Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 246: Fantasy Night


In the dark void, the light was so eye-catching. At this moment, Lin Tuo confirmed the authenticity of the one-eyed giant's words.

It was indeed the same as the "stars" he had witnessed when he broke through.

In the next second, the light group seemed a little overwhelmed by the huge requests that kept pouring in.

Some stunned, some collapsed.

The bright light froze for a moment, showing signs of going out again.

Lin Tuo was dumbfounded for a moment, thinking that it might be caused by the huge amount of data... Then it would be over. Fortunately, after a moment of dullness, Guangtuanfu started to operate normally again.

"Scared me." Immediately, Lin Tuo, who was relieved, was surprised to find that there were lines of new requests coming from the light group.

Not a wish request, but a spellcasting request.

It's a little fantasy to say, but at this moment, Lin Tuo really felt as if he was wandering in a torrent of information.

As far as the thoughts go, you can read the specific content of the more than one billion wishes at will.

And you can choose to "agree" or "deny" it.

"I can choose any wish I want to fulfill." Lin Tuo suddenly came to his senses, and then he discovered another interesting thing.

That is, the information on the side is also different.

Some are bright and some are dark.

As soon as the thought came to him, he realized in an instant that bright wishes can be satisfied, but dark ones cannot be satisfied...

"Sure enough, prayer candles can't satisfy all wishes. They follow a set of rules inside." Lin Tuo was not surprised.

He had expected this earlier.

The logic is also very simple. If this artifact really has no restrictions on the types of wishes, then there is no need to escape when Hathaway and other extraordinary people hunted it down.

It's perfectly possible to manipulate people into wishing "immediate death for all pursuers"...or something like that.

Even more directly, if you promise that "your abilities will not be restricted in any way", isn't it invincible

But in fact, it is still being chased around.

In the end, he was forcibly silenced by Lin Tuo's "big silence" and collapsed... All this shows that not every wish can be realized.

It's just that Lin Tuo still doesn't know how the judgment mechanism is.

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo first touched his consciousness to those "gray" and "unsatisfiable" wishes, and tried to read the content randomly:

"I want to have endless wealth."

"I want to be the most powerful man on earth."

"I want endless life, eternal youth."

"I want the ability to make a wish and be granted at any time."

Lin Tuo's mind was immersed in the dark torrent, and wishes flowed before his eyes.

A considerable number of them are repeated.

After flipping through for a while, Lin Tuo found that most of the wishes were big and vain, and some of them were more detailed, but they were also classified as unsatisfiable.

Withdrawing his gaze, he immersed his consciousness in the torrent of wishes that could be satisfied:

"I want a new car."

"I want a million dollars to settle the debt."

"I want to be young and beautiful."

"I want to get rid of the disease and get healthy."

Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows, and found that this part of the wish was specific and subtle, varied, and generally more practical, most of which were related to material and human states.

"Is it really limited by the rules?"

Lin Tuo tried to summarize the rules, but couldn't find a clear result for a while.

"Do you want to try casting a spell? See the effect?"

Lin Tuo changed his mind and decided to pass these wishes and take a concrete test.

So, he began to pick and choose, first to remove some of the dark side of human nature in the wishes... There are quite a few such wishes, such as wishing for the death of a specific person, such as forcibly occupying the opposite sex, such as covering up the traces of crime...

All kinds of things are amazing.

Immediately, he removed some wishes that might cause social harm... Even if these requests did not reveal obvious malice and could only exist for one night, they could still cause harm.

Finally, he set his sights on the remaining relatively innocuous wishes and tried to "yes" to them.

When he operated, the broken pattern on the bottom of the candlestick lighted up slightly. Lin Tuo was surprised to find that the prayer candle seemed to be trying to absorb ether from the spirit world in some unknown way for consumption.

It's just that it's probably limited to the degree of damage, or the needs of desires. It's far less than the original gulp and pour, but a little bit of trickle.

Immediately, in the quiet study room, on the exquisite and simple candlestick, the candle flame began to shake again and again.

Every time it trembled, a faint halo spread out, covering the entire sand table.

Huaguo, it's already late at night.

In an old residential building, most of the windows are dark, and only a few are still lit.

In a dark window, a middle-aged woman had just put her baby to sleep, walked out tiredly, glanced at her husband who was snoring loudly in the bedroom, walked numbly from the narrow aisle to the kitchen, and began to prepare the ingredients for tomorrow's breakfast...

The house is small, there is no living room, and the kitchen is crowded and messy. Part of the old wall skin is peeling off, and there are traces of water seepage. On the leather-covered stove, there are sundries. Has a nasty oily smell.

The woman pressed her forehead with the back of her hand, sighed softly, and then skillfully and numbly began to clean and tidy up, with careful and slight movements.

The door and the walls are too thin, and the sound is loud even at night. After a while, she finally cleaned it up. She looked out at the old wooden frame and some dirty balcony windows, and her vision was pitch black. A strong loneliness poured into my heart.

She wiped her hands, picked up her phone to check the time, then clicked on the group chat, flipping through the messages that she didn't have time to read.

After a while, she saw someone talking about the topic of making a wish in the spirit net, her expression changed, and then she had a sudden impulse, put down the phone, folded her hands together, closed her eyes, and said in a low and hoarse voice, as if feeling emotion:

"Mysterious spirit, listen to me: I want a new house, bigger, with a living room, a clean kitchen, and a dishwasher..."

Her voice was very low, and there was no piousness in her tone. It was not so much a dream as a broken thought.

However, in the next second, a halo that ordinary people could not detect spread from the sky, rolling over the old buildings.

The woman opened her eyes, then smiled self-deprecatingly, yawned, and was about to go to sleep.

But then, she suddenly heard a slight noise, her eyes blurred, and her feet swayed slightly.

She hurriedly tried to support the wall, but was surprised to find that the whole room was undergoing earth-shaking changes!

The narrow space is stretched open and becomes spacious and bright, the old wall coverings are replaced with exquisite and bright wallpapers, and the leather floor under the feet is transformed into mahogany with soft luster...

Looking back, the originally narrow kitchen has become neat and orderly, with everything neatly placed, and a huge dishwasher occupies the entire field of vision.

"Ah." She exclaimed.

The husband and children in the room were also woken up, and looked blankly at the unfamiliar environment around them, their eyes full of dullness.

The night was dark.

Somewhere in another city, a young blind man stood up carefully, fumbled with his slippers, and walked to the bathroom skillfully like an ordinary person.

After a while, he returned and carefully climbed into the bed, but he couldn't fall asleep anyway. He picked up the phone, turned it on, and poked it amidst the fast-paced mechanical sound, entered the chat software, and began to "listen" to the chat records.

The voice was too fast for ordinary people to understand, but he still felt it was too slow, and whenever he read a picture in the group chat, there would be an annoying "unrecognizable" voice.

Finally, he heard a discussion about wishes. People in the group were asking each other whether they were fulfilled, but the results were without exception, and none of the wishes they made received feedback.

Some people are calm, some are lost, and some people question the authenticity of the spiritual network activities...

After listening for a while, he tapped the screen, paused the reading, and then stared blankly for a while, then opened his mouth softly and said without hope:

"Mysterious spirit, listen to my words: I wish to see this world with my own eyes, just a glance."

After finishing speaking, the room was still calm without any changes. He sighed, put his phone aside, closed his eyes, and retracted to go to sleep, but was suddenly startled by the sound outside the window.

He subconsciously turned his head to "look" past, and then his eyes were stabbed with pain by a beam of light swept by a passing car outside the window.

He groaned, turned his head away, then suddenly froze, jumped up like a spring, opened his eyes wide regardless of the discomfort in his eyes, stared at the window under the moonlight, and was completely stunned.

After a few seconds, he suddenly yelled loudly, causing the elderly parents at home to wake up from their deep sleep, and opened the door in a panic, only to see the young man in the room staring over with tears in his eyes:

"I... I saw it!"

the other side of the earth.

It was just getting dark, the curly-haired boy Rory hurriedly ate dinner, and ran back to the bedroom amidst the sighs of his parents. Then, looking at the time in his home country that had reached the required time, he reluctantly took out a notebook from his schoolbag.

Lying on the bed, flipping through the pages, filled with all kinds of wishes, he cleared his throat and said:

"Mysterious spirit, listen to my words: I want a robot to help me with my homework."

"Mysterious spirit, listen to my words: I want a car that can transform."

"Mysterious spirit, hear my words: I will..."

After reading a few pages, there was a knock on the door, and then it was pushed open, revealing the mother's helpless face: "Rory..."

"Mom, I'm busy, please don't disturb me?"

The mother took a deep breath, supported her forehead, withdrew helplessly, and said solemnly to her husband at the dining table:

"Your son is crazy."

The husband coughed, subconsciously pressed the long wish list folded in his pocket, and agreed:

"I think so too."

As they spoke, the couple heard Rory's muffled voice coming from the door:

"Mysterious spirit... I want a sister who is so cute that it will explode."

In the next second, an invisible halo passed by, and a baby-faced girl suddenly appeared on the empty chair by the dining table.

Very small, wearing a princess dress, the moment she appeared, she glanced at the bewildered man opposite, and said with a sweet smile:


Turning his head, he looked at the woman who looked like a wood carving again: "Mom."

After a brief silence, the woman suddenly hugged her head, violently pulled her long chestnut hair, screamed, turned and kicked Rory's door open, and shouted loudly:

"Rory! Look what you did?!"

away from the mountain.

In the quiet room, the candle in Lin Tuo's hand continuously swayed circle after circle of light.

Absorb the ether from the spirit world, and fulfill one wish after another in a mysterious way.

(end of this chapter)