Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 39: The man who stepped into the mountains


The place where Lin Tuo first landed is close to the west, and the continent itself is only 300,000 square kilometers, so even if there is no paved road.

He could only run in the wilderness, and often hunted and killed wild animals on the way. It took two days to reach Daxizhou successfully.

In the middle, there was no episode, and the biggest problem encountered was that the car ran out of gas.

Considering that the vehicles are fuel-powered, he simply used the sand table to buy a few barrels of gasoline from Yangcheng City and brought them in. With the injection of high-quality fuel, the speed of the modified car also increased.

Along the way, Huaxi gradually became acquainted.

Lin Tuo didn't need to ask, he just talked non-stop, most of the time he was talking about his glorious deeds in the wilderness, Lin Tuo listened to it and it seemed to relieve his boredom.

On the third day, when we officially entered the western mountains, it was difficult for off-road vehicles to pass.

"The terrain ahead makes it impossible to drive. Pack up your things and follow me into the mountains on foot."

Under the dark sky, the cold wind howled.

The closer to Daxizhou, the lower the temperature. Even Lin Tuo needs to move his body from time to time to gain heat.


On the back seat of the car, Huaxi, who was wearing a cotton-padded coat and a cotton cap, responded, and quickly tied the shriveled ammunition backpack on his shoulders, carried a few more cans of beer, and held the rifle tightly in his hand.

In the past two days, she has adapted to the role of "assistant" and "attendant".

Raise your head, in front of you are the vast western mountains.

Clouds piled up in the sky, the light was dim, and the mountains crouched on the ground like beasts, which made people feel frightened.

Not far in front of the two of them, there is a wooden pillar standing upright, which is a signboard, with three arrows, and the names of "Burning Fire", "Ash Mountain", and "Doomsday Floating" are written respectively.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tuo's expression became very strange.

"This should be a road sign they set up for those who come after. It shows the direction of the three forces." Huaxi said, tightening her collar.

"I thought this would be a chaotic battlefield," Lin Tuo said.

Huaxi shook her head:

"A large-scale war will not break out until something good is encountered. Over the years, the three parties have fought each other too many times, and there is already a tacit understanding.

There are many powerful mutant beasts living in the Western Mountains. Instead of fighting each other, it is better to sweep them together. "

"Of course, if you really encounter a large-scale arsenal, laboratory or secret seal, then it will definitely not be possible to maintain peace."

"En." Lin Tuo nodded and said, "What do you think?"

"I think we should find a hunter's family first, inquire about the news, and then act." Huaxi calmly analyzed.

"Lead the way." Lin Tuo said in a dull voice as he tightened the windshield on his face.

"Hunter's Home" is the branch of "Floating Doom" in various places, and it is not absent on the front line of the Great Western Continent.

Leaving the car behind, Lin Tuo and Hua Xi walked along the path on the snow mountain.

After walking in for a while, I began to meet some evolutionists one after another.

Either in groups or alone, they all wrapped their bodies in thick winter clothes, carried weapons, and kept a vigilant distance from each other, scattered scattered in the western mountains.

"This should be all wilderness hunters. They want to take advantage of the opening of Daxizhou to hunt ferocious beasts, explore ruins, and reap benefits. Don't worry, as long as we don't show off too much, no one will notice."

Huaxi explained in a low voice.

Lin Tuo nodded silently, remaining vigilant.

Going forward, you can occasionally see some temporary buildings. After climbing a hill again, a newly built camp appeared in front of your vision.

A banner depicting the emblem of "Floating Doom" fluttered in the cold wind.

"That's the hunter's house." Huaxi said.

At the same time, sporadic gunshots came from deep in the mountains.

Distributed in all directions, there are many.

"Those gunshots are the exploration teams of the three major forces?" Lin Tuo asked. After getting an affirmative answer, his eyes blurred for a while, switched his consciousness back to the main body, and observed with the full view of the map.

I saw that the mountains in the west of the Sand Table Continent were covered with snow, large tracts of forests were scattered in disorder, and thick gray clouds were shrouded in the sky.

In the mountains, there are three waves of teams separated from each other at a safe distance, distributed in sequence from south to north, trying to push the front line deeper.

The "Floating Doom" in the middle has the least number of people, and is scattered and lacks organization. It should be explored by some powerful wilderness hunters.

In the north-south direction, there are "Burning Fire" and "Ash Mountain". There are a large number of people, carrying thermal weapons, and they should be mainly troops.

Moving the line of sight to the west, from the perspective of overlooking, you can clearly find the ruins hidden in the mountain depression.

It's a pity that Lin Tuo is not very interested in this.

Turning his consciousness into the sand table, Lin Tuo followed Huaxi towards the "Hunter's Home".

It was a messy building, with wooden houses in the central area surrounded by heavily armed men guarding the pedestrians cautiously.

Huaxi covered her face with a mask with great experience, straightened her back, and pushed open the door of the wooden house.

Immediately, the conversation in the room stopped for a while, and one after another looked over, looking at the two people who walked into the room in the wind and snow, and then looked away one after another.

The so-called Hunter's House is decorated much like a bar.

There was a fire in the house to keep out the cold. There were about twenty or thirty people scattered around the bars, roasting the fire and drinking some kind of bitter wine made from wild fruits.

"A recent intelligence summary."

Huaxi pretended to be very experienced, walked to the bar, squeezed his throat, took out his ID card, and said to the "receptionist" of Floating Doomsday.

"Five general-purpose bullets or equivalent," the receptionist said flatly.

really dark...

Cursing inwardly, Huaxi reluctantly took out five rounds of ammunition, exchanged it for something similar to a newspaper, and handed it to Lin Tuo.

The latter opened his eyes and glanced a few times, raising his eyebrows slightly.

This is really like a simplified version of a newspaper, writing the "intelligence" here for the last seven days.

Many of them are "obsolete", and the most valuable ones are the proven activity areas of some mutated beasts in the Western Mountains.

They are all marked in ink, and the red areas are obviously the most dangerous.

However, the "danger" to others is the perfect body tempering tool to him.

In addition, there was a "hunting list" that aroused his interest a little bit.

It roughly means that it is a hunter record list made by Floating Doom, which specifically counts the harvest of wild hunters in Daxizhou. It can also be understood as a "combat power list".

The rest of the people can use the list to judge which people can be provoked and which ones should be avoided.

There are corresponding points behind each name.

Lin Tuo glanced, and the first place was a hunter named "Lone Wolf" with 876 points, 150 points ahead of the second place.

A total of the top fifty are counted.

"It's pretty good at playing." Shaking his head and laughing, Lin Tuo put away the information and said, "Let's go."

After speaking, he took a step and left first. Huaxi was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly followed without saying a word.

After the two of them opened the door to leave, three hunters who got together suddenly stood up in the house at the same time, picked up their weapons, opened the door and followed them out.

The rest of the people were not surprised by this, but there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

"Someone is following us."

Leaving the warm house, the biting cold wind blows from the mountains, Huaxi followed Lin Tuo to the depths of the mountains for a while, and suddenly said vigilantly.

"I know." Lin Tuo kept walking and didn't look back. He just walked forward, as if he didn't have a trace of fear, and his tone was indifferent:

"It's just a few miscellaneous fish, let them do it, if they don't open their eyes to provoke me, just kill them."

After two consecutive days of hunting, crossing the wilderness from the central part, and arriving at Daxizhou, many mutant beasts died in Lin Tuo's hands.

The body quenching progress continued to increase, and the combat experience became more and more abundant.

On the way, he encountered several hunters who tried to attack him, but Lin Tuo killed them all.

As a result, he was also infected with a trace of evil spirit.

Even his personality is a lot harsher.

At this moment, an understatement of words fell into Huaxi's ears, causing her heart to tremble. She knew that the mysterious person she was following definitely possessed this ability.

Even along the way, she doubted whether there was any life in this wasteland that could defeat him.


While the two were walking, suddenly, a strange whistling sounded from above their heads, and it approached quickly.

Huaxi rolled over instinctively, set up his rifle, and pointed at the sky, only to see a huge strange bird descending from the sky.

Its body was similar to that of an adult, its whole body was pitch black, and its wings shone with metallic light. It was obvious that they had taken the two of them as hunting targets.

far away.

The three hunters who fell behind them changed their expressions suddenly when they saw this, and they all stopped, raised their guns or knives in their hands, and looked dignified:

"It's the Iron Wing Bird!"

As hunters who came to Daxizhou earlier, they are well aware of the horror of this local mutated bird.

Its feathers are as hard as iron, and extremely flexible, bullets are hard to hurt, and it especially likes to harass. Once it is on the target, it is absolutely difficult to get rid of.

Even those who are at the top of the hunting list are often unwilling to provoke this thing.

"They're dead, let's go quickly." The leader of the hunter said a little unwillingly, with a decisive tone.

However, at this moment, suddenly, the situation changed drastically!

I saw the tall and thin figure far in front of him not dodging or evading, but just stretched out a weird posture on the spot, and then, an illusory longbow was condensed in his hand!

Martial ancestor turned into a soldier, bent his bow like a moon!


With a flick of Lin Tuo's wrist, the illusory arrow condensed by the etheric energy shot towards the sky!

At the same time, Huaxi, who was squatting beside him, also adjusted the muzzle of his gun and fired several bullets, sealing off the iron-winged bird's dodging space!


The next second, with a whine, the head of the pitch-black bird with terrifying fighting power was shot by Lin Tuo with an arrow, and died in mid-air.

It fell on the snow field like a kite with a broken string!

"this… "

"How can it be?!"

The three hunters in the distance watched this scene in astonishment. For a moment, they felt chills all over their bodies, as if they had been thrown into an ice cave.

It was completely unexpected that the target the three of them were following was so strong.

"They're gone!" After a while, one person came to his senses and said in surprise.


The other two were stunned, only to realize that the two figures, one big and one small in front of them, ignored them at all, and they didn't even pick up the dead iron-winged bird, but had drifted away.

The three of them looked at each other until the figures of Lin Tuo and Huaxi turned into two small dots, then they boldly stepped forward and picked up the already frozen bird of prey:

"Go back to the hunter's house! There is a mysterious strong man who has arrived in Daxizhou. This news will definitely fetch a high price!"

A few hours later, the news about the mysterious strong man was sent to the hands of the three major forces through various channels.

Then, the three parties were moved by it.

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(end of this chapter)