Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 196: Shen Shen I am... who?


Seeing Huaxi let go of his mouth innocently, Lin Tuo reluctantly took out a tissue and handed it over: "Wipe the drool."

"Oh!" Huaxi nodded, and went to wipe it off. Lin Tuo looked at the blood-oozing tooth marks on his arm, and was a little surprised, "I didn't expect your teeth to be good."

After entering the Inhuman Realm, ordinary blades are not so easy to break through defenses. Huaxi's bite is bleeding, which shows that her teeth are really sharp.

"Hey, I brush my teeth on time every day." The little girl said proudly after wiping off her drool.

Is this what I'm talking about... Lin Tuo was very eager to complain, and soon after Huaxi asked curiously: "Have you finished the experiment?"

"Probably." Lin Tuo replied, and then wiped the marks of his teeth, his eyes shining brightly.

Just now, he did an experiment. After entering Shanhai's body, he summoned the sand table with his mind, activated time acceleration, and lived in it for a month.

Yes, one month!

And January in World No. 4, in reality, has only passed a minute or so...

"Is it really possible to operate like this? The operation authority of the sand table is bound to my spiritual body, so even in the boarding state, I can perform simple operations on the panel...

At the same time, because of the boarding, I avoided the virtual state... In other words, I can indeed use this method to obtain a life far beyond the normal situation! "

"Huaxi's cry didn't respond, well, it's understandable, after all, the body that has been separated from consciousness is just a shell.

The reaction of the Dao pattern of the communication is very weak. As expected, the evolution sand table is bound to the coordinates of Lishan after all...

However, if the main body is injured, the pain will be transmitted to a certain extent, and I can also feel the pain in Shanhai's body... "

Lin Tuo's eyes flickered, extremely surprised.

"Moreover, the negative effect of the ability has not been noticed, which shows that the effect of sinking is weaker than I expected...

No, it may be my special, not sure yet...

It's a pity that this method can't help me practice. After all, I don't use the body, but it's good to use it to increase my knowledge. "

In the past month, Lin Tuo has indeed improved in the direction of alchemy and magic theory.

Before, although he swallowed the books he brought from the two worlds, he didn't understand enough after all. This time, it gave him an opportunity to settle and grasp.

In addition, during this period of time, the spread of alchemy has also been on the right track, but it is still far from being truly popularized and establishing a complete scholar system.

"Perhaps, I can live in it for a longer period of time. On the one hand, it will deepen my understanding of power, and on the other hand, it will also help Moonsea Continent embark on the path of alchemy civilization."

"However, there is also a certain danger in it. Although the negative effect of the ability has not been reflected so far, it is a time bomb after all..."

"However, since we plan to use this ability, we must understand its power and limitations. If we want to become stronger, we must bear certain risks... At least, we can test out the effect of sinking and estimate the duration of boarding, otherwise, it will be easier in the future. Big trouble arose…”

To try or not to try

Lin Tuo hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind after a while.

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo thought for a while, and suddenly said to Huaxi:

"Let's do it again. This time, um, five minutes. I might wake up halfway. If I don't move, try to wake me up in five minutes at the latest."

He chose to take a risk and try it once.

But... Although it is an adventure, it does not mean reckless. Apart from Huaxi, there must be some backup.

"Ah, good." Huaxi nodded hurriedly when she heard the words, and waited for Lin Tuo to close her eyes again before she glanced at the tissue in her hand, thinking that it was just a waste of wiping.

Sandbox No. 4, Moonsea Continent, City That Never Sleeps.

The moon worship ceremony that lasted for seven days had already ended, and the details of this celebration quickly spread throughout the royal court.

In the city that never sleeps, discussions about that night continued for many days, and the knowledge of alchemy became popular in the city.

For the long life of the Moon Clan, any interesting thing will attract everyone's attention.

Not to mention, there is also the endorsement of the Royal Princess.

After the festival, the residents of the city finally saw Sesai's happy figure on the street again, and more changes were still happening.

The Wangting Workshop standing in the city was renamed the Alchemy Workshop, and some interesting toys began to appear in the homes of the nobles in the city, becoming sought after collections.

Under Lin Tuo's auspices, tall towers slowly appeared in the city, and every day, voices would be transmitted through the laid alchemy network.

New alchemy typesetting printers appeared, and new things like newspapers began to appear in the city.

Even, someone saw in the workshop, the disciple of the "Shanhai Master" was testing a vehicle with wheels but without the need for livestock...

Well, well, this actually has nothing to do with alchemy, it's purely a matter of convenience.

Almost every day, new things appear, whether it is alchemy works, or some weird games.

And the most important thing is the establishment of the "Alchemy Association".

On the day the association was established, the head of the patriarch personally came to "cut the ribbon", and Wang Ting's chief master craftsman led a group of top craftsmen to become the first batch of "alchemists" of the association.

Not only that, His Highness Sesai even worshiped under the name of "Shan Hai", and became Lin Tuo's disciple together with Qing Kong.

After this incident, the "Shanhai Master" became famous and became a rising star in the entire royal court.

And in the days that followed, this scholar who mastered the mysterious "alchemy" created the entire alchemy system single-handedly.

In the blink of an eye, a year passed by.

Probably the longer the life span, the more vague the feeling of the passage of time, so that it is not until the calendar is turned to the bottom that it is surprised that it is the end of the year.

The season has entered winter from midsummer. Last night, the heavy snow drifted all day. The branches of the Moon Tree let the snow fall. When you wake up, the ground is pure white.

Somewhere in the eastern part of the city that never sleeps, the Alchemy Association stands here.

This brand-new building is surrounded by walls, with wide roads planned and laid inside, and buildings connected with each other on the second or third floors by corridors.

In this way, even in rainy and snowy weather, people do not have to leave the building, and they can move freely throughout the association.

"Click click."

Qingkong stood in corridor 3-4, looking at the pigeons grooming their feathers on the branches outside the window, when he suddenly heard a familiar clicking sound.

He turned around and saw Sesai walking slowly with some books in his arms, having changed into winter clothes.

"Your Highness." Qing Kong nodded slightly and saluted.

In one year, because of having enough food, this thin, malnourished boy grew a lot in size, and now he is even taller than Sese who is stepping on an exoskeleton.

But what changed the most was his temperament.

A year ago, when he first arrived in the city that never sleeps, he was still a nagging, impoverished country boy with a mournful face all day long.

And after a year of nurturing, the current Qing Kong not only lost a bit of youthfulness, but also became a bit more scholarly. When he saw the princess, he was no longer nervous.

"Say it, just call me by my name in private, after all, you are my senior brother." The petite silver-haired girl said with a light smile, her eyes blinking playfully.

Qingkong suddenly showed a somewhat helpless expression, and then saw Sesai standing side by side in the corridor with him, looking at the snow-covered branches in the lower courtyard, and said:

"I haven't seen the teacher today."

"Should still be in the Star Observation Building." Qing Kong replied subconsciously, looking a little worried.

"Since the beginning of winter, the number of teacher appearances has become less and less." Sesai said suddenly, holding the book.

Aozora sighed, not hiding his worry:

"Teacher has been a bit... strange recently. He hides in the Star Observation Building all day long, leaving a lot of daily work to me. He only shows up for important things. He didn't even attend last week's forum... and..."

"And what?"

"Teacher, he has often been in a daze for a long time recently, flipping through some notes repeatedly, and occasionally uttering some strange words, as if he has encountered some predicament.

I went to ask, but I didn't say anything, and even got angry.

A few days ago, I heard from the senior medical officer that the teacher had visited famous doctors in the city, but no symptoms were found. "

Qingkong looked at the white snow in the courtyard, and talked in a rambling manner.

Next to him, Sesai couldn't help reaching out and pressing his arm lying on the railing, and comforted him:

"Maybe I encountered some alchemy problems and thought too much."

"But what can stop him?" Qing Kong said, but fell silent, and suddenly said, "I have a bad feeling."

"What?" Cersei was taken aback.

Then the short-haired boy turned his head back, stared at himself seriously, and said:

"It's been a year since the last time the teacher changed his personality drastically."

The Alchemy Association, a very tall building not too far away from the two of them, is the so-called "Star Observation Building".

Outsiders only know that the name was given by the "Shan Hai Shi" himself, but they don't know the true meaning of the name.

At this moment, on the top of the stargazing building.

in the highest room.

Because of the installation of heating, it is not cold here, but warmer than midsummer.

In front of the window, Lin Tuo in a loose nightgown sat quietly at the table with a notebook open in front of him.

His gaze was through the window, through the snowstorm and the branches of the moon tree, looking at the huge, slowly rotating blue planet in the deep winter sky.

Staring at it for a long time, the eyebrows are full of doubts.

"The moon... the earth... is it the moon or the earth

In my head, why is there such a strange name as Earth

From a logical analysis, if there is one, it should be called the land under my feet... "

'Shan Hai' frowned and whispered softly.

If someone is here, they will be extremely surprised, astonished at why the famous first scholar in the royal court and the president of the Alchemy Society would ask such confused questions.

However, he was the only one in this room after all.

Withdrawing his eyes from the blue planet, he looked at the notebook in front of him for the umpteenth time, on which lines of words were impressively written in ink.

That is not the writing of the royal court, nor is it an ancient language that has appeared in the history of the Moon Clan, but a very strange square character.

They are put together, obviously some sentences, and they are extremely important to him, otherwise, they would not appear in this book that is placed next to him.

However, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that these square characters seemed to be covered with a layer of fog that could not be penetrated.

It is so familiar, but no matter what, I can't remember the meaning of these words.

Not all of them, he found that in this text, there are two square characters that appear very frequently, and they are the only two characters that he can recognize today:

"Lin Tuo... Lin Tuo... Lin Tuo... what does this word mean

It doesn't look like a proper noun, could it be a personal name

Or place names

Or something else

It must be extremely important to me, otherwise, I wouldn't have written so many times... But... why

Damn it! Why can't I remember? ! "

Staring at the notebook, Shan Hai's body trembled, his long-term insomnia eyes were filled with bright red bloodshot eyes, and his mental state also showed obvious abnormalities.

boredom, pain, confusion...

"It's like losing memory..." He smiled bitterly, his face pale, like a seriously ill patient...

When did it start

Can't remember, as if suddenly, something was forgotten, not completely lost, but vague... like a dream.

These days, every time Shanhai fell asleep, or tried desperately to search for the "memory" shrouded in fog in his mind, he would feel extremely painful.

Scattered, illogical fragments appear as hallucinations.

The most common one is a two-entry building with a peculiar style, standing on an unknown green hill, which seems to have experienced countless wind and rain.

The second one is a house. There seems to be a long table with a sand table in it. There is also a girl with a round face who appears occasionally and calls herself "teacher"...

But when did I have such a disciple

My own students should only be Qing Kong and Sesai... Well, the rest of the alchemists in the association are only students in name, not real.

Moreover, that student doesn't even have a tail... It's obviously not normal, well, this scolds himself, and he may also be a disabled Moon Clan.

Also, she occasionally showed an extremely anxious side, as if she was shaking herself desperately, repeating the word "Lin Tuo" in her mouth...

In a trance, it seemed that there was still a figure with the size of a palm dangling in front of his eyes, and he kept saying some incomprehensible words, which was very noisy.

Not only that, it may be because he didn't sleep well, Shanhai has always felt a dull pain in his arms these days, but he visited doctors all over the city, but he couldn't find any clues.

All of this made him extremely irritable and even frightened.

It's not the fear of those "extra" scattered memories in my mind, but another thought derived from logic:

He found that he couldn't remember the origin of "Alchemy"!

Where did I master this knowledge

Can not remember!

Not only that, but even the memories before stepping into the city that never sleeps a year ago, although they still exist, are extremely weird and lifeless, more like a pile of dead data.

It can be read, but it is also vague and weird.

In addition to the notebook in front of him, it was obviously an unfamiliar text written by himself... everything seemed to remind him of an unbelievable fact:

"Ah—" Shan Hai hugged his head in pain suddenly, the veins on his forehead were exposed, he gasped heavily, and a thought frantically echoed in his mind:

"who I am?"

"Who is Lin Tuo??"

"Am I Shan Hai or Lin Tuo???"

"Ah... Huaxi, use more force... More force, don't be shy... wake me up... wake me up..."

"Huaxi... who is it?"

Thanks to book friends: Beloved Li Yuan, Xiao Sheng Diao, Chicken Soup for the Weak, Fat Orange in Qiumian Mountain, Chong Chong Chong Chong, Little Funny, Ji Yan, Countdown to Winter, Li Shipu, Space Domineering, Fifty-one Stones, 2019... 8610, Pure White Nanyuan, 2019... 9678, Tan Tan Tan, Lu Yuanchen, 2020... 5284, Dream Shadow Chain reward support!

(end of this chapter)