tuo said, his request is not difficult to satisfy, it can even be said to be too simple!

Although Han Ye was full of doubts, he still arranged a room in the side hall, and sent the materials, and even personally brought the guards outside to "protect" to prevent people from disturbing.

Lin Tuo didn't care about her small thoughts, and immediately took Qing Kong into the workshop and got busy.

Soon, knocking and knocking sounds came from the workshop in the small courtyard of the palace, causing the expression of Han Ye, who was guarding the door, to change constantly. He wanted to take a look, but was worried that it would affect the final effect. , endured it.

Before you know it, the sunny day has passed.

After nightfall, the radiance of the moon tree illuminated the courtyard, but because of the barrier of the wall, oil lamps were also lit in the house.

This time, Han Ye saw the silhouette busy at the table more clearly, sometimes sitting at the table fiddling with something, sometimes sitting quietly, or even lying down, and when the dinner was brought, he just opened the door and took it out. went in.

In a blink of an eye, it was dawn.

During the period, even the great patriarch who had finished handling the political affairs came over for a short time to take a look, but he left quietly without alarming anyone.

On the second day, even Qingkong was kicked out and stood guard at the door. Apart from delivering meals regularly, no one knew what "Shanhai" was busy with.

"Anyway, it doesn't look like you're making medicine." Han Ye thought, looking at Qing Kong who was sitting at the door with an aggrieved face, and wanted to question him, but the boy covered his mouth before she could speak.

It means that if the master doesn't tell you, it is absolutely impossible to pry your mouth open, so Han Ye was so angry that he had to order the guards to watch, and he left angrily.

Aozora, who was sitting on the steps, shrank his neck in fright, and turned his head to look at the face in the room, with a worried and puzzled look on his face.

He found himself a little confused.

Others don't know the details, but he can guess some of them. After entering last night, the teacher drew a few sketches with a pen and paper, and asked him to help cut the materials into different shapes.

Although most of them are weird and useless, they can still guess something.

From his point of view, the teacher seemed to want to make a machine to help the princess walk, which surprised him and confused him at the same time.

Surprisingly, I have lived with Shanhai for many years, but I have never seen him have this skill.

What is puzzling is, how is this idea possible? What kind of machine can assist people to walk? It is impossible to make a crutch, and I am afraid that the master and the apprentice will be killed by the tall maid with a long sword.

In addition, with these few days of contact, a doubt has grown in Qingkong's mind. He found that his teacher has become a little strange.

This does not refer to those "self-taught" crafts, but more to the changes in temperament and demeanor. In the past, Shanhai was impoverished. Because of his disability, his expression was always gloomy and shrunken, and he didn't like to show it to outsiders.

Seeing the big guy, never much better than him...

But in the past few days, especially after entering the city that never sleeps, Shan Hai seems to be a different person, becoming confident and calm, and the haze has been swept away.

This made Qing Kong both pleasantly surprised and worried, not knowing which link went wrong, but fortunately, Master's attitude towards him has not changed, it's just...

"Teacher, are you sure you can do it? If you fail, there are so many people guarding it, so it's hard to run away."

In a mood of anxiety, the day flies by in the blink of an eye.

At dawn on the third day, the door opened, and Lin Tuo came out with a tired face, and only said, "Please come here, Your Highness."

This caused a commotion in the quiet courtyard, and the guards outside the door hurriedly reported the news. Ten minutes later, Han Ye pushed Sesai out of the door.

"Your Highness can come in, the rest of you are waiting outside, it will take some time."

Lin Tuo frowned and said as he watched more and more Moon Clan people gathered in the courtyard.

"How could this be?" Han Ye was a little angry, but was held down by the silver-haired girl in the wheelchair. Today, Sesai's eyes were full of tension and anticipation, "Listen to Dr. Shanhai, if something happens, I will call you."

"Your Highness, but... okay." Han Ye still wanted to stop him, but he was finally defeated by Sesai's eyes.

He glared at Lin Tuo viciously, then suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Qing Kong's neck with a nervous expression, pulled him over, and said:

"It's fine if you're treated normally, but if you dare to act recklessly..."

Lin Tuo's tired eyes suddenly burst into a smile, and he took over the work of pushing the wheelchair, and pushed Sesai into the room, saying:

"Qing Kong arrives for you."

Qingkong: "..."

So, why did you pay me for your failure? ?

Under Qing Kong's disintegrating gaze, the door slammed shut, also blocking the line of sight. All the waiters in the courtyard gathered nervously, and the atmosphere became inexplicably quiet.

Qing Kong was even more silent, looking at the sword at Han Ye's waist and at the door of the room, praying for the blessing of Moon Tree in his heart.

As time passed, only small conversations could be heard from time to time in the house, but they could not be heard clearly.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

Fifteen minutes passed.

The atmosphere gradually became anxious, there was no more sound in the room, and the air became more and more dead, but more and more people came.

At first, it was just waiters, and later, it was other princes and princesses, and then, when the patriarch, who was dressed in fine clothes, also came to this courtyard, all the people saluted one after another:


"How's the situation?" The patriarch waved his hand and asked hoarsely.

He had just ended the royal court council, and the tribes below were fighting openly and secretly, and there was also a herd of beasts attacking the border of the royal court. It was a headache time, so it was much later when he got the news.

"His Highness has been in for half a month." Someone said.

"There has been no movement." A tall and slender Moon Clan teenager said nervously, "Father, why don't I go in and take a look?"

"The teacher said not to disturb, otherwise it will affect the treatment!" Qing Kong, who was taken as a hostage and stood beside Han Ye, would also risk his life now, and said loudly.

The patriarch glanced at the boy, fell silent for a while, and said, "Wait a minute, if there is still no movement, then..."


At this moment, the sound of the door leaf being pushed and pulled attracted everyone's attention. In the small courtyard, dozens of eyes cast their eyes on the tightly closed door at the same time.

Wearing a plain robe, Lin Tuo, who was tired and sweaty on his forehead, came out, stunned for a moment, and said, "There are so many people."

"How is Sesai's situation?" the patriarch asked hurriedly.

Lin Tuo looked at the other party and probably recognized his identity as the King of the Moon Clan. He was hesitating about what kind of attitude to use when he heard a girl's surprise cry from behind:

"Father, are you here too?"

Lin Tuo's heart skipped a beat, he smiled and said nothing, just turned sideways.

Then, all eyes turned to the door.

I saw that the petite silver-haired girl was standing quietly inside the door, her face was flushed, she was extremely excited, she clenched her hands into fists, glanced at Lin Tuo, and took a step forward under the encouraging eyes of the other party.

two steps.

three steps.

With every step, there was a crisp metallic click.

The bright sunlight passed through the stretched branches of the moon tree, turned into beams of light, sprinkled into the palace wall, illuminated Sesai, and also illuminated the two legs fixed on her feet under her skirt, reflecting dark colors. Brilliant mechanics.

It was a pair of silver-white prosthetic limbs.

Or, to be precise, it should be called a simple exoskeleton powered by magic energy developed based on alchemy.

"Click, click..."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Cersei walked out of the house, and his footsteps became rusty at the beginning, and quickly became proficient, and finally came to the head of the patriarch at a trot:

"Father, I can walk again."

There was excitement in her tone.

And the patriarch with a tall body and a head of pure silver hair also opened his mouth, with tears in his eyes, but he did not lose his composure under the gaze of everyone, but said in a trembling voice: "Okay."

Then he forcibly turned his gaze to Lin Tuo who was standing under the eaves, watching the scene with a smile, and asked, " is this done?"

Lin Tuo looked calm, smiled and said:


"This is the power of alchemy."

(end of this chapter)