Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 201: Xinghai Server and Civilization short film


December 20, Sunday, the sixth day of the winter month of the Gengzi Year.

A snow fell from the mountain.

Yangcheng is located in the south of China, so the four seasons are naturally not as distinct as in the north, but after winter, there are still changes that should be made.

This year is somewhat different.

The ether that Lin Tuo spewed into reality nourished Yangcheng and several surrounding cities, rejuvenated all trees, and temporarily reversed the rotation of the four seasons.

But this is ultimately unsustainable. Since the beginning of winter, although the green mountains are green, the temperature has become colder and colder. After entering December, the original green mountain peaks have also turned yellow with the naked eye.

It seems that in the blink of an eye, it has jumped from green in summer to yellow and white in winter.

It was the first snow this year, which fell slowly on the 20th.

"The snow on Mount Li is still too small, not to mention the North and South Continents, even the Nightless City of the Moon Sea Continent is far inferior."

When Lin Tuo was busy in the middle of the night, he stepped out of the study and saw the snow particles in the morning sky, and he felt emotional.

On the contrary, Huaxi and Hathaway in the yard seemed to be quite happy. The former was boxing and practicing in the yard against Xiaoxue early in the morning.

This club is waving a broom, killing all directions according to the marksmanship of Huabing Fist.

As for Hathaway, she was stepping on a ball and rolling around in the yard... Lin Tuo had the urge to kick her.

"Teacher, let's have hot pot at noon." After cleaning the courtyard, Huaxi ran over, raised his head, leaning on the broom and said, "There are still a lot of ingredients left from the last time, enough for a meal."

Although the weather was cold, his face was flushed, and the neckline was still emitting heat.

From the past two months, Lin Tuo seldom went out to eat, or bought some takeaway food when he came back. He just took the time to go out and buy some rice, noodles, vegetables and meat for storage. It's not as comfortable as making it at home.

Especially after Huaxi became a cook, her skills soared, and she made Lin Tuo lazy. She really felt like opening her mouth for food, and after killing a large group of monsters, the two of them basically used these animal meat as their main food. I even look down on the "nutritious" food outside.

Hearing this now, Lin Tuo nodded and said, "Okay."

"Then I'll get it." Huaxi got the approval, turned around and walked into the house. Hathaway was about to follow when Lin Tuo stopped her:

"You, come with me."

After finishing speaking, he went straight to the study.

After entering the door, his gaze first turned to the evolution sand table. At this moment, the Lunar Sea Continent No. 4 was appearing on the sand table.

A bright white giant tree is located in the center of the continent, which is extremely eye-catching.

At a glance, there are traces of pedestrians coming and going in the cities and villages of the Moon Clan.

"Time slows down so quickly." Lin Tuo sighed in his heart.

In the past two days, he has been paying attention to the changes in the Moon Sea Continent.

At first, the ratio of internal and external time is still very large, ten minutes on the earth, almost a year has passed inside.

But soon, with the full spread of alchemy among the Moon Clan, civilization rushed towards this technology tree, the complexity of the sand table increased, and the ratio of internal and external time began to decrease rapidly.

It's only been a few days of effort, and it's almost the same.

Through the operation log, he learned that the interior has been developed for about two or three hundred years. With the help of zoom and eagle eye, he can see the alchemy communication towers standing on the mainland.

In the town, there are also strange alchemy vehicles, and even aircraft appear.

"The development is very fast, and I don't know to what extent it has reached. Could it be that alchemy has a greater impact on complexity than ordinary mechanical industry?"

Lin Tuo was not sure, but he also judged that according to this speed, the time on the Moon Sea Continent would converge to that of the Earth soon due to the complexity.

At that time, I should transfer my computing power to the No. 2 North and South Continent. You must know that during this period of time, due to the lack of acceleration, the humans on the North and South Continents have not completely moved out of the shelter...

Thinking about it, with a thought, the sand table switched to the default "Star Sea" mode... His eyes fell on the earth.

At this moment, the earth as a whole is still illusory. At a glance, only the surrounding areas of Yangcheng, the Tucker Oasis, and the Pacific Black Box are relatively clear.

Lin Tuo turned his thoughts slightly, and the earth turned around, and his eyes fell on the other side of the earth.

Originally, everything here was illusory, but now, within the scope of the Federal State, there is a small clear area.

That's New York.

It was New York that was "lit up" by Lin Tuo and included in the "observation mode"!

Yes, this is also a new discovery of his these two days.

For the two products in the mall, the "creation range" refers to the range of creating black boxes, and the "observation range" directly lights up some areas, similar to Yangcheng and Wucheng.

Originally, the latter could only take Yangcheng as the core and gradually light up the surrounding cities bordering it.

In the last praying candle event, in order to alleviate the impact of the ether, Lin Tuo lit up several cities around Yangcheng in one breath and brought them into the observation range.

After that, he didn't continue to expand. Firstly, the demand was not big, and secondly, it was too expensive!

10,000 square kilometers under the observation range need to consume 1,000 ether points!

With these thousand points, wouldn’t it be good to use them to build a sandbox and even nourish the various places

So Lin Tuo ignored this function for a long time. It was not until these two days that he paid attention to it again in order to solve some problems. He was surprised to find that the observation mode had changed.

The price is still so expensive, but the "light up" map is no longer restricted!

After the system was upgraded and turned into a "star sea", he could directly light up any area in the star sea and bring it into the observation range, instead of being restricted as before.

This gave him some ideas.

Coincidentally, during this period of time, by collecting No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 sandboxes, the pitiful ether points in the body were pulled up again.

But it wasn't much, and it looked like he had saved less than 3,000 points.

After all, only No. 4 is accelerating, and the other two time is synchronized with reality. After collecting a wave, you have to wait for it to recover slowly. It's not easy to suck too hard.

Lin Tuo gritted his teeth, spent 1,000 points, and bought an area of 10,000 square kilometers. After thinking about it, New York and its surrounding areas were lit up!

One is to test the function, and the other is to facilitate the next plan.

Thinking of the plan, Lin Tuo shifted his gaze to the desk again.

I saw a boxy, silver-white metal block about ten centimeters high on the table at the moment. The surface was covered with fine patterns. This is the result of his two days of hard work:

"Alchemy Full Coverage Instrument"

On the top of the instrument, in the huge card slot, there is a round metal plate full of scratches, and "illusion spell" is written inside.

After the two are combined, it becomes a brand new alchemy instrument, which Lin Tuo named "Xinghai Server"!

Corresponding to the "armillary seismograph".

It is the third instrument that will be placed on the edge of the evolution sand table after it and the Stargate system.

Its function is also very simple, once it is turned on, the "Xinghai server" will continue to run at low power, releasing illusion spells within a range of more than ten meters around.

Anyone who is in the middle, no matter a practitioner or an ordinary person, usually will not have any abnormalities, but once they see the "catalyst" set by Lin Tuo, they will have hallucinations and see specific images.

The effect of this spell is very weak, it is an infinitely weakened version of the "Secret Seal", and it does not have the ability to change people's minds, and it lacks lethality. The only function is to let people see some specific images, and it can't be too complicated.

As for the "catalyst", Lin Tuo set it as a mobile phone.

In short, as long as the advanced intelligent life within the effect of the spell sees the screen of the mobile phone light up, it will see a specific image.

He conducted a test last night and confirmed that it can be run, but any human being within the control range of the sand table can trigger it.

That is to say, on the earth, as long as people are in the three areas around Yangcheng, Oasis, and New York, they will be covered by spells.

Once you leave these three areas, you will not be affected because you are no longer in the range of observation mode.

As for the people in the black box, they will not be affected at present.

I'm not sure if it's because of the "isolation cover" or because there is no "catalyst" in the black box.

In short, everything is ready, only Hathaway is owed.

"Why did you call me?" At this moment, Hathaway also rolled in, and the surface of the crystal ball was still covered with snow, which wet the floor.

Lin Tuo bent down and took it to the table, and said, "I said it two days ago, today I will test your ability."

"Test? Okay, how about testing." Hathaway's ears pricked up when she heard it, and she added, "By the way, let me tell you that my ability also consumes mana.

Last time I showed it to you, it cost me a lot, and I haven’t charged yet. This time I have to pay.

I let you test, but the cost is too much for you! "

"Don't talk nonsense, as long as you can, the magic is indispensable." Lin Tuo said with a black face, then turned on the laptop, manipulated the mouse and clicked on a ppt file.

The above is a well-designed website page, very simple, only a few pages.

Lin Tuo used the demonstration mode to demonstrate and click once, saying:

"Record these, just follow the method I demonstrated, can it be done?"

"Simple." Hathaway showed a relaxed expression, and then said, "Demonstrate it again, I didn't pay attention to it just now."

"..." Lin Tuo had no choice but to do it again, and after confirming that it had been written down, he opened another video file, "You also write down this video, and it will be inserted into the previous ppt website page according to my requirements."

"Oh." Hathaway looked curious, but still responded.

Then he combed his skirt, sat down on the touchpad of the laptop, propped his hands behind his back, and shook his feet impertinently, looking like he was watching a movie.

Lin Tuo ignored her and clicked play. Then, watching the video he had edited overnight, he felt a little emotional.

That's the evolution of Sandbox #1.

From birth to destruction.

The whole process that he saw.

Using the projection technique, the memory in the mind is displayed with a photo scroll, and then recorded with a mobile phone, turned into a video file, and imported into the computer for editing.

Some key parts were removed, and a ten-minute short film was finally produced.

A short film showing the evolution process of No. 1 sandbox world.

Lin Tuo named it:


He wants to broadcast it to the world.

(end of this chapter)