Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 237: Secrets of the Spirit World


Star Jump!

In the dark blue hall, there was nothing in turmoil. The surface of the magic cover above his head shook like water waves, and Lin Tuo's mood was like waves.

This word spit out from the mouth of a life in the spirit world, on the one hand it is rather strange.

Secondly, it hit Lin Tuo's worries.

"Yes, interstellar jump, or leap... This is a term that is easy to understand in your world," the one-eyed giant explained, "As I said just now, the spiritual world is chaotic and chaotic.

There is no time and no boundary. In fact, its spatial distance is also chaotic and does not completely correspond to the material world. "

"To put it simply, in your material world, it may take a month to travel from one city to another, but in the spiritual world, you only need to master the coordinates.

And follow the rules of energy flow, you can arrive in a very short time.

The spiritual world is like an ocean where no light can be seen, and no one knows where it corresponds to which part of the material world.

Some civilizations that have mastered the relevant abilities can directly open the portal of the spirit world and make long-distance leaps... But this kind of thing should be relatively rare even in the spirit world. "

Lin Tuo blinked: "So you have seen this kind of civilization?"

The one-eyed giant was silent for a while, and did not respond immediately.

After seeing Lin Tuo's eyes turned dangerous, he hurriedly said:

"I've seen it once, but I only caught a glimpse from a distance, and I didn't dare to get close."

Lin Tuo subconsciously wanted to ask when he saw it, but he thought that there was no time in the spirit world... so he gave up and asked for details, but the one-eyed giant was also vague.

According to it, the other party only briefly appeared in his field of vision, passing by in a flash, and there was no conversation, so it was impossible to talk about obtaining information.

Lin Tuo had no choice but to resist his strong curiosity, and asked instead:

"What about the other two situations, are there many people like Ning Li?"

"Not too many," the one-eyed giant said frankly, "at least it is rare in the field I rule. In fact, there are quite a few who can open the channel, but there are many fewer who can enter. Even if there is occasionally, it is not the same as Ning Li's It's different."


"As far as I know, after beings in your material world have evolved to a certain extent by absorbing energy from the spiritual world, their spirituality will increase, and they will briefly open the channel to absorb spirituality.

But it can't last for too long, only a very small number of stronger ones can open the channel at any time and enter in the state of soul body.

And Ning Li himself is obviously not strong, and his ability to enter is more like a talent. "

The one-eyed giant said.

"Spirituality? Soul body? Spiritual energy? What do you mean by the above in your concepts?" Lin Tuo asked.

The one-eyed giant replied:

"Spiritual energy is an inherent presence in our world.

Just like the basic material of your world, and like the sea water in the ocean.

It is called magic power in your world, and it is also the most frequently exchanged existence between the two worlds. "

Lin Tuo was not surprised. Magic power, vitality, ether, aura... spiritual energy... these words are just different names for the same thing in different civilizations.

The ether originated from the spirit world and was exchanged between the two worlds. He already knew this, but unfortunately, it seemed that the one-eyed giant didn't know the origin of the ether either.

"As for spirituality, it is another mysterious existence in the spiritual world... I also know very little about it. I only know that it is related to wisdom, the birth and death of creatures.

The combination of spirituality and magic will give birth to a soul body, which is my state, similar to the soul of your world...

Oh, by the way, the strength of spirituality corresponds to the strength of spiritual power in your concept. From this perspective, spirituality is equivalent to spiritual power to a certain extent. "

The one-eyed giant said.

Is that so

Lin Tuo was stunned, and finally clarified the concepts of the two.

Psychic power is roughly equivalent to spirituality.

But the former is mainly aimed at humans, or some monsters, monsters... It is said that so-and-so has strong mental power.

Spirituality, on the other hand, is broader, not only for people, but also for higher intelligent life, and may also cover objects, such as prayer candles, secret seals, and so on.

Similarly, it is also the source of all mysterious power.

"No wonder... the demon emperor said that the innate spiritual power of the demon race is stronger than that of the human race, because the birth of the demon itself absorbed part of the spirituality in the prayer candle... so it is powerful."

"The cultivation of the seven veins after the non-human realm is not so much the cultivation of spiritual power, but rather the enhancement of one's own spirituality."

"The quenching state is to absorb ether and temper the body."

"The inhuman realm is to enhance spirituality and strengthen the soul."

"The one-eyed giant said that some strong people will open the channel for a short time to absorb spirituality... referring to the high probability of being promoted to the state of the inhuman realm.

I opened the door briefly at that time, and the misty blue light that escaped and entered may be the spirituality absorbed...

Therefore, after my promotion is successful, my mental strength will increase. "

"And it says that some more powerful ones can open the channel at any time and enter through the way of the soul...

Could it be that this refers to the realm after lighting up the seven veins and fully mastering them? That is, the next stage of Qimai

As for Ning Li, he directly skipped Body Tempering, Qimai..."

At this moment, Lin Tuo thought a lot, and some original doubts finally became clear.

"As for the second method, I said that the souls of your material world will automatically enter after death, this is just my guess.

I don't know exactly how, well, I actually have a guess, that is, spirituality may be the same as magic, and it will also circulate in the two worlds, in the way of life and death... "

The one-eyed giant said.

Lin Tuo's heart skipped a beat, and he remembered that when he activated the "resurrection" ability, he used his eyes to observe the earth, and saw those dead souls flying into the sky and then disappearing out of thin air.

This confirmed the speculation of the one-eyed giant.

"Why do you say it's just a guess?" Lin Tuo asked.

The one-eyed giant smiled bitterly and said:

"Because we don't know our own origin, just like you were born in the material world, most of me and other spiritual beings were born in the spiritual world.

After gaining independent consciousness, it is as ignorant as a newborn baby.

For quite a long time, they only absorbed spirituality according to their instincts and strengthened themselves. "

"You said earlier that you are a lord." Lin Tuo said.

"Yes," said the one-eyed giant, "the spiritual world is different from civilizations like yours. There is no society, no concepts such as countries, nations, and populations. All life in the spiritual world was originally wandering.

A small part will have wisdom when they grow stronger gradually, such as me.

More, because of their lack of spirituality and low intelligence, they are like beasts in your world, acting on instinct... "

"As for me, people with wisdom are so-called lords. We will occupy a part of the area. The stronger the lord, the larger the area he controls and the richer the resources."

"Resources?" Lin Tuo asked.

"Yes, it refers to a strange light group formed by high-purity spirituality, which appears golden. I don't know if you have seen the situation in the spiritual world..."

"Like a starry sky." Lin Tuo said.

The one-eyed giant looked at him and said:

"It seems that you have seen our world, yes, it is like a starry sky.

Those golden light clusters are like stars, containing extremely powerful spirituality, and are also the source of all mysterious power.

It's a pity that we can't devour it directly, we can only occupy it and use the meager spiritual growth that escapes. "

"There are also fights between lords.

Although thanks to the special nature of the spirit world, as long as we are in the spirit world, we will not really die, but fighting with each other will also bring pain and weakness.

Therefore, once the sphere of influence is divided between the lords, they will rarely attack each other unless some lords disappear. "

"Disappear?" Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows, "You mean entering the material world?"

"Yes," the one-eyed giant smiled bitterly, "Thanks to the exchange of magic power with the material world, and the occasional opening of the passage between the two worlds, we occasionally have the opportunity to enter the material world.

However, once the vast majority of beings in the spirit world enter, they will die very quickly.

Their spirituality is too low. After entering, it is difficult to occupy a suitable carrier. Even if they succeed in occupying, they often cannot obtain powerful power... "

"But the lord is different," the one-eyed giant said, "reaching the lord level, possessing wisdom, a strong spirituality, a strong soul body, and once entering the material world, it can maintain its own stability for a long time.

Easily occupy a carrier, leverage the power of the spirit world, and possess powerful power...

Of course, this also means danger, after all, after leaving the spirit world, we can be truly killed. "

At this moment, Lin Tuo thought of the Pope who died in his hands, the head of the Haizhou faction... He frowned and said:

"But why? Why do you invade the material world? Is it just for killing?"

The one-eyed giant was silent for a while, and said:

"I don't know what the other lords think, but I think everyone has the same purpose, that is to become stronger."

"It's too slow to absorb spiritual light clusters to grow, and fighting each other between lords means a huge risk, and devouring some ordinary creatures that are not lords is also very difficult...

But the material world is different, it is easier for us to devour the spirituality of the material world.

Especially some of your so-called extraordinary people and practitioners, their spirituality is very 'fresh'.

Therefore, many lords will wander around, sensing changes in the magic environment... To make a metaphor, we are like a group of sharks swimming in the sea, smelling blood, chasing after the target...

Once a civilization enters a period of rapid development, the more and faster it will draw magic power from the spirit world.

It's like ripples in water, swirls...

Heh, if you have a fish tank in front of you, and a certain area of it is damaged and water starts leaking out, then there will be water waves, and the fish in the tank will sense...

The faster the civilization develops, the more obvious the ripples will be, and the wider the spread will be, and the easier it will attract the attention of some lords. "

After a pause, the one-eyed giant suddenly smiled and said:

"Of course, there are also some lords who simply want to truly 'live' once.

Although "eternal life" is possible in the spirit world, it is too boring to live forever in a place where there is no concept of time.

Therefore, although they will also enter the material world, they will often not kill unscrupulously, plunder spirituality, and may even be an ordinary person with peace of mind.

Go to work, work, marry, have children, and die.

Those who are ambitious may also want to achieve a career and live a wonderful life. "

"Oh, by the way, there are also some lords who were not born in the spirit world, but some powerful beings who abandoned their bodies and entered the spirit world.

Then because of his strength, he naturally became a lord.

These people tend to be more attached to entering the material world and reliving another life.

Some choose to enter the new world, and some simply enter its original world. I have encountered it before, and they have funny names for themselves. "

"What name?" Lin Tuo asked curiously.

The one-eyed giant raised the corner of his mouth:


(end of this chapter)