Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 294: Opening of Warrior Challenge (2 in 1)


Lin Tuo had heard about this news a long time ago, and it wasn't just him. In fact, it was originally the thing that attracted the most attention years ago, before the opening of the Pacific Stargate.

Preparations have been going on for a long time, and the martial arts club led by Jiang Yishan has been preparing for this competition.

But later, the ensuing incidents divided the discussion, and everyone flocked to watch the "messenger group".

It wasn't until this time that it reappeared.

Just like that, there was a wave of keyword traffic on the title.

Manipulating the mouse to click, Lin Tuo quickly browsed the news content. Simply put, the long-prepared competition is scheduled to be held on April 1st.

The location is in the capital.

Bird's Nest venue.

At the time of introduction, teams of warriors from various colleges and universities across the country will gather to decide their rankings and share generous bonuses and honors.

Originally, this was an event held to popularize martial arts practice among the whole people.

Because of the establishment of diplomatic relations, the envoys from the Southern Continent will also be present to watch this time. As a judge, there is a ticket purchase link attached at the bottom of the article. Lin Tuo clicked on it and found that the tickets were sold out...

Flipping down the comment area, netizens discussed enthusiastically:

"It's finally here! My home is in the capital, I've got the tickets, I'm happy!" There was an expression on the back.

"Is the ticket sold out just by clicking on the link?" Someone broke down, and then a group of people echoed.

They all said they didn't get it, and some shouted about shady things.

Lin Tuo smiled and thought that there must be internal votes leaked out for this kind of thing. I am afraid that only a small part of them will be released, and then they will be snatched by the scalpers. Oh, it's over.

“[Picking the nose] It’s fine if there is a live broadcast, anyway, I can’t afford a ticket, and I don’t go if I can afford it. I travel so far and make a lot of trouble. It’s not interesting to watch the live broadcast with sand sculpture netizens.”



"Uh, am I the only one who noticed the date? It's not an April Fool's Day joke." Someone joked, triggering a burst of ridicule.

Lin Tuo looked at it for a while, turned his gaze and scanned the time, and found that the challenge was only a week away.

It was quite sudden.

After thinking about it, he felt that it was necessary to try to understand, so after eating the cooked noodles, he set his sights on Wucheng University with the help of a sand table.

Locate the thread of ether rising from Jiang Yishan's body.

"You started practicing so early?" Lin Tuo was a little surprised, and then thought again, "No, maybe it's more likely that you didn't sleep at all."

Speaking of which, from the time Jiang Yishan was kidnapped, a group of people fought on the highway, and they were sent away... until now, everything has settled, it has only been more than ten hours.

Counting the time it took for her and Shen Xining to return, it was even shorter.

If this kind of thing happened, it should be a big heart to be able to fall asleep with peace of mind...

Thinking about it, he transformed into the Supreme Harmony Immortal Gate and pulled the opponent in.

When Jiang Yishan entered the "Taihe Immortal Gate" again in a trance, she was shocked. She found that the process of being pulled in this time was different from going back.

In the past, although it was hard to resist, after all, I could feel the pull, but now, I didn't notice it.

When I opened my eyes, I was already sitting on the misty jade platform, with a thick futon under my buttocks.

"Ah Master..."

In front of him, if not, is that face that is becoming more and more un-mortal, so ethereal that people feel that it might fly away in the next second.

This... could it be said that Immortal Taihe is powerful again

Thinking about it, Jiang Yishan stared directly at the other party for a few times, and then a guess lingering in his heart suddenly disappeared.

After returning to the university from the highway, she recalled the battle scene she saw again and again, guessing the identity of "Lin Tuo".

It is basically determined that this is the work of "Taihe Immortal Gate".

The question is, who is that strange face who made the shot.

She had guessed that the other party's appearance might be a disguise. She had learned that spiritual spells could distort people's cognition and construct illusory illusions when they opened up camps in the Northern Continent.

Considering the strength of that person, she even doubted for a while whether it was Taihe himself who made the move.

But at this moment, when she saw Lin Tuo in front of her and felt the strength of Lin Tuo's soul after the completion of his seven veins, she instantly dispelled this ridiculous guess:

Taihe is much stronger than the man who appeared on the highway!

It would be better to say that the "big brother" came in disguise, or it was more likely that other senior brothers she had never met came from inside the fairy gate.

"It seems that you have already guessed it." The next second, Jiang Yishan's wild thoughts were interrupted by Lin Tuo's voice.

She let out an ah, lowered her eyes quickly and said, "Disciple is rude."

"It's okay," Lin Tuo said with a smile, "You did a good job before."

Jiang Yishan raised his head and said curiously: "Those people..."

"It's not easy to reveal at the moment, it's for your own good." Lin Tuo pretended to be profound, and then asked about her situation after she left.

In Jiang Yishan's narration, when she and Shen Xining left, their minds were shaken, and they ran for a long distance in a sullen breath. They didn't return to Wucheng University by car until they were completely safe.

Shen Xining's mental state is not very good. Simply put, he was frightened. He found a place to stay in a nearby hotel and prepared to follow the content of the "lie" to complete the challenge.

Jiang Yishan returned to the martial arts club, but couldn't sleep anyway.

Especially after it got dark, the sky was still sunny and sometimes rainy, which made her worry that there might be a high-level confrontation going on somewhere in this world that she couldn't see...

Apparently, her fantasies weren't wrong.

Lin Tuo was not surprised, he purposely blurted out the matter in a relaxed tone, and Jiang Yishan's nervousness really dissipated.

It is difficult for her, Li Tai, and many lives around Lin Tuo to see the truth of the world. Therefore, Lin Tuo's words and attitude determine their joy or fear.

This gave Lin Tuo a strange feeling in a trance, as if he had unknowingly grown into a big tree, which could shelter the people under the tree from wind and rain.

Throwing this inexplicable thought to the back of his mind, Lin Tuo turned to chatting about the challenge in a chatty tone.

Jiang Yishan was not surprised either, she had known for a long time that Taihe was always observing every move of the world, and judging from the form of the spiritual net, he was never out of touch with the common world.

Even in many cases, it doesn't look like a powerful fairy.

"... We have been notified about this matter earlier, and the original date was later. Li Tai said that this matter has something to do with the visit of the envoys.

These days of contact, the government and the civilization inside the black box have reached some basic cooperation, some of the envoys in the capital have returned, and the warriors we stayed there before have also brought back news. "

"Agreed some basic rules, for example, we will organize exchange students to go to each other's world.

The students of Starry Sky University in the Southern Continent will come to Earth to study in top universities in various countries. The same is true here. The prizes for this National College Student Martial Artist Challenge also include related quotas.

For example, how many places can the school that won the first place get, and how many places the school that won the second place can get... "

On the jade platform, Lin Tuo listened to Jiang Yishan's narration, and found it quite interesting. He really didn't understand these things, but he was a little distracted while listening.

I thought that if the original rhythm is followed, this is of course very good, but if the imperial people really come, will the two sides still have time to slowly understand and integrate

But what can be done? This kind of thing can't be pushed by force.

That may be contradictory instead.

"Master? Master?" Sitting on the futon, Jiang Yishan couldn't help calling out softly after finishing the narration. Lin Tuo finally came back to his senses, and said with a smile, "I remembered something, and my mind was a little distracted."

The latter blinked, thinking that it would be such a big deal to distract Immortal Taihe.

"By the way, you did a good job with those two outsiders before," Lin Tuo said with a smile. Not sure about the game?"

Jiang Yishan's eyes brightened slightly, he nodded and said:

"Yes, my cultivation is indeed leading, but my fighting ability is not outstanding. This time it is a team competition again...

Among other things, the martial arts clubs in several universities in the capital already made us feel a lot of pressure. "

Lin Tuo nodded and said, "In that case, I have three techniques here, you can choose one to learn."

As he spoke, he flicked his right hand, and three jade slips fell in front of Jiang Yishan.

The latter unfolded in surprise, and found that the abilities and limitations of the three spells were written on it in an easy-to-understand manner.

They are one attack, one defense, and one gain.

After a little thought, Jiang Yishan selected the buff spell, which can consume ether, apply "blessings" to himself or others, and improve the overall combat power:

"The disciple chooses this door."

Lin Tuo was not too surprised. He nodded slightly and said, "Okay, you will go back later and enter the state of practice, and I will bestow it on you. After you succeed, it will become your awakening spell. You don't need to learn it, just take it easy."

Jiang Yishan was stunned for a moment, then raised his head, his eyes were bright: "Awakening spell?"

She naturally knew the meaning of this word, after all, there were some awakened people in Yangcheng.

Compared with the abilities obtained from the Moonsea Stone Tablet, or the spells learned from the Northern Continent pioneering army, which require a long time to learn to master the essence, the abilities of the awakened are undoubtedly more efficient.

Lin Tuo nodded without finishing the details, and said:

"After mastering it, just claim to be awakened."

With the example of the awakened person, Jiang Yishan's "sudden awakening ability" is not incomprehensible.

The specific method of operation, of course, is to use the "marking machine", which is not difficult for him now.

As for Li Tai... Well, Lin Tuo thinks that he can also find a chance to give it to him, but he is in the capital and is not under the control of the sand table, so it is difficult to communicate, so he can only wait for the future.

Wucheng University, in the office of the Martial Arts Club.

The morning light outside the window was dim, and Jiang Yishan was the only one in the empty room. She sat cross-legged on the sofa, her eyebrows moved, but she did not open her eyes, but entered a state of meditation.

After a while, her body suddenly trembled, and the ether in her body felt a slight boiling.

"Um... ah..." Biting his lip, enduring the pain deep in his head, Jiang Yishan clenched his legs with both hands, as if trying to suppress something.

About five minutes later, she calmed down, and a light blue dao pattern appeared in the depths of her consciousness.

"Click click." There was the sound of keys turning outside the office.

Then, a man and a woman, the two backbones of the Martial Arts Club hurriedly opened the door—they came early, and they heard abnormal noises in the room outside the corridor.


Jiang Yishan calmly opened his eyes, pretending to be a little dazed:

"I seem to be... awakened."

"I hope she likes it."

Li Shan, after finishing the matter, Lin Tuo breathed out lightly, stood up, pushed the door open, and saw the brilliance of the morning sun tearing through the dawn, and the gilded light flowed into this quiet house on Li Shan.

Another dawn has arrived.

In the next few days, neither the outside world nor Lin Tuo was idle.

On the Internet, the news about the National College Student Martial Arts Competition was abuzz, and almost all colleges and universities that had established martial arts clubs in various places signed up.

And rushed to the capital one after another, preparing to adjust the state.

Some live broadcast platforms even competed for the right to live broadcast, and advertisers from all walks of life also flocked to it.

The last "exhibition game" caused a huge response, and some advertisers saw the benefits, not to mention the larger scale of the game, which lasted for several days, who wouldn't want to grab a wave of traffic

Each news platform has set up a special event.

Although it is only being done in China and the time is very fast, given the popularity of martial artists, the popularity on the Internet is almost as good as the Olympic Games.

As for the news of Jiang Yishan's awakening, I didn't see it. Given her status as the number one in the Top 100, Lin Tuo felt that she suppressed the news on purpose, probably in order to surprise her opponent in the competition.

On the one hand, Lin Tuo stepped up to adapt to mastering the new power, and on the other hand, he tried to mobilize the computing power of the sand table to promote the development of the Moon Clan.

You must know that except for the No. 2 sandbox, the other No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 sandboxes have not fully reached the 1:1 time flow rate.

Throwing computing power over there can still have an acceleration effect, but the effect is very poor.

He originally wanted to speed up the Moon Sea Continent so that Hathaway and the others could produce results as soon as possible, but it failed after the actual operation. The sand table reminded the Moon Sea Continent that the "complexity" was too high to speed up.

After a little thought, Lin Tuo figured out the situation.

Obviously, it was the battleship that raised the "complexity" value.

This made him helpless, so he had to honestly wait for Hathaway to repair the data, and wait for the Moon Clan to study the technology. The former group was slower. According to Hathaway, the difficulty of repairing far exceeded expectations.

The latter is progressing very fast, and repairs to the damaged outer shell of the battleship and the doors inside were quickly completed.

The designers' surveying and mapping of the battleship and the structural replication are also progressing very quickly.

And the scholars of the Alchemy Society, who have been immersed in alchemy for a lifetime, are completely stuck in the battleship these days.

If Wang Ting hadn't arranged for people to deliver meals, and Sesai had forced everyone to rest and work shifts, according to Huaxi, those guys would have exhausted themselves there.

Lin Tuo was very pleased with this.

At the same time, after discovering that most of the craftsmen in the workshop were unable to work and were idle, and the Moon Sea Continent was difficult to accelerate, he turned his attention to the No. 3 sandbox, the Tianyuan Continent.

The Lishan Sword Sect has already broken ground, but even though the sect is not large, it will take a lot of time to complete the construction. Lin Tuo thought about it, and simply poured his computing power into the Tianyuan Continent.

Occasionally stop and let Huaxi go in to confirm the progress of the project, whether it meets expectations or something, anyway, the drawings are all done, and there are people from Qintian Taoist Temple to monitor, so the quality will not be a problem.

At the same time, he placed a batch of orders for the manufacture of "base stations" to the Moon Clan through Qingkong.

As for the cost, he shamelessly used the technology on the battleship to offset it. After all, such a good technology is open for you to see. In exchange, it is too cost-effective to make a batch of base stations, okay...

In this busy atmosphere.

In a blink of an eye, more than a week later, the time came to April 1st, and the National College Student Warrior Challenge officially opened in the capital.

Because he couldn't bear the ether, he didn't light up the map of the capital, so Lin Tuo followed the netizens to watch it through the live broadcast platform.

The scale of the opening ceremony was very grand, and the people who came were of high rank, but the overall atmosphere was relaxed.

It wasn't until the game officially started that the atmosphere in the Bird's Nest became tense.

No status, only 4,000 words today.

(end of this chapter)