Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 278: Empire people! Empire people!


Feeling emotional, Lin Tuo stopped thinking about it and decided to wait a few more days.

If there is still no feedback, then accelerate. However, with the increase in the number of Extraordinary beings and the huge area, the time ratio between No. 5 sandbox and the earth is rapidly shrinking.

Perhaps, the ratio is almost the same, and those strong will not die.

After solving the "promise", Lin Tuo suddenly felt a sense of incompatibility. He was used to being busy, and this sudden calm was really unaccustomed.

do something

Lin Tuo thought for a few seconds, and suddenly remembered that the communication between the Earth and the North and South Continents had lasted for a few days, and he didn't know what the situation was. Thinking, he turned on the computer and browsed the relevant news.

It was probably due to the high-profile appearance and too many people's attention. The government did not block the news of the itinerary of the waiter group in the Southern Continent, but it was a bit fanciful.

The news station and the official website even launched special topics, which are updated daily.

Which place to visit today, and where to "visit" tomorrow, is too busy.

There are also frequent videos.

Of course, the security work is complete, although Lin Tuo doubts whether these people need to be protected...

And the envoys sent by the United Kingdom also showed enough friendliness.

There was a beautiful girl in the team who was even sought after online, which made it very lively, and according to the news sent back by Li Tai, the two sides were also talking about some more in-depth information.

The government seems to want to obtain information about the "black box" from this wave of aliens. Lin Tuo is not worried about this.

As the first waiters sent to Earth, each one is reliable enough.

Even if someone leaks a little bit, they can't learn more. Those who have actually seen Lin Tuo belong to the high-level.

In addition, some of the first batch of envoys have returned and brought back what they have learned from the earth. Correspondingly, the warriors stationed in the black box on the earth will also return.

"I don't know how the group of warriors who went to the southern continent are doing."

After browsing the webpage for a while, Lin Tuo thought to himself that he wanted to find Hathaway to intrude into the magic net and inquire about it, but remembered that the other party was still sleeping, so he gave up the idea.

As for running over to ask in person, Lin Tuo said before that he would not intervene in the establishment of diplomatic relations, and it is not good to slap him in the face because of curiosity.

"It's useless to think too much." Looking at the screen for a while, Lin Tuo became tired again, yawned, turned off the computer, and returned to the bedroom.

He hadn't slept well before.

I finally got some free time, so I have to make up for it.

Sandbox No. 2, Southern Continent, Capital Region.

As the most densely populated administrative center in the entire mainland, the Capital Region is far more prosperous and lively than the Central South Region where Four Seasons City is located.

It relies on the construction of the southern dynasty capital for hundreds of years, and to a certain extent retains the extremely developed underground railway transportation in the "shelter" era. As of today, several surrounding vents are still in operation.

The legendary main campus of Xingkong University is located here.

The entire campus covers a vast area with green grass, which is different from the core business district with a strong materialistic atmosphere. It is a huge campus, quiet and peaceful.

A total of fifty-six sub-categories of the two major departments of "Mage" and "Warrior" are located in rows, and students or teachers wearing starry sky robes walk among them from time to time.

In an office.

As one of the three high-level Transcendents in the mainland, "Dean Qiu" was wearing glasses, sitting in an office chair, and slowly unfolding the paper letter brought back by the envoy who returned from "Earth".

As a top institution, the team of envoys to the "outside" also has a place as a teacher of Xingkong University, and the person who sent this letter back was one of his students.

"Teacher 'Autumn' personally said:

When you read this letter, some of the kingdom's envoys should have returned to the capital. Presumably, you have also finished reading the official documents about the civilization of the outside world.

So, let me ramble about some less formal feelings here, presumably, this is something you are interested in...

As a member of the first batch of envoys, I won a place to go to the 'Hua Country' according to your expectations, which is not easy. Frankly speaking, when I stepped out of the 'Gate of the World', I was extremely uneasy.

Even though you and the information provided by the Supreme Council have already described the outside world, and we have also come into contact with those explorers who call themselves 'warriors' early, but this cannot erase the gap in our hearts.

However, as you taught me before I left, since the door is there, no matter what, you must bravely step through it, so we should go out.

Phew, in retrospect, applying for an envoy can be regarded as one of the few correct decisions I made in my life.

As stated in the information, the outside world is indeed wider. When the ship we took finally arrived on land after a long voyage, I really had a preliminary understanding of it...

Thanks to the minister who received us, he gave me a model called 'globe', and took the trouble to answer our many questions during the voyage.

It is really unimaginable that we live on a huge irregular sphere... and such spheres are endless in the universe...

During the voyage, we also got a preliminary understanding of the division of countries in the outside world...

It is hard to imagine that outside the world we live in, there are more than 200 countries, large and small... They together form a large "society", and communicate with each other, or cooperate, or fight, or be hostile...

Frankly, I think it may not be the similarities and differences between our two civilizations that we should first figure out if we are going to build understanding with them.

It is important to sort out the relationship between these countries...

Ah, I seem to have accidentally digressed...

Speaking of what we have seen and heard, after we got off the ship, we first arrived at a super-large port city. Compared with our capital, there is a building scale, facilities, and weather that are not inferior to ours...

Well, as much as my pride makes me hate to admit it, but in the spirit of my duty as an emissary, I must honestly say that the city looks more 'advanced' than our Capital Region...

But this 'advanced' is only limited to some areas...

In other words, many of our needs are realized in different paths. In comparison, they are more dependent on electric energy, and have derived huge and dazzling electronic devices and networks.

Correspondingly, their understanding and use of 'magic power' is extremely primitive...

… In addition, it is worth mentioning that their population is extremely terrifying. The total population of the country I visited alone is several times that of ours.

The minister gave me a 'communicator', from which I learned a lot of information about their country, including...

... Then, we flew to their capital in an aircraft, where we received a high-level reception from the other side.

To my surprise, they didn't know everything about us... and were very curious when it came to talking about our gods...

However, we strictly complied with the committee's request and did not respond positively to it...

In the next few days, we were arranged to live in a gorgeous building, and under the guidance of a special person, we visited their world...

Now, I am sitting in the hotel room and writing this letter. I will write down some of my experiences these days. Due to space limitations, it is difficult to describe them all. Don’t blame the teacher. surface.

—Your student, Harlans Lee, on the eve of his return. "

After reading the handwritten letter word for word, Dean Qiu gently put it down, wearing a star-lit robe, old-fashioned glasses, and slightly white temples. He raised his eyes and looked at the sunset outside the window. Longing look.

At this time, the door was knocked suddenly.

Dean Qiu was about to put back the thoughts of the foreign country recorded in the letter, turned around and said, "Go in."

"Dean," the brown-red door opened, and a teenager in school uniform walked in with a document, "This is my mental strength growth data for this week."

"Ah, let me take a look," Qiu raised his hand, and the document automatically flew into his hand, he looked down and looked at it, and said with a smile, "It's very stable, it seems that the training plan we designed for your situation is feasible of."

Standing opposite, Ning Li, with black hair and a firm face, nodded excitedly and said:

"The instructor also said the same thing. My previous use of abilities was indeed too rough. According to the new method, my spiritual power has grown three to five times faster!"

Dean Qiu smiled and said:

"So, do you have any regrets? I remember that when you were first sent here, you were full of reluctance."

Ning Li suddenly looked away in embarrassment, his cheeks were hot.

Two months have passed since the siege of the one-eyed giant. After recovering from his injuries, Ning Li was arranged by Mount Sinai to transfer to another school. He and his younger sister Ning Meng were sent to the capital region and entered as a "special recruiter". Studying at Star University.

On the one hand, there are better conditions to explore his potential and train him.

In addition, there are also more complete equipment here for testing. Apart from attending classes, Ning Li conducts regular inspections every day and sends the results to the research institute.

The days are full and busy.

With the help of university researchers, his talent was truly brought into play. Even the mentors who were used to seeing geniuses were shocked by Ning Li's progress speed.

"Okay, it's getting late, you should go back and rest, and don't work too hard in your daily practice. You are still young and have great potential, so don't be in a hurry." Dean Qiu said with a smile.

Ning Li nodded and said politely, "That won't bother you."

After saying that, he went out, only Dean Qiu stood there for a while, then turned around, put Ning Li's "transcript" and the letter on the table, and looked at the sunset outside the French window with his hands behind his back .

It seems to see the passing of a period of history and the rise of a new era.

"Ning Li! You're back!"

Star University student dormitory, as the highest school for Extraordinary, the student dormitories here are all independent, and the room decoration is also excellent. After moving here, it became the new home of the two brothers and sisters.

When Ning Li pushed open the door, he saw that Ning Meng, who came back early from school, was already sitting at the dining table, which was full of dishes brought back from the cafeteria.


"The food will be cold if you don't come back, you know that." Ning Meng said.

Ning Li smiled, took off his school uniform and put it aside, sat down, picked up his chopsticks:

"I have something to do today, don't wait for me next time, eat by yourself first, the college cafeteria is always open."

"No." Ning Meng stuffed a piece of beef into his mouth, and said confidently, Ning Li had no choice but to smile.

After dinner, it was already dark, and Ning Meng was sent to the room to do homework. After Ning Li washed the dishes, she returned to the bedroom, lay down on the bed, closed her eyes, and fell into "sleep".

In a trance, he came to the consciousness space again, and looked at the "gate of the spirit world" that opened slowly in front of him.

The life at Xing Kong University was so rich that even after two months, he still felt as if he was in a dream, and he became more and more worried about losing all this hard-won.

Those outstanding seniors and sisters in the college gave him a lot of pressure.

But work-rest balance is really important.

"Then tonight, I will practice less for two hours and just relax." Thinking about it, Ning Li walked towards the huge "Gate of the Spirit World", and he was about to step out as usual.

However, at this moment, Ning Li's footsteps suddenly stopped, and his body in the state of soul flickered!

The whole person's eyes widened, and he looked at the spiritual world like the sea and the starry sky in front of him in disbelief, and then flew backwards like lightning!

Try to close the "gate to the spiritual world"!

In the apartment room, Ning Li suddenly sat up from the bed!

He was short of breath, his face was hard to hide, and in his mind, he kept replaying the glimpse of "outside the door" just now.

"Ning Li, what's the matter with you?" Ning Meng, who heard the movement next door, opened the door and barged in, her pretty face turned pale.

"I... I saw..." Ning Li tremblingly said, "A... battleship!"

(end of this chapter)