Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 251: Global gathering



Hearing this word, everyone present was a little confused. Seeing this, Lin Tuo immediately explained:

"This is not only the protection of the people inside the boundary wall, that is, the worlds including you, but also the protection of the planets outside the boundary wall."

"As I said just now, the time inside and outside the boundary wall is not the same.

In fact, you can understand it as two different time and space.

When you were weak, if you opened the boundary wall, the external civilization would surpass you in all directions. Everyone here should be able to imagine the result. "

Members of the committee nodded one after another. Once a weak civilization encounters a strong civilization, it will inevitably encounter oppression, even slaughter, and plunder. This is common in any world.

In history alone, the Northern Continent once suppressed the Southern Continent.

According to Lin Tuo, the civilization of the outside world is generally similar to theirs now, so if they open up earlier, they must suffer.

"Conversely, in the development of civilization, various crises originating from the spiritual world will also be encountered, such as the disaster of strange things, or the spirit world life that was hunted and killed recently.

If there is no boundary wall, once a crisis occurs, it will be a huge risk to the outside world. "

After a pause, Lin Tuo said:

"In fact, during the disaster of strange things, the boundary wall was briefly shaken. Fortunately, it was resolved in time, otherwise not only here, but also the entire earth outside may be threatened."

After the words fell, everyone was a little stunned. The logic was very clear and easy to understand. Dean Qiu, who was wearing a robe, tried to conclude:

"I sort of get it.

So, what you mean is that the gods rule a part of the universe and tried to create life on our planet a long time ago, which is now, the civilization of the earth outside the boundary wall... "

"Then, the gods began to use boundary walls to separate the domains of the gods from the earth, re-evolving our ancestors.

In the end, due to an accident, the original God's Domain was damaged, so it was transferred here, and we were here again. The existence of the boundary wall is to protect both inside and outside. is that so? "

In the narration just now, Lin Tuo "artistically processed" the sandbox into God's Domain.

Lin Tuo said: "It can be roughly understood in this way."

Beside, Mount Sinai, who has always been silent, suddenly said:

"But, why? Why did the gods separate the domain of the gods? After all, according to your statement, the earth is not empty, and there should be no need for new life to fill it."

yeah, why

At this time, the congressmen present all looked at him one after another, and this was what puzzled them too.

Different from the earth, the north and south continents have had the shadow of gods since the beginning, not to mention that the angel Lin Tuo will come every few hundred years... So, in their concept, gods really exist.

Therefore, they subconsciously speculate on the intention of the gods in such a move.

Since there is already a lot of life on the earth, why recreate it

Lin Tuo knew in his heart that you would ask, with a mysterious smile on his face:

"If you ask why the gods created life, you have to be honest. I also don't know. As for why the gods separated the gods and created the worlds on the basis of the original life, I can only say that this may have something to do with the battle of the gods."

God war!

Hearing this word, the expressions of everyone present changed subtly, especially Dean Qiu.

In the classics of the church back then, it was recorded that during the disaster of strange things, the strong man of the year had learned some secrets from the mouth of the observing angel, and guessed that the disaster of strange things might involve a war between gods and spirits.

But that was just speculation, but I never thought that I heard this word again today.

"You mean..." Dean Qiu's voice was hoarse.

Lin Tuo shook his head, sighed lightly, and said:

"I don't know much about this matter. As I said just now, the real universe is boundless, and even God cannot rule over everything... Besides, this is not what you and I need to consider now."

In the seat, the current Supreme Committee member tentatively said:

"Then the gate of the world you mentioned earlier..."

Lin Tuo smiled and said: "You should have guessed it, yes, the existence of the boundary wall itself is for protection, but now, you don't really need this.

But in view of the many problems that may be caused by hastily lifting the boundary wall... so it's not good to be too rash.

This time, I came here by the oracle, and I am responsible for opening the portal between the two worlds, helping you understand each other, and finally achieve integration...

Of course, whether or not the boundary wall will be lifted, or when it will be lifted, is beyond my knowledge, and I am only acting according to the oracle. "

In the meeting hall, the committee members looked at each other, and they could see each other's uneasiness, as well as the relief in their eyes...

The development of the Southern Continent is fairly prosperous now, but the Northern Continent is still in development and has not yet been recovered. If the boundary wall is opened at this time, the situation will become extremely complicated.

After all, as far as the outside world is concerned, I am an "outsider". I am afraid that even if there are observers and mediation adjustments, problems will occur.

Some scholars may be eager to go out and take a look at the bigger world, but as officials responsible for the national economy and people's livelihood of the entire mainland, they are more worried.

At this moment, it is known that it will not be opened immediately, but the channel will be opened for contact. This is undoubtedly a more acceptable solution.

"Since it is an oracle, we must obey it. It's just that we don't know what to do," the member hesitated. "Also, what do the outside world think of us? Have you made any arrangements?"

Lin Tuo was silent for a while, and then said:

"The external situation is rather special, and may not be the same as you imagined."

"Oh?" Mount Sinai looked puzzled.

Lin Tuo sighed:

"It's hard to explain the specific situation in a few words. I can only say that not long ago, the outside world was still a world without magic. They didn't even know the existence of gods, let alone me.

Therefore, in this communication, please don’t reveal my existence, and don’t reveal the existence of the gods, wait until the time is right, and then make it public. "

"This..." Everyone present was a little surprised, and then saw the "angel" sigh deeply, and then "mocked himself":

"Some things are not convenient to disclose, well, this is also a kind of 'protection'."

Seeing him stop talking, no one dared to ask.

The two sides finalized some details, including the location of another star gate, etc. Lin Tuo needed to do it himself. At the end, he shook his head and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect to be busy with this after solving the life in the spirit world. It seems that I will have to come here often in the next few days. Well, that's it for today. The specific arrangement will be notified through the magic net."

Everyone got up one after another, seeing that he was about to leave, Dean Qiu suddenly said:

"I still have a question, will other gods like ours be connected to the outside world?"

Lin Tuo glanced at the curious scholar:

"Of course. I have a hunch that maybe it won't be long before the worlds will meet each other."

After finishing speaking, he took the initiative to close the connection, and his figure disappeared into the conference room, leaving only these committee members looking at each other. Suddenly, whoever was the first to let out a long sigh, and then everyone went offline one by one.

The impact of today's conversation is too great, and everyone needs time to digest it.

On the other side, Lin Tuo, who had ended his fooling around, also left Four Seasons City, took back his avatar, and returned his consciousness to his main body.

Li Shan, in the study, waited for Lin Tuo to withdraw his hand from the sand table, then he let out a sigh of relief, turned his head and opened a bottle of water to drink.

Looking at the time, it was already eleven o'clock.

"I've had a meeting for more than two hours?" Lin Tuo clicked his tongue.

After thinking about it again, I confirmed that my rhetoric was okay. The two worlds are interconnected, and many things cannot be hidden. I must come up with a set of words that can be justified in advance...

The sayings about God's Domain and God's War are also paving the way for the empire.

Of course he can blow up the non-existent "God" as the Lord of Myriad Worlds, but when the imperial people come, it will be easy to be exposed - the world is yours, where did this enemy come from? There has to be a saying that isn't...

"Besides, I didn't lie to them. The earth was indeed made in a sandbox of evolution...just a little bit processed." After a few words of self-justification, Lin Tuo turned on the computer again and began to search the situation on the Internet.

In just a few hours, the hot topic has become the Pacific black box.

There are also many people who have come up with various versions of conspiracy theories, combining wishing and star gates, analyzing possible mysterious connections, guessing the true intentions of the "behind the scenes", long-winded, and various brain supplements.

Among them, the most widely circulated post synthesized all the abnormalities in the past few months in one breath, connected them together with a set of logic that seemed rigorous but was actually nonsense, and finally came to the conclusion that all of them were "the master of the spirit network" The precise calculations, different events intertwined with each other, together formed a shocking conspiracy... Lin Tuo watched in admiration:

"I didn't even know I was doing nothing!"

Feeling emotional, Lin Tuo silently liked this post and replied, "The landlord is a great talent".

Of course, it’s not all gossip, but some useful news:

"It is said that the nearest Australian government has sent personnel to go there, and other countries are also organizing personnel. This time there is a lot of movement, and countries seem to be rushing for time." A well-informed source said.

"It feels a bit wrong. Aren't there observers stationed in various countries? Why are you reorganizing the team?"

After the initial uproar, many people calmed down and sensed that something was wrong.

Then, a screenshot from the external network was suddenly spread wildly.

The general idea is that a well-known person broke the news, saying that this is not the first time that a similar energy portal has appeared in the Huaguo Oasis two months ago, but the news has been hidden.

He also pointed out that some warriors from Huaguo successfully entered it and brought back important information.

As soon as this screenshot was circulated, public opinion exploded, and the whole country was stunned.

No one knew if it was true or not. It wasn't until the whole afternoon that the official media didn't make a sound, that people realized something later and understood something, thinking that if they didn't deny the high probability, it was true.

This made people more and more curious, and at night, a new news came out, which attracted everyone's attention.

The self-cultivation gymnasiums around the world have issued internal announcements, saying that they will organize a team of modern warriors to go to the high seas of the Pacific Ocean, and register warriors to sign up voluntarily.

As soon as the news came out, public opinion exploded.

Although he didn't directly admit it, but combined with the previous revelations, it clearly shows that the country does know something, and it also confirms the statement that only practitioners can enter the mysterious portal.

Immediately afterwards, all major countries in the world, without exception, began to organize warrior teams from within the country and dispatch ships to the Pacific Ocean, as long as they had the ability to intervene.

Suddenly, the entire international situation seemed to be in chaos, and new news came out almost every day.

At first, people were worried about being preempted by other countries, but soon, people discovered that the huge gate-like passage seemed to have no sign of opening, and neither ordinary people nor practitioners could enter. Everyone was stopped outside.

But this did not discourage people in the slightest.

In the next few days, there are still new teams rushing to the Pacific Ocean. Lin Tuo is not in a hurry to open it, but waits patiently for the arrival of various countries...

The last time the stargate was placed in the oasis, it can be said that it deliberately gave opportunities to the country, but this time it is different. If you want to leverage the global potential, it is not a good idea to stay confined to the country.

In Lin Tuo's view, in the face of possible threats, all human beings are one, which is why the star gate was chosen to be placed in the Pacific Ocean.

Everyone can come, and how much benefit you can get depends on your own ability.

Therefore, he is also consciously leaving time for the countries, as well as the northern and southern continents to react and prepare.

In the blink of an eye, four days passed, and the time came to February 11.

Lin Tuo finally felt that the time was almost up.

(end of this chapter)