Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 218: award


On this summer day, Four Seasons City was swept by a shower.

The rain relieved the tension in the city. It came and went quickly. When the rain was over, the police officers and black trench coats in the administrative office who maintained order received an order from the Governor of Central South to relieve the danger.

So a large group of citizens returned to their homes.

The danger is not pervasive, everything is like a crisis exercise, the scope of the battle is always firmly locked on the hill of the No. 13 vent in the suburbs, and it has not escaped. For this city and the vast majority of this continent As far as people are concerned, they don't know the details, let alone what kind of high-scale battle broke out right beside them.

The governor of Zhongnan obviously did not explain the situation to the people, and created useless panic. In the TV news program that day, the host only lightly said "the extraordinary criminal has been punished" and skipped it, while a few people in the city guessed Things are not that simple.

Whether it's the strong fluctuation of magic power or the short conversation spread from the suburbs, it means that this incident is extraordinary, and some people even speculate that the voice in the sky originated from a high-level transcendent, even if they have never seen it with their own eyes Advanced shot.

In addition, two figures quietly disappeared from the returning crowd.

Huaxi took Ning Meng and left under the guidance of Song Yu, who was responsible for finding an excuse to make everything less abrupt.

In fact, whether it was No. 1 Middle School or Xingkong High School, almost no one would associate today's battle with a pair of teenage brothers and sisters.

It's all settled.

Lin Tuo also left the old street and stepped into the Four Seasons City Administration Building for the first time. In the largest conference room, he saw Mount Sinai, who was the least injured and returned to report through the vent:

"... The target has been locked in the core of the Forbidden Cage, and there are four high-level transcendents stationed there. General Tru and Dean Qiu are currently recovering from their injuries, and will return to the front line of the Northern Continent afterward...

The entire vent area has been cordoned off.

The team of scientific research scholars has already set off from the capital region, and the first batch of scholars will arrive no later than tomorrow before dark, set up a laboratory at the vent, and analyze the target according to your requirements. "

On the other side of the desk, Lin Tuo, dressed as an ordinary person, listened quietly to the narration of Mount Sinai and nodded.

The one-eyed giant was successfully captured after being exhausted, which excited Lin Tuo himself. Although this may lose a chance to obtain the "spiritual origin", compared to the research value brought by this spirit creature, Lin Tuo Tuo felt that the price was totally worth it.

Whether it is him, or the mages and scholars in this world, their understanding of the spirit world is very shallow, especially the latter, and they have never seen the real spirit world, and all theoretical conjectures remain on paper and experiments.

With the opportunity to obtain such precious materials this time, all mage scholars in the entire capital can't wait to fly over with their wings.

Lin Tuo didn't plan to intervene, after all, his family knew their own affairs well.

It's okay to let him attack, but not research.

And he didn't hide his curiosity about the creatures of the spirit world, which would not damage his image as an observer. The sword move that defeated the one-eyed giant had already established absolute authority.

As for torturing the one-eyed giant... this is also a part of "research", and Lin Tuo doesn't think he can do better than others.

Furthermore, not showing up by oneself may provide some additional deterrent power.

"Very good, I will leave the research work here to you, and I will come to find out the situation from time to time." Lin Tuo praised a few words, then changed the subject and asked, "How is the situation of Ning Li?"

Just as Lin Tuo judged, Ning Li didn't really die. Maybe the one-eyed giant came in a hurry and didn't have time to kill him, or he wanted to keep him so that he could learn more knowledge with him.

In short, after he escaped and was blocked, Ning Li regained control of his body, but his spirit seemed to be shaken and he passed out. After checking, Lin Tuo ordered the black windbreakers to take him away for treatment and examination.

Not surprisingly, Mount Sinai replied:

"The condition is stable, he woke up not long ago and is currently in the hospital ward.

While he was in a coma, we also tried to conduct a detailed examination, and after he woke up, we conducted inquiries... Here is the specific report. "

As she spoke, she handed over a document with a strange expression on her face.

Lin Tuo glanced at her, opened the document and began to read, and raised his eyebrows after a while, which was a bit surprising.

About its ability and the process of being entangled by the one-eyed giant are generally the same as Ning Meng's confession, but some details are clearer.

Lin Tuo also confirmed that Ning Li can indeed enter the spiritual world from consciousness, and unlike the Inhuman Realm, the channel in Ning Li's spirit is always open.

You know, after Lin Tuo broke through, even if he tried to light up the meridians in his body forcibly again, he couldn't manifest that light door again.

The same description is also found in the Heavenly Dao Scroll and the Demon Code.

And Ning Li... Judging from the level of physical evolution, his degree of body tempering is not high, let alone inhuman...

Of course, different worlds have different emphases, and the extraordinary people in the northern and southern continents don't pay much attention to physical strength, but are proficient in spells.

In the process of the evolution of the times, rather than using "magic power" to temper their bodies, they focused more on tempering their spiritual power, condensing runes, and leveraging magic power to show their strength.

But according to this report, Ning Li's mental strength is exceptionally high...

"Talent? Or supernatural ability?" Lin Tuo was puzzled, and he had a very limited understanding of "spiritual power".

If "ether" originated from the spiritual world, then the so-called "spiritual power" is closer to the power possessed by intelligent life itself.

Referring to the knowledge system of the North and South Continents, Lin Tuo feels that this thing is a bit similar to the setting of the strength of the soul.

There is a certain degree of positive correlation with the strength of the body.

It's like after he entered the Inhuman Realm, his spiritual power has increased a lot. The most obvious manifestation is that the time to open the illusion space and the ability to construct illusions are stronger.

The Body Tempering Realm has also improved to a certain extent, but the magnitude is relatively small, which is reflected in the further reduction in the required sleep time.

However, in the superhuman system of the North and South Continents, people's spiritual power is limited by talent. The mental power growth that comes with the body process.

Nothing new.

As for the method of exercising mental power alone... they haven't researched it either.

Mount Sinai, Dean Qiu... and even the former Hathaway and other high-level transcendents are themselves extremely gifted in spiritual power.

And Ning Li... can actually absorb power from the spirit world and grow...

"Could it be that spiritual power can also be obtained from the spirit world?"

Suddenly, Lin Tuo suddenly remembered the scene of the souls of those dead people flying into the air and disappearing when he activated the "resurrection" ability last time.

"Also... I also suspected before that the behavior of Hongchen's experience may also have something to do with spiritual power."

Holding the report in his hand, Lin Tuo fell into deep thought, but was at a loss for a while... Perhaps the spirit life could give the answer, but it was too urgent.

Mount Sinai, who was wearing a black windbreaker next to him, saw him meditating and didn't dare to disturb him. It was only after a while that Lin Tuo came back to his senses, smiled at her, and said:

"You guys are doing a good job. As for Ning Li... his ability is very special and valuable. I think your research institute can cooperate with him appropriately.

Whether it's to prevent subsequent danger, or for his own safety... in a soft way. "

Mount Sinai savored Lin Tuo's words, nodded and said:

"I understand, don't worry, this incident was not his responsibility at all. We communicated with him after he woke up, and he also agreed to cooperate with us to conduct a deeper exploration."

Speaking of this, Mount Sinai suddenly smiled and said:

"The kid was very nervous at the time and asked if our people would slice him up... I don't know what kids are thinking now."

Lin Tuo also laughed, but muttered in his heart:

I was so worried when I got the sand table...

"Do you want to meet with him?" Mount Sinai asked for instructions after a pause and then recalled something.

Lin Tuo thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"Forget it, see you next time when you have a chance, and let him rest in peace."

After speaking, Lin Tuo suddenly sensed something and said:

"That's it, you go to work."

"Yes." Mount Sinai also heard footsteps outside the door, turned around and opened the door, smiled at Huaxi who was standing outside the door, and left.

Seeing the woman in the black windbreaker leave, Huaxi wrinkled her nose imperceptibly, then walked into the meeting room with her schoolbag on her back.

As soon as the door was closed, her schoolbag squirmed, a crystal ball jumped out by itself, and fell to the ground, Hathaway's voice came:

"It's killing me."

Lin Tuo ignored her, looked at Huaxi, pointed to the seat, and asked, "How is Ning Meng?"

Huaxi came over, pulled out the chair and sat down, and then said:

"Fortunately, at the beginning, I was devastated, as if I had been hit hard.

Later, I heard that his brother was still alive, so it was fine. I just sent her to the ward where Ning Li was. "

Lin Tuo was silent for a while, thinking that this idiom seems to be not wrong, but why does it always feel weird...

Shaking his head, he stretched his waist and glanced at Huaxi:

"What's the matter? Looks sullen."

Huaxi glanced at him, her cheeks puffed up, and before she could speak, Hathaway under her feet spoke in a desperate manner:

"Hey, I'm sad. Miss Ningmeng knows that the two of you are deceiving others together. How can you have a good face?"

Huaxi glanced at her, swayed on the chair, and suddenly kicked the crystal ball away with her right foot in white silk, causing Hathaway to curse angrily, but Lin Tuo finally understood.

For Huaxi, these few days are the first time in her life to go to school, and Ning Meng is also her first classmate and friend... Now that the truth is revealed, there must be some estrangement between the two little girls...

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo raised his hand and patted his head to kill, Huaxi's face flushed slightly, and then he heard Lin Tuo whisper:

"You did a good job on this mission. What gift do you want as a reward? I'll buy it for you when I get home."

Huaxi blinked, hesitated, and said, "Anything is fine?"

" talk about it first?"

Huaxi sniffed, thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Then... I want another mission."

(end of this chapter)