Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 37: eating problem


"Hoo... hoo..."

On the wasteland, Lin Tuo was wearing unlined clothing, leaning forward slightly, still maintaining a fighting posture.

From the pores all over his body, there were dense beads of sweat oozing out, which were blown by the cold wind and turned into a cold mist.

In front of him, the wasteland bear's body was still twitching, the ground was stained red with blood, and his body was cooling down rapidly.

After confirming that the opponent had been killed, Lin Tuo's highly tense nerves relaxed, and his fast beating heart slowly returned to normal.

The fight just now seemed extremely simple, with only one round, but this simple action put a lot of pressure on Lin Tuo's body.

It can be said to be the strongest blow he can perform now.

He didn't choose to fight head-on, not because he didn't have confidence in power, but because Lin Tuo felt that his defense was far inferior to this wasteland creature.

In contrast, using combat skills to kill is the most effective.

Of course, this is also due to the opponent's low intelligence. If Lin Tuo faced a human with rich combat experience, he would never win so simply.

"During the battle, my body's absorption of ether is indeed increasing."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Tuo's eyes became brighter as he felt the unprecedentedly active state of the cells in his body and the tingling sensation of the ether penetrating into the muscles and bones.

Parking your car and engaging wasteland creatures isn't about being aggressive, or purely a game of hunting.

But another purpose.

During this period of time, although Lin Tuo was still exercising and "hardening his body" every day, he found that his efficiency was obviously decreasing.

At first, climbing the "ladder" once can digest 5 o'clock, later, it is 4 o'clock, 3 o'clock... and later, it takes two days to digest a little bit.

Not surprisingly, life evolves, the further back, the more difficult it is.

Lin Tuo thought he had encountered a "bottleneck" and was unable to break through.

Until before, when Kuangshan Town fought against Huaxi, he clearly felt the activity of the ether. Now, killing the wasteland violent bear has confirmed this point:

"Life and death combat can greatly speed up the progress of body tempering!"

Not surprisingly.

Previously, Lin Tuo was simply struggling with his body, and it was difficult to activate his whole body. In a real battle, people's spirits were highly concentrated, and all the cells in his body were forced to wake up.

A fight of a few seconds can "activate" the body far more than a few days of torment.

Only by pushing yourself to the limit and unearthing your potential can you temper your body to the greatest extent.

Moreover, Lin Tuo also realized that although his own strength is not weak, he is seriously lacking in combat experience. By hunting wasteland creatures, he can also make up for this shortcoming.

"I didn't expect to have unexpected gains. It seems that I can stay here for a few more days."

Lin Tuo said to himself.

After resting on the spot for a while, the flow of Qi and blood returned to normal. Lin Tuo felt a sudden chill, and hurried back to the col, and put on the down jacket, gloves and other clothes again.

As for Huaxi, it was only at this time that he finally came back to his senses. His face was flushed with cold, and his expression was extremely complicated. There were fear and curiosity in his eyes.

He didn't speak, just stared at Lin Tuo blankly, as if he wanted to see flowers from his face.

"What do you think I am doing?" Lin Tuo frowned after changing his clothes.

"Ah no... I... just..." Huaxi was incoherent for a while, and her tone became much weaker.

If before, she still had the idea of waiting for the opportunity to escape after recovering her strength, then now, it is completely gone.

She knew very well that with the combat power displayed by this mysterious man, it would not be too easy to catch herself.

But apart from the fear in my heart, curiosity is also heavier.

She even felt that, perhaps, it would be good to follow this person, at least it would be safe and secure... Well, the premise is that the other party has no bad habit of abusing prisoners.

"Where are we now?" Lin Tuo looked at the girl suspiciously, always feeling that there were some strange thoughts in her head.

But he didn't bother to think about it, so he simply asked.

"Ah?" Huaxi was stunned when he heard the words, then turned his head to carefully identify the surroundings, mainly the outline of the distant mountains, and hesitated, "I can't say the exact location.

But as I remember, this should be the northwest of Mining Town.

If I remember correctly, heading to the north is Black Rock City. It's a city controlled by the Burning Fire Company, guarded by troops, but with your careful, you shouldn't have to worry about it. "

After a pause, seeing that Lin Tuo was stern and silent, she continued:

"If you go south, it's the central mountain range. It's almost impossible to drive. You can only walk. It's very barren."

"The east and west directions are similar, but the east is safer, and there are slightly more human gathering points. If you go west, there are more mutated beasts.

It is more dangerous, but the probability of encountering the ruins of the old era is also greater. "

After listening to Huaxi's narration, Lin Tuo lowered his head and didn't express his opinion immediately. Instead, he switched his consciousness back to his main body, and glanced roughly with the "full picture vision".

Although I can't see the details clearly, the general terrain is not much different from what Huaxi said.

"Then go to the west." Lin Tuo said after switching his consciousness back to the clone and sitting in the driver's seat.

"Ah? Why?" Huaxi didn't understand.

"Pay attention to your identity." Without explaining, Lin Tuo quickly started the car, restarted it, and headed west.

Huaxi was stunned for two seconds before hurriedly saying:

"It's okay to go, cut up that violent bear and bring it with you, it can be sold for money..."

However, the only response to her was the roar of the vehicle going forward.

After confirming that fighting can speed up the progress of body tempering, Lin Tuo was a little reluctant to leave here.

The so-called "city" is nothing more than an enlarged version of the mining town.

In contrast, it is more attractive to practice marksmanship unscrupulously in the wilderness and occasionally get out of the car to fight.

Although Huaxi was full of complaints, as a prisoner, he couldn't say anything, so he curled up in the car and dozed off.

Unknowingly, the morning passed and the sky was still dark, but it was also the brightest time of the day.


Finding a leeward mountain depression, turning the key and turning off the engine, Lin Tuo touched his red nose from the cold, feeling a little tired.

Driving aimlessly hunting all morning is exhausting after all.

In particular, when hunger surges up, it is even more difficult to bear.

"Well, why did it stop?" Huaxi, who was asleep in the back seat of the car, opened his eyelids and asked blankly.

Lin Tuo pushed the car door, thought for a while, lifted her out, threw her on the snow, and said, "Lunch break."

"Huh?" Huaxi was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses, "It's time to eat, right?"

"Oh, I thought you'd forgotten all about it in your sleep." Lin Tuo joked as he leaned against the car door.

Huaxi sat on the ground without image, wrinkled her nose, probably because she became familiar with Lin Tuo's temper along the way, she was not so nervous anymore, and said calmly:

"I've been starving for a long time, my stomach is flat, and you don't talk about eating, so I can only sleep to reduce physical exertion?"

"Tsk, you seem quite experienced."

"That is, we wilderness hunters, who are in the wild all year round, are unlucky, unable to hunt prey, and it is common for us to not be able to eat a meal for a day or two.

I have the highest record. I haven't eaten for nine days in a row. When I'm hungry, I grab snow and eat it. I also endured it. "

Speaking of this, Huaxi seems quite proud.

Lin Tuo was silent for a moment, looked at the little girl one more time, and said:

"Okay, don't show off your glorious deeds to me, at least I won't let the captive starve, and I can't afford to lose that person." Lin Tuo said lightly.

Huaxi was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then said:

"Then we have to hunt some prey quickly. Oh, you killed so many in front of you, even if you carry one or two in the car, you can eat a few meals."

In fact, she was still thinking about the dried meat and honey she found in the room in Mining Town. Unfortunately, the situation was urgent and there was no time to get them. It was a pity.

"Those things are full of parasites. I don't want to eat them." Lin Tuo shook his head. He never thought about eating mutant beasts.

"Then what should we do? Dig wild vegetables to eat? There seems to be none nearby." Huaxi frowned and couldn't help but analyze.

Lin Tuo said lightly: "I have my own way, you wait for me here for a while, heh, of course, if you want to run, I won't stop you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tuo didn't bring anything, just walked slowly towards a nearby forest.

The woods are not big, but very dense. These trees are also mutated species, which are extremely cold-resistant. In this cold winter, they also grow branches and leaves, but they look weird and scary.

In some areas of the forest, some edible wild vegetables will also grow, but Lin Tuo obviously doesn't like these.

After confirming the safety of the surroundings, Lin Tuo's eyes were blurred, and he switched his consciousness back to his body.

Lishan Martial Arts, in the study.

Lin Tuo opened his eyes and checked the time. Outside the sandbox, it was still late at night, about two or three o'clock in the morning.

At this point, takeaway is not easy to order, but there are still many restaurants open in Yangcheng City.

Lin Tuo immediately retracted the avatar, switched the evolution sand table to "observation mode", and put the avatar into a food street in the city.

I found a restaurant and ordered rice and stir-fried vegetables. After thinking about it, I ordered a large portion of barbecue. After all, there is more meat... waiting for cooking.

I went to the 24-hour supermarket across the street to buy canned food, beer and snacks, as well as a case of mineral water.

After buying these, both hands are full.

Only then did he find a secluded place, and take the avatar and the pile of food out of the sand table through the main body again.

After that, switch to "Creative Mode" again, and put people and supplies in.

The object shrinks first, then enlarges, and when it enters the waste soil, it is of normal size. There is no such thing as a grain of rice that is bigger than a house.

This is also Lin Tuo's exploration and utilization of the sand table rules.

The whole process took twenty minutes in total.

When Lin Tuo reappeared in the wasteland forest with a lot of food, he couldn't help but look in the direction of the vehicle and muttered:

"I don't know if I ran away. Well, if I did, I can only blame you for not being so lucky."

Thinking of this, Lin Tuo walked out of the woods quickly and flew towards the col.

Soon, he saw his car and Huaxi who was sitting obediently on the snow.

The little girl was looking around boredly. When she saw him coming back, she was obviously relieved. She jumped up from the ground, sniffed her nose suddenly, and widened her eyes:

"You are... what is this?"


Lin Tuo explained lightly, tore off a rainproof cloth from the car, put it on the ground as a tablecloth, and then threw a bunch of things on it.

After thinking for a while, he untied the rope on Huaxi's body, then stuffed a hot lunch box into the little girl's hand, and urged:

"Hurry up and eat. There are skewers here. The temperature will not taste good when it gets cold."

After speaking, he sat down and moved his chopsticks first.

As for Huaxi, who was sitting opposite him, looking at the fried vegetables and rice in his hands, and feeling the indescribable aroma, his whole brain fell into a shutdown state.

Thanks to the book friends: i Dixin, Even if I am banned, I will still show off, Wangbai, Konjac, Bread84, Pian Que is not a woman's dress, Da Luotian holds a candle in the dragon, Wuwu Wuwu, Li Shipu, I will not drink a bottle of sweet water I, Huo Huo, the demon god Azathoth gave a reward and support! !

(end of this chapter)