Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 227: Big Tengu joins in


Although this incident was full of weirdness, since the prisoner had already been executed, the two of them made up their minds, took the head of the corpse, clothes and weapons, turned around and returned to Liangcheng, and presented it to the official government office.

Lin Tuo originally thought that he had to go through some formalities, but the exchange process was also extremely smooth.

The smiling official from the government office verified the corpse, and respectfully handed over the reward to the two in the form of exchange tickets, and even found a pretext to give him the right to borrow horses from Lu Fengguo's post station... for the convenience of the two Transfer between cities.

The service is astonishingly attentive.

"Are all the princes of Lu Fengguo so amiable?"

Walking out of the government office, Lin Tuo couldn't help thinking, and immediately smacked his lips, thinking that it must be the "guardian" he arranged to do the trouble...

Huaxi next to her didn't think so much.

Mainly she didn't know about the protector, she just smiled and hugged the newly swollen money bag, her eyes narrowed into a slit, like a greedy fox:

"Where do we go next?"

Lin Tuo thought for a while, and said, "Find an inn to stay for a few days first, familiarize yourself with the environment, see if there are any suitable targets, and also need time to summarize the battle gains."

"But I don't think there's anything to sum up... it's just chopping." Huaxi muttered.

Lin Tuo choked for a moment, and couldn't continue, because there was really nothing to summarize about the battle just now, and this was what he was worried about, as it would affect the training effect too much.

The two chatted, and the sky darkened. They found an inn in the city to stay, and enjoyed the customs of Xialiang City by the way.

the other side.

In the backyard of the county government office in Liangcheng, outside the back hall, several Heavenly Dao Sect powerhouses gathered at the door, looking at each other, standing in a row.

inside the house.

The Heavenly Dao Sovereign Master Pei Ming with fluttering sleeves sat on a chair, held a cup of tea in his hand, and took a sip. Then the old god looked at the fourth generation demon emperor who was sneering sullenly, and said:

"I didn't expect the Demon Emperor to personally escort him here. Originally, the poor Taoist was worried about the dangers in the world. Someone bumped into the disciple of the angel... Now that I think about it, I was too worried."

"Hehe, Sect Master Pei was joking." The Fourth Demon Emperor was still wearing the bright yellow costume, his handsome face was full of sarcasm, "but speaking of it, Sect Master Pei's methods really opened my eyes."

"What do you mean by the demon emperor's words?"

"Why didn't the emperor see it before, how can you be so good at licking?"

Pei Ming, who has a fairy-like appearance, is also a little bit uneasy when he hears the old face.

Glancing outside the hall, he saw a group of elders of the sect staring at their toes without squinting, raising their hands to lay down a vitality barrier.

The demon emperor on the opposite side continued to taunt:

"This emperor heard earlier that you became suzerain because you licked the previous suzerain comfortably. After all, the cultivation levels of several of your candidates were similar. I didn't believe it at the time, but now I have seen it.

You ran here on purpose to arrest the person first, and then changed the arrest warrant, and released an evil cultivator with such strength, you don't want any face at all, do you

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have told you! "

Hearing this, Pei Ming was not happy anymore, his face darkened, and he said in a neutral way:

"The demon emperor is thinking too much, I just think that there is no need for angel disciples to waste time on finding people...

The demon emperor can announce the news, and the poor will naturally appreciate it, but it would be insulting to you and me if you say some dirty words like 'lick'...

Moreover, the demon emperor escorted him all the way here, and from a poor perspective, you are not bad if you want to lick. "

"Damn!" The fourth generation demon emperor said angrily, "Can I be like you? I followed to prevent danger! But no one was arranged to deliberately give away the head! My demon clan is not as cunning and despicable as your human race!"

Pei Ming is no longer a fairy, blowing his beard and staring:

"Yaoyao! Don't go too far!"

The fourth generation of demon emperors immediately exploded when they heard the name, stood up abruptly, and cursed:

"What did you call me?!"

Pei Ming sneered and said:

"Yaoyao, what's the matter, isn't this your real name, just because you think it's too girly, and you won't be called it after you become emperor? Hehe, the poor are not used to you."

"You... very good, just wait!" Yaoyao was furious, waved her hand to break the barrier of vitality, and walked out.

The servants guarding outside hurriedly followed, and the elders of Tiandaozong were expressionless, with a posture of "I will close my eyes and practice without smelling anything outside", and opened them only after they left, sighing in their hearts at the same time:

"What's the matter..."

Lin Tuo in the Liangcheng Inn naturally didn't know what was going on here, and he didn't bother to think about it.

It has to be said that entertainment methods in this era are really scarce.

He can't appreciate storytelling and opera.

Not to mention Fireworks Willow Lane.

In addition, Liangcheng is also small, so the two of them finished shopping in less than an hour.

I had no choice but to go back to the house to practice and sleep.

The next day it was dawn, before Lin Tuo got up, Huaxi got up first, got dressed and was ready to go out to buy breakfast.

Although the inn also sells it, but she ate it yesterday and felt that it was not true.

It is probably also due to the lack of entertainment. People in Liangcheng get up very early. In the early morning, there are not many people on the street, and the stalls are also closed.

Huaxi wandered around and followed the scent to buy breakfast for two, then thought about it, and then stopped by the government office bulletin board to see if there was a suitable target.

The little girl likes the identity of "Ranger" a little bit.

After all, this money is too easy to earn...

The mist cleared, and as soon as Huaxi arrived here, he saw that the gentleman from yesterday was posting notices, and there were three bald men standing beside him, an old man and two children.

Walking over curiously, Huaxi heard a little bald man say:

"...Ghost shark, a monster in the waters of Yunmeng Lake, pregnant with a demon pill, fourth-grade realm, injured and fled into the water system of Lu Fengguo, suspected to be hiding in the muddy water..."

After reading, another little bald man next to him clicked his tongue:

"Fourth-rank monster? Master, if it is true, we may not be able to defeat it..."

In the middle of the three of them, the old man in plain monk robe said calmly:

"Huo Zhai, read carefully, this notice says monsters, not monster races... Feng Zhai, tell me the difference?"

The little monk who read the notice just now nodded and said:

"Monster beasts refer to monster races that have not successfully transformed, but they can't transform into a fourth-grade state. It is most likely that they are too murderous and pollute their minds... In addition, being born in Yunmeng shows that there is a high probability that they are not from the West. The monsters rule the people."

"Very good," the old monk said with a smile, "Besides, the fourth grade that has not been transformed is far inferior to the real fourth grade, and it is also injured, which is just for training.

It's just that Huo Zhai is right to be worried, such water monsters are very easy to escape, and it's really not enough to rely on me, the three masters and apprentices. "

"What Master Daiguo said is true," the gentleman who posted the arrest warrant had a stiff face, and said with a smile when he heard the words, "Zen Buddhism is not good at killing monsters. It is better for the three masters to avoid it."

The old monk named "Daiguo" shook his head and said seriously:

"Since my Zen sect is one of the decent sects in the Southern Region, I can't retreat when I encounter this evil monster. What's more, my master and apprentice are not incapable of fighting. How can we avoid it?"

"This..." The gentleman was at a loss for words for a moment, but at this moment he suddenly saw Huaxi approaching, and became more and more nervous.

Huaxi ignored him, looked at the notice, then looked at the next three monks, old and young, and suddenly said:

"Are you short of people?"

"The Daigo monk? Zen?"

In the inn, Lin Tuo, who had just woken up, ate the loving breakfast brought back by Huaxi, while listening to her story, he frowned and said, "A fourth-rank non-transfigured monster?"

"Well, let's fight or not," Huaxi analyzed seriously, "According to what you said, you are probably at the fifth rank now, and I may be lower, but I must have the sixth rank.

I think our words are a bit embarrassing.

Those three monks seem to be doing well, and they are willing to form a team, but I am worried about whether they are reliable, after all, people's hearts are hard to say... "

Lin Tuo listened to the little girl's chatter, pondered for a while, and said with a smile:

"Since the prince of Liangcheng has confirmed the identity of the other party, there is nothing to worry about.

Although Zen is not as good as Tiandao School, it is indeed a big school.

I have also seen Daiguo monk in the book, he is a famous monk who walks in the southern region of Zen, and he has a cultivation level close to the fourth rank. Perhaps, you can really try it, that is... "

"What is it?"

"It's nothing, maybe I'm thinking too much, well, let's get to know each other after dinner, by the way, where are they?" Lin Tuo pondered for a while and said.

Huaxi blinked, then suddenly took a few steps back, raised her hand and pushed open the window on the side of the street on the second floor of the inn, and pointed down:


Lin Tuo walked over and looked down, only to see three bald people downstairs, eating big pancakes, like three marinated eggs.

"This..." Lin Tuo shouted with a wonderful expression, "The three masters come up and sit down?"

Hearing this, the three stewed eggs holding the pancake raised their heads at the same time and smiled:

"You don't have to be polite, it's very good here."

What a fart to squat on the curb...

Lin Tuo thought that all the practitioners in this world are so polite, shook his head, didn't say anything, and hurriedly settled the breakfast, then led Huaxi downstairs, exchanged pleasantries for a while, and probably figured out the other party's situation.

The headed old monk, named Daiguo, is tall and thin, with rosary beads hanging down, and his weapon is a heavy Zen staff. The two teenage monks on the left and right are disciples of Daiguo monk. That's all.

As for Lin Tuo, he only vaguely stated his fabricated identity, and the other party didn't go into it. Lin Tuo was not sure whether Dai Guoseng could see his identity as a monster.

Speaking of which, the demon race is really no different from a human being after taking shape, he pondered, unless the cultivation base is many orders of magnitude worse, it can be detected.

Of course, even if the other party really sees it, or guesses it, they don't necessarily care about it. After thousands of years of running-in, there is not that much gap between the human race and the monster race.

"The benefactor is indeed a successful young man, and he is walking around at such an age."

After exchanging pleasantries, the tall and thin Daiguo monk in gray robes said with emotion:

"Since the two intend to deal with Kisame together, I will go to the muddy water to investigate as soon as possible to prevent the evil beast from harming the innocent."

Lin Tuo nodded and said, "Master is merciful, then we will start our journey."

As he said that, Lin Tuo looked towards the direction of the muddy water outside Liangcheng, thinking that there would never be another "coincidence" this time, right

at the same time.

In the upper reaches of the muddy water, in a certain uninhabited section of the river, the muddy river water boiled like boiling, a blue-black ghost shark was wounded all over, struggling desperately, but was tightly trapped by a chain, unable to move.

The chain stretched into the air and was held in the hands of the demon clan attendant. The latter said helplessly to the four generations of demon emperor beside him:

"Emperor, this beast is chaotic in mind and mind. It has strength but no wisdom. I'm afraid it won't be driven away by us later."

Wearing a bright yellow robe, Yaoyao with a handsome face stood in the air with her hands behind her back, and said calmly:

"Then call until it obeys!"

After finishing speaking, Yaoyao looked in the direction of Liangcheng and said with a sneer:

"Pei Ming, do you really think that this emperor can't save face? Isn't it just licking? Did you forget that this emperor was originally from the Tiangu monster clan? Bark!"

"..." Next to him, the valet who was pulling the iron chain and leading Guishui remained silent, pretending not to hear. The next second, he raised his head and looked forward:

"Here they come."

(end of this chapter)