Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 219: Daily battles


Want another mission

Hearing this, Lin Tuo was slightly taken aback, then looked at Huaxi who was looking at him seriously with a pair of black and white eyes, suddenly understood something, thought for a while, and said:

"Okay, but wait."

"En." Huaxi nodded obediently, and her mood jumped a lot.

On the floor, Hathaway, who was kicked away, also rolled back at this time, and flew up with a string of illusioned rose petals, raising her hand and saying:

"I want a reward too!"

Seeing the two looking over together, Hathaway said confidently, "I'm hungry."

Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you just eat yesterday?"

Hathaway was in a hurry: "Listen, is this human language?"

Lin Tuo laughed and said:

"You think I don't know? After you entered the magic net, you secretly stole a lot of magic power from the network. According to the law here, you are called illegal theft, do you know that? It slowed down the speed of other people's internet."

Hathaway was stunned for a moment, and then she looked innocent, but she was quickly defeated by Lin Tuo's half-smiling eyes, drooping her face, and said sullenly with an unhappy expression:

"I'm taking the excess magic power dissipated from the magic net, besides, where's the 'not much'

It's just a little bit, and the amount saved for several days is not enough to eat a few bites.

The network card is the fault of the operator, what does it have to do with me... Besides, you have so much magic power, how much you have consumed cutting so many swords on the mountain, what's wrong with me... "

Lin Tuo heard her muttering in front of his eyes, and said helplessly:

"Okay, do something for me, and I'll feed you when it's done."

"What's up?"

"Huaxi and I will go back to Mount Li first, you stay here for now.

I'll turn you over to the local department and keep an eye on this for me.

If there is anything unusual about the forbidden cage at the vent, or if they have any important research results... please contact me through Daowen. "

Lin Tuo said lightly.

He had tried it before, and Hathaway could also cast some simple spells.

"Oh, all right."

Hathaway rolled her eyes, and readily agreed.

Lin Tuo glanced at her and continued:

"In addition, I will tell Mount Sinai and others that if you make some requests such as asking for magic power, I will not agree to you, and I will come and report to me later."

"? Am I that kind of person?" Hathaway was furious.

Lin Tuo ignored her, picked up the communicator and contacted Mount Sinai, and then prepared to leave with Huaxi.

I have lived in Four Seasons City for a while, and the matter is over, and it should be over, but considering the situation here, he will come here from time to time in the future.

Before leaving, Lin Tuo asked Hathaway to record the long-range shooting "video" about the vent battle, and prepared to play it in "Xinghai Server" as the end of the "Daily" series.

Update the video, there must be a beginning and an end.


outside the sandbox.

Huaguo Wucheng University, in an empty classroom.

"...Since the Martial Arts Club is affiliated with the Cultivation Gym, it is also a department under the jurisdiction of the government agency.

So, let me stress again, we are not an ordinary university club, the nature is completely different, and not all applicants can become members of the club, we only recruit students who have reached the H level or above!

Moreover, this standard will increase with the increase in the number of warriors... "

On the podium, Jiang Yishan stared at the densely packed young students in the classroom. The new media equipment was not turned on, but the voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

Hearing the criteria for joining the club, many people showed embarrassment, and a few people straightened their backs.

Suddenly, a boy asked:

"President Jiang, what's the difference between joining an association and directly joining a member of a self-cultivation gymnasium?"

Jiang Yishan smiled lightly and said:

"There is a big difference! The Wucheng Cultivation Gym is mainly aimed at social warriors. Although it will also recruit personnel, it mainly focuses on popularizing martial arts practice and managing local warriors.

It will not teach tactics, auxiliary cultivation methods, etc., unless you submit an application through the gymnasium, pass the screening, and enter the military, or the military department directly under the government...

But that is equivalent to employment, which is not suitable for our current students. "

"As for joining the Martial Arts Club, as long as you become an official member, you can enjoy related rights and interests.

Moreover, only members of martial arts clubs from major universities can participate in the upcoming National University Martial Arts League... to win bonuses and honors. "

The voice fell, and there was a commotion in the classroom.

Many student fighters who stepped into the practice showed hesitation, Jiang Yishan also smiled and said:

"Okay, that's all for today's Q&A. If you meet the requirements and want to join, you can go to the Martial Arts Club office to sign up at any time."

After finishing speaking, the students stood up one after another and were about to leave. Suddenly, some students said in surprise:

"Hey, the spirit net icon has appeared again!"

"The "Daily" short film has been updated again." A student said in no surprise.

In the past few days, the "Daily" short film has been updated for five full episodes.

The follow-up episodes are not as long as the first episode, they are all within 20 minutes, but the content is nothing new. Except for the research institutes who are still eager, many ordinary people are not interested.

"No! What is this episode? Could it be a mistake?!"

"This... what's the situation?"

Even so, there were still many students who clicked on and quickly browsed, and exclaimed, causing many people to stop and pick up their mobile phones to watch.

The last episode is very short, but the style is very different from the previous episodes.

The entire video records the evacuation scenes of Starry Sky Academy and even the entire city, cloudy clouds, cold wind, black windbreakers running, crowded vehicles and tense crowds, and the occasional supernatural beings...

The whole painting style is different!

And the most noticeable thing is a perspective in the picture, it seems to be in the outskirts of the city, the terrifying scene of the huge illusory cage and the high-level transcendental battle can be vaguely seen, and the color of half of the sky has changed.

Because of the distance, it is not clear, but the crowd around the camera adds a great sense of reality to this "plot", making people feel like they are in it.

It was not until the tall giant was strangled by the storm of sword energy falling from the sky and the rain fell that the scene came to an abrupt end.

This time, there is no "to be continued".

There was a sudden silence in the classroom. On the podium, Jiang Yishan had also finished watching the last episode, and his expression was erratic, as if he hadn't recovered.

Looking up, I saw that most of the warrior students in the classroom were similarly dull.

Even though the "camera" was pulled too far away to see the details clearly, the movement of the battle was still enough to shock this group of newcomers who had only been practicing for a few months.

In the silence, a student suddenly said, "Is this... really "Daily"?"

The rest of the people looked at each other with weird eyes.

Could it be that the daily life of the society inside the black box is like this

It is inevitable...

"It's too scary."

At the same time, people around Yangcheng, New York, Oasis and other areas included in the sand table control area were also deeply shocked by this last episode, and sincerely felt that the daily painting style of the other world is really amazing.

"I now suspect that the publisher of the spiritual net is an aborigine living in a black box. Could this be sending out a distress signal?" Someone on the Internet couldn't help but say.

"That's right, people from other worlds are living in dire straits, and the daily dramas are all in the style of fighting, and they need my generation of warriors to save them!" Someone also joked.

"Battle style? I think this might be a disaster movie, ah, why is there no next episode, damn it, I'm a little aroused."

"Strongly request Lingwang to launch member-on-demand viewing service in advance, I will buy it!"

"plus one!"


Li Shan, Lin Tuo, who returned from the Southern Continent, sat in his study and scrolled the mouse, looking at the discussions on the Internet, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but this attitude of being entertained in the face of the unknown is quite good.

Shaking his head, Lin Tuo glanced at the date in the corner of the computer:

"January 10."

Stretching, listening to the sound of Huaxi busy cooking in the kitchen next door, Lin Tuo turned to look at the galaxy-like evolution sand table beside him.

In the blink of an eye, the sand table switched to the surrounding areas of Yangcheng and New York successively. Compared with the former, the change is not obvious, while the ether lines rising from the metropolis in the latter are so clear and obvious.

Call out the virtual panel, and the concentration of ether in the upper left corner also shows an upward trend.

On the tenth day of the new year, the growth rate of the spread of cultivation around the world is much faster than he expected.

He even suspects that the number of practitioners on Earth at this moment has exceeded the sum of several sandboxes, and this is just the beginning.

"Earth's potential is so terrifying."

Feeling emotional, Lin Tuo switched the sandbox to No. 3 sandbox instead.

(end of this chapter)