Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 250: A broken worldview


The gate of the world is about to open.

Although I don't know the details, at this moment, Mount Sinai still felt some kind of pressure from Lin Tuo's serious expression.

He wanted to ask, but he didn't know what to think of, so he didn't ask more, but nodded, and said quickly:

"I'll start making arrangements immediately. As for the specific contact information..."

Lin Tuo smiled and said, "I've always heard that you guys are used to holding meetings in virtual space, so I'll try it this time."

"Okay." Mount Sinai nodded, and immediately arranged for Lin Tuo to rest in a lounge, and then used the magic net to organize the meeting.

About ten minutes later, the latter returned and said:

"The conference room has been set up and can be held at any time."

So fast? Lin Tuo was a little surprised while eating his snacks. Hearing this, he got up and said, "Then let's start."

"this way please."

With that said, the two quickly entered a separate room.

There are several seat-type brain computers inside, which remind Lin Tuo of the one he experienced in the shelter era, but it is more simple.

"This kind of meeting requires a higher level of encryption, so ordinary head-mounted brain computers are generally not used." Mount Sinai explained, and then demonstrated the next operation.

Lin Tuo nodded to express his understanding, and took the lead to sit in and switch on the instrument, while Mount Sinai next to him also sat down.

[Welcome to the virtual network, connecting to the virtual conference room... Connection succeeded]

A voice sounded in his mind, and Lin Tuo suddenly found that there was an extra door in front of him.

Raising your hand and pushing open the door, a bright and solemn meeting room hall appeared.

The oval conference table was full of people, only the top one was empty.

At a glance, there are as many as twenty or thirty people, each of whom is a high-level human being in the current world.

Lin Tuo looked over and recognized several party leaders. He saw Qiu, the president of the Starry Sky Academy, Trudeau, the general of the Northern Continent Garrison, and Mount Sinai who had just taken his position.

Wearing formal clothes or uniforms, the atmosphere is solemn and solemn. In comparison, Lin Tuo in ordinary clothes seems to be in the wrong place.

"Wow..." Seeing him walk in, all the people got up and saluted one after another, "Honorable Envoy."

"You don't need to be too polite." Lin Tuo smiled lightly, and slowly sat down in the only vacant chair. Looking at the high-level people next to him, an untimely thought suddenly popped up in his mind:

'Feels like some sort of secret religious gathering...'

Throwing away this thought, Lin Tuo opened his mouth and said after everyone sat down:

"To call everyone here today, I think you are also curious."

A party leader said:

"Secretary Mount Sinai says this meeting is about 'gateway to the world.'"

"That's right," Lin Tuo nodded, looked at the bewildered expressions of a group of people, and said with a smile:

"I know you don't know the meaning of these four words, don't worry.

That's why I called the meeting today. Before I get into specifics, I want to ask you a question. What does the world look like to you? "


Hearing this question, everyone in the conference hall was a little stunned and looked at each other, but no one spoke first.

After more than ten seconds, the white-haired Dean Qiu, wearing a robe painted with stars, spoke slowly:

"Let me answer this question. After all, Star Academy was originally derived from the church. Regarding the original appearance of the world, the cognition of the world has undergone many changes in history...

Roughly speaking, looking back at the existing historical materials, we can know that the northern and southern continents had a common name earlier, that is: New World... "

"Legends say that our ancestors originally lived in the distant 'Old World'. Due to natural disasters, the population dropped sharply and civilization was cut off. They were rescued by the gods and came to this new world to multiply.

Including the cultivation methods that have been passed down to the present, they are also related to the gods. Of course, this part of the historical data has been blurred, and it is closer to mythology. There may be many mistakes in it... "

"And then, there is the Middle Ages when the northern and southern continents evolved separately.

Then there was the great voyage, the first time humans knew the existence of the 'boundary', and then the north took the lead in industrialization, and here we can say that we have some basic understanding of the world...

Even derived some theories.

Among them, the more classic one, and the mainstream view that has been passed down to the present day, holds that the universe is perfectly round, surrounded by a dark boundary that is harder than steel.

The earth and rivers are the lower half of the universe, the sky is the upper half, and human beings are in between... The stars, the sun and the moon are the inherent cycle of the universe... "

Having said that, Dean Qiu paused, glanced at the calm Lin Tuo, and said:

"However, there is another saying, which is also hidden in religious books. The legend is that in the pre-shelter era, our ancestors learned from the observers that the world is not unique, and the eyes of the gods will not stay in one world for a long time...

This statement is also consistent with the ancient legends. After all, in the pre-shelter era, we have already explored the entire world, and have not found the existence of the 'Old Continent'...

Therefore, our scholars boldly guess that there are many universes like ours, which may not be bordered by each other, or may be connected to each other to form a loose or tight 'cosmic collection'...

This is probably the mainstream, understanding of the world. "

The rest of the people also nodded, and Lin Tuo was not too surprised. In fact, these statements had already been written in the textbooks of the Southern Continent School, and he had read them before.

For this group of people who have never left the isolation enclosure, it is not surprising to make similar conjectures, but he came here today to destroy this understanding.

So, I heard him say lightly:

"It's very good, but unfortunately, this understanding is completely wrong."

There was a silence in the conference hall. Although everyone present had already been mentally prepared, they were still shocked when they really heard these words.

In the silence, some people even vaguely realized that their original "world view" today may face collapse.

"My lord, what does the real world look like?"

Dean Qiu suddenly asked in a hoarse voice, trying his best to suppress the possible gaffe.

As the leader of Starry Sky Academy, he paid more attention to these things than anyone else present.

Moreover, as a scholar, seeking the truth of the world and the source of power is the driving force behind his lifelong practice.

It's just that time has passed, and generations of scholars have changed. Many years have passed, and the poor people today's understanding of the world they live in has not improved at all compared to the ancients.

But today, when Lin Tuo casually said the phrase "totally wrong", Dean Qiu suddenly realized that perhaps, the "truth" that he and many scholars in history had painstakingly pursued was about to be exposed before his eyes.

How can this keep him from getting excited

On the opposite side, Lin Tuo was stared at by one after another, with the same expression as usual, and said lightly:

"As I said back then, the eyes of the gods will not stay in one world for a long time, and your ancestors did migrate from another world.

However, the real world is not what you imagined, but... like this. "

As he spoke, Lin Tuo raised his hand and threw a spell that had been made long ago and imprinted with the photoshoot technique on the conference table.

With a snap, strands of beams of light intertwined and condensed in the air to form a blurry river of stars.

"This is..." Dean Qiu said in astonishment when he saw this scene, "This is... the night sky above our heads?"

He was a little confused and puzzled. For a person who had no concept of galaxies at all, the scene in front of him was obviously incomprehensible.

Lin Tuo was not surprised either, and said sternly:

"Next, what I'm going to say may overturn your old cognition. To make it easier for you to understand, I will also use words that you are familiar with in my description, but their meanings will also change."

After finishing speaking, seeing everyone nodded nervously, Lin Tuo smiled in satisfaction, coughed, and said:

"Very well, now let's start with the universe..."

In the world built by the virtual network, no one knows that there is a "meeting room" with extremely high confidentiality in a corner.

What's more, in this conference room, a brand new "world view", a "world cognition" that no one present had ever heard before, was being narrated by Lin Tuo in a flat tone.

Through the star gate, gradually bringing different worlds, especially the earth, into contact with the sandbox is one of Lin Tuo's early strategies.

However, the original plan was to implement it later, but the appearance of the imperial people made him have to step up his pace.

If the other party really has malicious intentions, it is hard to say what will happen in the future. Lin Tuo found out when he went to work that a very common problem in some large companies is "coordination of various departments".

The bigger the organization, the more internal hills. It’s not bad to be separated from each other. It’s terrible to dig holes for each other. Sometimes the troubles of various departments are more rigid than other companies...

Therefore, there must be a strong figure in the middle to coordinate.

Lin Tuo feels that there are hidden dangers in several sandboxes and the earth. Once a war really breaks out in the future, different worlds lack understanding, and coordination will be very troublesome.

Moreover, the exchanges between different civilizations will have their own promotions. For example, the magic net technology of the second world is completely different from the science and industry of the earth.

Opening the stargate this time is an attempt, but it will also bring new problems. For example, people on earth can learn a little about the situation here through the short video of the spiritual network.

But the sandbox knows nothing about Earth.

Instead of waiting for the two parties to encounter problems, it is better for Lin Tuo to set the tone first, and the most important thing is to understand the "world".

Of course... there must be some "artistic processing" going on here.

When Lin Tuo finally finished his narration, the entire meeting room was completely silent.

All the people present, whether they were high-level members of the various parties in the committee, or high-ranking extraordinary people such as Dean Qiu and General Truu, were all shocked by the worldview described by Lin Tuo.

According to Lin Tuo, the real universe is made up of countless planets, and there is no end to see. Even the gods cannot fully control it.

What they are in is just a separate part of one of the planets.

What is unbreakable and stronger than steel is not the "cosmic boundary" but an existence called "boundary wall".

After a long silence, Dean Qiu spoke first:

"So, you are saying that the north and south continents we are in are just isolated regions?"

Above, Lin Tuo nodded and said:

"It can be understood in this way, but to correct a word, it is not 'isolation', but 'protection'."

Thanks to the book friends: the second male who loves to read novels, 2020... 1803, 2018... 3045, oh my god, I'm so handsome, Yeyue's Tomorrow, Fifty-one Stones, Countdown to Winter, Wind and Rain, Bread84, Huang Yao who is fully enlightened , I am a male mother, 2020... 6212, Weiyue Huting, the proud boy, the starry sky catastrophe, the dream of eternal night, the funny people on the funny mountain, looking at you quickly, Yeao, Naiwohe, Youxiang sama, Shanhe Yiqiu, Bana forgetting each other, reading silly reading, 2017... 5996, autumn language, meow meow is a mouse, looking for a thousand autumn, 2020... 3640, Mengrong Pziak, data erasure 404, liang1990, wanderer Ooh, Little Cabbage Head, 2020... 8807, Sui Sui Ye Ye, and Aisaka Dahe reward support.

(end of this chapter)