Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 304: Good words are hard to persuade


"Why?" Lin Tuo's answer was probably too decisive, so that everyone present was a little stunned. Hathaway leaned forward with her short arms, staring at him.

"Are you surprised?" Lin Tuo smiled.

Hathaway choked, waved her hand, and said:

"It's not... that is, you are not even curious when I think about it

It's not just a matter of saving time, you're not wondering what the hell is going on? Maybe there are benefits to be had in the past. "

Lin Tuo sighed softly, and said, "First, saving time is of course important, but compared to the possible dangers, a moderate detour is acceptable."

"Second, of course I'm curious, but I know better when to be curious and when not to be."

"Okay," Hathaway spread her hands, and suddenly an upward arc appeared on her exquisite face, and she said happily, "Actually, I want to persuade you to take a detour even if you don't tell me, I'm cowardly."

"I didn't see it." Lin Tuo rolled his eyes.

Immediately, it was clearly noticed that the search ship began to adjust its direction.

A certain area on the glass curtain wall used to display the "star map", the small dot representing the battleship also deviated from the original straight line, trying to cross the edge of the corrugation.

"By the way, just now you said that a battleship can sail in the real universe. How fast? Can it reach the speed of light?" Lin Tuo suddenly thought of this question when he looked away from the star map.

"How is it possible? It's very slow anyway," Hathaway explained, "In the spirit world, warships can slowly absorb energy from the surroundings and accelerate with the help of natural disturbances in the surrounding environment."

But once it enters the material world, its speed is similar to that of the earth's existing rocket thrust, and it is not designed to fly in the material world.

The energy consumption will be extremely severe. What I thought before was, if you insist on entering the material world and moving forward in a straight line, then I will try to use the gravitational slingshot to accelerate. "

Gravitational slingshot... Lin Tuo was slightly taken aback, remembering the meaning of this term.

To put it simply, the aircraft in the universe is limited by its size and it is difficult to carry too much fuel, so it often uses the gravity of the passing planet to achieve secondary acceleration on itself.

This is the case with the probes sent by humans to the outer solar system.

Because you want to explore in a direction away from the sun, you will be continuously pulled from the sun, and your own speed will continue to decrease. Therefore, if you want to gain acceleration, you need to try to cut into the orbit of the planet when you are close to some large celestial bodies, and Ignite at the highest speed point to achieve accelerated detachment.

When Lin Tuo watched the movie Wandering the Earth before, he wondered why the Earth had to pass by Jupiter... he would not hide away, in fact, it was to use Jupiter to accelerate himself.

"That is to say, the technology of the Imperials is also biased. They lit up the technology tree of spiritual leap, and they are still at a stage similar to that of the earth in terms of real space navigation capabilities?" Lin Tuo concluded with his eyes down.

He vaguely felt that this was very important information.

"It's not easy to put it that way, maybe this battleship is out of line." Huaxi thought for a while and said.

Lin Tuo shook his head and said:

"It doesn't make sense. No matter how you think about it, the search ship will not leave such an obvious shortcoming when it performs long-distance exploration missions."

As he said that, he shook his head and laughed at himself: "It's not on the other's territory yet, so I started to analyze it indiscriminately."

The black-haired, black-eyed Mt. Sinai stood quietly beside her, watching Lin Tuo and the others talk with great interest. After half a month of contact, her mentality towards Lin Tuo and the others changed from awe to intimacy.

While speaking, the battleship has circled to the side of the planet where the disaster occurred.

It is also the closest point.

Hathaway suddenly said: "Do you want to satisfy your curiosity?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Tuo asked.

She said: "The battleship actually has a detection function. It can spy on the material world for a short time without leaving the spiritual world, which is very safe.

Well, at least the system records are safe.

The ship's original team took advantage of this feature on a regular basis. It was too far away before, and I couldn't see it clearly. Now, although it is still far away, I can see it anyway. "

Is it okay? Lin Tuo thought for a while and said, "You can try it. If there is danger, stop immediately."


In the next second, the antenna swayed slightly in the center of the silver-white battleship that was passing through the spirit world, and two small antennas like snail tentacles protruded from the side of the battleship.

In the pitch-black spiritual world, a small opening was suddenly torn open.

On the glass curtain wall, there is also a picture:

In a strange but equally silent real universe, in the sea of stars, a pale planet is slowly rotating according to the established rules.

On the opposite side of the pale planet, there is an exceptionally bright star, like a burning fireball.

Just a few seconds after everyone saw the planet, suddenly, Lin Tuo's heart rang out!

"Shut down!" he yelled.

"Slap." The screen went out instantly, and the torn hole healed again.

In the living room, there was a moment of silence.

No one spoke.

The Yue clan members of the maintenance team looked at each other, not knowing what happened, Huaxi raised his eyebrows, and subconsciously pressed his heart that was beating faster.

A drop of cold sweat rolled down Mount Sinai's forehead.

At the moment just now, she vaguely felt that the pale planet seemed to "live", and she looked towards them.

"This is… "

"Don't worry about it. Keep going." Lin Tuo said blankly, Hathaway hummed, and on the star map, the battleship quickly moved away.

"Look!" Suddenly, Mount Sinai pointed to the left front of the glass curtain wall.

All I saw was that there was an illusory sea spreading out in the spirit world.



A rootless duckweed-like azure blue ocean with a radius of about a kilometer floats in the void. On the surface of the sea, a huge and strange figure is making a gesture of hurrying.

It seems to be moving towards the position of the planet, but because of the ripples, the speed of movement is comparable to that of a snail.

Its upper body is similar to that of a human being, with a black complexion, long fluttering hair, and it is indistinguishable from male to female. The lower body is made up of tentacles that resemble octopuses. In the ocean, it imitates a wheel and paddles forward in turn...

And around it, there are still some low-level spirit world life swimming in the sea water.

This scene is weird and funny.

As the battleship flew over, it suddenly stopped flopping, turned its head to look over, and saw two short steel forks in its hands.

Appears extremely vigilant.

"The lord of the spirit world..." Huaxi exclaimed, "Which planet is it heading for?"

"It seems so," Lin Tuo said with a strange expression, thinking of the one-eyed giant in his mind... I remember that guy just discovered the abnormal disturbance of the prayer candle.

So I rushed all the way to the No. 2 sandbox to give away the experience... The guy in front of me probably did the same.

"What should we do? It's staring at us!" Hathaway said as she slowed down.

Lin Tuo thought for a while and said, "Drive normally, get ready for battle, I'll go out and have a look."

Saying that, he closed his eyes and sank into the sea of consciousness.

Leaving the battleship with the help of the "gate to the spiritual world".

Passing through the energy shield in the form of a spirit, leading the battleship to fly, while looking at the "octopus lord", he sent a message with spiritual power:

"Are you going to devour spirituality?"

In the spirit world, the distance of spiritual power sound transmission is extremely long.

On the opposite side, the lord soaked in a piece of sea water saw Lin Tuo appearing, his eyes moved, he looked a little puzzled, and became more vigilant, and said, "You want to rob me?"

Lin Tuo denied, "I'm just passing by. You should be able to tell that if I want to pass by, I won't come in this direction."

The "Octopus Lord" looked at the direction he came from, and seemed to agree with this statement, the hostility in his eyes was slightly reduced, but he was still vigilant:

"You go your way, I go mine."

"That's exactly what I meant," Lin Tuo smiled, his eyes flickered, and he said, "But I want to remind you that that planet is very dangerous."

"Lord Octopus" frowned, as if he was not used to Lin Tuo's kindness: "When I arrive, there will be no danger."

It means that when it passes, the forbidden item that destroyed civilization will completely lose its ether, and thus be unable to exert its ability, just like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out.

Lin Tuo understood in seconds, the one-eyed giant had said it.

However, he still said seriously:

"I mean, even if the aether is lost, it may still be dangerous. Just now we tried to peek outside from afar, and I feel very disturbed."

The "Octopus Lord" frowned more and more tightly, as if he was a little uncertain about the intentions of the lord-level powerhouse who was mixed with the higher civilization in front of him.

After thinking about it, it said slowly: "Thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention."

Tsk... good words can't persuade a ghost who wants to die... Lin Tuo was helpless, he really felt that something was wrong with that planet, but since everyone said so, he didn't bother to talk nonsense, nodded and said:


Then he pretended to ask casually: "Brother, let me ask you something. Have you encountered any other aircraft recently? Similar to the one behind me?"

"..." The Octopus Lord was silent for a while, as if he was quite uncomfortable with Lin Tuo's address. After thinking about it, he shook his head and said briefly:


After speaking, it took the initiative to control the sea water and get out of the way, which meant to urge Lin Tuo to leave quickly.

All right... I can't find any information... Lin Tuo sighed and had to go back through the gate of the spirit world.

In the big lounge, when Lin Tuo opened his eyes again, Huaxi and the others looked at him with weird expressions.

"Look at me, let's go, everyone has given way to us." Lin Tuo said.

"Oh." Hathaway responded inexplicably, without saying anything.

Soon, the two staggered and moved away quickly. After a while, the Octopus Lord and the pale planet were left far behind.

A few people didn't continue to chat about this topic. Lin Tuo just asked Hathaway to record the coordinates, thinking that if there was a chance in the future, he would take a look at the follow-up.

Of course, the premise is that they can come back from the empire alive.

After a small episode, the voyage became stable and monotonous again.

There have been no problems for more than half a month since then.

Until May 15th.

When Lin Tuo walked into the big lounge again, he received an excited notification from Hathaway:

"Here we are!"

(end of this chapter)