Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 303: 1.5 light years ahead, there are extraterrestrial civilizations, please slow down


The voyage begins.

The conversation with Mount Sinai was not in place all at once, but a gradual and in-depth brainwashing method was chosen.

In the script constructed by Lin Tuo, the "evolving sand table" seems to act as a god, and he himself, from the controller of the sand table, is described as a role that acts according to the instructions of the sand table.

The inspiration for this story comes from a setting in the set of novels in the battleship, which Lin Tuo believes is the most valuable information revealed in this set of books.

The story background of the novel is in a battleship sailing in the spirit world.

In the story, in order to carry out missions, the protagonist and his party go deep into the star sea and fight with life in the spirit world. They sometimes actively or passively land on planetary civilizations, and then encounter a series of events, and finally break the game and win.

In the first volume of the story, the protagonist and his party landed on an unknown planet. Although the early human society was born on that planet, the civilization is still at a very low stage, but the residents there have superhuman powers. Ordinary organizational discipline seems to be cloaked in individual cloaks, 0 and 1 that operate according to a fixed logic.

There, every day is repeated... This description is not accurate. It should be said that every day, people on that planet will do the same thing.

For example, Zhang San wakes up on time at six o'clock in the morning and goes out to go fishing. At eight o'clock her wife will have an affair at home. Zhang San comes back at five o'clock in the evening and finds that everything is normal. Click to cheat again... cycle over and over again.

If one day something goes wrong due to an accident, for example, Zhang San’s boat was caught in a storm and died, and he didn’t come back on time. The cycle is broken, and the wife will be restless and fall into a state of confusion.

Then there will be another Li Si who got rid of the old cycle due to an accident, enters the house, takes the place of Zhang San's "husband", and continues to go fishing the next day...

In short, the entire society is in a state where chaos and order coexist. Originally, the internal circulation on that planet was chaotic and complete.

Until the unexpected arrival of the protagonist's team broke this cycle, leading to fatal bugs in the logic of the entire civilization, and a series of magical stories happened.

In the end, the protagonist finally discovered with his extraordinary wisdom that the reason for everything lies in the "god" that the indigenous people of this planet believe in. Its essence is a supercomputer with fixed operating logic...

The entire civilization operates under the logic of "gods"...

The follow-up is fighting and confrontation. The protagonist leads his companions to defeat the "god" and bring it back as a trophy, and that civilization finally gained real "freedom"...

The story is very simple and not very interesting, but Lin Tuo feels that there is a vague "fable" in it.

It is not necessarily the intention of the author, but it is likely to be a projection of some collective thought of the society in which the author lives.

Just like all "overhead worlds" conceived by human novelists living on earth, it is impossible to escape the influence of real society.

Any fantasy about the future is not what the future really looks like.

Creatures living in three-dimensional space are completely unable to conceive of four-dimensional concrete...

Lin Tuo felt that this setting might reflect something.

Of course, it is also possible that he was thinking too much...

In short, with the help of this setting, he completed the theoretical upgrade and successfully made Mount Sinai realize that the truth of the "war of gods" is a duel between two civilizations.

And the "Imperial Ueno Star District" they are going to visit this time is just another intelligent life in the domain of the "God".


After successfully brainwashing Mount Sinai, the group of people completed the unity of thought, and the rest was a boring journey.

As Lin Tuo said, seeing too much of the same scenery is really tiresome.

Sailing in the spirit world is really not much different from sailing in the sea. The scenery along the way is the same. Under Hathaway's control, the search ship follows the calculated route and uses the "propeller ” Antennas create disturbances to accelerate transitions.

And after leaving the earth, the surroundings have completely quieted down, and even a little bit of ether ripple can't be seen.

Not surprisingly.

Just as islands are rarely encountered in the vast sea, it is extremely difficult to frequently encounter intelligent planets in the spiritual world. Probably only in novels and stories can encounters be so frequent.

There is a food synthesis machine in the battleship, although the synthesis product is really unpalatable.

But considering that ten people go back and forth, even if it takes two months at the fastest.

This is not counting the consumption within the empire, and it is not convenient to bring too much food, so I only brought a lot of seasonings from the earth.

The Moon Clan people are only responsible for the maintenance of warships, and usually spend most of their time together, doing some calculations, and busy with research.

This group of people showed almost worshipful fanaticism towards the spirit world leap technology, and they forgot to sleep and eat, which was really worry-free.

After Mount Sinai and Huaxi got used to the rhythm of sailing, in addition to resting in their daily life, the rest of the day was to fight against each other in the training room and sharpen each other.

After being promoted to Qimai, Lin Tuo's physical fitness has been further enhanced. During these days, there has been a tendency to become more energetic, and his need for sleep has further decreased.

Compared with the others, he is most concerned about the connection between the avatar and the main body.

For this reason, he would try to switch his consciousness almost every once in a while, return to Lishan, and control the battleship through Hathaway, and occasionally leave the spirit world to estimate the corresponding position in the real material universe.

Spirit travel is indeed extremely fast.

Under the action of the "ether gravity" of the earth, it only took two hours to reach Neptune.

On the second day, the group officially left the "Oort Cloud", which also means that they really left the solar system.

This made Lin Tuo feel unreal in a trance.

And after leaving the Oort cloud, he still completed the consciousness switch with the main body... This made him very excited, because according to his estimation.

The boundary of the sea of stars that the evolution sandbox presents now should be the Oort cloud.

That is to say...

"After I leave the sandbox area completely, I can return at any time." This reassured him a lot, at least he would not lose his connection with the earth and many sandboxes.

Of course, that doesn't mean he's safe from danger.

After confirming this point, Lin Tuo finally relaxed. This will help him not to waste these 30 days. According to his calculation, perhaps when he arrives in the Ueno star area, his promotion will be stabilized.

Day by day, in the blink of an eye, two weeks passed.

Lin Tuo no longer knows where he is in the universe, he only knows that it is extremely far away from the solar system.

Even traveling at the speed of light, it will take a long time to arrive.

During this period, they did not encounter any abnormalities, and everything was stable.

Until April 24th in the Earth calendar, when the Lishan Martial Arts Hall fell into the night, Lin Tuo, who once again switched his consciousness from the earth to the search ship, immediately noticed the abnormality of the atmosphere.

"You're awake." Opening his eyes, he saw Hathaway floating on his face, showing a relieved expression.

"What happened?" Lin Tuo frowned, looking around...

At this moment, he was half leaning and half lying on the sofa in the big lounge. The room was bright and warm.

However, Huaxi and Mount Sinai were standing nearby, and even the maintenance team of the Moon Clan came running over. There was a faint sense of tension in the air.

"A little problem happened." Hathaway said, pointing to "outside the window".

Lin Tuo looked over, and saw that outside the curved glass curtain wall, there was still a silent spiritual world, but if he looked carefully, he would find light blue ripples rippling in the space.

Just like the waves surging in the deep sea.

The source of the ripples seems to be some distance away from here, and it is impossible to capture them. As for the ripples, they are extremely huge. A hunting ship with a diameter of 100 meters is placed in it like a note on a stave.

"Civilization?" Lin Tuo's eyes flashed brightly, and he quickly stood up, "I remember it's still far away from the Ueno star area, so... is there a certain civilization near us?"

"It should be said that there may have been."

Hathaway carefully corrected the wording. Seeing Lin Tuo looking over, she spread her hands: "According to the calculation of the battleship, there is indeed magic power about 1.5 light years ahead of us...

Uh, etheric reaction, but instead of inhaling, it's exhaling, you know what I mean. "

Lin Tuo frowned and said, "You mean, that civilization is going backwards?"

According to the known information, when civilization develops, the ether will flow from the spiritual world to the material world, and when it goes backwards, the opposite will happen.

This can be deduced from the direction of the ether ripples.

It's like the earth is booming at the moment, so it absorbs ether crazily, resulting in "ether gravity", going towards the earth, it will speed up, and if it wants to leave the earth, it will slow down.

Similar to gravity in the real world.

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as going backwards," Huaxi said with a complex expression. "Hathaway detected that the disturbance at the source of the ripples is very violent. Normal wars and diseases should cause slow regressions, and it won't be like this, unless..."

"Praying candles?" Lin Tuo's eyes flickered, and he finally realized what might have happened.

Such a rapid and violent disturbance is likely to be due to the crazy proliferation of cakes in the civilization ahead, similar to the No. 2 sandbox.

That is to say, the emergence of an item of the same level as the prayer candle is madly killing that strange civilization, so that such a strong ether return can be explained.

"The destruction of civilization..." Lin Tuo's expression changed.

Hathaway's expression was a bit complicated, but she still said:

"Because the ripple is on the left front, if we want to follow the original path, we will go against the ripple, which will cause us to spend a longer time on the road."

Going against the wind, the speed will naturally be slow.

Originally, it could arrive in thirty days, but it may be delayed to fifty days, sixty days, or even longer...

"So?" Lin Tuo asked.

Hathaway glanced at him and said:

"Now there are two options. One is to take a detour, walk from the front right, and go around. This will also waste some time, but according to my calculations, it must be much more cost-effective than walking in a straight line."

"The other is to leave the spirit world, enter the material world, and then sail in a straight line in the real universe. In this way, we only need to sail to the other side of that planet before entering the spirit world.

At that time, you can use the nature of the ether ripple to spread outward to increase the speed.

If you are lucky, not only will you not waste time, but you will shorten the distance. "

After she finished speaking, she looked at Lin Tuo, and Huaxi, Mount Sinai and others also looked over.

Wait for the "captain" to make a choice.

After a short silence.

Lin Tuo said decisively, "Detour!"

Thanks to the book friends: Love in the past, Love in the sky, Ji Yan, Zhao Muxi, Qiu Ming, Baifenlai, Flying Sunor, Lingwatching L, Bread84 for rewarding support

(end of this chapter)