Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 41: Dusty place


The target disappeared.

At this moment, following an unexplained blizzard, the two people, one big and one small, disappeared without a trace.

Under the cover of the wind and snow, few people noticed the way the two left, and even if they did, they couldn't stop them.

From a certain perspective, this is a kind of dimensional bullying.

Outside the sand table, Lin Tuo didn't lift his hands up. After breaking away from the encirclement, he found a place at random, and put down the avatar and Huaxi.

Then switch consciousness and return to the inside.

"It's safe." When Huaxi heard Lin Tuo's voice again, she let go of her hand, opened her eyes, and was surprised to find that she had come to a strange area.

From her perspective, Fangcai only felt the gust of wind whistling in her ears, and then her feet seemed to be stepping on a strange "soil", her body seemed to rise briefly, and then landed again.

Well, it seems to be pulled by some kind of force, and it has been moved.

This is really an experience I have never had before.

"You..." Huaxi blinked, looked at Lin Tuo, and wanted to ask something, but she closed her mouth after all, but the doubt and curiosity in her eyes were deeper.

Lin Tuo also had no intention of explaining, but said, "Okay, let's continue."

The western mountain range is not big, so after a few hours, Lin Tuo's trace was captured again. Combined with the previous "disappearance", some people speculate that this may also be a kind of supernatural power.

Well, an ability that can teleport within a certain distance.

"Do you really have this ability?" Many people have similar doubts.

After all, although a certain percentage of evolvers will develop extraordinary abilities, most of them are related to the body, more like the evolution of certain organ functions.

For example, some people have a strong sense of smell, some have excellent eyesight, and some can sense changes in the climate... It is really rare to transmit abilities of this nature.

However, these doubts do not seem to be important.

The hunters of the floating doomsday only know that the siege of the three major forces has completely failed, and the rating of the mysterious strongman has also been adjusted to an unprecedented SS rank.

And this failure did not make the local forces in the wasteland give up, but instead strengthened their determination to kill Lin Tuo.

A strong person who can be controlled can still try to win over, but if its power is too strong to be controlled, undoubtedly, the only safest way is to kill.

However, what puzzled them was that the mysterious man seemed to have some kind of predictive ability, and every time, he avoided their encirclement almost perfectly in advance.

Either leave early, or turn on "Teleportation", and after a few tosses, not only did they not gain anything, but they delayed the exploration progress of the three families.

As a result, more energy had to be put on advancing to the depths of Great Western Continent.

He also found out with mixed feelings that because of Lin Tuo's mopping-up behavior, a large number of powerful mutant beasts were eliminated, and their exploration progress was actually many times faster.

This has to be said to be a slightly ironic thing.

In such a strange atmosphere, another day passed.

Lin Tuo still tempered his body and ate at his own pace. When he killed a snow bear again and climbed a mountain, he found that there were no more enemies in front of him.

Under the dark sky, it was snowing lightly.

In front of the field of vision, there is a messy valley, and in front, there is only the last mountain peak left.

The background is the endless, dark sea.

That is the endless sea.

There, that is, the end of this continent.

"We have come to the edge of the continent..." Wrapped in a thick cotton coat and carrying a rifle, Huaxi looked at the sea in shock. This was the first time she saw the sea.

"If my guess is correct, that mountain should be a laboratory."

Lin Tuo glanced ahead with the scope, and found that the top, bottom, and waist of the mountain had obvious traces of human creation, especially the top, which was obviously a large scrapped antenna.

"It should be. According to the legend, the mad emperor started the catastrophe in the last mountain by the endless sea." Huaxi said with a complicated expression.

After a short silence, Lin Tuo let out a breath, feeling the exhaustion accumulated in his body from continuous fighting, body quenching, and said:

"Come on, let's go and have a look."

Through "teleportation", the two arrived outside the "Daxizhou Laboratory" in only a dozen seconds.

The entrance to this laboratory is halfway up the mountain, and it is a half-sealed gate.

When Lin Tuo led Huaxi, two figures, one big and one small, stood alone outside the magnificent gate, and the two fell silent to each other.

The gate of the laboratory is extremely simple, there are no hanging decorations, only a white jade statue is placed here.

Probably because it was affected by the explosion that year.

The statue was cut off at the waist, and the upper body fell into the snow nest, still maintaining the posture of holding the pointer tightly.

This is a statue of "Sage Lin", but the face of the statue has been deliberately polished to eliminate the facial features.

In the past few days, through Huaxi's narration, Lin Tuo already knew that after he left that year, Lord Chi Guo had made a statue of himself and passed it down for a hundred years.

Until later, in the last few years of his life, the new mad emperor forcibly destroyed all statues in the country and forbade anyone to commemorate the saints.

But I didn't expect that here, instead, there is still one.

"Does he want me to witness this experiment with my own eyes?"

Lin Tuo stared at his own statue, and a guess arose in his heart.

Shaking his head, he raised his hand to completely smash the statue. Lin Tuo stepped forward and forcibly pried open the metal gate, which was already on the verge of collapse. With a little force, a gap was torn open.

"Go in and have a look." Lin Tuo said, and immediately walked into it first.

After passing through a corridor, the eyes suddenly opened up, and a huge and spacious experimental hall came into view.

Thirty years later, the place still maintains the old appearance, but the instruments and circuits are all damaged and rusty.

Some areas show more signs of collapse.

Huaxi followed cautiously, looked around, and suddenly stepped on something under her feet, which made her cry out in fright.

"It should be the researcher who died that year."

Lin Tuo looked at the dry bones on the ground and said with a low expression.

These dead human bones were scattered in the hall.

Judging from the traces, it seems that a riot broke out here.

It was difficult for Lin Tuo to guess the details of what happened here that year, but judging from the dead posture of those dead bones, it was obviously painful.

"They should be the first humans to be affected by radiation."

Lin Tuo sighed softly in his heart. For some reason, facing these sinners who destroyed the entire civilization, he couldn't feel much anger, but his heart was heavy and his expression was silent.

After walking a few steps forward, Lin Tuo's eyes finally fell on a pair of special skeletons on the ground.

He was wearing a bright yellow coat that belonged exclusively to the royal family, and because of the environment in the middle of the mountain, he still retained the original color.

This pair of human bones seemed to belong to the old man. He was sitting by the wall, the position above his head was broken, and he could see the "window" of the sea. At this moment, he could even hear the quiet waves.

In his shriveled hands, he was holding a dark green metal box with several rotten cables attached to the bottom.

The words "detonator" were written on it.

Obviously, this is the dead mad emperor, who single-handedly ended the centuries-old rule of Chi State and established the first and only emperor of the new dynasty.


When Lin Tuo approached, probably because of the shaking of the ground, the skeleton of the mad emperor shook suddenly and broke apart, unable to support his sitting position anymore, and the box in his hand fell to the ground.

A dark green, simple and square seal rolled from the bones to the ground.

Lin Tuo cast his eyes over, and his eyes moved.

Judging from the writing on it, this is the so-called extraordinary item that can affect the spirit of others: the secret seal.

This thing is indeed here.

However, countless cracks suddenly appeared on its surface, the corners were broken, and it looked slightly dim. It seemed that it had been irreversibly damaged in the incident of that year.

Lin Tuo thought for a while and reached out to pick it up.

However, at this moment, when he came into contact with this strange seal, the virtual panel of the evolution sand table popped up automatically in his retina.

A line of words never seen before appeared on it:

[Special items are detected, do you want to analyze them?]

Lin Tuo was taken aback, and became more and more curious. The evolution sand table actually has this function

"Analysis." An idea came into my mind.

On the virtual panel, a flashing progress bar immediately appeared.

[Analysis completed]

At the same time, a piece of information poured into his mind, it was the analysis report of the secret seal on the evolution sand table:

Attribute: Extraordinary item of natural ore (it is suspected that due to the erosion of ether tide, it changes its own structure, acquires spirituality, and thus possesses certain special abilities)

Rating: Low

Condition: Severely damaged, bordering on breakage

Ability: By consuming ether, it can affect the spirit of life within ten meters around, producing a hypnotic effect. The duration, number of people affected, etc. are dynamically related to the amount of ether consumed...

Negative effects: It will cause certain mental effects on the holder, such as magnifying obsession, paranoia, loss of sanity, madness... It is not recommended for long-term use...

"You... what's wrong with you?" In the laboratory, Lin Tuo was in a daze holding the secret seal.

A worried look appeared on Huaxi's face, he hesitated for a moment, stepped forward, and tried to call out.

"Ah, it's nothing." Lin Tuo came back to his senses, gave the little girl a reassuring smile, then looked at the secret seal in his hand, and said with emotion, "I'm just... a little surprised."

(end of this chapter)