Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 195: I never taught you to bite


Watching the tall maid leave with a gloomy face, Lin Tuo smiled and didn't mind. After busy work, all the people around who came to ask for instructions had dispersed, and he was rarely relieved.

With the help of a "screen" with poor clarity on the workbench in front of him, he can observe the entire square, and he feels a little emotion in his heart.

For him these few days, it was indeed a rare experience.

Unlike the last time "Tianshu Preaching" directly threw a few books in the past, this time, he can be regarded as doing it himself, and he even found the enthusiasm for opening a sandbox for the first time and giving lectures to Chi people.

On the one hand, alchemy is complicated and difficult to understand, and there is no translation in advance... so it cannot be taught directly. In addition, he also took this opportunity to strengthen his mastery of this subject.

The results are also remarkable.

A few days later, Lin Tuo felt that if he remade the "Star Gate" now, he could do better.

By analogy, he felt that if he immersed himself for a longer period of time, it might also improve his mastery of various spell models.

Of course, for this "evening party", the time is still too hasty, and many facilities are forcibly installed, but thinking about it, there is still no problem in suppressing this group of natives.

"I didn't expect that I could still have a director's addiction." Lin Tuo laughed at himself and shook his head, causing Qing Kong and Sesai to look at him at the same time:

"Master Shanhai, do you have a question?"

Master of Mountains and Seas... This is a new title given by everyone.

"It's nothing, it's just..." Lin Tuo withdrew his thoughts, glanced at the two of them, and said with a smile, "It's too noisy."

The background is busy, and the front is lively.

Compared to Han Ye, who knows a lot about this place, for the vast majority of the residents of the city that never sleeps, this year's square has brought them a great sense of freshness.

Not only the reverberating music, but also the set propped up by the arches, the balloons flying in the sky, the ribbons, the food vendors standing behind the carts in uniforms and demarcated areas...

There are not many new elements, but after combination, everything becomes different.

And some games made by Lin Tuo, similar to playing balloons, hoops and other games, also attracted a large group of people to queue up to experience.

There are no performances during the day, and people need to worship the moon tree and the "moon" above their heads according to etiquette.

Yes, in World No. 4, people call the huge blue planet above their heads "Moon", and believe that it is an existence as old and powerful as the mother of the group, the "Moon Tree".

The "Moon Tree" absorbs the mysterious power from the "Moon" and thus grows, giving birth to the entire ethnic group... This is the Moon Clan people's perception of the world.

Lin Tuo thinks this is quite interesting...

In a blink of an eye, when the sun fell to the horizon, the brilliance of the moon tree illuminated the entire city.

On the mainland, whether it is a big city or a village, people have left their homes and come to the square to gather and dance.

In the city that never sleeps, when night officially falls, the flow of people in the central square also reaches its peak.

The performance also kicked off.

However, to everyone's surprise, the chief priest of the palace stepped onto the stage and announced the beginning of the moon worship ceremony to a thing called a "microphone" erected on the ground.

His voice also diffused through several extremely rough and primitive "speakers".

Then, the entire huge stage suddenly lit up!


Light up!

Lighting devices light up one by one, facing the sky, shooting dozens of beams of light of different colors, and they are guarded, pushed and adjusted by special personnel.

At the same time, red and blue mist filled the bottom of the stage, causing the crowd to exclaim.

Then, the song and dance troupe who had been waiting in the background for a long time stepped onto the stage nervously through the fog and danced to the sound of music covering the entire square.

At the same time, people were horrified to find that different scenes lit up on the huge curtain behind the stage. Mountains, forests, trees, lakes, and beautiful scenes of the city that never sleeps were presented one by one.

This scene surprised and shocked these Moon Clan people far more than singing and dancing:

"How did that happen?"

"Ah! My home is up there, it just passed by! Did you see it?"

"I saw it too. Isn't this the flower tree in the east of the city? Why did you come here?"

There was a lot of discussion in the square. People in this world have never seen such a thing as a movie. After Lin Tuo knew this, he decided to use this festival to imbue the concept of alchemy in everyone's hearts.

Although these effects are extremely vague and the sound is harsh and noisy, what does it matter

For a group of aborigines who saw this form for the first time, there was only shock in their hearts.

In the distance, in a separate corner of the square.

The patriarch and several important ministers who put on casual clothes were also mixed in the crowd, shocked by the soaring light and shadow, and it took a long time for the administrative minister to come back to his senses:

"This... is this man-made by Shan Hai and the workshop? Is this alchemy?"

"No, this is just a trivial use of alchemy." Suddenly, the master craftsman of the workshop appeared out of nowhere and looked towards the stage almost devoutly.

If others only see novelty and excitement, what this master craftsman is looking at is a brand-new discipline field.

The excitement continued. After the opening song and dance, the next round of programs came on stage. Lin Tuo didn't get involved in this part. He wanted to make something new, but there was no time.

Just pointing at Qing Kong in the background, controlling a simple console that took a lot of energy to make, and constantly switching the light and shadow on the big screen.

Give some of the actors close-ups or something.

Commonly known as, director.

Probably because of the blessing of light and shadow, and the warm emotions on the scene, these Moon Clan people who performed on stage seemed to be greatly motivated, and their performances were a bit better than usual.

Thinking about it, in previous years, when worshiping the moon, everyone just performed on a simple stage, and only a few people around could hear and see it.

This year, through loudspeakers and large projection screens, the performance easily covered the entire square, and even farther away, the singing here could be heard in many streets of the city that never sleeps.

How shocking is this

"Is this the miracle of light and shadow?"

"What kind of alchemy power is that?"

After the initial horror, the residents in the city finally came to their senses and understood the meaning of those warm-up "slogans".

The word alchemy has become deeply rooted in people's hearts. Although they don't know what it is, it is a new wind blowing into this ancient and boring royal court.

The atmosphere is lit with singing and dancing, and then grand.

The music in the city that never sleeps spread far and wide, attracting more and more people, and the entire square became a maelstrom, causing the pressure on the security personnel in charge of maintaining order to increase sharply.

And just when the atmosphere reached its climax, Wang Ting's most famous Starry Night Song and Dance Troupe finally appeared on the stage. A group of colorful young girls bloomed in the sound effects and light and shadow, attracting countless people's attention.


"Ah! It's Your Highness Cersei!"

"Look! His Highness Cersei is also on the stage!"

With a close-up on the projection screen, everyone saw the petite girl in the center of the stage.

She was wearing a gorgeous dance dress, a strand of silver hair was combed into a small braid on her forehead, she looked excited and full of smiles.

At the hem of the dance skirt, two clumsy but stable exoskeleton prostheses were deliberately seen following the drums of the music, dancing steps that mixed metal and art.




off stage.

"Your Majesty, this..."

The minister of state affairs looked at the princess in the center of the stage in astonishment, and couldn't help but look at the chief patriarch beside him, only to see that the latter was looking up with relief, with a majestic smile full of fatherly love on his majestic face.


The tall maid Han Ye was also quietly watching this scene with a complicated expression. After a while, she raised her hand and knocked on the blue sky that was staring blankly at the stage, saying:

"What are you looking at? It's time to set off fireworks!"

"Ah! Yes!" Only then did Qingkong come back to his senses, he hurriedly responded, and then pushed a switch at hand.

next second.

"Bang bang bang!"

Around the stage, in the metal cylinders placed one after another, glare rays of light spewed out, and went straight to the sky, and then, those colorful alchemy powders exploded with a bang.

It can be clearly seen even outside the city that never sleeps.


"Look at the sky!"

"What a nice view… "

In the square, countless people stared at this scene with bright eyes, unable to recover for a long time, and in this atmosphere, the singing and dancing ended, and a figure in a white robe appeared on the stage.

Not a "host", but an unfamiliar face.

In the next second, Lin Tuo's voice was transmitted to all directions through the speaker:

"That's the end of the song and dance performance. Next, please go to the booth on the right. There are some novel alchemy products on display."

Alchemy product

In the square, people were a little dazed, and then, some people noticed that some baffles on the right side were opened one after another.

One by one, the separated "showcases" are impressively placed here.

The craftsmen from Wangting Workshop stood in groups of three or four, some cramped and some proudly standing beside each showcase.

These are all some small utensils that they have made according to the drawings given by Lin Tuo. In the past few days, they have worked overtime and grouped with their own abilities.

Not complicated, but fun.

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Tuo is determined to teach alchemy.

It is difficult for the Moon Clan to practice Qi-eating method, and it is also difficult for monks to emerge. Neither individual evolution nor the study of spell models can go through.

On the contrary, alchemy, a power that can be learned, researched, and applied without being a transcendent or a monk, is most suitable for this world.

After a brief period of confusion, people who had already developed a strong interest in "alchemy" rushed to the exhibition area, and were explained and demonstrated by those clumsy but excited craftsmen.

At this moment, Lin Tuo, who was standing in the background, saw an official approaching.

"Shan Hai Shi," said the official with a smile and said, "Your Majesty said that he has agreed to your request.

From now on, Wangting Workshop will be changed to Alchemy Workshop.

He hoped that alchemy could bring the royal court into a new era. "

"Teacher..." Next to him, Qing Kong turned to look at Lin Tuo in surprise and joy, and saw the latter nodded with a smile, and then exchanged greetings with the official.

Then he yawned, didn't seem too excited to let Aozora clean up here, and then left straight away in the name of being too tired and needing a rest.

What happened tonight has come to an end, and the rest, Da Jiangshi, Qing Kong, and Sesai can handle the rest.

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo quietly left the lively square and walked back to the bedroom of the workshop.

At this moment, the entire workshop is extremely quiet, and people's voices from the direction of the square can be heard in the distance.

Lin Tuo didn't intend to join in the fun, but just poured a glass of water, drank it, and then sat in the empty courtyard, temporarily returning his consciousness to his body.

From the mountain, the study room.

Lin Tuo, who was lying on the rattan chair, suddenly opened his eyes, thought for a while, and called out, "Huaxi."

A few seconds later, the door opened, and the little girl jumped in with a serious face:

"Teacher, do you want to eat? I'm going to reheat now."

In the past few days, Lin Tuo's consciousness has been in the body of "Shan Hai" most of the time, only switching back occasionally. In Huaxi's eyes, Lin Tuo has become more and more lazy these days.

Lie in a chair and sleep all day, and don't even eat on time.

"It's not about eating..." Lin Tuo said helplessly, "I'm going to do an experiment.

I will fall asleep later, after a minute, you try to wake me up, first try to shout, if it doesn't work, then condense the communication pattern, if not, then try to attack me. "

"Huh?" Huaxi was a little silly.

"Understand?" Lin Tuo urged.

"Understood." Although Huaxi was puzzled, she still nodded.

"Okay, then watch the time." Lin Tuo pointed to the mobile phone on the table, then closed his eyes, and returned to the body of "Shanhai" with the help of the connection between the "resurrection" ability and the host body.

In the room, there was a moment of silence.

Huaxi stood next to him, checking the time on his phone, and then Lin Tuo. Occasionally, the screen went off, but quickly turned on again. After waiting for a minute, he shouted: "Teacher? Wake up!"

no response.

I pushed it with my hand, but there was still no response.

It was useless to enter meditation and use the communication pattern to call.

"I can only attack." Huaxi's expression became serious now.

After thinking about it, she stretched out her hand and pinched Lin Tuo's arm. Seeing that there was no movement, she became cruel and used the improved version of the "Lishan Sword Art" taught by Lin Tuo to condense a wisp of ether on her fingertips. cut away.

I didn't dare to use too much force, I only scratched a mark on the skin... broke the outermost skin...

"It's so hard..." Huaxi was taken aback, hesitated for a moment, then hugged Lin Tuo's arm cruelly, opened his mouth and bit down hard.

The next second, the sleeping Lin Tuo finally opened his eyes, and looked at Huaxi who was gnawing on his arms, a little dazed:

"Is there no such trick in the attack tactics I taught you???"

(end of this chapter)