Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 220: The whole continent guards the way for me


The light and shadow changed, and the sand table in front of Lin Tuo switched to a flat continent in the blink of an eye.

Surrounded by the sea, there is an irregular piece of land in the middle.

As the gaze falls, the slowly rotating day and night repeatedly coat the whole world with different light and shadow.

As a space with the same area as the north and south continents, the time here seems to be quite slow. The most obvious manifestation is that although it has gone through many times of acceleration, the continent still has not changed much from thousands of years ago.

Whether it is architectural style or social form, most of them are like this. Of course, dynasties and regimes will also change, split, unify, and alternate, and sects will rise, decline, fight, and unite... There are grievances, hatred, and so on, but they can be similar Changes in the social system are indeed useless.

It seems that no matter when Lin Tuo's eyes turn to this world, it's not too much difference.

This can naturally be attributed to the sequence of social development, or the emergence of the Zongmen dynasty structure has greatly stabilized the regime and other factors, but it has to be admitted that at least from the outside, it is always not as changeable as the other sandboxes.

Lin Tuo was surprisingly not disgusted by this.

When his eyes swept across the mountains and rivers of the earth, the lines of the floating ether were so clear that the quantity was far from being comparable to that of the earth, but the quality was the highest among several sandboxes.

Just as he had expected, the No. 3 sandbox has always been on the way to explore the end of human evolution, and with more and more high-level, even non-human practitioners, the evolution speed of the sandbox is also increasing. steady decline.

"Sure enough... The evolution of the human body is also one of the important factors affecting 'complexity'..."

Lin Tuo confirmed this conclusion by comparing the light and shadow changes, calculating the time, and the records in the notebook:

"According to this trend, maybe when someone lights up the seven veins and advances to a higher level, the third world will also stagnate just like the first two."

Lin Tuo was thinking, sitting in the rattan chair, holding a notebook in one hand and a ballpoint pen in the other, sketching casually and organizing his thoughts.

"The potential of the earth is being tapped, and it is improving steadily, and the ether is growing steadily, so it is not suitable for collection."

"On the 4th, the Luna Continent has come to a standstill, alchemy has reached a certain level, the ether environment is stable, but the total amount is small, so it is not suitable for collection."

"North and South Continent No. 2 is still in the period of civilization expansion... and the operation of a large number of magic facilities is also consuming ether, which is not suitable for collection."

"..." Lin Tuo was silent for a while, and suddenly found that the only source of his ether was No. 3 in front of him.

However, due to the increase in complexity, a day in reality now will look like decades inside.

During this time, Lin Tuo did not forget to collect from time to time, and the ether in his body also increased, but it was still far from opening the sandbox again...

Unless he only opens a very small sandbox, that's barely enough, but then it's meaningless.

"I'm so poor..."

After a few months, Lin Tuo once again expressed his feelings for the poor, but he couldn't find any way to open source, so he could only wait patiently for a while.

But he wasn't prepared to wait.

Now that the development of the sandbox has entered a stable period, his own evolution must be put on the agenda.

More specifically, it is to find a way to light up the seven veins.

"Dancing in the world of mortals..."

With a slight movement of the pen tip, Lin Tuo wrote these three words on the paper:

"According to the "Demon Canon", currently known, the most effective way to light up the meridians is the experience and travel in the world of mortals. I don't lack places to travel. The problem is time..."

It takes decades and hundreds of years to travel, which is currently unacceptable to Lin Tuo. According to previous experience, the "resurrection" ability combined with the acceleration effect of the derivation sand table can greatly speed up this process.

Although "resurrection" is limited by the negative effects of "sinking", it can't last for too long, but it can save him more than half a year at a time, and it's quite impressive to come a few more times.

"Moreover, I can also use this ability to further familiarize myself with and polish my grasp of power..."

"I've been promoted too fast. I have a lot of Ether, but I'm not good at using it. The sword energy storm that strangled the one-eyed giant looks gorgeous, but in fact, a lot of sword energy was wasted. This shows that I have no respect for power The mastery is still lacking...

The parasitic mountains and seas last time solidified my understanding of alchemy and magic systems. This time, I can completely change the body of a practitioner and exercise my control over power with the help of the world of mortals. "

"By the way, you can also teach Huaxi by the way."

This time, he plans to bring Huaxi along.

Firstly, according to the "Demon Canon", it is better to be alone than many people, and secondly, it is more convenient to prevent "sinking". In addition, since Huaxi mastered Huabingquan, Lin Tuo has indeed rarely trained her.

According to Lin Tuo's plan, in order to facilitate the coordination of various worlds, he does need to arrange assistants in different worlds.

There are Li Tai and Jiang Yishan in the Earth Base Camp.

There are Qing Kong and Sesai in the Moon Sea Continent.

Hathaway is currently stationed on the North and South Continents.

Only World No. 3 was left without people due to the acceleration of time, but it will be sooner or later.

If possible, it would be safer to train Huaxi and let her be stationed at No. 3 in the future.

"But you can't enter directly, and you have to make some arrangements." Lin Tuo suddenly realized the risks behind it.

There are many sects in World No. 3, and there are many practitioners.

If you want to sharpen your strength, you cannot choose to be an ordinary person in peace. On the contrary, you need to actively look for danger and fight, and you will not be too strong in a parasitic state...

At least, he doesn't think he can find a suitable "inhuman" carrier...

According to his previous experience with the "resurrection" ability, when the ability is activated, once he dies again in the sandbox, even if he can return to his body, there is a high probability that he will suffer certain trauma...

This is still me. If Huaxi's life is in danger and there is no time to rescue him, then he is really dead if he dies...

After thinking about it, Lin Tuo felt that he had to arrange a backup.

"What should we do?" After thinking for a moment, Lin Tuo suddenly remembered the incident of Lu Tang's candidates going to practice in the wilderness last time. He remembered that at that time, the court also arranged for strong people to secretly protect...

In addition, I heard that some children of big families will invite masters to accompany them when they go out to practice, in case of accidents, there is a special word called "protecting the way"...

At that time, he just listened to the local customs, but now he has inspiration.

"It would be great if I could find a group of people to guard my way..."

The idea came up, and Lin Tuo suddenly had a plan in his mind... After thinking for a while and confirming that it was theoretically feasible, Lin Tuo immediately manipulated the virtual panel, turned off the acceleration of the No. 3 sandbox, closed his eyes, and entered the "illusion space".

In the blink of an eye, Lin Tuo appeared in the void. With a thought in his mind, the surrounding scenery changed. A wasteland suddenly appeared under his feet. Behind him was a giant tree that seemed to open up the sky and the earth. Above his head was a map of the sky...

It is impressively imitating the scene of the place where the Heavenly Book was handed down in the wilderness.

Lin Tuo took a few steps forward, waved his hand and transformed into a lake and a hut, and a cloak embroidered with dark gold patterns emerged from his body. Shi Shiran sat down in front of the hut.

Then he raised his hand a little, and two futons appeared in front of him. On the left futon was a kneeling Huaxi in the same attire, and on the right was an illusionary figure with a hood covering his face.

After thinking for a while, he spread the mist again, then suddenly raised his hand, outlined in the space the "Messaging Dao Rune" hidden in the three volumes of the heavenly book, and activated it.

At the same moment, World No. 3.

In the ancient capital located in the northern part of the mainland, it was the beginning of spring at this time, and the weeping willows in the city were slightly green and the stamens were just blooming.

In a quiet and tidy urban area, there are ancient buildings full of green plants, with red walls and black tiles, arched corners and cornices, which are very magnificent.

In the building hall, some people competed, some people meditated, and strands of bright ether threads spread into the sky.

Exuding inexplicable majesty.

In contrast, the main entrance of the building is unexpectedly shabby, there is only one small one, but no one dares to take it lightly.

Just because this is the "Qin Tian Dao Temple" that has been passed down for thousands of years. It is a legendary place that has survived thousands of years of wind and rain, just like Tian Dao Sect and demons.

However, on this day, there were wisps of strange energy fluctuations in the main hall of this ancient building that had been renovated many times, causing countless teachers and students in the monastery to look over in amazement.


Suddenly, a sword light pierced the sky and went straight to the main hall, causing the students in the middle school to exclaim:

"That aura... is the dean?"

"What happened? Surprised Dean Yukong?!"

In the south of the mainland, within the mountains, the Tiandao Sect, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is still standing peacefully.

"... You should use your mind to draw your vitality, and travel to the sky, then you can..." In the square in front of the main hall, a sect teacher was talking about the practice course to a group of inner disciples.

Underneath, the disciples either listened carefully, or fell asleep, and so on.

"Boom!" All of a sudden, a crisp chime startled the birds all over the mountain, and a group of disciples and the teacher were also stunned on the spot.

Then, everyone noticed the fluctuation of vitality coming from the main hall.

"The picture scroll in the main hall is changing!"

A sharp-eyed disciple shouted.

The rest of the people also saw the source of the vibration of vitality, which was the scroll with the two big characters of "Heavenly Way" that had been hanging for countless years in the main hall.

It is said that the picture scroll has existed since the sect was first established.

But why did the change today cause the Zongmen bell to ring

"It's the suzerain!"

Suddenly, someone was surprised to see a figure floating lightly at the entrance of the main hall.

The contemporary suzerain hurriedly walked into the hall, as if thinking of something, his expression suddenly changed, and then he dispersed the crowd, bowed behind closed doors, suppressed his heart palpitations, entered a state of meditation, and drew a message pattern in his heart.

In the west, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of demon mountains, is the demon city.

It was a sunny day.

In the demon city, the "Demon Emperor's Building" that Lin Tuo visited "not long ago" suddenly vibrated, brightly shining!

Attracted the attention of countless monster races!

In a certain corner of the city, the fourth-generation demon emperor spread his wings, swirled the strong wind, rushed into the demon emperor building in the blink of an eye, broke through the eaves, and looked at the shining light in the dome hall, left by the first generation demon emperor. Daowen, with a fluctuating expression, murmured softly:


Then he folded his wings, knelt down on the ground, and sketched the corresponding pattern in his consciousness.

After a while, three bright and thick ether lines rise up from this continent, rushing straight to Xiaohan, connecting to the phantom space created by Lin Tuo.

The three powerhouses of the current era, with fear and excitement, let the will of "Haotian" descend.

Then, the same picture appeared in front of the eyes of the three of them:

On a wasteland hanging alone in the void, a towering giant tree seemed to stretch the sky and the earth, and in front of a hut under the tree, there were three figures.

Two of the smaller ones, with their backs to the three of them, were in a kneeling posture, while facing the two of them was a mysterious and mysterious figure that only existed in legends.

From this angle, you can just see the man's face.

The three of them were stunned at the same time. At first they felt familiar, but in the next second, they simultaneously recalled the picture scrolls of characters collected in the classics of their respective forces, and then recognized Lin Tuo's identity:

"Haotian... messenger!"

(end of this chapter)