Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 266: Inheritance Crystal Jade Slab


Among the fourteen sequence paths, the design ideas of nine of them followed some online games that Lin Tuo had played, such as tactics, animal husbandry and assassins, and they were indeed designed consciously.

It is conceivable that the evolutionary who grew up according to this path are matched with each other, and the effect is definitely better than that kind of hodgepodge.

Among them, Flame Spirit, Ocean, and Elemental Warlock are actually separated from the general category of "Elemental Spells". If they have to be dismantled more carefully, he can even pull out each element separately.

Ke Lintuo gave up this idea after careful consideration.

After all, except for the two elements of water and fire, the rest will always appear weaker when pulled alone. Well, yes, an important point in designing paths is that generally different paths can have advantages and disadvantages, but it cannot be said that some are too Strong, some are too weak, just like designing a hero in a game, if it is too strong, everyone rushes to play, if it is too weak, no one cares...

One of the more special ones is the ninth path, which is the "Alchemy" path. The most obvious difference between this path and other paths is that its core asset is "knowledge". Pack it up and transmit it to the corresponding "occupation" through the base station. This requires Lin Tuo to write the knowledge system for it alone. He was lazy and took out the basic alchemy textbook from the Moon Clan School and deleted it.

The evolutionary who chooses "Alchemy" can obtain a part of higher "knowledge" every time he upgrades to a level. Unlike supernatural powers, knowledge can be spread to a certain extent. That is to say, as long as the evolutionary of alchemy is willing to disclose it, yes The knowledge acquired can be disseminated...

As for whether it will be passed on, Lin Tuo is not sure. According to his selfish thinking, it will definitely be monopolized, but some knowledge will always be leaked out. Therefore, this path is actually an entrance for him to spread alchemy to the fifth world.

If it wasn't that modern science is too difficult to summarize and pass on, he even thought about designing a "scientist" path. Those who choose this path can obtain knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc., but after thinking about it, forget it, the amount of engineering is too large... and Always feel weird.

In addition, among the five out of order, the first three are more normal, they are all kinds of miscellaneous spells, they are more versatile in all aspects, and they are very attractive compared to each other.

The spells contained in the fifth article "Mysticism" are slightly special.

The effects of spells are somewhat inclined to those contained in "spiritual items", which are more weird, but at the same time, the success rate of casting spells is also very low. It belongs to a path that is strong and terrible when luck is good, and extremely weak when luck is bad.

As for the last item, "Wisher"... Well, as the description says, it has no follow-up upgrades.

If you look at other paths, there is a process from level one to level nine, but this one does not.

Once you choose a wish teacher, although you can still increase the ether reserves in your body through practice, and strengthen your body, but apart from making wishes, you cannot learn any other extraordinary abilities.

As for the so-called ability to make wishes, in simple terms, compared to Yunyun's lifelong prayers, the prayers of the wishers will be "marked red", which is slightly more conspicuous.

If Lin Tuo is free and wants to perform a "miracle" to fool people, he will give priority to selecting the prayer content of the "wishers".

And because of this randomness, and the "time acceleration" effect of the sandbox itself, it is very likely that most of the "prayers" of the wishers will not be selected.

A few selected ones may make a great wish while alive, and wait for Lin Tuo's feedback after dying for hundreds or thousands of years...

In short, it is an extremely pitiful profession!

It's the kind of garbage job that normal people probably wouldn't choose.

As for why this is set, one reason is to make the "miracle" more reasonable. In ancient times, it was fine to randomly display miracles. When humans become smarter, they will definitely doubt the relevance of these miracles. There is a "Wisher" "Just save them from thinking about it...

In addition, this profession is also an interface reserved by Lin Tuo for him to "appear" in the future and communicate with the creatures in the No. 5 sandbox.

Anyway, the writing is clear and clear, "Wish Master" has a certain probability to communicate with the gods, and get the latter's attention, and there is a reason to go out to fool people when the time comes.

Of course, he also admitted that there is a certain evil taste in this design...

As for whether there are candidates, Lin Tuo thinks there must be. With an area of 8 million and a population of so many in the future, there must be some people who will choose for various reasons. Among other things, this profession is very suitable for "religious lunatics" at first sight. , "fanatics" or something...

Even each faction may raise a group of wishers, constantly wishing for the prosperity of the country, or the disappearance of hostile forces or something...

It's interesting to think about it anyway...

"The next step is to engrave these spell models in sequence according to the code, and then place them in the card slot of the Xinghai server, and set the relevant rules."

After Lin Tuo read it from beginning to end, he nodded in satisfaction and thought to himself.

This part of the work still has to be done by him himself. Fortunately, the Moon Clan provided a professional editor, which is not difficult to type, and subsequent changes can also be made.

"However, just writing in the server is not enough. We must also pass on how to use the base station and how to obtain capabilities to each race."

Regarding this aspect, Lin Tuo had already planned. He planned to use Hathaway to compress the 14 complete paths and the "qi method" into symbols.

Each spell of each path has a dedicated "password".

Then imprint it on a specific carrier, the material is the branch of the moon tree, which is as white as jade, and named it "Jade Crystal Slab".

Similar stone tablets need to be made in many pieces, scattered all over the continent.

Internal information is written in different languages.

In order to facilitate the reading of different races, he has also been learning the languages of different races through the sand table in the past few days, using general terms.

And choose the most widely used ones to write the promotion path.

In this way, no matter how the subsequent civilization changes, there will always be a part of the slate that can be understood and read by future generations.

It can be said that it took great pains.

Looking through the window into the courtyard, Lin Tuo saw Hathaway rolling on a pile of unmelted snow in the shade at the foot of the wall of the Martial Arts Arena, entertaining herself...

With a thought, Lin Tuo tried to use "mind power" or "spiritual power" to pull Hathaway over by using the method of "distance control".


The next second, Hathaway was burying her head in making a snowman, and suddenly felt something was wrong. Turning her head, her crystal ball suddenly floated up and flew into the distance.

Her eyes widened, she became anxious for a moment, flew over, and then rode the ball, and saw the study window automatically opened and closed again, and in a blink of an eye, she appeared in front of Lin Tuo, and asked in surprise:

"What are you doing?"

"Compress these in the order I marked them." Lin Tuo threw a stack of documents over, and he had already figured out what to do.

And from the crystal ball completely submerged in white paper, only the latter's voice of protest can be heard muffled:

"You... you're doing too much!"

"So?" Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows.

Hathaway raised her arms: "I need to pay more!"

Throwing several sets of manuscripts written in different languages to Hathaway, and asking her to compress them into runes, Lin Tuo stretched his waist, drank a bottle of Coke, and began to observe the changes in the sand table again.

It may be due to the expansion of the area. Lin Tuo feels that as the civilizations of all ethnic groups advance at the same time, the effect of acceleration is getting worse and worse.

However, in the past three days, all races have also undergone earth-shaking changes. From the state of the original gathering place, they have evolved into city-states, and now they have the embryonic form of a country.

Human beings are still at the forefront in terms of social structure. It is not surprising that this kind of creature is too prolific and reproduces extremely fast. In comparison, orcs and elves are much behind.

At a glance, the most conspicuous ones are the city-states in the central plain, and ships even began to appear in the harbor area.

Using the eagle eye technique, you can see "temples" with different shapes built in the city.

Some were built at the foot of the stone statues, and some were even more magnificent. They simply built a huge palace, enshrined the stone statues in the palace, and began to have full-time priests who did not do production, and held sacrificial activities around the stone statues according to the law.

The number of spiritual points of light pouring into the server is also increasing.

Finally, when human beings were about to officially start the national era, Hathaway's compression work was completed, and Lin Tuo changed hands and engraved it into a total of thirty-two "crystal jade slabs", suspended the acceleration, and replaced it with the clone on the fifth sand box.

Sandbox No. 5, a large city-state on the plain.

It was evening, and as the sky gradually darkened, the residents in the city-state walked towards their families one after another.

To the north of the center of the city-state, a magnificent building tens of meters high stands quietly, its shadow cutting straight on the central axis of the city-state's golden avenue like a long sword.

This is the holy place of the entire city-state, and it is also the temple where the icon of the "Lord" is placed.

At this moment, a large group of people came out of the temple, and the priests resident in the temple finished their day's work, leaving only a few young and low-ranking priests in simple robes to clean up.

"Xivir, we have something to go out, you can clean it yourself." When the crowd dispersed, the remaining young priests tacitly threw the tools in their hands to a thin and short half-grown boy, and a burly priest headed by said fiercely :

"Old rules, if you dare to speak out, you will feel better!"

The thin young priest lowered his head, let the brooms hit his body, hummed in a low voice, and only sighed softly when the other low-level priests left.

Put the broom away, and start to clean the huge prayer hall alone.

For him, it is obviously not easy to clean up such a large area. Even if he does not stop for a moment, he will have to be busy until the sky is completely dark.

And you can't be lazy, otherwise you will not only be punished by the high priest if you leave dirt, you will also face beatings from those "companions".

Finally, after the sky was completely dark, the young priest finished cleaning the rest of the hall, and carrying a wooden barrel, he came to the simple and majestic stone statue.

He looked up at the stalwart figure with a blurred face, put his hands together, and prayed in a low voice, then he moved the ladder with great effort, leaned carefully on the stone statue, and picked up the tools to climb up.

Compared with others, cleaning the idol is the most labor-intensive job, and it takes almost midnight to finish every time.

"Alas." He sighed, climbed to the end of the ladder with a bitter face, and was about to start cleaning. At this moment, he suddenly froze, and his eyes looked at the left hand of the god statue across his chest.

There seems to be something extra in its palm!

"What is it?"

The young priest moved his body a little bit curiously, finally crawled over, knelt and sat in the palm of the stone statue, and was surprised to see the "Jade Slab" inlaid with strange symbols.

"this… "

He hesitated for a while, and finally tried to hold it up carefully, and looked at the rune through the starlight on the top of the temple. Then, there was a bang in his mind, as if a book was unfolding!

Thanks to his status as a priest, he knew how to read and write, so he began to try to identify and read, and his eyes that were dim due to fatigue gradually lit up:

"Sequence... Path... Extraordinary..."

(end of this chapter)