Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 299: One good news, one bad news


When Lin Tuo walked through the corridor and came to the large lounge of the search ship, he saw Hathaway floating in the air with her hands propped in front of her body, her palms facing the curved glass curtain wall in front, and her red dress fluttering.

"How's the situation?" Lin Tuo asked, and at the same time glanced around—

This lounge, which resembles an enlarged version of the living room, is not much different from a week ago, except that the tables and chairs have been arranged in a different way.

The circular knitted carpet has changed its position, but there are still low tables and sofas above it.

"A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Hathaway's figure floated over, and illusory rose petals kept falling down from her body, and then disappeared.

Lin Tuo glanced at her, but didn't see anything from this guy's expression:

"bad news?"

Hathaway sighed, then said seriously:

"You have been asking me before, about whether this aircraft has sent out information, and I can finally be sure.

According to the time you gave me, I searched the battleship system and found a sending record. "

Lin Tuo's joyful mood suddenly turned cold:

"send record?"

"Yes, the time measurement inside the battleship is somewhat different from that on Earth, they use 'standard time' to measure.

I did the conversion, and found that when you captured it, the 'captain' named Xiao Wuyang sent a piece of information, and the information transmission itself would include the space coordinates of the earth.

I think this may have something to do with that investigative report. "

Hathaway's tone was unexpectedly serious.

When it comes to serious business, she is used to putting away her flamboyance.

Although the body is still a little big, Lin Tuo vaguely reminded him of the high-level extraordinary in the past.

"... Good news." Lin Tuo asked after a moment of silence.

Hathaway flew up and said:

"The good news is that I can't confirm the content of that message, that is, it doesn't have to be an investigative report, it could be something else...

This part of the information was destroyed after being sent, just like the bracelets they used to communicate before, it was burned after reading it, hula, it was burned. "

As she spoke, she also made a gesture of burning into ashes.

Lin Tuo fell silent, and Huaxi beside him also frowned, a little worried.

Both she and Hathaway understood what that meant.

In the silence, Lin Tuo walked to the sofa, sat down, and let out a long breath:

"In this case, the content of the letter is not important."

He squinted his eyes, looked at the glass curtain wall in front of him, and said clearly:

"As you said, no matter what its content is, the coordinates of the earth have been leaked. Thinking differently, the empire will not be unaware of the death of all the crew members of such a battleship.

And once they realize that this team is in danger, they will inevitably send more forces to investigate, that is to say... "

Huaxi said, "Sooner or later we will be exposed."

"That's right." Lin Tuo forced a smile.

And he was surprised to find that he was unexpectedly calm in the face of this result... Perhaps, from the bottom of his heart, he had already been fully prepared for this result.

Hathaway's words are just more certain.

"There is still a difference," Hathaway analyzed after hearing his words, "If the content is a report, then there may be a large wave of battleship formations waiting for us.

Perhaps in a short time, mankind will wake up and find that the earth has been occupied... "

"If not, the empire will at most realize that there is a problem in this direction, and send a reconnaissance team, or a rescue team, etc. We will have more time left."

Sitting on the soft sofa, Lin Tuo glanced at her and confirmed once again that after waking up from a doze, the way she spoke was indeed more similar to the original version of "Hathaway".

"Why are you staring at me?" Hathaway was so furious after being looked at, she couldn't help covering her chest, and flew back with vigilant eyes.

Lin Tuo was speechless:

"What's that expression on your face? It's just... I think it's strange that you are serious."

"I've always been serious, okay?" Hathaway said with her hips akimbo.

Huaxi next to him also smiled, and then asked:

"Teacher, you don't look too surprised."

Lin Tuo smiled bitterly:

"I just didn't take chances... In fact, from the day I knew they existed, I knew that they would come back sooner or later. I never expected that the danger would be avoided by killing these people."

With that said, he rubbed his face to make himself look excited:

"As for now...according to the worst result, it seems that there is not much time left for us. What else can we find?"

Hathaway glanced at him, as if surprised by his calmness, but Lin Tuo's performance did calm the two of them down.

It's like, with a backbone, you won't be afraid of the sky falling.

"Other discoveries... Well, not too many. In fact, the entire battleship system has an information erasure mechanism, which may be required for confidentiality. A lot of information is automatically deleted after processing.

That's why there's so little information in those bracelets... Most of the information I've restored has to do with the operation of the ship itself, but also with what the team saw along the way. "

With that said, Hathaway threw a cracked bracelet over:

"The specific information is here. The navigation star map is in the photo library. The content is quite complicated. Take the time to read it yourself."

Lin Tuo took it and tried to inject ether, the bracelet was activated, and the familiar virtual interface emerged.

"This thing was originally bound to the chip, but I cracked it.

Oh, by the way, I also cracked those chips, and found that there is a special interface inside, which is not connected to the bracelet or the battleship...

Well, let's make a metaphor, it's somewhat similar to the brain-computer interface of the Southern Continent. "

Hathaway said.

Lin Tuo hurriedly scanned the information in the bracelet, raised his head, his eyes flickered:

"You mean... the Magic Web?"

"En," Hathaway nodded, "Maybe, in the so-called empire, where they live, there is also a facility similar to the magic net, you can compare the chip to a digital ID card.

Each one is embedded with a citizen code to verify identity, and then cooperate with the bracelet to connect to a large network for data exchange...

Well, from this point of view, the chip and the bracelet are actually splitting the 'brain computer' into two parts... "

Lin Tuo quickly understood the logic and asked:

"What else? Have you found their mission content? Or is there any information about the internal social structure of the empire?"

Hathaway said:

"There is a document for the task content, I put it in the document library of the bracelet, but it is written in a vague way, it is an action order.

The issuing department is 'Ueno Star District Military Headquarters', and there is a digital signature of 'Governor'. "

After a pause, she continued:

"As for the empire... the information I found is also not much..."

"Where are those books?" Lin Tuo interrupted her, "I remember there are some books here..."

The Huaxi Road next to it:

"I read this, most of which are technical manuals for repairing warships... and some of them are poems, novels..."

"Fiction? What's it about?" Lin Tuo's eyes lit up.

With the help of good literary and artistic works, it is possible to get a glimpse of the style of an era, such as Jin...

After careful analysis, it may be possible to figure out the social form and humanistic spirit of the empire, which are extremely valuable to him.

However, facing his scorching gaze, Huaxi said with a complicated expression:

"Well... it's about a battleship assistant who gets a golden finger, traverses the spirit world, sweeps the heavens, encounters lords and wins in battle..."

"To put it is to fight monsters and upgrade..."

Lin Tuo opened his mouth: "The description of the social form..."

"No, they are all on the spaceship, fighting all the way."

"What about the humanistic spirit..."

"No. But it's quite cool to write..."

Looking at each other speechlessly, Lin Tuo sighed in his heart:

Can't these people bring some social science books when they go out? At any rate, it would be nice to use a few classics to fill the scenes, but this is basically a set of online articles, right

However, when he collapsed, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, different star fields, the same human beings... Shuangwen can occupy a place in any space and era.

How else to say that the people love to hear and see...

"Hey, I'll take a look later." Lin Tuo skipped the topic, and locked on Hathaway again. "Go on, besides those novels, is there any other material that can show the appearance of the empire?"

Hathaway blinked her big eyes:

"There is a video."

Lin Tuo took a breath:

"What kind? It won't be a short video to relieve boredom, right?"

He had heard before that some people like sailors, or those who were engaged in construction in the mountains and deserts were extremely lack of entertainment, so they would put some learning materials in their notebooks or USB flash drives.

Originally, he thought the imperial soldiers were very mysterious, but as a result, a set of online articles directly pulled them from illusion to reality. Lin Tuo felt that he might have overestimated the imperial soldiers...

"No, it's not exactly what you think!" Hathaway blushed and hurriedly waved her hands.

Not at all

Lin Tuo's eyes changed slightly, Huaxi, who was standing beside him, looked at him, and then at Hathaway, with a little suspicion in his eyes.

"Anyway, you'll know when you look at it." Hathaway probably felt confused, turned around and pointed at the curved glass curtain wall ahead.

In the next second, a part of the curtain wall suddenly went dark, and a picture appeared.

In addition to being used as a window to watch the outside world, this thing is also a display screen.

At the same time, Hathaway also controlled the central system to dim the light in the large lounge, making Lin Tuo, who was leaning on the sofa, feel like watching a movie in a theater.

Huaxi also came over, sat down beside Lin Tuo, stared at the screen with rounded eyes.

Then, the screen lit up, and a city appeared.

Appeared at the same time, there is also a voice:

"Hey, Han Yue, what is there to take pictures on this street? If you want to take pictures, there are activities." A gentle voice came from the speaker.

Appears to be speaking to the videographer.

Lin Tuo was slightly taken aback, and suddenly remembered that the owner of the voice seemed to be Lin Jing who had been taken away by him and then exploded as a humanoid bomb.

As for "Han Yue" seems to be the maintenance soldier and team doctor woman who was shot by him.

Sure enough, in the next second, "Han Yue" chuckled and said:

"Sister Jing, you know what I recorded."

(end of this chapter)