Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 267: River of Faith


Starlight sprinkled from the high windows of the temple, and shone on the young man named Sivir, but he remained motionless, just kneeling in the palm of the god statue, holding the crystal jade slab.

Staring at the air with both eyes, reading those wonderful knowledge mesmerizingly.

At this moment, for Sivir, it was as if a door had suddenly opened in front of him, and behind the door were roads leading to the realm of gods.

He didn't know how long it had passed before he finally came back to his senses, looked at the position where the starlight had shifted, and with a groan, he realized with regret that he had wasted too much time.

He vigilantly swept around and confirmed that he was the only one in the empty prayer hall. He was relieved, and immediately hugged the warm stone slab, and suddenly turned his head to look at the top of the huge statue:

"Great Lord... Is this your gift?"

The boy's voice echoed softly.

After a long time, Sivir stuffed the crystal jade slab into his bosom, and then continued to clean the statue diligently.

Different from the past, this time his movements were full of vigor, as if he wanted to wipe the stone statue spotless, and the exhaustion all over his body seemed to disappear.

Later, in the west, in a tribe of orcs.

A team of three young orcs carefully walked around the quiet city and the sleeping temple guards, and came to the foot of the mottled stone statue.

"Lock, really see clearly? Is there something shiny in the palm of the statue?" An orc lowered his voice and asked in confirmation.

"Yes, yes, I feel a little scared. If we are discovered, we will definitely be punished. Maybe we will be punished and sent to the mine as hard labor!"

Another orc with hair on the back of his neck also said anxiously, a bit backed down.

The orc named Locke glared at the two of them and said:

"You still don't believe the look in my eyes? There is definitely something, maybe some elder in the tribe hid something shameful, let's take it down for him to have a look, maybe he can do something good."


"Oh, you two cowards, this way, you protect me from the wind below, if someone comes, pretend to be a crow, and then run away by yourself, I will hide it.

It was so dark that I hid on the statue so that I would not be found. "Lock said confidently.

"Aren't you afraid of offending the beast god..." one orc muttered.

Locke smiled while climbing up the statue:

"The beast god protects us, how could he be angry because of such a trivial matter."

As he spoke, he jumped a few times and disappeared into the darkness, leaving only two companions carefully watching around. After a while, Locke crawled down with his arms bulging.

"Ah, you're down! What's that?" an orc was surprised at first, and then curious.

Locke has a strange expression:

"It's a stone slab with patterns on it. When I saw it, I was in a daze, as if I saw a book!"


"What's written on it?"

Locke said angrily:

"I don't know! I don't know a few words! Let's go, go back first, you two know a lot of words, let's take a look together, it must be a good thing anyway!"

Floating in the sky, Lin Tuo, who was hiding in the dark night, looked at the furtive orcs below with a smile on his face, shook his head, looked at the bag full of "Jade Slabs" in his hand, and sighed:

"I'm still busy."

The sand table evolved for thousands of years, and many of the original 108 stone statues collapsed and some were broken because no one took care of them all the time.

Adding some small tribes does not count, in fact, not every statue will be placed with stone slabs, which is why Lin Tuo only made 32 pieces.

It is foreseeable that in the long history, many of these first stone slabs will be damaged, lost, or buried...but that will be a matter of the future.

The job now is to place and disseminate.

Because of the angle of placement, not all the slates were discovered at the first time, but they were found one after another after all, and then integrated into different tribes.

In the sand table, time passes day by day, and life seems to be the same.

In addition to a certain city-state of human beings, there is a small priest who secretly practices the method of breathing every day, a few more young people in the western orc tribe who like to go to the top of the mountain to breathe in the early morning, and the patriarch of a small tribe in the forest of elves Getting more radiant...

In a blink of an eye, several months passed.

It was another evening in the human city-state, when the prayer hall became empty again, several low-level priests once again looked at the young priest who was still a little thin, but obviously grew a lot taller:

"You know what to do?"

This time, the boy raised his head calmly: "I don't know."

Several low-level priests were taken aback, then lowered their faces, and surrounded the latter fiercely.

A moment later, amidst screams of pain, several people were beaten back by Sivir alone, lying on the ground begging for mercy in disbelief.

"Wait here, don't leave." Sivir exhaled, but unexpectedly there was no joy in her heart.

It wasn't until this moment that he suddenly realized that these were nothing compared to his progress in the Extraordinary field.

Thinking of this, he turned and walked towards the main hall, closed the door of the hall, and waited until he was the only one left around again, then walked to the foot of the statue, and stood there for a long time with complicated and apprehensive emotions.

Then he raised his hand and pressed it on the statue, recalling the first-level "spell" of the "priest" path on the "crystal jade slab", and recited word by word:

"Exalted and great Lord, I pray for the light to visit me, I pray for the eternity of the day, the purity and emptiness of the soul..."

As the "mantra" was recited, the base station inside the stone statue flickered lightly.

Leaving the mountain, finishing work, and returning to the study, Lin Tuo just restarted the time acceleration. At the same time, he pressed his hand on the "Xinghai Server" and noticed the corresponding request for promotion:

"Exalted and great Lord, I pray that light will come upon me, I pray..."

"Is it the path of the priest of the order?" Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows without any intervention.

The data of the entire promotion sequence has already passed through the server, transmitted and stored into the base station, therefore, the acquisition of spell ability is also obtained from the base station...

When Lin Tuo received this message, it indicated that the sender had already completed the promotion.

Then, as expected, more "activation" passwords were sent back one after another, each of which meant the appearance of a brand new ability user.

"This is much more convenient than passing on abilities to the sandbox a few times before." Lin Tuo said with emotion, retracted his hand in a rather happy mood, called Huaxi and Hathaway's names, and walked outside:

"You're done, just celebrate with a good lunch."

He said it was good food, but he didn’t really eat any good food after all. It just ruined the family’s self-help. During this period, Lin Tuo also checked the operation log frequently, for fear that if he didn’t pay attention, he would crash the game again.

Especially at present, the sand table is in a period of rapid development. After a while, hundreds of years have passed in it.

This made Lin Tuo a little helpless, thinking that it is better to have a few other sandboxes, at least he doesn't have to worry about it all day long.

After dinner, Lin Tuo found that there had been another change in the sandbox.

Human beings took the lead in developing from a city-state to a country, and a series of wars took place. At the same time, more and more capable people appeared, and the power of crystal jade slabs was gradually displayed, and some people continued to be promoted to higher levels. Box, the effect is amazing.

Of course, considering that there is no way to save what is necessary, there is still room for improvement in this speed through the process of accumulating ether through practice.

"The population in today's human society is relatively low in wealth, resulting in a relatively low concentration of ether, which also limits the emergence of high-level abilities." Lin Tuo silently analyzed.

In addition, it may be that the existence of base stations and sequences has further increased the complexity of the sandbox. Lin Tuo found that the flow of time has dropped faster than before.

If it is not done well, it will eventually stagnate in a lower social period like Tianyuan Continent.

Pull up the chair, sit aside and watch the ever-changing sand table.

With a series of turmoil and struggles, the originally chaotic pattern gradually became clear.

Humans occupied the central plain of the vast continent and evolved into two "Empires" in the east and west. The east side was called "Garos" and the west side was called "Byzantium".

The strengths of the two countries are similar, and they have reached a stable situation. At the same time, two official religious groups, "Eastern Sacred Church" and "Western Holy Sect", have emerged in human society. religious forces.

And tacitly "monopolized" the promotion based on the "Jade Slab", and thus formed a group of superhumans who obeyed the royal family and the church.

Coexisting with it are some associations composed of people with "folk" abilities who do not rely on the royal family and the church...

As for the orcs and elves, they also formed their own extraordinary groups.

During this process, with the explosive growth of the population base and the expansion of the church and other forces, Lin Tuo was delighted to find that more and more "spiritual light spots" were coming.

From the beginning, only relying on the Xinghai server could sense it. Later, Lin Tuo seemed to vaguely see an illusory "river" formed between the No. 5 sandbox and the server, flowing forever.

And under the accumulation of this "river of faith" for thousands of years, the first "golden light spot" that can be clearly perceived has finally been born in the storage device inside the server!

"Could this be a highly condensed spirituality?" Lin Tuo penetrated his spiritual power, and he could see that in the dark "storage area" constructed by the "forbidden cage", there was a golden grain floating quietly. "Grains of Sand".

Its volume is far less than the "golden light cluster" inside the prayer candle, but it is enough to inspire Lin Tuo.

Without hesitation, he immediately tried to "touch", and at the moment when his mental power came into contact with the "golden light spot", Lin Tuo felt his eyebrows swell, and then, the skin on his chest suddenly lit up!

And all the way down, the skin under the clothes briefly revealed the network of meridians buried in the body!

Pale golden meridians!



In the next second, Lin Tuo felt that the ether in his body was boiling suddenly, his whole body was dry and hot, his exhaustion disappeared, and a large meridian in front of him was numb and hot.

"This is..." He was startled, "I... have reached the 'Second Pulse' realm?!"

(end of this chapter)