Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 208: Rapids and fierce exhibition games


Thirty minutes later, after finishing the "round table meeting", Lin Tuo released the "Phantom Space", and the body that had already returned to reality also opened his eyes.

The whole conversation went more smoothly than expected.

At first, I thought that there might be some obstacles, and I needed to show my strength, but I didn't expect that the four committee members of the current era would be so cooperative.

"Well, if you think about it, the North and South Continents are also a 'problematic place', and accidents happen every one or two hundred years. Counting the number of sandboxes, you can count the hard work here... I think they are used to it."

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo was a little ashamed, "But I won't speed up now, and this must be the last time."

It was Hathaway who was a little surprised. Lin Tuo hadn't planned to take her in, but after opening the nightmare, she appeared directly in the illusion space inexplicably, startling each other.

Lin Tuo suspected that it was caused by her life form, and it was related to the distance between the two of them. After all, when the broken ball was outside the goal, it never happened when the nightmare was turned on.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the crystal ball, and saw Hathaway squatting inside, holding her face in thought, his heart moved immediately, and he asked, "What's wrong?"

He very much suspected that this guy remembered something after witnessing the round table meeting.

Hearing the inquiry, Hathaway turned her head and stared at him with very complicated eyes, and said seriously:

"So, you are recorded in the history of the sanctuary, the angel who supervised the world on behalf of the gods?"

"So, you can cross the timeline and come to the North and South Continents at any time? So, it's only been a short time here, and a hundred years have passed over there?"

Hathaway seemed to understand something at this moment, her eyes were strange and she said:

"So, this is the Kingdom of God where the angels live? Is this? This? It's too low!"

Lin Tuo's face darkened, and he raised his hand and threw her into the yard, shouting, "Huaxi!"

In the next room, a figure sprang out like lightning: "Understood!"

"Don't...don't, I was wrong! Can't I be wrong? Don't... ah..."

Lin Tuo closed the window with his backhand to block out the noise, and ignored this guy. He didn't intend to hide it anyway.

Raising his hand to swallow the cold tea, Lin Tuo reorganized the information that Hathaway used "runes" to help him collect from the magic net before, while looking at the southern continent in the sand table:

"The committee should also start to act."

Just when Lin Tuo set his sights on World No. 2.

In the originally quiet Capital Inner Circle Committee building, an urgent meeting convened by the four supreme committee members is being staged in a meeting room located in the magic network virtual space.

There are not many people, but the core members of the Southern Continent are all present.

Except for the participants, no one knew why this emergency meeting was held. After the meeting ended, several secret orders were passed down through the kingdom's core senior management.

One of them was sent to the Central South Region, which shocked the local governor to leave overnight and secretly rushed to the Four Seasons City. The other was sent to the Starry Sky University and the military headquarters, and rushed to Central South with high-level extraordinary secrets...

The vast majority of people are ignorant of this series of actions.

Only a few people sensed the wild wolves and waves under the calm water, and they were secretly frightened, not knowing what happened.

Also on this night, Lin Tuo, who was in Lishan, did not fall asleep. While drinking tea, he sorted out the situation of the "United Kingdom" in the current era.

Similar to what he saw, the overall level of civilization in the southern continent is somewhat lower than the reality, and it has gone a long way in fields such as magic and ether-based virtual technology applications.

The same as a hundred years ago, the four major political parties are campaigning for co-government, and they are still in the "recovery" period. The reconstruction of the southern continent has basically been completed, and the Jiudalian Island has become a military channel leading to the northern continent.

A large number of troops are stationed at the southern end of the Northern Continent, constantly competing with monsters for territory and resources.

"According to the data, the army to fight against monsters and sweep the Northern Continent is composed of ordinary fighters and superhumans. Although the latter are relatively small in number, they are the main force...

Extraordinary people come from internal promotion in the military and training from the Star Academy...the latter is the system, no wonder. "

Lin Tuo was stunned.

The so-called "Star Academy" is not just a school, but a system...

Derived from a church school, the main body is a university with multiple campuses. Most of the mid-level and high-level transcendents in human beings come from the "Star University"...

And this school also has "College High Schools" in several regions of the Kingdom... Human beings receive the same education at the primary and junior high school stages.

After passing the talent selection during the senior high school entrance examination, most of them continue to study in ordinary high schools and universities, and enter the society.

A small number of students will enter the "Star Academy High School" in the region where they are located.

The knowledge learned is also biased towards the extraordinary.

After the college entrance examination, some of those who pass the college entrance examination will enter the university department.

The whole system is relatively clear.

As for the identity of that boy... Lin Tuo has arranged for a committee to investigate.

However, some basic information has already been found by Hathaway by hacking into the network of the local administrative department based on the "house number".

"Ning Li... 17 years old, studying in the high school of Star Academy in Four Seasons City..."

"Ning Meng... 15 years old, studying in Siji City Public No. 1 Junior High School... Well, are you still siblings..."

When Lin Tuo rushed to that block before, he sensed that there should be two people in the house, and now it is confirmed.

However, the information Hathaway obtained were all basic citizen files. If you want more details, you have to wait for the committee's investigation.

Based on being cautious about the unknown, Lin Tuo didn't plan to arrest him directly. If it was really an invasion of the spirit world, it would be too rash to stimulate the situation and it would be easy to get out of hand...

A transcendent from the Southern Continent may not be able to stop him, even he must be taken seriously.

If it has little to do with the spirit world... that would be even more embarrassing. My "observation envoy" specially convened a "round table meeting", but an oolong came out, and the persona collapsed...

"So, regardless of whether it is related or not, it cannot be handed over to the committee. Of course, the power of this world should be used... If there is a problem, they may be more suitable than me to solve it." Lin Tuo thought silently.

Based on this idea, he temporarily made a plan, but it will take some time. No matter how fast the committee moves, it still needs to be dispatched, rushed, and arranged...

"I don't know if it can be done tomorrow." Thinking about the details of the plan, Lin Tuo suddenly laughed, "Perhaps we can kill two birds with one stone, and treat it as a 'mortal refinement'."

There was nothing to say all night, and it was morning in a blink of an eye.

The sky and the earth are bright.

Lin Tuo had something in his heart, and he didn't have the thought of going out to celebrate New Year's Day. He stayed on the mountain honestly, waiting for the feedback in the sand table from time to time.

Hathaway was ravaged by Huaxi all night, and she was obviously sluggish in the morning. Seeing Lin Tuo yawning, she didn't know what was wrong with her mental body.

In contrast, Huaxi seemed more excited. After breakfast, she held the computer and waited eagerly to watch the live broadcast.

Since Lin Tuo connected her to the Internet, the little girl feels that her life has become more colorful.

"Teacher, today is the day of the martial artist exhibition competition, don't you want to watch it?" Huaxi couldn't help but asked.

On January 1st, the first day of the new year, the "Warrior Exhibition Competition" that has been warmed up for several days will officially start in the largest gymnasium in "Wucheng".

The reason why it was not placed in the birthplace "Yangcheng" is mainly because the small city of Yangcheng has no decent venues...

In short, all major media have live broadcasts.

It is said that the on-site tickets disappeared in seconds on the day they went on sale, and the scalpers increased the price several times... It was terrible.

Lin Tuo didn't expect too much at first, after all, it has only been a few months since the Qi-breathing method was introduced, and the opening of the self-cultivation gymnasium was even later, and he didn't think that the group of "modern warriors" who hadn't been practicing for a long time could have anything exciting Performance.

But anyway, it’s okay to wait, so Lin Tuo smiled and leaned over to watch with Huaxi.

To his surprise, the warriors on stage were much better than expected!

Although he was not at the scene, he couldn't see clearly, but the speed, explosive power, punch to the flesh, and unpretentious fighting moves were very interesting.

During the period, someone was directly blown out of the ring, and even saw blood, which shocked the entire audience in the live broadcast room.

After all, "martial arts" has become a bit stigmatized these days. Many people actually come here with the mentality of watching a show. Even if someone comes to "Lightning Five Whips", they will not be surprised, but this fierce style of play, Obviously it's for real.

"Is this a modern warrior?"

"It's a real fight!"

“Worth the price of admission!”

"I heard that many people were still ordinary people two months ago? Is this speed, this strength, and practice really such a big change?"

On the bullet screen and in the comment area, netizens talked a lot.

Lin Tuo understands this. Since the country really feels the pressure and is going to implement it, it will not make those embroidered pillows, otherwise it is better not to do it.

However, an "exhibition match" is played so "directly", and the determination behind it can be seen from the small knowledge.

During the period, Lin Tuo also saw Li Tai come on stage, knocking his opponent out of the ring with just a few punches, and he was completely different from the colleague who was suffering from occupational diseases in his memory, but he didn't see Jiang Yishan.

In the afternoon, the exhibition game ended, and Lin Tuo also looked away from this trivial matter. At this moment, he received a signal from the Southern Continent:


"Tsk, the efficiency is quite fast." Lin Tuo patted his buttocks in surprise and got up, and immediately called Huaxi.

"Here!" The next second, Huaxi appeared in front of her with Hathaway.

Lin Tuo yawned and said with a smile, "Pack up and prepare for a business trip."

Huaxi was taken aback for a moment, then jumped for joy, and nodded fiercely: "Yes!"

In the Earth's calendar, on January 1st of the new year, in the afternoon, Lin Tuo came to World No. 3 with one person and one ball.

(end of this chapter)