Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 256: Indigenous big brother


Da da da... It wasn't gunshots, it was footsteps. While everyone was discussing, first there was the sound of the door opening in the empty corridor, and then there were small footsteps.

It seems that many people are coming from outside, and they are approaching here.

On both sides of the corridor, the warriors in each room stopped talking and looked at the door vigilantly.

The doors of the rooms here are all cut and made of pioneering military wood. There is no glass, and the outside situation cannot be seen clearly through the door panels.

"Who are they?" Lu Yan and the others fell silent in Huaguo Warrior's room. Someone spoke, but was suppressed by the team leader's raised hand. "There was a sound of opening the door. They seem to be contacting each team."

This can be judged from the sound.

Walk, pause, open the door, and then talk in different languages.

Hua Guo's room was in the corridor, so after a while, those footsteps approached and stopped at the door.

The next second, the door was pulled open.

Everyone saw two figures standing impressively outside the door:

One who was familiar was the battle mage who was in charge of guarding them along the way, and the other, who had an unfamiliar face and was dressed differently from ordinary soldiers, was quietly looking at them at this moment.

"Crackling." The man suddenly said something to the battle mage next to him, and the latter also replied in that strange language. Immediately, the man nodded and smiled at everyone in the room.

Raise your right hand and tap lightly, a faint halo blooms from your fingertips, spreads out, and envelops everyone.

The warriors were vigilant for a moment, and then they were surprised to find that there was a faint light on everyone's body, with different strengths and obvious aura fluctuations.

Among them, Jiang Yishan and Li Tai are the most shining.

"Is this... judging our strength?" Many warriors had a clear understanding.

The next scene also confirmed their judgment.

The eyes of the strange alien lit up, he pointed at Jiang and Li, tilted his head and muttered a few words, and the battle mage immediately translated in Chinese:

"Everyone, don't be nervous, the special envoy would like to ask these two to go out and have a chat."

special envoy

Everyone looked at each other, Lu Yan said:

"Hello, I am the person in charge of this team, um, or the captain."

He wasn't sure if the mage could accurately understand the meaning of "person in charge".

The mage's expression seemed a little confused. After thinking about it, he repeated:

"The special envoy only said that he hoped to invite these two people out for a chat."

This is... I'm not proficient in Chinese, I don't understand, or I don't like myself

Lu Yan opened his mouth, but it seems more logical that the captain is the strongest... Feeling lost for a moment, Lu Yan quickly made a decision, and said to Jiang and Li:

"Be careful and remember our purpose."

The two nodded, and then walked out the door suspiciously.

At this time, everyone also found out, not only they were found, but also people from other national teams in the corridor were selected and taken away separately.

When the door was closed again, a martial artist said a little depressed:

"How does it feel like interrogating criminals?"

Lu Yan immediately comforted:

"Don't think too much, the other party's intentions are obvious. First separate the teams, and then pick people out to talk. This way, multiple parties can collect information and confirm each other. It will be easier to understand our origins, which is a very reasonable operation."

"But... President Jiang and Director Li will be tortured..." Jiang Man's girlfriend shrank her neck and said.

Everyone was silent for a long time before someone said:

"Shouldn't it be?"

the other side.

Jiang Yishan and Li Tai were also worried. Although they knew that "Taihe" was hidden in the dark, they couldn't avoid the nervousness.

After all, the two of them don't know where Taihe is and what role it plays.

In particular, I don't know the purpose of this strange alien. If there is any danger, I am afraid that it will be too late to ask Taihe for help.

Feeling apprehensive, the two walked forward, and soon left the building and entered another nearby place.

During the process, the warriors selected from other countries were also separated from each other, and they should have been taken to different places for "interrogation".

After about a few minutes, the two interrogators stopped outside a room, and the battle mage opened the door and made a gesture of invitation.

The room is bright and simple, with tables and chairs, and a few flower pots.

When the three entered the room, the battle mage did not enter, but carefully closed the door tightly, and the sound of footsteps quickly disappeared.

This is... gone? Only one interrogation

Jiang Yishan and Li Tai looked at each other, then tacitly grasped the "metal button", tried to activate it, and sent a message to Taihe.

Lin Tuo, who was pretending to be someone from another world, didn't seem to notice it.

He just walked to the coffee table, picked up the teapot and poured two cups of hot tea, then sat leisurely on the wooden chair, looked at the two of them with a smile, his eyes flashed slightly, and said in Chinese with a correct accent:

"Calling for Taihe Xianmen? You don't have to."



The two buttons came out almost simultaneously.

Falling on the floor, rolling around, Jiang Yishan and Li Tai also had shocked expressions on their faces!


This outsider actually knows about Taihe!


Not only that, but the key point is that he is also aware of the means that the two of them have mastered. In comparison, the fact that he can speak Chinese seems insignificant.

It must be known that the existence of the Supreme Harmony Sect has always been the biggest secret hidden in the bottom of their hearts for the two of them.

Especially when the two officially entered the government department and gradually became the focus of the warrior class, the fear of being "leaked" became more and more serious.

If at the beginning, when they were ordinary people, their feelings were not clear, but now, when they represent the country and enter another world, they are more and more worried about being found out about their secrets.

Every time there is any mysterious big movement in reality, they will be very worried, and even dream of being arrested by the higher authorities... On the other hand, the two are bound more and more closely to the Taihe Xianmen... It is difficult , and do not want to leave.

At this moment, the biggest secret in their hearts was suddenly pierced by an outsider. This impact caused the two of them to lose their minds for a moment, so that their faces were pale, and their backs were covered with a fine layer of cold sweat!

"You... who the hell are you?!"

"You, how do you know..."

The two asked one after another, and at the same time they opened their mouths, they subconsciously put on a defensive posture.

On the opposite side, the steam from two cups of hot tea floated up. Lin Tuo looked at the performance of the two with a suppressed smile in his heart, and said in as gentle a voice as possible:

"Don't panic, sit down and have a cup of tea."

"As for my identity... Didn't Master mention it to you?" Lin Tuo asked back.


Is he calling Taihe

The expressions of the two were stunned, and some of them didn't react. Then, Lin Tuo nodded and said lightly:

"That's right, I'm also a member of the Supreme Harmony sect. Well, according to my seniority, you should call me senior brother. By the way, I was the one who set up the Yangcheng exercises on Earth."

! ! !

In the room, Jiang Yishan and Li Tai stared wide-eyed at the same time, especially the former, lost his composure and said:

"It's... it's you...?"

"Of course." Lin Tuo looked sincere, um, he pretended to be an apprentice and accomplished it!

On the opposite side, Jiang and Li were stunned and aphasic, their minds were full of thoughts. Regarding the original "Taihe Mountain Mysterious Warrior", Taihe had indeed revealed that he was also his disciple.

Only half a year passed, and the mysterious warrior from Taihe Mountain did not appear again.

As a result, it gradually faded out of people's sight, and both of them almost forgot about it, but they never thought that today they met a senior brother from the same sect inside the Pacific black box!

This is too unbelievable!

But think about it really weird? No! No surprise!

They knew earlier that a series of changes on the earth were related to Taihe, and they knew earlier that Taihe had the ability to intervene inside the black box... Combined with that mysterious "big brother" who only appeared once, there was no shadow anymore...

Then, it is completely understandable that he was assigned to work inside the black box!

What's more, the other party originally came from inside the black box, but occasionally went outside to do things for Taihe... It's not impossible!

As the thoughts turned, the two felt that they had completely understood!

I see!

So, since then, Taihe has already started to intervene in the black box

Even... Could the appearance of the black box be related to the Supreme Harmony Sect

At this moment, the two of them thought a lot... Lin Tuo kept smiling and remained calm. After a few minutes, the two finally calmed down.

"It seems that you have calmed down." Lin Tuo smiled.

Jiang Yishan held the cup, looked at the disguised Lin Tuo with curious eyes, and said:

"Brother, what's your name?"

"When there are no outsiders, you can just call me that. As for my identity, well, my current identity is the special envoy of the Kingdom, responsible for contacting you." Lin Tuo smiled lightly.

'Current identity'...

The two repeated the word in their hearts, as if they understood something, but didn't ask further.

Li Tai hesitated, and said:

"So, this incident is indeed master's manipulation? What does the old man want to do? Or, what do you want us to do?"

Why did I become an old man... Lin Tuo felt depressed for a moment, glared at Li Tai, took a sip of tea, and said lightly:

"You can think so. As for Master's thoughts, you don't need to know."

After a pause, he said:

“However, some things can still be revealed.

For example, opening the Stargate this time and extraditing you in is just a means to help the two worlds merge, and I will be in charge of the specific affairs for the time being.

To put it simply, it is to help the countries of the earth and the north and south continents to deepen their understanding, carry out certain exchanges and promotions with each other, and prepare for the formation of a community in the future...

Keke, that's a little too far.

But it is generally normal communication, which is good for both worlds, of course, the premise is peaceful coexistence...

Later, I will hold a meeting to represent the Kingdom and formally communicate with representatives from various countries.

As for asking you to come here, one is to inspect your cultivation for the master, and the other is to give a breath in advance, and you can cooperate with the meeting later. "


Jiang Yishan and Li Tai were stunned for a moment, and the latter understood clearly:

"Senior brother wants us to be trustees?"

Thanks to book friends: Reader Jian Xiaoqi, Guanshan Lige, E to Wuqian Jifengsuo, Yeyue's Tomorrow, I See Me, Earth, Sky, Ocean, Black and White Tianxia Booklet, Dongdongdongqiang, pantaolj, fifty-one stones, Xiao Funny, sleepy, 2020... 8566, one-eyed cremator, starry night gentleman reward support~

(end of this chapter)