Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 271: interface


At this moment, if there are outsiders present, they will be surprised to see Lin Tuo maintaining a strange posture:

Standing in the room, he raised his hand and pressed it in the air, his eyes were closed, his brows were furrowed, his face was a little ugly, and he was also a little surprised.

Because the vast majority of wish teachers are poor in talent and cultivation, Ke Lan's prayer message mark is particularly eye-catching, which is also the direct reason for the change in Lin Tuo's expression.

After reading it several times, Lin Tuo did not quit immediately, but continued to read the rest of the prayers, and found several similar content.

Most of them came from the base stations in the Garros Empire, and the rest of the base stations also had relevant information, which confirmed each other, and Lin Tuo was sure that something went wrong.

"The phantom entrenched on the it really here?"

Lin Tuo opened his eyes and whispered in his heart, but he was not too surprised.

After all, the previous sandboxes, except No. 4 and No. 1, had attracted the arrival of the spirit world lord.

So much so that all the lords around the earth were slaughtered.

Since No. 5 is placed on Mars this time, the corresponding spirit world area should not be cleaned up. It is normal for such a large sandbox to be targeted after many years of development.

It's just that the way the opponent appears is indeed quite different from the previous "predecessors".

"Could it be that the reduced spirituality was swallowed up, intercepted, and stolen by it?" Combined with the obviously thinner rivers of faith, Lin Tuo felt that he had guessed the other party's purpose.

The lord of the spirit world came to the material world in order to obtain spirituality. Compared with possessing, killing and devouring, intercepting the base station is obviously a more comfortable way.

"It's just blocking the flow, not cutting it off. Is it because it lacks the ability to swallow? Or is it worried about being discovered by me?"

Lin Tuo had no doubt that the other party was aware of the existence of 'himself'.

Or to be precise, the other party is likely to be like a "one-eyed giant". After arriving, he realized that someone was collecting spirituality, so he did not make any noise for the sake of caution.

But he couldn't restrain his greed, so he simply tried to divert the traffic from the base station and steal Lin Tuo's harvest.

If it's just like this, he won't be nervous, because this behavior itself means that the opponent is not too strong.

The problem that really made Lin Tuo frown was: quantity.

Yes, there is more than one river of diminished faith! Instead, there are thirteen!

what does that mean

"Could it be that thirteen spirit world lords came to World No. 5 at the same time? How is that possible?"

As soon as this thought came up, Lin Tuo rejected it, just kidding!

According to the information obtained from the one-eyed giant, the lords of the spirit world have a strong sense of territory. Referring to the number of lords that appear near the earth, there should not be so many around Mars.

There is a problem, there is definitely a problem!

Thinking about it, Lin Tuo tried to look at the sand table, using "zooming" and eagle eye to trace the source of the thirteen rivers.

The distribution is quickly determined:

There are nine chapters in the human world, five of which appear in the Garos Empire and four in Byzantium.

There are two groups of elves and two groups of orcs each. As for the sea clan, it is probably due to the dispersion of the populations, but there is no problem with one group.

The thirteen rivers correspond to the thirteen base stations, each of which stands in a large city, a densely populated area, and a wealthy area of its own population.

"In other words, the other party consciously selected this part of the base station to steal." Lin Tuo quickly came to a conclusion.

It's a pity that all the base stations are blocked by temple-like buildings. It is difficult for Lin Tuo to see the internal situation without destroying it, and he doubts whether he can see the other party under normal circumstances...

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo changed his mind, opened the "Phantom Space", and then re-summoned the sand table, and tried to observe, this time it was really different.

Because it is in the realm of spiritual consciousness, without using any means, the rivers of belief are particularly eye-catching.

When Lin Tuo lowered his eyes, the temple building in the sand table faded rapidly, revealing the strange life with a human body and snake tail inside, with wings and sharp horns, shaped like a demon, entangled with the stone statue.

Under the barrier of the sand table, the other party did not perceive Lin Tuo's prying, and remained motionless, as if in a deep sleep.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that its body is expanding and contracting slightly, as if it is breathing or eating. Every time it "breathes", the river of belief above the base station fluctuates.

"Sure enough, you are stealing my spirituality!" Lin Tuo took a tight breath, his eyes became unfriendly, and at the same time, he also noticed a special thing:

The thirteen phantoms are exactly the same, there is almost no difference, as if they were copied from the same one.

In addition, compared to the rest, the one hidden in Gallows' "Divine Capital" is obviously different, its figure is more solid, clearer, and stronger.

"This is... clone?" Lin Tuo was startled for a moment, then came to his senses.

When the one-eyed giant was tortured last time, Lin Tuo also asked about the ability of the spirit lord.

The latter mentioned that the lords have different abilities, but there are some commonalities, such as being in the state of soul, each lord can cut himself to create a "clone".

Lin Tuo has also experienced this himself. He has long discovered that the essence of the "resurrection" ability is to divide his soul into two parts. Which side is the main consciousness is stronger.

The Lord's clone is also operated in the same way. No matter how many are separated, its "main consciousness" will only exist in the last clone.

Moreover, every time a piece is split, its power will also be dispersed.

Therefore, most lords will not try to clone easily, otherwise they will easily suffer losses once they encounter an enemy.

"So, this lord is using his avatar to steal the beliefs of multiple base stations at the same time?" Lin Tuo understood the other party's intention in an instant.

Immediately, his eyes flashed suddenly:

"Perhaps, this is a point that can be used."

No matter what angle it is from, Lin Tuo can't let the lord exist. The problem is how to kill it.

The opponent is not attached to the entity, so it is difficult to cause substantial damage to the outside world. Similarly, it becomes difficult for Lin Tuo to kill it.

Once the other party sensed the trouble, he could pull away and leave, and it was impossible for Lin Tuo to guard against his return all the time.

Not to mention the possible casualties caused by fighting instinct.

Forbidden cage

There is no time to arrange it, not to mention there are still thirteen phantoms, it is not practical to achieve the same arrest as last time.

Theoretically, since the opponent is in the state of the soul body, the attack of the soul body is also the most effective.

In the past few days, with the help of the river of faith, Lin Tuo's spiritual power has increased again, reaching a little more than the three meridians, and the entire left arm meridian has been lit up.

If it was a complete lord, Lin Tuo's spiritual power might not be able to match... But now, with the help of the evolution sand table to sense the strength of the thirteen clones, Lin Tuo is confident that he can kill any of them more easily.

You only need to reach the corresponding temple, open the nightmare, and drag the opponent into the illusion space.

This can not only prevent the opponent from leaving, but also limit the battlefield to one's own spiritual world without causing external damage.

Even, if he is bolder, he can also try to use the sand table to pull in several clones at the same time, kill them, or even devour them.

After mastering the "upgraded" Nightmare in the past few days, Lin Tuo has a certain degree of confidence to do this.

"The problem is... this can only kill one clone, at most a few, and according to the information provided by the one-eyed giant, different clones are connected to each other, and consciousness can be transferred between different clones.

In this way, it will be difficult to completely kill the opponent, strangle some, and the other part will escape, and it will bring unpredictable threats to the sandbox... "

"That is to say, I must destroy thirteen clones at the same time, otherwise there will be endless troubles... With the help of the sand table, I can pull in, but if the clones are fused, with the strength of my three veins, I may not be able to defeat the opponent.

After all, my real advantage lies in my strong accumulation of ether, and the battle in the illusion space is only related to spiritual power, and I cannot use the power of ether... No, it's not that I can't use it at all. "

Lin Tuo thought of something, and his eyes flickered:

"... However, it's still not safe. Even if I win, my soul may be severely injured..."

Standing in the phantom space, Lin Tuo stared at the sand table in front of him, thinking:

"Perhaps, I can change my thinking. Lords in a complete state are indeed powerful, but if I find a way to prevent them from merging into one, it will be much easier... Moreover, I can also rely on the power of more people."

After thinking for a while, a plan gradually emerged in Lin Tuo's mind.

Without dispelling the illusion space, Lin Tuo stood in the void, his thoughts moved slightly, and he began to outline the spell model in this space of consciousness.

The void suddenly brightened, and a huge "Tao pattern" in the void behind Lin Tuo was gradually outlined.

At the same time, Lin Tuo hung his palm on the sand table.

In the next second, tiny, reddish beams of light suddenly rose from the ring-shaped continent.

Each beam of light represents a "Wisher".

At this moment, the runes that Lin Tuo "imprinted" in the consciousness of each wisher through the Xinghai server were activated and flickered.

This is the "interface" he reserved when designing the sequence.

Lin Tuo swept across with his thoughts, and through breath comparison, he instantly locked on the star-like wishers who had sent the news of the appearance of the "phantom" to the Xinghai server.

Logically speaking, these few people should be closely connected with the local Extraordinary high-level people.

Some powerhouses on the Fifth Continent have discovered the anomaly and tried to send him the news through the "Wish Master", so...

"Now is the time to respond."

Lin Tuo thought about it, connected these "interfaces", and then said in a deep voice:


In the sandbox, it has been three months since Ke Lan tried to "report" the gods for the first time.


In a certain house, when Ke Lan pushed open the door of the meditation room again, and was about to try to "make a wish" again, suddenly, there was a bang in his mind.

The ether in his body boiled, his body staggered, he hugged his head subconsciously, only to feel that his vision was blurred, and a sacred and majestic "voice" seemed to come from the depths of his mind:


For thousands of years, humans have finally had to listen to "oracles."

When I came back at night, I learned that the roommate next door was taken to quarantine...

(end of this chapter)