Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 199: The path of human evolution


Most people in the city that never sleeps don't know what really happened on this winter morning.

The news of "Shan Hai"'s death spread quickly, and the royal court held a grand funeral for him.

This long-dead body finally lay in the cemetery under the moon tree, and got a real rest.

Time in the Moon Sea Continent is still speeding up.

But a ethereal consciousness has crossed the infinite distance and returned to the body.

From the mountain, in the study.

When Lin Tuo regained consciousness, he experienced brief but clear dizziness and pain. Before he opened his eyes, Huaxi's anxious call came back to his ears:

"Lin Tuo! Lin Tuo! Lin Tuo!"

Uh, didn't you call me teacher... They all called their names... It's not big or small. In addition, there seems to be an inappropriate noise next to it in Chinese bb:

"So his name is Lin Tuo, I said what is going on

The person is not dead, and he is still angry. My head hurts from howling, tsk tsk, but it's interesting to say, it won't be a vegetable, it's bleeding from your bite.

It doesn't move, I think it's useless.

Hey, I said, why don't you let him sleep, if you wake up all the time, I won't beat you..."

"Get lost! Shut up!" Huaxi roared.

"Okay, I'll shut up... Hey, his eyebrows seem to be moving." Hathaway's voice sounded.

Lin Tuo, whose dizziness finally faded, also opened his eyes.

In the field of vision is the familiar study, and in front of him is Huaxi with an anxious face, and Hathaway who is flying in mid-air.

"Mr. Lin, you're awake!"

Seeing Lin Tuo waking up, Huaxi's face showed a look of surprise in an instant. On a delicate face, a mouth full of blood grinned... quite ferocious.

"How long have I been asleep?" Lin Tuo asked.

Huaxi glanced at the mobile phone next to her and said:

"It's five minutes overtime. I'll call you as you said, but you didn't wake up."

Sure enough... Lin Tuo was not surprised. When he retrieved his memory, he judged that there was a high probability that it was timed out.

Thinking, he nodded, then looked at his body, and found that, as expected, his entire front chest and right arm were dripping with blood, and his clothes were torn to pieces.

The flesh was open, blood was flowing, and Huaxi's hands and mouth were also covered with blood.

Seeing this, he frowned slightly.

Seeing this scene, the little girl looked apprehensive, and he hesitated to explain:

"I don't think you're awake, so I have to keep attacking...or, if it really doesn't work, just bite back."

As she spoke, she actually stretched out a piece of her snow-white forearm.

Lin Tuo looked at it, and was really moved. After all, Huaxi's blood can heal wounds, but just thinking about it, he immediately endured the pain and said with a smile:

"It's all right, you're doing well, very well."

Hearing the praise, Huaxi was not so nervous now, but she still bit her lip and said, "But your injury..."

"No problem."

Lin Tuo said, and then tried to sense the body carefully, consume ether, and repair it—to change the shape of the body to a certain extent, which is one of the abilities obtained after entering the "inhuman realm".

As the thought turned, his blood quickly stopped flowing, the wound scabbed and healed, and the cells grew and squirmed.

It only took a few minutes, and there were only some faint marks left on the original large wound. I believe that after a while, even the marks will not be left.

"Ah." Huaxi was taken aback, thinking how this ability is so similar to his own ability, and he doesn't know what it needs to consume, whether he will be hungry after recovering from the injury.

Thinking about it, she tentatively asked:

"How about I warm up the leftovers from last meal?"

Lin Tuo didn't answer, and the two dark eyebrows above his closed eyes moved. After a while, he opened his eyes and said:

"No, I need to clean up, you go back first."

Huaxi glanced at him, hesitant, and after a while, she said "oh", turned her head and walked out slowly, seeming a little disappointed.

However, Lin Tuo was not in the mood to care about her mood changes at the moment, and he didn't even care at all. After ordering Huaxi, he looked at Hathaway again and said, "You go out too."

"Hey, I have something to tell you..." Hathaway said, hugging her shoulders.

But was interrupted by Lin Tuo: "Is it urgent? Don't rush to talk later, you go out first."

Hathaway glanced at him in surprise, a little puzzled, but didn't say anything.

The whole person flew back into the crystal ball with a bang, and rolled out along the floor with the crystal ball like a hamster on a running wheel.

When there was only one person left in the study again, Lin Tuo got up with strange eyes, and went straight to a mirror in the corner of the room.

In the mirror, his clothes were stained with blood.

Other than that, there is no other difference.


Lin Tuo suddenly raised his bloody right arm, with his palm facing him.

With a thought, an astonishing scene appeared. His palms and skin suddenly lit up with dots of golden light, which were connected by weak lights, like a simple "net".

Or, a simple pattern.

Covers the entire right hand and tends to spread further up the arm.

"This is... a meridian?" Lin Tuo was puzzled.

It should be noted that this was something that hadn't happened before, and it wasn't until he tried to sense the body that he discovered the new change.

"My hand meridians seem to be lit up inexplicably? No, this process is also consuming ether... I have clearly repaired the injury, but the ether is still draining... Gather here..."

Inquiring about the sand table in his mind, Lin Tuo also confirmed the fact that the ether in his body had decreased.

At the same time, he could clearly sense that his right hand seemed to be undergoing a qualitative change... And this scene reminded him of the training process of Wufu from the ninth rank to the first rank in World No. 3...

"Could it be that my body continues to strengthen? Why? It hasn't changed more than ten minutes ago. The only difference is this year..."

Lin Tuo's eyes flickered, his thoughts flashed, and his mind was clearer than ever before:

"Is it some kind of change caused by the year I lived in the Moon Clan... But I borrowed the body of Shan Hai, and I have never practiced..."

At this moment, looking at the meridians lit up in his palm, Lin Tuo had a vague guess:

"Perhaps, the method of post-inhuman evolution is hidden here."

at the same time.

Earth, Northwest China, Oasis Research Base.

When winter comes and the weather turns cold, even the oasis is a little more desolate.

Inside the base.

outside a house.

"Director Qi." When Qi Liang arrived in formal attire, he heard the voice of a young researcher waiting at the door.

The person in charge of temporarily handling the affairs of the base nodded, with a serious and tense expression on his slightly tired face, he hurriedly asked, "Has Academician Zhou arrived yet?"

"It's here."


Qi Liang nodded, then dragged his slightly heavy legs, and pushed open the door with complicated emotions.

A few days ago, after the disappearance of the star gate, the research focus of the entire base shifted to the videos, photos and collected samples brought back by the five people who landed on the moon.

Among them, the most important thing is the pattern described on the "Alien Civilization Stele Forest".

Originally, when they saw the pattern, Qi Liang and other researchers speculated that it might be a totem or writing of an extraterrestrial civilization.

But then, the practitioner named Li Tai in Yangcheng "accidentally" found out the correct method of "deciphering" and "interpreting":

When practitioners try to recall, reproduce, and outline the corresponding patterns in their minds, they will consume a certain amount of aura and produce some wonderful effects.

For example, "seeing" and "listening" to some pictures and information, so as to master some knowledge related to practice.

For example, to obtain an effect similar to "magic" that is close to instinct but obviously beyond the existing scientific system...

Combined with the "star gate", only practitioners can pass through... everything seems to be understood.

Those "inscriptions" are clearly related to "practice".

Therefore, during this period of time, the Oasis base frequently contacted and tested the relevant departments of "practice" in the capital, and as more "inscriptions" were deciphered.

A possible "cultivation" civilization has revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Just now, Qi Liang received news that the last and largest inscription was deciphered.

Thinking about it, he became a little nervous when he held the doorknob.


The door opened, and the atmosphere inside the room was strange.

The grey-haired Professor Zhou stood in front of the computer screen. When he heard the voice, he turned around and saw Qi Liang at the door, wearing a dark formal suit and square-frame glasses:

"Old Qi, you are here! Come and see this!"

Professor Zhou's expression was complicated and excited, with a strange blush on his face, and he was holding a manuscript that had not been printed out in his hand.

Qi Liang walked in under the eyes of everyone, took the still warm document, flipped through the pages, and read, he read very slowly, but no one bothered him.

After a while, he put down the manuscript, took off his glasses, and squeezed the space between his brows, as if digesting the information: "This is the content of the largest inscription?"

"To be precise, it's a group of content put together."

"Then what do you think it is?" Qi Liang asked.

Professor Zhou grabbed his hand and said seriously: "The path of evolution! This is a clear and feasible path, the path of human evolution!!"

"The evolutionary path after the Inhuman Realm..."

In front of the mirror, Lin Tuo, who had wiped off the blood and changed into a new suit, watched the light fade, and the golden right hand was missing. He felt the ether in his body that was no longer passing away, and whispered in his heart.

He wasn't sure yet, but it felt like it most likely was.

As for why the year of the Moon Clan led to this result, he still couldn't figure it out:

"Don't worry, it doesn't seem like a bad thing after all. Wait a minute, well, at least wait until World No. 3, the human and monster powerhouses will explore and deduce the follow-up path of the Inhuman Realm, and I will compare it."

But before that, Lin Tuo put his computing power on Acceleration 4, the Moon Sea Continent.

If possible, he plans to wait for the accelerated completion of the Moon Sea Continent, then push the No. 2 North and South Continents, and finally push No. 3.

"The computing power is limited, so it can only be accelerated in batches."

Sighing lightly, Lin Tuo returned to the desk, only then remembered that Hathaway seemed to have something to say just now.

With a move in his heart, Lin Tuo looked outside the door and said:

"Hathaway, get out if you don't leave."

"Bang." The door was knocked open, and immediately, Hathaway, who was stepping on a crystal ball like a hamster, really rolled in.

Thanks to book friends: Guanshan Lige, Winter Countdown, Zhou Dianyi, Xue Yifeng is here, I've been teasing for two years, Time Worm, Skeleton's curtain call, Sean, Chi Fengyu, Snow Mountain and Green Ox, Stuck until death, this person Dedicated to four-leaf clover, I am a male mother, 2018... 7095, Ji Yan rewards and supports~

(end of this chapter)