Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 255: captive camp


within the encirclement.

Warriors from various countries can't understand the words of the "outsider" people, but combined with the actions of the other party, they can probably guess.

Therefore, when each wand was aimed downward, they instinctively hid towards the buildings where they lived.

Then, everyone saw a scene that shocked them extremely.

The gorgeous magic light beams intertwined with each other, fell, and exploded on the ground, and the rainstorm of magic spells jointly deployed by the battle mages washed the ground...

Those magical beasts that made the earth warriors tired of dealing with them fled in fear, but they couldn't leave the encirclement network. Many of them were hit and killed by magic while they were still in the air.

The various magical attacks opened their eyes even more, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

And with the end of the first wave of spell coverage, combat superhumans wearing armor and holding weapons also rushed from all directions, and the inlaid runes on their bodies lit up, blessing themselves with many "states".

Sweeping like a torrent of steel, it collided with this monster group in an instant...

Then, there is a unilateral massacre.

Leihu itself is not a powerful monster, and what he encountered was a pioneering elite in perfect condition, who had no power to resist, and soon died.

Until the end of the battle, the grid covering the sky dissipated, and the warriors from all over the world hiding in the building hadn't recovered from their senses, and there was only horror in their eyes.

"Captain, what should we do?"

In the church, a warrior held a gun and looked at Lu Yan worriedly.

This scene was really unexpected. No one expected that in such an abandoned place, there would be a large group of troops suddenly rushing out... A well-organized team probably shows that there is indeed civilization in this world.

And when the other party arrives at this time, warriors from various countries are also in extremely complicated moods. Compared with dead civilizations, this is of course more valuable, but the problem is...

The opponent is too powerful!

Yes, at this moment, many warriors have such thoughts in their hearts. The extraordinary power displayed by the other party is too strong, and it can be said that it is not difficult to kill them.

And it is impossible to get the support of the earth's large forces here, if these "indigenous" kill them together... Thinking of this, many people's faces showed gloom.

"They're coming!" Suddenly, someone shouted.

As the battle ended, the sorcerers who were flying in mid-air fell down one after another.

The top of the one-person-high metal power staff in his hand released radiance, like street lamps walking one by one, illuminating the surrounding clearly, and the tall General Truu also came from afar.

The atmosphere was inexplicably tense. Some warriors raised their guns subconsciously and aimed at the pioneering army, but they did not dare to fire first. After all, the opponent's intentions were unknown.


Suddenly, they heard the tall man who seemed to be the leader utter a string of unfamiliar characters.

After a moment of silence, the other party seemed to frowned. A legionnaire next to him pointed at himself, then threw the weapon in his hand on the ground, and pointed at them again.

"Are they asking us to lay down our weapons?" Warriors from all over the world understood in seconds.

Comprehensible is understanding, but whether you agree or not is another matter. No one moved, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little stiff.

In the Chinese team.

Jiang Yishan suddenly glanced at Li Tai, then casually put his right hand into his pocket, grabbed the metal button, tried to cover it with aura, and asked deliberately:

"What should we do? This stalemate is not the answer."

This sentence seems to be asking for opinions from other team members, but it is actually asking Taihe for advice.

This time, even Shen Xining didn't speak first, but turned his attention to the team leader Lu Yan. The latter weighed it for a moment, sighed, and said:

"Do as they say, don't fight back."

At almost the same time, a vague response sounded in Jiang Yishan's mind: "Go."

This is... what it means for us to follow each other away

At this time, some other national teams have already dropped their weapons first.

The disparity in strength is too great, and there is no possibility of a confrontation at all.

Besides, they didn't come here to start a war. If there really are alien civilizations, the task of these teams is to find a way to "establish diplomatic relations" with the aliens...

So, soon, standard swords and guns were thrown out.

Li Tai saw that some teams kept the pistols and grenades on purpose, probably because they didn't know people from other worlds, but they were soon forcibly pulled out by the soldiers of the pioneering army...

So, about ten minutes later, the team of up to a hundred people on Earth became glorious prisoners, and was "driven" by the pioneers to walk out of the city.

However, what made the warriors feel a little more at ease was that the opponent did not impose shackles on them, nor did they attack in any form, but instead kept a certain distance.

Everyone also noticed that there were soldiers and mages, curiously picked up the weapons on the ground, looked at them, and chatted with each other without any hostility.

Warriors from various countries were also looking at this group of people, especially staring at those mages. After a while, they were "escorted" by the pioneers and walked out of the city.

Only Admiral Tru and a few confidantes remained in place. After a while, when the air twisted, Lin Tuo's figure in a cloak appeared. This silent and resolute high-ranking transcendent bowed his head and saluted:


"I said before, you don't need to call it that way." Lin Tuo smiled lightly, looked around with satisfaction, and said, "You did a good job."


"According to your instructions, we are sending those outsiders to the pioneer camp, what should we do next?"

Lin Tuo thought for a while and said:

"According to the teams they belong to, take care of them separately first, and arrange an identity for me later, let me handle it. After all, you don't know each other well. When you first meet, you should avoid friction."

"Yes." Tru breathed a sigh of relief quietly. It's okay to ask him to command the battle, but it involves communication with outsiders, which completely gives him a headache.

If the observer can handle it himself, he is naturally willing.

the other side.

The escort team also left the ruins at this moment, headed south against the darkness.

The pioneer army had strict discipline. Although the soldiers and mages were curious, they still obeyed the orders and gave the warriors an environment to talk freely.

Just wrap them in the queue and move forward.

Even each team has assigned a mage, holding a power staff to illuminate.

"Where are they taking us?"

In the team, warriors from various countries have no weapons, and they have become more harmonious with each other, and they are not on guard against each other like before.

They were tense at first, but after confirming that these outsiders were not hostile, they began to chatter while walking.

"Who knows, but I guess they should go to their residence," an Asian warrior said in poor English:

"You can see that they obviously belong to the same organization, and they didn't bring any food with them, which means that they must be not far from the station."

"It makes sense," a European warrior said in the same broken English. "These people are more civilized than I thought."


"I originally thought that the aborigines here might be a group of barbarians, perhaps possessing extraordinary power, but they are like witches."

"Why do you think so? The city before is clearly similar to our Earth." Someone retorted.

The European warrior shook his head and said:

"But it was destroyed. If a civilization has gone through a catastrophe, isn't it normal for it to regress

Even turning into a monkey is not surprising to me.

Fortunately, these natives are better than monkeys, at least they didn't steal our food, haha... "

A companion in a team next to him suddenly pulled him away and reminded:

"Stop talking, the man next to you who looks like a magician is staring at you."

The European warrior was stunned for a moment, and sure enough, he found that the nearby mage holding a staff was staring at him with an inexplicable expression.

He was baffled, and then forced a smile:

"What are you afraid of? They can't understand what we are talking about, and they don't understand the language."

As he spoke, he deliberately looked at the battle mage, showing a bright smile:

"I said you are better than a monkey."

The next second, the eyes of the battle mage suddenly turned cold, and he spoke in English:

"I think your intelligence is not as good as that of a monkey."

The smile on the European martial artist's face froze instantly, and the surrounding group of martial artists also stood on the spot blankly, as if they had seen a ghost!

In the other team on the side, an island warrior also noticed the situation here, widened his eyes, opened his mouth, and suddenly glanced carefully at the fat battle mage next to his team.

Whisper and talk to your partner in Japanese:

"What's going on? These outsiders can speak English!?"

The chubby mage turned his head, grinned, and said in fluent Japanese: "こんにちは, お会いできて乔しいです. (Hello, nice to meet you)"

Island Warrior:? ? !

The warriors collapsed in an instant, this scene was too horrifying.

That feeling is like a group of people visiting the zoo, and suddenly the animals in the cage start talking... But combined with the reality, they may be more like animals...

brief disturbance.

Suddenly an officer next to him scolded them, so the mages closed their mouths again and stopped talking.

Now the martial artists from various countries did not dare to talk nonsense, and vaguely guessed that the other party might have learned their language by using some kind of "magic".

This is indeed the case. Almost all of the mages arranged here are proficient in "common language skills". When a group of people were chatting just now, they took the opportunity to learn spoken language.

"Be careful, everyone, don't talk nonsense."

Seeing this, Lu Yan exhorted, all the warriors of the Hua Kingdom looked at each other, but they really didn't talk much.

This silence was not relieved until several hours later, when the team entered another "city".

To be precise, it was a temporary barracks built on the back of an abandoned city. Most of the soldiers and logistics personnel of the Pioneering Legion were stationed here. Compared with the dark wilderness, it was illuminated like daylight.

When the crowd returned, the soldiers guarding the station immediately opened the door to greet them, while the earth warriors were "detained" in a temporarily cleaned-up building.

Each team has a room, and each room is arranged on both sides of a corridor. It seems that it should be remodeled from a certain hospital back then.

At this time, only some mages were allowed to speak, allowing everyone to rest here and wait for follow-up arrangements.

The Huaguo team had a large number of people, and the room they were assigned was also large. There were two big beds in it, and there were bedding on them. They were very clean, and they should be new.

"It seems that the situation is much better than I imagined," Lu Yan said with a wry smile. "The male warrior sleeps on one side, and the female warrior sleeps on the other. It's quite considerate."

In the room, the girl named "Jiang Man" ranked third in the Top 100 list, and the lively girl smacked her lips and said:

"It would be better if there are two rooms."

Leaning against the corner and wearing an "explosive head", Shen Xining, a genius in Shanghai, rolled his eyes:

"Why don't you ask someone to pull another fiber and install a router for you. Let's go to jail."

Jiang Man said angrily:

"I'm just talking, what kind of face do you show me?"

"Okay." Lu Yan had a helpless expression. What happened along the way was too magical. He, the leader, hadn't recovered yet. Watching a group of team members make a fuss was also a headache.

I am about to open my mouth to let everyone sit down and have a meeting to discuss the current situation or something.

Suddenly, everyone heard footsteps coming from the corridor, as if someone was approaching.

(end of this chapter)