Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 238: The Sleeping Artifact (5,000 words)



Hearing this word, Lin Tuo's expression changed, and he didn't know what kind of emotion to express in his heart.

This universe is not alone—he had already confirmed this when he knew the existence of the "Empire". Now it seems that different civilizations still have some commonalities.

According to the one-eyed giant, these "foreign" lords may be the strong ones who opened the channel in their consciousness after the seven veins were lit.

Of course, it could also be a talented player like Ning Li.

In short, these people do not need to be forced to enter the spirit world "after death", but can retain their memory and even enter with a certain power, and then enter other time and space through the spirit world leap, or return.

The former is a typical "traveling through another world", while the latter is more similar to "rebirth"... However, considering that there is no timeline, even if the latter is reborn, it will only be reborn in the "future", not the "past".

Although the metaphors of "fish tank" and "water wave" are different from the real situation, they are vivid enough.

As for the soul returning to the spirit world after death... Lin Tuo couldn't help thinking of such fantasies as "the underworld" and "underworld". Of course, the two are obviously different.

I can't really be sure, I can only say that there is a possibility.

And at this time, Lin Tuo finally understood the reason for the visit of these beings. With emotion in his heart, he nodded and said:

"I think I probably understand, so you came here to gain spirituality and strengthen yourself."

The one-eyed giant nodded first, and then argued:

"I am indeed here for this purpose, but I am not going to slaughter or plunder the spirituality of the extraordinary in your world, but have another goal."

"Praying candles?" Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows.

"Is that what you call it?" The one-eyed giant nodded and said, "I did come here for it."

Lin Tuo chewed on the other party's answer, frowned and said:

"You mean, you didn't know of its existence from Ning Li's memory, so you wanted to look for it, but came for it?"

This sequence is very important.

When Lin Tuo first learned about it through Ning Meng, Lin Tuo attached great importance to it. Now that he finally talked about it, he naturally cared.

The one-eyed giant confessed:

"Yes, in fact, the development speed of your civilization is relatively slow now, and the ripples in the spiritual world are not big, and my territory was not here...

Normally, I wouldn't notice that there is a civilization here. "

"So? How did you find us?" Lin Tuo asked.

The one-eyed giant said:

"Because of an energy surge. Well, the spirit world doesn't have time, so I can't give a time point... To put it in more vivid words, it probably is.

Some time ago, I suddenly sensed a violent energy fluctuation in a certain direction outside my territory. It should be a large amount of energy flowing...

This wave of fluctuations disappeared quickly, and it didn't look like it was brought about by the rise of normal civilization... So, I guess it might be caused by the spiritual light group entering the material world... "

"Why do you judge like this?" Lin Tuo asked.

The one-eyed giant said:

"I once heard something similar from a lord. As you know, the two worlds will exchange energy. During this process, some scattered spirituality will occasionally enter the material world."

"If very few enter, they will often be absorbed by intelligent life, making intelligent life connect with the spirit world, and thus gain some magical abilities... just like the wizards in the history of your world."

"If there is a little bit more, these spirits will gather together and then penetrate into some substances.

For example, a stone, a match, a candle... everything is possible.

Then, these originally ordinary substances will follow some kind of hazy and primitive intelligence, constantly releasing abilities... just like an instinct. "

"And the rarest case is that those 'light groups' composed of high-concentration spirituality floating in the spirit world accidentally enter the material world...

At this time, it infiltrates, and the parasitic items will have extremely powerful and destructive power, and even gain a certain amount of wisdom... The prayer candle should belong to this category. "

"If the lords are coming, there is a clear purpose.

Whether it's killing or anything else, it's all driven by reason.

Then this kind of 'spiritual items' are completely different, they are like a drunkard holding a pistol, once they are 'stimulated', they will directly destroy the whole world... "

Speaking of this, the one-eyed giant paused, looked at Lin Tuo carefully, and saw that he didn't respond, before continuing:

"So, if a 'spiritual light group' enters the material world, it will often extract a large amount of energy and destroy the civilization of the entire material world...and once the entire civilization is destroyed...

According to the mystical connection between the two worlds, those energies will return and the spiritual items will remain in the physical world...

It can't return on its own like us lords..."

Lin Tuo was stunned as he listened.

He instantly understood the opponent's logic.

very simple.

According to the known information, the intelligent life is like the anchor point that attracts the inflow of ether, assuming that the wish for the candle to die is successful.

Everyone is dead, and without life, the ether cannot exist alone, but will flow into the spirit world again. At that time, there will be an "ether desert" in the sandbox.

The prayer candle cannot return itself and will be forced to stay in the sandbox.

Moreover, because there is no life, there is no user... The secret seal needs people to use it, and the prayer candle also needs people to "make a wish"... This is determined by the nature of the "spiritual item".

Without the user, its destructive power will be greatly reduced... But it itself contains a lot of spirituality...

Sure enough, the one-eyed giant continued:

"So, when I sensed that fluctuation, I guessed that something like that might have erupted.

So I immediately decided to leave my territory, and wanted to come and see if I could gain something... This temptation was too strong, and I couldn't refuse. "


When the one-eyed giant said this, he seemed to be lost in memory, and said:

"When I rushed here, I didn't have much hope. After all, the distance is far away. I was worried that the local lords would preempt it...

But when I jumped over, I found that there was no lord around here...

Or rather, there were signs of it, and soon it disappeared. "

Lin Tuo didn't speak.

Obviously, the lord near the No. 2 sandbox is likely to be the "nightmare" who captured the Pope... He was killed by him long before the prayer candle came... It's strange that the one-eyed giant can see it.

"This made me even more worried, thinking that the local lord had already entered the material world, but soon, I discovered that the surrounding energy was not flowing inward, but slowly flowing outward...

This is very strange, which shows that not only there is still civilization nearby, but it is also in the stage of development... "

The one-eyed giant continued:

"I was very surprised by this scene, so I decided to observe it carefully, and then I discovered Ning Li by accident."

"Wait a minute." Lin Tuo interrupted him suddenly, frowning and said:

"According to what you said, the spirit world can greatly shorten the distance, but when you arrived here, hundreds of years have passed since the plague of strange things... Even though the spirit world has no concept of time, the material world does."

The one-eyed giant said frankly:

"Because I leap against the energy flow. I did say that the distance can be shortened through the spirit world, but I also said that the premise is to follow certain rules."

"What rule?"

"The flow of energy," it explained, "the spiritual world is like the sea, and energy is like water flow. It also has fluctuations. Even without the ripples caused by civilization, it is not completely calm."

"Only by following the direction of energy flow can the distance be shortened, otherwise, the distance will be lengthened... Therefore, civilizations that use spiritual leaps do not follow a 'straight line', but adjust their direction at any time.

Even use some technical means to actively create fluctuations to accelerate the transition... "

"Unfortunately, after the candle fluctuates, a lot of energy flows back... As a result, I can only go against the current."

Lin Tuo was amazed when he heard it, and thought to himself that this was another piece of extremely valuable information. Sensing the calmness of the other party, he nodded:

"I accept that explanation, and then what."

"After that, you should know all about it.

Ning Li's soul is very weak, but he often sneaks into the spirit world, and through him, I learned about the specific situation of your world, and only then did I know the existence of prayer candles.

Knowing it was taken by you... so..."

"So you have been looking for an opportunity to wait for Ning Li to become stronger, and then occupy his body and identity in one fell swoop, find a way to investigate my existence, find a prayer candle, and obtain the spirituality contained within it?"

Lin Tuo said suddenly.

The one-eyed giant smiled awkwardly, didn't say anything, it was acquiescence.

There was also a silence in the hall, and after a while, Lin Tuo suddenly said:

"Then you may be disappointed, in fact, during my battle with the wishing candle, its spirituality has disintegrated and completely dissipated.

Well, part of it was absorbed by the beasts of this world and turned into monsters. "

The one-eyed giant froze for a moment, seemingly in disbelief.

Seeing this, Lin Tuo suddenly reached into his arms and took out a gray and dilapidated candlestick: "This is its... wreckage."

"No... how could this happen?" The one-eyed giant's figure fluctuated for a while, as if his emotions had been greatly affected, revealing an obvious sense of disbelief.

"There is nothing to doubt. With your current situation, I don't need to deceive you. In the process of my confrontation with it, it chose to self-destruct. In fact, most of the fluctuations you sensed were caused by its self-destruction. .”

Lin Tuo observed it and said lightly.

"No..." The one-eyed giant suddenly stared at Lin Tuo, "Spirituality will not disappear out of thin air. The spirituality of a whole light group is so huge. I haven't sensed its return in the spirit world. As for the monster...

With the scale and level of those monsters, at most they only absorbed a small part of the escaped spirituality!

Even if it is a hundred times, ten thousand times more, it is impossible to consume it all! "

Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows, didn't speak, just observed.

After the one-eyed giant finished speaking, he lay on the edge of the forbidden cage, staring at the dim prayer candle, with deep doubts on his face, and said to himself:

"But... If you haven't absorbed them, why didn't you react? Under normal circumstances, so many spiritualities gather together, and self-consciousness will definitely be born... instead of falling asleep like this."

Lin Tuo blinked, and suddenly said:

"Is there such a possibility, on the basis of preserving the spirituality, to erase its self-consciousness?"

"How can it be..." The one-eyed giant subconsciously wanted to refute, but then suddenly stopped, pondered for a while, and said, "The probability of this is too small."


The one-eyed giant suddenly looked at him strangely, and said slowly:

"Under normal circumstances, this is very difficult, unless it is done by a powerful being whose personality far surpasses the wishing candle..."

After a pause, he said:

"I know you are very powerful, but you obviously shouldn't have this ability... Unless, it's the mysterious 'god' behind you who made the move..."

Speaking of this, it closed its mouth. In fact, it has been very puzzled about the "god" behind Lin Tuo, and doesn't understand what kind of existence it is.

But as a prisoner, it wisely didn't try to ask.

But Lin Tuo fell into deep thought.



Behind him is still himself, where is there a God of Raoshizi

But... there is no god, but the existence of personality surpasses prayer candles...

"Could it be the evolution sand table?"

Lin Tuo's heart skipped a beat.

Although the prayer candle used the power of the rules and almost broke through the sandbox, it is obvious that the level of the evolution sandbox far exceeds it.

After all, the peak stage of the evolution sand table can accelerate the existence of the entire planet, and even the entire star field...

It was in a disabled state before, but even so, there was a big killer like "formatting"... Once it was turned on, it could be wiped out together with the prayer candle and sandbox.

Moreover, he still remembered that the "analysis report" given by the sand table at that time wrote "spiritual disintegration, consciousness dissipated".

Instead of "spirituality dissipated, consciousness disintegrated"!

These two statements are completely different!

"Dissipate" means that it is really gone, but "disintegrate" may not be!

Moreover, the description of the ability in the report is not "blank", but "none"! !

He had doubts about this at the beginning, but since then nothing changed, so he had no choice but to give up.

"Could it be that most of the spirituality of the prayer candle has not disappeared? It is still stored inside the candlestick? It is just because the consciousness has been wiped out, so it has entered a state of 'standby' and 'sleep'?"

Lin Tuo admits that this idea is a bit bold, but... it is really possible!

After all, even if you add up the absorption of the monsters here, the awakened ones in Yangcheng, and the monster races in Tianyuan Continent... I'm afraid it's still far from the spirituality it should have.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, most of the spirituality of the prayer candle has been absorbed by the evolution sand table... just like the interception of ether...

But it stands to reason that he had consulted him for absorbing computing power at the beginning, so he wouldn't have secretly swallowed up spirituality... right

Can't figure it out, can't be sure!

Lin Tuo shook his head, put aside these thoughts, looked at the other party again, and said, "So, is there such a possibility?"

"I... not sure," the one-eyed giant hesitated, and said, "But if it's true, it should be possible to test it out."

"In the simplest terms, spirituality corresponds to extraordinary power."

"The dissipation of consciousness means that the extraordinary power contained in the spirituality has lost its connection with the outside world... So, as long as you find a way to detect this candlestick, you should be able to find something.

Even... fixed it. "

Speaking of this, the one-eyed giant tentatively said:

"If it can be repaired successfully, then you are equivalent to possessing an incomparably powerful 'artifact'...

Of course, the repair is definitely not that simple, especially if your researchers don't have enough understanding of spirituality... "

"What do you want to say?" Lin Tuo asked with a sneer.

The one-eyed giant said:

"What I mean is, if you let me go, I can not only serve as your 'internal response' to help you obtain power from the spirit world, but also assist you in repairing the prayer candle.

You don't have to worry about anything, I can't threaten you in my prime, not to mention, there is that mysterious 'God' behind you... "

Lin Tuo suddenly smiled when he heard the words, put away the prayer candles, and said:

"Sounds very tempting."

The one-eyed giant smiled and said:

"This is a result that is beneficial to both of us, and my cooperation shows my sincerity.

What will you gain if you kill me

I am already so weak that my spiritual weakness is not worthy of your absorption.

On the contrary, if you let me go, I can bring you greater benefits and help you understand the information of exploring other worlds, and I am not without plans.

In my current state, even if I return to the spirit world, I'm afraid it will be difficult to keep my territory.

So it is the best choice for me to be attached to you and the gods behind you. "

Lin Tuo praised:

"That's very good, do all the lords of the spirit world have such good eloquence like you?"

The one-eyed giant smiled and said:

"I'm just being realistic about what a beautiful package it is."

"Yeah," Lin Tuo sighed, "It's unbelievably beautiful, well, it would be great if you could be more sincere."

"I'm very sincere..." The one-eyed giant had just opened his mouth, when he was suddenly shocked to find that the surrounding scenery became illusory for a short time, and a faint energy fluctuation disappeared.

The entire hall suddenly disintegrated, collapsed, disappeared, and then overlapped with the real hall!

"This... this..." It widened its eyes before realizing something, "I was not here just now?"

"No, you have been here all along, but I used some small tricks to confirm your sincerity." Lin Tuo smiled.

In fact, the moment he stepped into the hall, Lin Tuo had already used his "nightmare" ability to build a phantom space exactly like this one!

So similar that it's hard to tell the real from the fake!

As early as the last round table meeting, when Hathaway entered the phantom space inexplicably, Lin Tuo guessed that the state of the soul body might not need to be "pulled in", as long as it is within a certain range beside him, it can automatically enter the phantom space.

After all, Hathaway itself exists in the form of data flow, and data flow is mental power.

Tried it this time, and it was a success!

The reason for doing this is, on the one hand, to use the characteristic of "the soul body can perceive emotional fluctuations in the illusion space" to identify the authenticity of the words of the one-eyed giant.

On the other hand, it is also to prevent the "eavesdropping" of Mount Sinai, Hathaway and others...

As for being able to complete the arrangement without the one-eyed giant noticing, on the one hand, it is weak, and on the other hand, it is also the result of Lin Tuo's increasingly sophisticated control of power in the past six months.

At this moment, all his doubts have been resolved, and there is no need to keep the other party behind.

As for cooperating with the one-eyed giant to obtain greater benefits...

"Hehe, do you think I would be that stupid?" Lin Tuo sighed, his tone cold.

Greed can kill people!

After speaking, he ignored the one-eyed giant who was crazily hitting the cage, raised his right hand, and took out the small remote control given by Mount Sinai.

Without hesitation, he directly pressed the button for maximum power.

In an instant, the entire hall suddenly lit up, and thunderous beams of magic beams crashed down from the top of the head, pierced through the forbidden cage, and enveloped the "lord of the spirit world" inside.


Amidst a shrill roar, the figure of the one-eyed giant finally disintegrated completely, dissipated, turned into a wisp of smoke and dust, and returned to the most basic energy body.

Where it was originally floating, there was only a dim "spiritual origin" that exuded a faint light.

Lin Tuo stepped forward, raised his hand into the cage, and held it.

In the next second, a virtual panel pops up in front of you:

[Special items are detected, do you want to analyze them?]

(end of this chapter)