Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 23: sensation


"Qing Ling Breathing Technique"...

The name is not very good, but at least it is longer than the name of "Qi Qi Method".

Well, adhering to the principle that long is good, the name was decided.

As for the specific content, he needs to think carefully.

When buying from the Evolution Sandbox, there is no specific text content, just inject a piece of information into the mind, and it will happen naturally.

If you want to spread it and let ordinary people understand it, the most important thing is to clearly write down the specific learning method of the "breathing qi method".

This is not difficult. According to Lin Tuo's experience, the so-called "breathing qi method" is a way of exhaling and breathing with a unique rhythm.

By deliberately adjusting the breathing rhythm of the person, one can achieve a state of ignoring sight and hearing, and embracing one's mind in a state of tranquility.

Thus vaguely sensing the existence of ether and absorbing it.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Tuo decided to write in a relatively simple and straightforward language instead of using half-arched characters. Although the latter is more compelling, the communication effect is too poor.

"Click click..."

It took more than three hours to finally write the first draft of "Qingling Breathing Technique".

"Next, there is the question of how to spread..."

Lin Tuo let out a breath and began to think about the next step.

If you want to quickly attract the attention of human beings, it is actually very simple. You only need to switch the "observation mode" and perform some "miracles".

The effect is outstanding.

Guaranteed to spread all over the world tomorrow.

But the problem is that there are many hidden dangers in this plan.

"Once I use a method similar to a miracle, it will inevitably attract a lot of attention. It is not surprising to send troops from the country. Not only will it disturb the people, but it will also increase the probability of me being noticed..."

Besides, Lin Tuo had another consideration.

That is, although it works in theory, he is not sure what the effect will be after the actual implementation. If there is too much trouble, once something goes wrong, it will be difficult to control.

In contrast, referring to historical experience, it is best to start a "pilot".

It is safe to try first in one area, test the effect, check for omissions and make up for vacancies.

As for the location of this "pilot", it is obviously Yangcheng.

Of course, once it spreads, with the help of the Internet, "Qingling Breathing Technique" will definitely spread to the whole country quickly, but as long as the movement is small, it can still achieve the effect of the pilot.

As for the specific communication plan after the "pilot" is selected, it should not be too sensational and attract too much attention, and it must cover at least one urban area of Yangcheng, otherwise it will be ineffective.

"Perhaps, the identity of this mysterious warrior in the Taihe Mountains can be properly utilized."

After thinking for a moment, Lin Tuo gradually had a plan in his mind.

While Lin Tuo was hiding in his study writing exercises, the news about Tucker's black box blasting experiment in the morning finally exploded throughout the afternoon.

Hot spots of global concern often have to be made public.

This immediately caused a new round of sensation.

You know, before that, there were still a lot of people who firmly believed that blasting with thermal weapons was the last and most effective means.

Many people speak convincingly that once bombed, the so-called "Grand Wall" will collapse.

This is not aimless, but based on people's past determination of the power of thermal weapons.

However, the results of the experiment early this morning ruthlessly declared a fact:

Perhaps, with the current level of human civilization, it is really impossible to break through this barrier.

"I'm a little panicked, what kind of alien technology is this

Could it be that the water droplets similar to those in the Three-Body Problem finally appeared? Have we been targeted by advanced civilizations in the universe? What do they want to do? "

On the Internet, similar arguments began to emerge.

All fear comes from the unknown.

But right now, the unknowability of the entire "Tucker Black Box" naturally makes many people fear.

Of course, some people are still insisting that this is just because the power of the explosives is not enough, as long as the dose is increased, it will definitely succeed.

Some people even called for nuclear weapons to be used when necessary, projected from high altitudes, and detonated black boxes.

Anyway, the great desert is also no man's land.

In short, on the Internet, waves are surging.

However, the people in Yangcheng unexpectedly didn't care too much about it, they had more things to care about.

After all, Tucker's black box is too far away from them, but the "Mysterious Warrior of Taihe Mountains" is close at hand.

If it was normal, most people would just watch this kind of video as a joke, but combined with the current trend of public opinion, people can't help but feel a little more worried.

Especially at night, similar discussions filled the various local group chats.

There are various speculations about the "mysterious man", and some people claim to go to the video shooting location tomorrow to find it.

And after a night of fermenting, when Zhou Mo went out from home the next morning and took the morning bus in the downtown area, he was surprised to find that the bus was full of related discussions:

"Have you watched that video?"

"The one from the mysterious warrior in the Taihe Mountains?"


"Is it true or not?"

"who knows… "

On the bus, in a seat by the window, Zhou Mo quietly listened to the conversations around him, feeling an inexplicable pleasure in his heart.

As the "instigator" of the incident of "scraping the screen of Moments" and the uploader of that widely circulated video, Zhou Mo was in a state of excitement all day yesterday.

Keep refreshing the background and watching the growing data.

Reply to private messages and participate in discussions.

Later, friends and even relatives in reality came to her one after another, sent messages, and asked her whether the incident was true or not.

So much so that I didn't fall asleep until two or three in the morning last night.

It was just dawn in the morning, and I woke up again, and I was not sleepy, but my mentality was much calmer.

"Shanshan, I've already gone out, have you come out yet?" Thinking about this, Zhou Mo picked up his phone and sent a message to his best friend.

This Saturday, the two agreed to go downtown for a day.

Let's have a meal and celebrate.

After all, uploading the first video became popular, and it is indeed worth commemorating.

"Come out, come out, don't rush, Miss. By the way, are you wearing a coat? The temperature is a bit low today."

Seeing the reply, Zhou Mo smiled and replied "I wear it", then put down the phone, pulled down the neckline, and turned to look out the car window.

The temperature is indeed a little low today.

The weather forecast clearly stated that it would be sunny today, but at dawn, the sky over the entire urban area suddenly darkened.

Large swaths of thick clouds flew in from a distance, covering the pale sun.

Not only that, but there was a layer of fog in the city.

The temperature also dropped a lot.

It is said that in this season, even in the morning and evening, there is very little fog. Of course, there are similar situations, but it is relatively rare.

The fog was blowing from the direction of the Taihe Mountains, engulfing most of the city.

Most of the citizens who went out put on their coats and suddenly looked as if it was autumn.

Very weird.

While thinking, the bus walked along the street and came to the downtown area.

Zhou Mo got up at the appointed stop, and as soon as he got off the bus, he saw his best friend waiting nearby.

"Shanshan!" He greeted, and the girl who was looking down at her phone not far away raised her head.

Different from Zhou Mo, who is fair and pretty, Jiang Yishan has a wheatish complexion, curly hair, and wears an iconic plaid shirt, which is very recognizable.

"You're still urging me, so I'll wait for you..." Jiang Yishan said helplessly, hugging his shoulders.

Zhou Mo smiled awkwardly, then ignored the topic, and whispered excitedly:

"On the way I came, everyone in the car was discussing the mysterious man."

"It's the same with my train. I didn't expect so many people to pay attention to it."

While talking, the two walked towards the downtown business district.

Probably because of Saturday, although it was still early in the morning, there were already many people in the commercial street in the center of Yangcheng City, and the stores were already open, but...

"Why does it feel like the fog is thicker here?" Zhou Mo couldn't help frowning as he walked on the street.

Yes, for some reason, as the center of the entire city, the busiest and busiest neighborhood, the fog here is thicker than other places, and there are gusts of cool wind blowing.

Even the billboards on the building look a little blurry.


And just when the two were wondering, suddenly, they heard a crisp sound from somewhere high in the sky in front of them.

"what sound?"

"It came from over there!"

On the commercial street, the people walking were startled, and then looked towards the source of the sound.

Zhou Mo and Jiang Yishan also looked over blankly, and then heard exclamations from under the building ahead:



"On the top of the building! On the roof! There is someone!!"

On the commercial street, there was a commotion. People nearby rushed over one after another, and those in the distance, who couldn't see the specific situation clearly, also gathered curiously. The two girls looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

Could it be that someone is going to jump off the building

Thinking about it, the two of them rushed forward with the flow of people.

It was originally a commercial square, and soon, a large number of citizens gathered together, raised their heads, and looked towards the top of a certain building.

Zhou Mo stopped and looked up, and then, he was surprised to find that there was actually a figure standing on the top of the tall building, on the edge of the roof.

It seems to be wearing a practice suit, covering its head and face, and beside it is a huge stone tablet that is taller than a person!

"This...could it be..."

Zhou Mo was stunned at first, then his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

Jiang Yishan next to him also had a similar reaction, blurting out: "That mysterious person?!"

Mystery man! !

If you can't see anything from the figure, but the momentum, and the familiar stone tablet beside him, almost immediately reminded countless people in the square of the "Mysterious Warrior of the Taihe Mountains" in the video. "!"

"It's him?"

"The guy in the video?"

"real or fake?"

"No way... it's fake..."

There was a riot in the square, and there were many discussions, and some people picked up their mobile phones to take pictures.

And at this moment, everyone felt the surrounding mist billow violently, and a gust of fresh wind blew from nowhere, and the startled mist moved violently, making the atmosphere more and more exaggerated.

In the next second, the figure on the tall building suddenly raised his hand, moved the mountain, and lifted up the huge stone tablet made of blue-black rock.

Immediately, he exhaled and made a sound, and smashed straight to the center of the square! !



"Get away!"

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions changed, and they subconsciously wanted to escape.

And that huge stone tablet came through the air, made a whimpering sound, passed straightly over the crowd, and smashed into the flower bed in the center of the square with a bang but accurately!


The dull impact caused another exclamation, and some timid ones almost fell down.

Zhou Mo and Jiang Yishan approached subconsciously, and their hearts trembled at the same time.

Turning his head to look at the place where the stone tablet fell, he was surprised to find that there were many words engraved on the huge stone tablet like a chisel and an axe!

Densely packed, clearly identifiable!

And at the top of these words, there is a line of particularly conspicuous handwriting:

"Qingling... breathing technique?"

She froze for two seconds before turning her head and looking at the top of the building again.

But all he could see was the empty rooftop and the mist that was slowly dissipating.

Where is the trace of the "mysterious man"

On this day, in the center of Yangcheng City, a mysterious martial artist appeared and spread strange exercises. Thousands of people witnessed it. After a while, the whole city shook!

(end of this chapter)