Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 217: What a rain of swords


"They're not enough, what about me?"

When the words with some echoes fell from the high sky, the restless North District Square suddenly became quiet.

People looked up in horror, but only piles of gray clouds were rolling in their field of vision.

Huaxi's eyebrows raised slightly, thinking that the teacher finally decided to make a move, but it's a pity that he couldn't see it because he was too far away. This is really a very regrettable thing.

As for the outcome, she never worried about it. Since this is the teacher's world, how could anyone beat him

Vent number thirteen.

At this moment, the top of the mountain is already in a mess, the rocky ground is pitted, scattered with gunpowder smoke and dull bullet casings.

The starry sky propped up by Dean Qiu has been shattered, and the rotating stars have fallen one after another. Although the huge forbidden cage has not yet broken, it is still flickering as if it lacks energy.

Two of the four high-ranking Transcendents on the four towers were affected, their faces were as pale as paper, but they stood strong.

Admiral Tru's coat was completely torn, covered with blood, his bulging muscles shriveled and returned to their original appearance, and the giant sword in his hand was also dimmed. He knelt and sat on the edge of the cage, gasping for breath. Dean Qiu was standing beside him, with disheveled silver hair. Although he couldn't see the wound, his skin was pale and almost transparent. It was obvious that he had suffered a huge mental shock. Mount Sinai, who was in the best condition, was still holding a gun. Locking on Ning Li in the center of the magic circle, the hot gun muzzle almost melted away, and the high temperature evaporated the surrounding rain into white gas.

As for the other black windbreakers, they have already retreated and scattered, their spirits have been traumatized, most of them are unconscious, and there are no counts of casualties.

The entire battle lasted only two or three minutes, but the magic power consumed by each other's eruption was extremely huge. The two sides did not have any temptation or hold back, and they went all out from the moment the battle started. However, what made Mount Sinai and others desperate was Rao, there is a "forbidden cage" that blocked Ning Li's absorption of magic power, but the three top powerhouses in the mainland joined forces but still couldn't defeat each other.

No, to be precise, he was even crushed and beaten!

It was only two or three minutes of fighting, but they almost consumed all their strength. From the beginning to the end, Ning Li only used the two abilities of the one-eyed giant phantom and the storm condensed with spiritual power, but they utterly crushed...

"Is it really that powerful?"

At this moment, Mount Sinai, who was holding a gun, felt a touch of despair in his heart.


In the previous decades of life, as the strongest standing on the top of the continent, they have never felt similar emotions, let alone imagined that one day they would be so embarrassed and powerless.

Especially when they heard Ning Li's insolent laughter in the magic circle, the hearts of several people were extremely heavy!

After all, they were still unable to stop each other's footsteps.


In the end... still lost...

At this time, the people who were still awake at the vent heard the voice above their heads that seemed to come from the distant deep space:

"They're not enough, what about me?"

As the words fell, Admiral Tru, Dean Qiu, and Mount Sinai raised their heads at the same time, showing excited and ashamed expressions.

But Ning Li, who was laughing wildly, had a frozen expression.

He suddenly raised his head and looked into the sky, and then, he saw the air slightly distorted in the dark sky surrounded by iron towers, and a figure emerged.

That was Lin Tuo's figure.

He is only wearing an ordinary coat at the moment, and there is not much magic power fluctuation on his body. Standing there, he looks like an ordinary person.

Makes it almost impossible to perceive any threat.

However, the moment Ning Li saw Lin Tuo, his hidden spirituality made him aware of the hidden strong sense of danger.

It was as if that ordinary-dressed young man was far more powerful than the seven senior officials here!

"You... who are you?"

Ning Li's eyes narrowed, and his feet were slightly separated, like a frightened beast.

In mid-air, Lin Tuo looked down at the boy in the cage with a complicated expression, and said:

"It seems that you haven't had time to devour his soul, otherwise how could you not recognize me?"

"What do you mean?" The uneasiness in Ning Li's heart grew stronger.

Lin Tuo gave him a look of pity, and said:

"A trapped beast is just a trapped beast after all, do you really think you can escape today?"

At this time, Mount Sinai and others beside him had also climbed up, raised their heads and said respectfully: "My lord."

Hearing this title, Ning Li's pupils shrank, as if he finally understood something. There is probably only one person who can call these high-level transcendents like this.

Watch the angels!

In Ning Li's memory, the spokesperson for the so-called gods of this world who once took the "prayer candle" away!

I see!

No wonder Ning Li was suddenly exposed.

No wonder these people were clearly defeated by him, but they still didn't escape, but were waiting for something as if they had nothing to fear.

It turns out... the so-called observer has been hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

It turned out that this was the real source of my sense of crisis!

"It seems that you have guessed it." Lin Tuo said when he saw the young man with a changing expression on the ground.

In the next second, Ning Li saw pale blue flames around him, and said with a ferocious smile:

"So what if I guessed it? I thought the so-called high-level extraordinary was so powerful, but what happened? They are not enough, and you may not be my opponent!"

Lin Tuo glanced at him indifferently, and said:

"The forbidden cage has cut off your absorption of power. You did defeat them before, but how much power do you have left? Why bother?"

Hearing this, Ning Li's expression froze slightly.

He is indeed much stronger than Dean Qiu and others, but in the forbidden state, the ether contained in his soul body itself is indeed limited. Just now he fought with all his strength in the first battle, and his own ether has indeed dropped a lot, and Lin Tuo obviously took a look. Then he saw through his weakness.

Seeing this, Ning Li suddenly put away his arrogance, and his expression became serious:

"You're right, they did consume a lot of my strength, so what? This is what you rely on

Don't you think I'm really just at the end of my strength now

Or, you dared to show up just because you guessed that I was unsustainable

Let me guess, ha, your observation is probably just an embroidered pillow, if you are really as strong as that kid remembers, why bother talking to me so much

Why is there such a big fight? "

Ning Li's eyes became brighter as he talked, as if he had seen through Lin Tuo's tricks. In his opinion, if the observers really had the power to check and balance things like praying candles, they could suppress themselves with a flip of their hands. Why bother talking nonsense

So... Maybe the other party is not as strong as imagined

In mid-air, Lin Tuo looked at Ning Li's demeanor, and he didn't show any signs of being punctured or irritated. He just sighed softly and said, "I'm obsessed with my obsession."

He didn't try to explain anything because there wasn't any need.

In the history of the North and South Continents, he has demonstrated the power of "God-level" several times, and no one in this world will doubt this, so there is no need to prove anything.

If it was a few months ago, he might really be unable to defeat the opponent without the help of the "evolution sand table", but now he has broken through to the inhuman realm.

And mastered enough powerful swordsmanship.

Even if he competes for pure strength, he is not afraid of any high-level transcendent.

The most important thing is that he is convinced that there is more ether in his body than Ning Li.

Not a little more, but many times more.

Therefore, Lin Tuo did not continue to try to say anything, but just sighed stubbornly, and then raised his right hand, and ether waves layered like ocean waves gradually came from his body.

Seeing this scene, Ning Li also closed his mouth, the light blue flames in the pores gushed out crazily, and the phantom of the one-eyed giant rose from the flames again, much taller than before, and swung the giant ax in his hand, The coercion is pervasive!

Surroundings, General Tru, Dean Qiu, Mount Sinai and others all changed their faces. They thought that Ning Li's power had been consumed by half, but they never thought that he could still have a state of near full power!

Thinking of the horror of the opponent's power, everyone couldn't help looking at Lin Tuo with worried eyes.

At a roundtable meeting before the plan started, Lin Tuo made it clear that unless it was absolutely necessary, he would not use the power "left behind by the gods". Once it was used, it would inevitably hurt too many innocent people.

But if so, can the observer's own power suppress Ning Li

They're not so sure.

Even though they never doubted the power of the observers, since they were only "angels", their power was limited after all, and they couldn't resist them together, so could the observers do it


However, when a few people felt the wave of magic power unfolding from Lin Tuo's body, they realized how ridiculous their worries were.

In their perception, although Lin Tuo is still ordinary at this moment, the magic power radiating around him seems to be as mighty as the sea.

They have never seen anyone with such a huge magical power.

Along with the surge of magic power, a bluish-white aura suddenly circulated around Lin Tuo, and then, under the ability of "controlling things through the air", those countless auras condensed into one after another sword aura.

It's like one sword after another.

Sharp, cold, and decisive!

One way, two ways, a hundred ways, a thousand ways... ten thousand ways...

At this moment, countless sword qi condensed out, spinning around Lin Tuo's body like a huge storm cloud.

There was a sound like a metal explosion, tearing apart the dark clouds in the sky.

"Tick tock... tick tock..."

Under this strong disturbance, the rain that had accumulated for a long time finally fell, and a flash of lightning flashed across the dark sky, illuminating the forbidden cage under the metal tower, and also illuminating the eyes in the cage that became more and more startled. scared boy.

Feeling countless sword lights flying in the sky, the tall one-eyed giant phantom suddenly said: "You..."

In the next second, I only heard an emotionless voice in the sky:



Thunder roars!

As the sound of slashing fell, tens of thousands of sword qi flying all over the sky swirled and slashed towards the one-eyed giant at the same time!

The continuous sound of cutting the air was like a movement full of killing intent.


Ning Li shouted loudly, and the ether and spiritual power in his body poured out continuously, and merged into the phantom of the one-eyed giant, trying to resist the sword light.

However, the sword light seemed to be endless, endless, never interrupted!

Under countless sword lights, the body of the one-eyed giant visibly dimmed and weakened until it disintegrated and dissipated!


With the last ray of power gushing out from the body, the phantom of the giant finally could no longer maintain it, and it was disillusioned!

The trapped beast in the cage widened its eyes, countless rays of light were reflected in the pupils, and finally let out a heart-piercing scream.

In the next second, a phantom suddenly flew out of Ning Li's body and flew towards the rear, and the countless sword lights seemed to come alive, letting go of Ning Li's fallen body, passing through the air, as if It swept across like a gust of wind, tearing apart the giant's soul, and it didn't stop until the giant was dying.

Meanwhile, the high-level transcendence guarding the four towers fired a magic beam at the same time, connecting each other.

Four thick illusory chains suddenly appeared in the cage, tightly locking the remaining soul of the "one-eyed giant", and then pulled it into the abyss-like vent!

"let me go… "

With the subsequent roar, the life in the spirit world, which had been weakened to the limit and had forbidden the source of power, finally fell into the abyss with extreme unwillingness!

The world is silent!

After a short period of silence, heavy rain fell from the sky, and Ning Li's body fell limply on the pitted battlefield. His body was quickly wet, as if he had died.

But Lin Tuo's figure had floated down, looked at the young man lying in front of him, his face wet by the cold rain, and fell silent.

In the distance, on the streets of Four Seasons City.

"Governor..." Song Yu glanced at the Governor of Zhongnan beside him, and saw that he ignored the heavy rain, just looked at the suburbs, and laughed out loud after a while.

North District.

People gathered in the square hurriedly searched for places to avoid the torrential rain, but in the area where the Starry Sky Academy was located, Ning Meng sat on the ground blankly and felt that the raindrops above her head suddenly disappeared. She raised her head numbly, and saw a Blooming black umbrella.

Next to her, Huaxi, who was quietly holding the umbrella handle, stretched out her hand and pressed her head, looked ahead, and said softly like a big sister:

"What a rain of swords."

Ask for a ticket.

Thanks to book friends: Pan An from Xiaoxiang, Huang Yao who is enlightened, reader Jian Xiaoqi, Chao Muxi, Xiao Huan, the man who often posts the most handsome man, Li Shipu, Wu Yanshi, laughing at life, this will not still exist Right, I only like Invincible Stream, 2020... 8738, 2020... 7012, I am a male mother, sharp lack of heart, Bread84, fifty-one stone reward support~

(end of this chapter)