Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 5: Genesis


On this extraordinary afternoon, under the effect of the evolution sand table, the buildings selected by Lin Tuo quietly shifted in this vast and barren land.

Even the people in it didn't notice anything unusual.

Until the satellite positioning deviated, a familiar city appeared at the end of the road.

"Ah this..."

"Damn did we come this way? This road can't be here..."

The convoy stopped one after another, and the entire crew jumped out of the car one after another, and gathered under the scorching sun, most of them still looked dazed, completely unaware of what happened.

They just asked each other messily, and soon, everyone learned that at this moment, they and others had come out of the no-man's land in the desert and came to the northern part of the Great Tucker Desert.

"No, it's definitely not that we went wrong! It's this road! This desert road has shifted more than 100 kilometers to the north as a whole!" An assistant director said with his eyes widened, holding his phone in disbelief.

Immediately, doubts arose.

After all, this statement is too unbelievable.

However, in the next second, everyone suddenly felt the surrounding cool down... To be precise, a huge shadow enveloped them in the blink of an eye. It seemed that something blocked the sun.

"Ah! Look over there!" A leading actor suddenly pointed to the south and shouted.

Everyone hurriedly looked, and then, the originally chaotic team fell silent for a moment!

I saw that, right in front of them, an incomparably huge shadowy wall slowly formed out of the distorted air. That wall might be hundreds of meters, or even a thousand meters high, and spread infinitely toward east and west.

Under the gaze of everyone, it changed from illusion to real substance in just a few breaths.

It's like dividing the world into two.

If you pull the angle of view high enough, you will see it.

At this moment, an extremely huge, irregular, and opaque black "cover" is like a huge "bowl", covering the entire Tak Desert with nearly 300,000 square kilometers of land!

Lishan, martial arts hall, and dilapidated old houses.

Standing beside the sand table, Lin Tuo quietly watched a slightly dark translucent cover seal the sand table, and realized that this is the so-called "isolation cover".

It is also the shell of the "sandbox" in creative mode.

According to the data in his mind, he knew that this isolation shield was extremely strong, and with the current civilization of the earth, it could not be broken or detected.

Although it appears translucent in the sandbox, in fact, it is insurmountable and inaccessible to both the life inside the sandbox and the human beings outside.

As for the desert roads he marked, as well as several important engineering buildings, the personnel have all been safely transferred outside the sandbox under the power of the evolutionary sandbox.

"I'm afraid the satellite has detected an abnormality at this moment. Soon, the news that the entire desert is quarantined will spread..." Lin Tuo subconsciously glanced at the mobile phone that was placed aside.

After hesitating for a moment, he walked over and turned it to mute.

While he was doing this, changes were also taking place in the entire sand table, and an imperceptible force quietly swept across the vast desert.

Clean the microbial environment.

Plants withered in a few breaths.

Lin Tuo was not surprised by this, knowing that this was part of "antivirus".

[The No. 1 sandbox has been built, and it is detected that the current environment is not suitable for the evolution of civilization, please provide the necessary basic materials...]

A large piece of information flooded into his mind again, and Lin Tuo sorted it out. It probably means that the desert environment is too simple and needs to be enriched by him.

Among other things, we must provide basic soil and water.

Although these substances are also found in the desert, if Lin Tuo provides some help, it can save a lot of time for derivation.

"Well... First of all, the sand has to be removed." Lin Tuo whispered to himself, then walked out the door, turned around and went to the utility room, and found a shovel and a small cart.

Parking the car at the door, Lin Tuo came into the house with a shovel in hand, took a deep breath, and shoveled up a sand dune.

According to the information given by the evolution sand table, he knows that during the creation process, his actions will not affect the area outside the sand table.

In other words, even if you dig down hard, you don't have to worry about causing an earthquake.

The "isolation cover" doesn't just exist on the surface, but separates the Tucker Desert from the earth in all directions.


Following Lin Tuo raised the shovel.

Tak desert area.

Over the isolated 300,000 square kilometers of land, the air was slightly distorted, and immediately, a shovel covering the sky and the sun appeared!

The shovel fell ruthlessly, and easily picked up a sand dune weighing hundreds of billions of tons, pulled it up, and lifted it into the sky.

After reaching a certain height, it suddenly disappeared together with the huge shovel.

In the desert, there is only a terrifying deep pit left.


After pouring a shovel of sand into the cart, Lin Tuo touched it curiously, and found that the "sand" was as fine as dust.

"It seems that there is a scale conversion mechanism inside this sand table, and ordinary things will be enlarged when they enter from the sand table.

The original normal size of gravel, as long as it is taken out of the sand table, it will be as small as dust. "

Lin Tuo withdrew his hand, his eyes thoughtful.

It feels... just amazing.

Shaking his head, Lin Tuo didn't think about it any more, and seized the time to get busy again. It took a few minutes to shovel out the sand in the entire sand table, and dumped it on the open space in the backyard of the martial arts hall with a cart.

After the entire Tucker Desert was cleaned up, Lin Tuo turned to digging for earth and rocks.

"The more complex the basic material of the sand table, the less difficult it is to derive." Lin Tuo whispered softly, and then began to dig soil from the back mountain and transferred it to the inside of the sand table.

The backyard of the Martial Arts Hall is a forest with bamboo, flowers and plants. Although it looks decayed because it has not been cleaned for a long time, the soil quality here is really good.

During the transfer process, Lin Tuo also found that when he put the soil from the backyard into the sand table, the tiny organisms in the soil would die the moment he entered the isolation enclosure, and the color of the soil even changed.

The area of the sand table is not small, and Lin Tuo tossed back and forth several times before covering the sand table completely.

Immediately, he took water from the well in the courtyard and poured it into the sand table.

After hesitating for a moment, he dug out a few discarded metal parts from the utility room and threw them into the sand table.

"That should be fine."

Lin Tuo wiped his sweat, then looked at the sand table and muttered.

[The sand table has satisfied the basis of evolution, do you want to start the project?]

In the mind, the information emerges in due course.

"Open." Lin Tuo said.

Immediately, the entire sand table was covered with a layer of brilliance, and it seemed that some kind of transformation was going on inside, and it only lasted for a few seconds before returning to calm.

Inside the sand table, some slight changes have taken place.

Lin Tuo noticed that above the sand table, there was a rotating nebula, which seemed to be the simulated universe of the sand box referring to the outside world.

There is also a sun and a corresponding moon in the universe.

"Is it necessary to simulate the moon?" Lin Tuo couldn't help complaining in his heart. After all, the essence of this sand table world is not a planet, but a flat land.

However, the evolution sand table seems to be completely simulated based on the environment of the earth.

In other words, the evolution of the entire sand table was originally carried out according to the parameters of the earth.

"In this way, there will be an independent ecology inside the sandbox." Lin Tuo looked at the land again and found that the land has also changed.

Those originally rough soil particles turned into countless fine dust under the action of the sand table, and uplifted to form the original peaks and hills.

The water that I poured into it also gathered together and became oceans and lakes.

It seems that at least there is a prototype of the world.

[Sandbox No. 1 has been activated and is running... ]

At this time, Lin Tuo also found that the virtual panel on his retina had changed.

In addition to the "creative mode" and the "return key" in the upper left corner.

There is an extra line of text "Current Ambient Ether Concentration", but it is followed by the word "None".

It should be the detection of the ether inside the sandbox world.

In addition, there is an icon for the toolbox.

Click to open, there are only two functions inside.

One is the opening and closing of the "isolation cover", which is in the open state at the moment, and Lin Tuo ignores it.

The other is "time flow".

"Dynamic adjustment" and "Synchronization with external" can be selected.

The meaning is also very simple.

"Dynamic adjustment" is a capability in the creation mode of "Derivation Sandbox", which will automatically adjust the ratio of the internal time and external flow rate of No. 1 sandbox according to the computing power and environment of the sandbox.

In short, in the early stage, when the complexity of the environment inside the sandbox is low, the ratio is high.

Maybe, in one hour in reality, hundreds of millions of years have passed in the sandbox.

And as civilizations appear in the sandbox, the complexity increases, and the time scale decreases.

In reality, one hour, in the sandbox, may only pass a few hundred years, or even shorter.

Lin Tuo knew that the reason for this was that the more complex the environment in the sandbox, the greater the computing power required, so the flow rate could only be lowered, otherwise the computing power of the evolution sandbox would not be able to support it.

As for "synchronization with the outside", it is a manual switch, and Lin Tuo can adjust the internal and external time flow rate to 1:1 at any time.

It is to synchronize the time inside the sandbox with reality.

"This function is not bad, it's very worry-free..." Lin Tuo smiled.

Except for this toolbox, the large area in the center of the entire virtual panel is blank.

"Such a large blank area is uncoordinated." Lin Tuo couldn't help complaining from a designer's perspective.

However, in the next second, he discovered that words began to appear in the blank area:

[Operation log:]

[On a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, a certain hour and a certain second, the evolution of the world started. At that time, this was a quiet world with an irregular shape.

There is no life on the surface, full of chaotic soil, sand, water, and a small amount of metal, however, it already has the basis for the birth of life]

[100 million years have passed, the world has not changed]

[Two hundred million years have passed, and it is still the same]

[When the time came to the fifth billion years, there was a slight fluctuation in the originally dead ocean]

(end of this chapter)