Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 55: recurring civilization


"Come on! There are new discoveries!!"

The voice was so abrupt that it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The camera team following behind the team also adjusted the lens immediately.

"What did you find?"

The three team leaders hurriedly ended their conversation and walked over, as did the rest of them.

The one who made the sound was a researcher in his thirties, who was standing by the river at the moment, with a very excited expression, waving the things in the sealed bag in his hand:

"This! I found it on the riverbed... Look!"

And as several people approached and saw clearly the rusty metal artifact in the transparent bag, the expressions of everyone present changed!

It was a piece of metal the size of a knuckle.

There are obvious signs of corrosion on the surface.

Most importantly, the shape of this thing is definitely not formed in nature.

There are very obvious traces of processing!

A processed metal object!

"Give me the tweezers!" Academician Zhou said seriously, and immediately put on his gloves, and used the tweezers to pinch the metal object out with a little clumsiness.

Looking carefully with the help of the sun, the expression on his face became more serious.

"Bullet?" Suddenly, the geologist asked.

There, no one spoke.

In fact, even though it was severely corroded, the appearance of this thing still naturally reminded people of metal bullet casings.

"Give me the grinding tools." Academician Zhou said again.

On the side, someone hurriedly brought a piece of sandpaper, and immediately, everyone simply gathered on a nearby stone and began to polish it carefully.

The movements were very thin and slow, and as the rust was worn away bit by bit, the bullet buried in the soil gradually glowed with a metallic luminescence.

Even, probably because it was washed into the river not too long ago, you can even vaguely see some numbered things imprinted on it.

For a moment, the whole scene fell into silence.

People looked at each other, and after a while, Professor Sun suddenly looked at the young researcher: "Where did you find it?"

"On this riverbed, it should have been washed down from upstream."

"... dig and see if there's anything else."

After a short exchange, the whole team dispersed suddenly, and immediately took the excavation tools, and began to excavate along the river beach.

Considering that the "bullet" may have rushed down from upstream, they did not expect much from this hasty excavation.

However, when the excavation work started, the wet and soft soil was lifted, and it didn't take long before everyone heard the sound of metal collisions.

"There's something in the soil!"


"No, it seems to be metal!"

Amidst the conversation, a young researcher threw away his tools, knelt and sat beside the mud, pulled out a long and thin thing with his hands, and tried to wash it with water.

And as the silt was washed away, the rusty metal object was brought to light again, and it was exposed in full view, and only a commotion was heard.

At this moment, the suspicion in their hearts was finally confirmed.

"This is... a firearm?!"

I don't know who blurted out.

On the side, the accompanying officer who escorted these people also came over to confirm: "It really looks like the structure of a gun."

What was dug out from the soil was a heavily corroded gun!

The wooden part has long since disappeared, leaving only the barrel and other structures.

If "bullets" are just doubts, then no one can remain calm when such guns, which are obviously industrial creations, appear.

"Is it buried in the Tak Desert? Or..."

One person opened the mouth, and the second half did not continue, but everyone understood what he wanted to say.

It would be fine if it was buried in the Tucker Desert itself, but if it wasn't...

"Could it be... that this land has really passed a long time? Even, industrial civilization has developed?"

The geologist muttered in a low voice, obviously being greatly shocked and stimulated.

After being stunned for a moment, he suddenly shouted with a slight gaffe:

"Dig! Keep digging! Along this stream, up!"

On the side, Academician Zhou also forcibly suppressed the astonishing conjecture in his heart, and said to the person in charge of communication:

"Immediately send this message back, and apply to send some archaeologists over here! We... need support here!"

"Did you really find out?"

In Li Shan's study, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Tuo's mouth, and he said softly.

When the live scene appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room, the whole room almost exploded.

In the discussion area next to it, thousands of speeches popped up every second, so that the area was stuck.

"What did I see?"

"Why didn't the reporter speak? Move the camera closer!!"

"I'm blind. Why do the things they dug out of the ground look a bit like gun barrels?"

"What the hell happened in the black box?"

"It feels like there's big news again!"

Because the camera was deliberately not too close, the specific content of the conversation was not recorded, and the reporter did not speak hastily.

But even just these few scenes are enough to make people have countless associations.

And as people dig deeper in the picture, more objects are dug out.

Not only firearms, bullets, but also some weird things. Gradually, people also found that their judgments may have been wrong.

The bullet didn't seem to have washed over from the upstream, but the vicinity itself was a "relic", and it was only discovered because it was close to the water source and the soil layer was washed away by the water.

And as the skeleton of a car was unearthed, the entire live broadcast room was detonated again.

However, Lin Tuo yawned:

"It seems that nothing unexpected happened."

Originally, he was watching the live broadcast to avoid accidents, but now it seems that there are no other problems except that the ruins were discovered earlier than he expected.

Looking at the time, it was almost evening.

Randomly glanced at the sand table, Lin Tuo was about to close the live broadcast.

Suddenly, he fixed his eyes and let out a small sigh: "En?"

In the sand table, in front of the team, a group of wild beasts were quietly approaching, as if they were staring at these uninvited guests.

Lin Tuo leaned down and roughly counted them, and there were quite a few of them.

"Do you want to intervene?"

Comparing the strength of the two sides, these wild beasts will naturally not be opponents of hot weapons, but they are large in number and occupy a favorable location. If they are not handled properly, they are also prone to damage.

"Well, let's give it a little warning."

After a brief hesitation, Lin Tuo casually raised his right hand and gently dropped it into the sand table.

A finger landed lightly on a mountain in the center of the two sides.

Inside the oasis.

On the ground, the excavation work is still going on in full swing, even though the sun is setting to the west, it has not stopped.

Mid-air, the helicopter is still patrolling around.

Suddenly, an observer finally caught the approaching shadow in the distance.

"Ground, pay attention to the approach of a large number of unknown creatures from the southwest!"

Send commands via communicator.

On the ground, because of the long-time guard, the exhausted team was startled suddenly, and the officer in charge immediately shouted:

"Alert! Southwest direction!"


Hearing this urgent signal, the crowd who were doing excavation stopped their movements at the same time, and there was a slight commotion.

But at this very moment.

Suddenly, everyone felt a strange light wind blowing through the surrounding trees, and the trees swayed. Immediately, there was a strange loud noise in the mountains to the southwest.


The loud noise was like thunder, and at this moment, the surrounding earth trembled slightly.


"what happened?"

The crowd panicked for a short while, and correspondingly, the approaching beasts were suddenly frightened. With their sensitivity beyond human beings, they could clearly sense the invisible coercion descending from the mountains ahead.

Without hesitation, before the vibration stopped, they dispersed and fled.

The people on the watching helicopter were confused for a while, and immediately notified: "The target has dispersed, and the cause of the vibration is unknown."


When the group heard the news that the danger had been lifted, they became more and more nervous.

"It's getting late, this land is too mysterious, everyone clean it up, mark it, and return now." Among the crowd, Academician Zhou looked deeply into the oasis for a while, and said decisively.

Ten minutes later, the entire team began to evacuate.

The return speed was naturally much faster. When the sun was about to fall into the horizon, the group finally left the oasis area intact and entered the rear base.

Returning with them, there are countless specimens and "unearthed objects".

Predictably, this night, and many nights to come, the base will not be quiet.

Lishan Wuguan.

Before the live broadcast ended, Lin Tuo closed the computer.

He can almost foresee the hustle and bustle of the global Internet that will last for many days, but he no longer intends to pay attention.

"The first contact went smoothly. Next, how to excavate the ruins and mine the oasis is a headache for them."

In a good mood, he opened the door and walked into the martial arts arena. Lin Tuo saw that in the center of the courtyard, Huaxi was sitting cross-legged in meditation with a serious face, his eyes closed, his back straight, and he was performing the "breathing qi method".

"Well, speaking of it, the oasis matter is over for the time being, and it's time to focus on the promotion of Yangcheng's practice." Lin Tuo stood with his hands behind his back, his thoughts fluttering.

After these days of fermentation, the spread of "Qingling Breathing Technique" is indeed steadily increasing, and the results are gratifying, but in Lin Tuo's view, it is too slow after all.

"There is still a lack of a hot spot, shouldn't it be time to think of a way? Well, let's count the number of practitioners in Yangcheng tonight."

Thinking silently in his heart, Lin Tuo walked slowly to Huaxi, then raised his hand and patted the little girl's head to wake her up.

"Hmm... Teacher?" Huaxi stumbled out of the cultivation state, as if she had just woken up, with a dazed expression.

Then, I heard Lin Tuo laughing and saying: "Let's practice until today, go take a bath, and go out to eat with me later, it just happens to be a holiday today."

"Oh," Huaxi nodded subconsciously, and then realized, "A holiday? Is today a holiday in this world?"

Lin Tuo nodded and sighed, "Yes, today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, and lovers must die."

Huaxi: "?"

(end of this chapter)