Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 242: three keys


Lin Tuo had many thoughts in his mind, and this scene turned into contemplation or melancholy in the eyes of the two of them.

Although the two knew that Lin Tuo's identity was mysterious, they were limited by the environment in which they grew up. For the Moon Clan, a figure exceeding 100 million is already an astronomical figure. After all, their total population is just that much...

After a while, Lin Tuo spoke again and said, "Continue."

"Ah," Qing Kong was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and said, "In view of this, we have no choice but to give up this repair plan. As for other plans, we have no idea yet."

Speaking of this, he was a little ashamed, but found that Lin Tuo didn't seem disappointed. After a pause, he continued:

"Apart from that, our biggest achievement is that we have deciphered the three areas mentioned above and obtained the control authority of this artifact."

"Oh?" Lin Tuo became interested.

Sessie clicked on the composition in the light curtain, and three independent pictures similar to spell models appeared immediately. She explained:

"Although it is a product of mysterious alchemy, its basic structure is very clear.

Fortunately, there are no protective measures in its three areas, so we easily reverse-analyzed it and figured out its control logic.

For this purpose, three 'keys' are specially equipped. "

As she spoke, her tone became a little lighter, and she said in turn:

"For the energy supply area, we obtained its opening and closing ability. After mastering the corresponding code, we can cut off or open its energy channel at any time."

"For the ability release area, the spiritual area cannot be touched, but on the release port, we have obtained screening authority.

That is to say, as long as the corresponding 'key' is in control, if it can run, the user can choose to allow or reject the command request... "

"Based on the prefix 'I make a wish', we speculate that the artifact's ability is most likely related to wishes...although it is hard to believe, but if it is true.

Then, you can use this key to respond to other people's wishes in a targeted manner. "

Speaking of which, she paused a little.

Seeing that Lin Tuo's expression didn't change, he continued:

"As for the final information receiving area, we have the right to modify it.

To put it simply, the original default activation password for this artifact is "I make a wish + specific content", the language here is vague, that is, theoretically, any language can be used to make a wish, as long as there is such an action.

Now, the activation password can be modified with the corresponding key. "

Lin Tuo asked with interest, "For example?"

Said Said:

"For example, we can limit the password to the common language of the Moon Clan.

In this way, it is only useful to make a wish in the common language, and other dialects are not recognized.

Or, you can modify the specific password prefix, such as replacing 'I wish' with 'I pray'... This is also modifiable. "

Is it okay

Lin Tuo was a little surprised.

Not only amazed by this kind of operation, but also moved by the thinking of the Moon Clan people.

It can be seen that the Moon Clan people always regard the prayer candle as a "machine" or a "computer".

External input instructions—energy consumption—give corresponding feedback


Whether it is Lin Tuo, the refiner of the Tianyuan Continent, or the mage scholars of the North and South Continents, extraordinary people lack this kind of clear disassembly thinking.

It can only be said that this is the advantage of alchemy technology tree civilization.

"It seems that I made the right choice to send it here." Lin Tuo said with deep emotion.

Both Sesai and Qing Kong looked respectful, and said with wry smiles:

"Students don't have the ability to restore success, as long as the teacher doesn't blame him."

"Where is it?" Lin Tuo exclaimed, "Your current alchemy level has already surpassed mine."

"Teacher, these eight hundred years... you..." Qing Kong hesitated for a while, and finally asked.

In fact, what he wanted to ask more was what the planet above his head looked like.

Lin Tuo saw his thoughts at a glance, smiled, and with a thought, a dusty prayer candle flew into his hand:

"Many things are not convenient to say now, but maybe you will know soon."

"Could it be a disaster..." Sesai's expression changed.

She still remembered the set of rhetoric that Lin Tuo left behind when he left eight hundred years ago.

Lin Tuo smiled:

"Don't worry, everything is still going well, but in the future, maybe we will have more opportunities to communicate."

"You mean..."

"Do you want to visit the planet above your head?" Lin Tuo asked, then looked at the surprised and bewildered expressions of the two, and smiled, "Not so soon, but there will be a chance, don't worry, absolutely not It's been eight hundred years."

He doubted whether he could live for eight hundred years... After all, the inhuman powerhouses in the Tianyuan Continent only lived for a few hundred years...

Without further discussion, Lin Tuo asked about the details again, wrote down the "three keys", made an empty promise by the way, and left the royal court of the Moon Clan.

away from the mountain.

When Lin Tuo came out of the courtyard, he happened to see Huaxi walking out of the star gate with Hathaway in his arms. The former was eating a bunch of grapes slowly.

Hathaway sat on the ball with her back facing Huaxi, as if she was angry, but secretly swallowed her saliva.

Seeing Lin Tuo coming out, Hathaway regained her spirits, ran out, and came over, shouting:

"Lin Tuo! Lin Tuo! I want to report!"

"?" Lin Tuo was a little confused, not knowing what she was doing.

Hathaway flew in the air, pointed at Huaxi who was eating grapes, and said righteously:

"She took bribes! I went to Tianyuan Continent with her just now. I met an old man who came with a construction team. There were many people there, and I gave her grapes to eat.

Let me tell you, seeing the big from the small, maybe she secretly took kickbacks from the project, so I will report it! "

Lin Tuo was stunned, he didn't understand, and immediately saw Huaxi walking over, with a sullen face, he explained:

"It's Wang Yu from Qintian Taoist Academy, Dean Wang, who arrived at Lishan Sword Sect with all the court workers, and has already settled down, ready to start building the mountain gate.

I also brought some Lingzhi grapes, teacher, you can try it. "

"It came so soon?" Lin Tuo was surprised, took the grapes and ate a few, his eyes lit up, "Yes, although the ether content is weak, it is not as good as Body Tempering Pill, but the taste is interesting.

Next time I will ask if there are any seeds, get some, and try to plant them on our mountain. "



Hathaway was floating alone in mid-air, and she was dumbfounded to see the two happily chatting and eating.

Swallowing, he suddenly conjured up a large plate of grapes with magic, stuffed them into his mouth, and said vaguely:

"If you eat, you will know how to eat. I have too, more than you!"

Huaxi rolled his eyes, and added:

"You have no sense of taste. Is it interesting to deceive yourself?"

"My pleasure!"

Lin Tuo looked at Lehe from the side, and after dividing up the Lingzhi grapes, he raised his hand to hold Hathaway in his hand, and said with a smile:

"Okay, come here and do something for me, maybe you can eat like a human later."

Hathaway chewed the transformed, tasteless grapes, and felt that these words were a bit strange:


Lin Tuo smiled and said:

"Help me organize an event on the Lingwang."

(end of this chapter)