Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 291: Let's see a big guy


Inside the battleship, Hathaway held the chip and narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she was concentrating on checking the unseen content. Next to it, Lin Tuo's eyes lit up.

Although he spoke harshly, he wasn't sure if Hathaway would be able to do it. Pulling the other party over was also more thoughtful to try.

Unexpectedly, it is really possible.

So... this is the demonstration of the ability of "advanced dataization"

However, after Hathaway finished reading a large section of identity information, she stopped suddenly, frowning, with a puzzled expression.

"Why don't you read it anymore?" Huaxi asked.

Hathaway looked innocent: "It's gone."

"It's gone?" Lin Tuo was also a little surprised, because some memory cards on the earth have preconceptions about the size of memory cards. He thinks that such a big thing should be able to store a lot of information.

"It can't be said that it is gone, it should be damaged." Hathaway said in words, "It should have some information, although it should not be much, but it did exist, but it was destroyed.

Well, you can understand it as paper with some writings burned off by fire.

Speaking of it, this thing looks more like a connector, an identity card or something like that, and it has a certain computing power, like a chip.

It should be matched with some other instruments, and then connected like this. "


Lin Tuo frowned. It is understandable that Xiao Wuyang's "chip" was damaged, but the other two should not have been impacted by external forces, especially the female maintenance worker. The cause of death was pierced through the heart by ether.

So... is it also some kind of self-destruct program

For example, when human death is detected, certain key information will be automatically erased... Well, this possibility is very high.

As for Hathaway's words... Lin Tuo thought for a while, raised his hand and threw a bracelet over:

"Look at this."

"Huh." Hathaway took it, and her mental power penetrated into it. After a while, she said in surprise:

"What is this? It's interesting. Well, this thing seems to be used in conjunction with the chip, and it is matched, but there is nothing stored in it."

Lin Tuo was not disappointed when he heard the words, but his expectations grew even bigger:

"What about these instruments? Or can you crack the central control system of this spaceship?"

Hathaway said with a strange expression:

"I actually sensed what you said when I came in. It is indeed a very complicated thing. It is connected to many devices in the entire battleship, but all data is encrypted, and there are many layers of encryption..."

Seeing the change in Lin Tuo's expression, she suddenly put her hands on her hips and smiled triumphantly:

"But it doesn't matter who they meet? Me, me, I may have struggled before, but I went to bed late this time, so it's not a big problem to crack it, it's just..."

"What is it?" Lin Tuo asked.

Hathaway said dryly:

"I hacked into this system just now, and found that the data is very chaotic and broken. It seems that it was forcibly destroyed not long ago. It's not the kind of attack and damage, but someone actively made it with permissions."

As she spoke, she rubbed her eyes and complained:

"No, my eyes are dazzled, the data is too damaged, and some information should also be erased, even if it is me, it is not so easy to restore it.

It can't be done in a short time.

But the good news is that the other party only came to destroy the data, and the entire central control system is still good... well, except for a few places that were physically destroyed by you... "

In her mind, the entire spaceship is almost transparent, and the damaged areas that were bombed, or the doors that were violently torn apart by Lin Tuo along the way, all showed a damaged "red" sign.

Hearing this, Lin Tuo was really overjoyed, it was actually much better than he expected.

When he came, frankly speaking, his psychological expectations were quite low...

Unexpectedly, Hathaway not only hacked into the system and obtained the corresponding permissions, but also had the ability to restore the damaged data.

At the same time, he finally understood the reason why Xiao Wuyang ran here desperately.

This guy should have judged that he must die, so he ran over urgently and used his authority to destroy the data. If Lin Tuo hadn't come quickly, he might have destroyed the system.

"By the way, can you find out whether the shipboard system has exchanged information with the outside world recently? It's like sending a signal to a certain place?" Lin Tuo asked again.

He wanted to make sure that the other party had sent the "report" back.

Hathaway shook her head and said:

"I can't see it. Like I said, it's too messy. The entire database is a bunch of garbled characters, and the logs are also messed up. I can't read it until I fix it."

Is that so... Lin Tuo tried hard to suppress the restlessness in his heart, and realized that he was a little anxious. This situation is already good.

Thinking of this, he said seriously:

"If you do your best to fix it, how long will it take?"

Hathaway thought for a while and said:

"It's hard to say, but it will take ten days and a half months to make progress. This still needs to be supported by enough magic power, otherwise I will be tired after analyzing it for a while, and the speed will be slow."

"How much do you need?" Lin Tuo asked with wary eyes.

But what surprised him was that Hathaway didn't sit on the ground this time and asked him too much. Instead, she crossed her arms, stepped on the air, raised her head 45°, and sighed with a gesture of concern for the country and the people:

"Hey, forget it, this time it's for self-help. After all, you are finished, and I can't live, so I won't charge you."

Huaxi and Lin Tuo looked at each other, speechless.

"Hey, what expression do you two have? So in your eyes, I am the kind of person who doesn't know the general situation and doesn't distinguish between the serious and the serious?" Hathaway was hurt by their eyes.

Huaxi smacked her lips and said, "I just think the contrast is a bit big. Speaking of which, you won't be sleepy."

She felt something was wrong.

This is not the character of this broken ball.

What's the matter, did you wake up after sleeping

Hathaway looked helpless, sighed, and said: "Well, I admit, there is a lot of magic power in this spaceship, and I can't use it up at all. I don't need your little bit."

How much magic power

Does it mean that there are a lot of ether reserves

Lin Tuo's eyes moved, a little ready to move, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea of trying to absorb the energy of the battleship.

For one thing, this battleship is still useful. Originally, the pilot died and he didn't know how to drive it, but Hathaway made up for this shortcoming to a certain extent.

He can see in the technical documentation that this battleship has the function of "autopilot".

Secondly, Lin Tuo doubted that he would not be able to inhale.

In fact, ether storage technology is not new, just like the Royal Court of the Moon Clan, there is already a relatively mature solution.

Those "base stations" hidden in the stone statues of World No. 5 use this technology to supplement ether energy and maintain operation.

To put it bluntly, it is to create a special "battery" that can convert ether into another "state" within a certain period of time for storage and use.

cannot be absorbed directly.

He had tried it before, and it didn't work.

Of course, there must be a difference between the technology of the Moon Clan and the Empire, but Lin Tuo feels that the difference may not be very big. The idea of siphoning tens of thousands of ethers from the battleship is wonderful and unreal...

But thinking of the Moon Clan... Lin Tuo suddenly had an idea, and said:

"Very good, then you will try to restore the data here next, and familiarize yourself with the central control system. Huaxi, you are responsible for searching each room of the battleship, counting the spoils of war, and paying special attention to some information that may be related to the style of the empire, and sorting it out."

Seeing the two nodding, he said again:

"In addition, the battleship itself has been damaged a lot, especially the energy protection area. I will change it to another place later and find some people to try to repair it."

"Who are you looking for? Mount Sinai?" Hathaway asked curiously.

Huaxi thought about the Tianyuan Continent that he was in charge of, and the practitioners of Tiandaozong, Yaodu, and Qintian Daoyuan. He imagined the appearance of those guys wearing long robes and flying in the battleship, and shook his head vigorously:

Anyway, it is impossible to find Tianyuan Continent if you ask anyone to repair it.

The style of painting is wrong, okay

Lin Tuo smiled and said, "Haven't you always wondered what the black box on the moon looks like? I'll take you to the moon."

Frankly speaking, the moonlight tonight is not too bright. Above the Sea of Storms, there are still some hazy halos around the bright moon projected by the shield.

However, in the lunar sea 380,000 kilometers away.

Inside sandbox number four.

The azure planet, which was magnified by the isolation cover, looked extremely spectacular, but it was no different from the past.

In the Royal Court, the stretched branches and leaves of the Moon Tree still exude bright light, protecting the entire city as always.

In Moon City, it was like daytime.

On the west side of the royal court, there are still many people busy in the "Royal Alchemy Workshop" constructed of large buildings.

Hundreds of years of development have allowed this area of medium-sized buildings to be expanded countless times, and with the development of industries based on practicing technology.

Most of the "factories" were moved to the suburbs, and this workshop near the royal court was replaced with a "design institute".

That is, a "department" of the whole of the Grand Workshop.

It is different from those people in the "Society of Alchemy" who specialize in hiding in the laboratory to conduct research, publish papers, and engage in theoretical exploration and demonstration.

The main work of the design institute of the workshop is to design plans, produce drawings, and communicate with the factory workshops in the suburbs to complete orders, or cooperate with the association to conduct some experiments.

In the design institute, in a large office.

A group of "drafters" hired by the workshop may be lying on long tables, concentrating on outlining graphics on large drawings.

Or sitting at the workstation, staring at the eyeballs, looking at the drawings fixed in front of the clip like a quilt on the clothesline, and disassembling and calculating.

And at a slightly further position, a "designer" with a higher professional level also sat at a separate desk and made corrections to the original sketch.

A busy scene.

"Dingling..." Suddenly, the alchemy product on the desk in the office area, which looked like a landline phone, suddenly made a hurried sound.

In an instant, one after another looked at the past at the same time.

The moment the senior designer who seemed to be in a daze raised his head, a young drawing dog jumped up and sent the wireless microphone over:

"Mogong, yours."

The senior designer named Modo who was dubbed "工" showed a satisfied smile on his face, smiled and took the microphone, and put it next to his ear: "Hello? Who is it?"

These guys haven't figured out the caller ID feature yet.

In the next second, as the voice of the blue sky on the other end of the "telephone" sounded, Modo's expression also completed the transition from nervousness to surprise to seriousness.

After a while, he put down the microphone, stood up suddenly, and said to the crowd:

"Urgent order from above! Everyone! Stop what you're doing immediately, dress neatly, and set off with me!"

"Mogong, is there any urgent task?" A drawing dog asked.

Modo picked up his coat and said seriously:

"Yes! I heard it's a big guy this time!"

Thanks to the book friends: Oh my god, how handsome I am, Bread84, big big cotton, galloping wind and rain, fifty-one stones, thousands of miles of cold winter and the end of spring for reward and support~

(end of this chapter)