Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 289: Hathawaymon, evolve!


Just when Hathaway, who had been asleep for an unknown amount of time, was confused and looking for her own body, people in the entire Hua Kingdom were discussing the cumulonimbus clouds that repeated several times above their heads when.

In the room guarded by Huaxi, which seemed to be destroyed by a tornado.

Lin Tuo sat in the only intact chair.

Silently looking at the tiny, almost imperceptible silver-white battleship in the palm of his hand.

Then he raised his hand and threw it at the evolution sandbox that switched back to the No. 2 sandbox.


In the night, the deserted island in the Sea of Storms was surrounded by the sound of sea water, and in the next second, the sound of the wind suddenly became a little chaotic, and an invisible big hand brushed across the sea area and left quickly.

Then, there was an extra crooked search ship on this purposely leveled uninhabited island.

Lin Tuo manipulated the avatar and put it in a stable position. Before the roar dissipated, the figure raised his hand and tore open the door on the outside, stepping in.

In my mind, the spiritual power spread like water, rushing to every corner of the spaceship, and the details appeared in my mind without having to go there in person.

"It's like opening a see-through hanging device." Lin Tuo thought to himself.

This is also the first practical manifestation of the growth of his spiritual power after the completion of his seven channels.

With the help of the "see-through hanger", he easily located the positions of the three corpses... The female maintenance technician was already cold, don't worry, the fat man in the cockpit has lost his breath, but the captain at the end...

"Huh." Lin Tuo's eyes moved, and his figure flew along the corridor like a ghost.

Encountered a closed door along the way, he raised his hand and tore it apart. Not long after, he stepped into the depths of the aircraft and saw Xiao Wuyang sitting on the floor of the room.

His body was covered with blood, which should have been caused by the collision when Lin Tuo was moving the spaceship. The whole person seemed to be dead, silently, but under Lin Tuo's perception, he still breathed a sigh of relief.

"Stop pretending, I know you're still alive." Lin Tuo looked down at him and said coldly.

In the next second, Xiao Wuyang, whose face was covered in blood, opened his eyelids and stared at Lin Tuo with a sneer: "You want to catch me."

He used declarative sentences.

Lin Tuo didn't speak. He didn't hold back his hand when he shot. In fact, he didn't have the ability to hold back the first attack after breaking through.

Xiao Wuyang was able to survive, on the one hand because he hid in the depths of the cabin, not like the unlucky pilot... In addition, it should also be due to his strength.

But since the other party is alive, Lin Tuo certainly doesn't mind arresting him and interrogating him for some valuable information.

But then, Xiao Wuyang's smile widened:

"You can't catch me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tuo's face changed slightly, and the spell model was instantly outlined in his mind, and he used ether to condense a protective spell shield in front of him.


Then, Xiao Wuyang's head exploded completely, and the smaller half of his body was also bloody.

This scene seemed to be a "counterattack" to Lin Tuo's previous operation, although this counterattack seemed extremely weak.

It can be seen that this round of explosion is not trying to kill Lin Tuo... The power is too small. To be precise, it should be pure suicide.

Lin Tuo's complexion was not very good, not because of Xiao Wuyang's determination to commit suicide, but if he was regarded as an enemy, this kind of enemy made him respect a little.

In the same way, he didn't regret that he didn't succeed in catching a living... He didn't expect this at all, he could catch the best, and forget it if he couldn't.

The key point of the problem is that the eyes of the other party before death are not the kind of anger, jealousy, despair, etc., but very plain, just like they talked about the cold-faced man named "Qin Feng" before.

One more thing is...

Lin Tuo raised his eyes and looked at the console fixed on the wall behind Xiao Wuyang, and as expected, he couldn't understand its usage at all.

"Before I attacked, he left the cockpit and ran here. Why? What did he do?"

Lin Tuo's expression changed. If he was just greedy for life and afraid of death, it would be fine if he wanted to use the thickness of the battleship to weaken himself, but what if it wasn't

Shaking his head, Lin Tuo decided not to dwell on this problem, and try to find an answer from the ship's system later.

Isn't that the old saying, if it's a blessing or a curse, you can't hide from it even if it's a disaster.

"Phew." After exhaling, Lin Tuo was about to leave first, but at this moment, he stopped suddenly, bent down carefully, and found a scorched, special, very small piece of flesh from the flesh and blood on the ground. crystal plate.

Like some kind of... chip.

"I didn't see it before. Could it be that his body fell after it exploded?" Lin Tuo's heart skipped a beat as he rubbed the blood on the chip.

Ten minutes later, he walked out from the gap in the search ship, and there were three more chips in his palm. Except for the one from Xiao Wuyang, the other two chips were also burnt to a certain extent.

This kind of thing seems to exist widely in the back of the heads of these imperial people, which is very strange.

It's a pity that no matter how he scanned it with his divine sense, he couldn't get any valuable information.

When Lin Tuo retracted his avatar and returned to Lishan again, looking around at the messy study room, he couldn't help but smile wryly: "Fortunately, it was just messed up, and the house wasn't hurt."

Although this consummation was mainly due to a qualitative change in mental power, the body seemed to have also been strengthened. The ether in the body alone increased by a few thousand points out of thin air, which was a surprise.

"Teacher? Is it convenient for me to come in?" Lin Tuo didn't have time to understand it carefully, but Lin Tuo heard Huahuaxi's voice outside the door.

He was still waiting for an answer when he heard another voice that didn't want to be beaten:

"Don't ask, it's definitely inconvenient for him. His clothes are almost gone. Shall I let you in to sketch?"

This tone, Hathaway is undoubtedly.

"This guy is awake?" Lin Tuo was stunned for a moment, his divine sense swept away, and the scene outside the house was vividly remembered, while Hathaway, who was floating beside Huaxi with her arms folded, started to call out:

"Yeah? Who's spying on me? Is Lin Tuo you? Hey, tsk tsk, you even shielded the room, cut, stingy, who cares too much to look at you."

In the room, Lin Tuo ignored her, and first blocked the study with mental power, then turned his thoughts slightly, controlled things from the air, restored the scattered furniture one by one, and fished a set of coats from the ground to change.

Then he opened the door and walked out, looked at Huaxi who was still holding a ball of clothes, and said with a smile:

"A little incident happened just now, and it has been resolved."

Then he looked at Hathaway next to him, raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you awake?"

While speaking, a glass ball the size of a marble flew out of Hathaway's body and was held by Lin Tuo. At the same time, a message popped up on the virtual panel:

Attribute: special extraordinary life (suspected spiritual data fusion, a special spiritual body born by itself in this world)

Rating: Moderate (growable)

Status: Huanshi

Ability: Advanced Dataization

Negative effects: none

(The spirit is attached to the material carrier and cannot leave the carrier too far, and it needs to consume ether to run)

This is... a test report

Hathaway is essentially a spiritual object with self-awareness, which Lin Tuo already knew.

When I got the crystal ball from the game "The Third Continent", the sand table gave a corresponding analysis.

Comparing the two, the difference mainly lies in three places.

The first is the level, which has evolved from "low" to "medium" and still has growth potential.

The second is ability, which is still a rather confusing description. The original version is "digitalization", but this time there are two more words, and it has become "advanced digitalization"... I don't know what the difference is.

The third is the state... Hathaway hadn't "awakened" when she first obtained it, so she was "sleeping". After waking up, Lin Tuo also checked it, and the state was "normal", but this time it became...

"Happy? What kind of adjective is this?"

Lin Tuo was speechless, but looking at the other party's full sleep and radiant appearance, it didn't seem wrong.

"Hey hey hey, are you so plausible? You robbed me without my permission?!" Hathaway was anxious, baring her teeth and claws, "Let me tell you, I've evolved now, you know, I'm stronger, not like before At your mercy!"

Lin Tuo did her best, playing with the glass ball with one hand, and said with a smile, "Really?"

As he said that, Hathaway's expression changed under the lord-level mental strength, and Peng's snap was abruptly slapped on the ground, which startled Huaxi.

You must know that in the past, although Lin Tuo could "control objects in the air" to a certain extent, he could only control physical objects, such as crystal balls, but it had no effect on Hathaway, who was purely made of energy.

But this time it was different, she was directly slapped on the ground, and more than that, she was horrified to see that Hathaway was slapped flat!

The two-dimensional kind!

It's flat, just like a painting.

At this point, Lin Tuo didn't seem to be enjoying himself enough. He pulled the dazed-faced Hathaway up with his invisible big hand, kneaded it, kneaded it into a ball, and then slapped it on the wall.

With a smile on his face:

"Okay, you're promising, you're capable, don't you want to resist, come on, let me take a look."

Hathaway was about to cry now, her whole body floated down from the wall like fallen leaves, and then Peng suddenly swelled into a three-dimensional creature, staring at Lin Tuo, as if seeing a ghost:

" did you become stronger again??!"

"This prosperous world is as you wish."

Lin Tuo casually replied with an irrelevant sentence. He didn't bother to explain to her, and threw the crystal ball to Huaxi casually, his eyes moved slightly. He found that Hathaway's range of movement had also increased after upgrading.

In the past, it was only limited to one meter around the crystal ball, but now it has expanded by at least ten times, and it may be farther, but there is still a distance limit. It doesn't matter if he covers it with mental power, he can sense that kind of bondage.

"Okay, don't get lost. Now that you're awake, don't be idle. I just need you for something," Lin Tuo said lightly, "You two get ready, and I'll take you to see something good later."

"Good stuff?" Huaxi and Hathaway looked at each other, a little puzzled.

Five minutes later, Lin Tuo, who had changed his clothes, used his avatar to bring them into the No. 2 sandbox, the deserted island in the Storm Sea, and saw the silver battleship glowing brightly under the moonlight.

Unexpectedly, he received praise from both of them.

Huaxi: "Wow!"

Hathaway: "Damn!"

(end of this chapter)