Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 56: investigation team


If Lin Tuo hadn't glanced at the calendar on a whim, Lin Tuo would have almost forgotten this festival.

In previous years, around these two days, the major media's holiday marketing bombardment would definitely make him a single dog, but this year, it's somewhat different.

The Qixi Festival coincides with the appearance of "Oasis", and people can't focus on two hot spots at the same time. Except for young couples who are still keen, most people discuss major issues related to the destiny of mankind.

Although these topics are indeed somewhat unpleasant.

In contrast, Lin Tuo, who should really be concerned, seems rather irresponsible.

They took Huaxi and the two to find a restaurant that didn't have Tanabata activities, fed their stomachs, and then went straight to the lively snack street. From the beginning to the end, the atmosphere was harmonious and joyful.

By the way, I watched another outdoor program, and when the two of them teleported back, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

Huaxi turned her head back to her nest to wash and practice.

Lin Tuo washed his face first, then moved the chair to the edge of the sand table.

First, I picked up my phone and checked the news. Well, as expected, all the media headlines were reporting news about the suspected existence of an Earth-like civilization in the oasis.

As for going further, we still need to wait for the excavation work to start.

In fact, Lin Tuo felt that this group of people was really lucky.

Although the underground ruins of the oasis are extensive, most of the items have decayed as time has accelerated, and a small number may be preserved due to special burial conditions and good airtightness, and the number is not large.

It turned out that this group of people bumped into each other on the first day.

Shaking his head, feeling briefly, Lin Tuo put aside the matter and looked at the sand table.

"Switch, Yangcheng."

I clicked on the card representing Yangcheng with my thoughts. In my field of vision, countless lights and shadows danced and changed on the long table. In a blink of an eye, the evolution sand table in the observation mode had switched from "Oasis" to "Yangcheng".

In some areas of the central city, the lights are gorgeous, and the lights become sparser as you go outside. Looking down, they are like stars.

Yangcheng is clear tonight, and the observation of the ether is also much easier.

Wisps of blue and white cyclones are distributed over the sand table. If you look closely, you can observe countless "ether lines" hanging from the nine heavens and connecting every corner of the city.

The long silk thread is not straight, but shows a kind of flexibility, like cooking smoke in the wind, connecting heaven and earth, ether and man.

Each silk thread marks an individual who is practicing "Qingling Breathing Technique" and has "beginned".

According to the different talents, the thickness of the ether silk thread is also different.

"Well, it is indeed a lot more than a few days ago." There are too many silk threads to count. Lin Tuo estimated that there are almost thousands of threads.

This means that in the entire Yangcheng City, at this moment, thousands of people have sensed the ether and are absorbing it.

This number sounds small, but considering that some time has passed since the spread of the exercises, those who tried to join in the fun in the early days have been screened out.

Most of the rest persisted for a while.

This number is also acceptable.

"Although it is indeed still a little less."

Lin Tuo was thinking, and his eyes flicked over the dozens of relatively thick silk threads one by one.

Its distribution is scattered and irregular. The only two things that Lin Tuo paid attention to are the office building connected to his original company, but it is a pity that he can't see the connected people clearly.

The other one is connected to Li Mountain, and the area where he is located directly points to Huaxi.

"I didn't expect the little girl's talent to be pretty good." The corner of Lin Tuo's mouth raised an arc, but considering her status as an evolutionary, it's not too surprising.

He has always suspected that the "power" of the "evolutionary" is a method of using ether.

With this in mind, Lin Tuo raised his hand again, using the authority of the evolution sand table to forcibly interfere with the distribution of ether, increasing the concentration of ether around these dozens of "seeded players".

Silently, wisps of green and white breath spread out and gathered everywhere.

In the room separated from Lin Tuo, Hua Xi, wearing pink pajamas, was barefoot and cross-legged on the bed, practicing the "breathing qi method" in a serious posture.

Wisps of ether, invisible to ordinary people, slowly penetrated into her mouth and nose along with her breathing, and most of them escaped, only a few remained in her body.

All of a sudden, Huaxi vaguely felt that the weird energy sensed by Mingming in her mind was suddenly much stronger. She was a little confused, but she didn't have time to think about it, so she tried her best to absorb it.

Lin Tuoyuan's company floor office in an office building in Yangcheng City.

The employees had already left work, and only the department manager, Li Tai, was left in the entire office area.

Cross-legged on the ground, facing the window, breathing out slowly.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were full of surprise and joy, but also with doubts: "That kind of energy seems to be strong again!"

This situation is the second time he has encountered it.

Li Tai still clearly remembers that the night he first tried the breathing technique, he successfully relieved the pain caused by the occupational disease.

In the next week or two, he continued to persist, but found that the energy he vaguely sensed was far less abundant than the first night.

He suspected that it was because of the special "first time", and also because of the location, maybe the company's location is better than his home.

This is also the reason why he frequently stays overnight at the company recently.

As for the body, it has been changing all the time, although the range is very small, but the accumulation of small things makes a lot.

Recently, he has completely stopped taking medicine, and the pain in his cervical spine has been gone for a long time. The key is that his mind is much clearer and his thinking is more active.

All these changes may seem to outsiders, at most he looks better recently, but only he himself knows that this is entirely the effect of this mysterious breathing technique.

For this reason, he deliberately took the time to go back to his parents' house, and taught his parents to practice. Unfortunately, I don't know if it is because of his age, the effect of his parents' cultivation is very poor.

At this moment, feeling strong energy again, Li Tai was pleasantly surprised, and dared not delay, immediately closed his eyes and started to practice.

"The energy... seems to be getting stronger?" In a certain residential building, Jiang Yishan, who had witnessed the "Mysterious Warrior of Taihe Mountain" with his best friend, also raised his eyebrows at this moment.

Immediately, he held his breath and concentrated, without even opening his eyes, he quickly calmed down and continued to practice.

Outside the window, moonlight spilled into the room, falling on her wheat-colored skin, as if covered with a layer of moonlight.

At the same time, in many corners of Yangcheng City, dozens of cultivators with outstanding talents have vaguely sensed the changes in the "energy of heaven and earth".

In contrast, the vast majority of those thousands of people were unaware of it.

In Yangcheng City, in a certain solemn building away from the crowd, it is still lit at this moment.

In a certain room on the third floor of the building, a man in casual clothes and with a crew cut voluntarily left his cultivation state at this moment.

The moment he opened his eyes, the sound of footsteps in the corridor had come to the door.

"Come in," the man said.

Immediately, the door was unlocked, and two young people came in, a man and a woman: "Boss, your ears are too good."

Hearing this, Lu Yan stood up and glanced at the female colleague: "It's because you walk too loudly."

"Didn't I forget to change my shoes?" The young woman said with a smile, and immediately glanced at Lu Yan, "Just now you are experimenting with the breathing technique again?"

Lu Yan nodded, pointed to the sofa, and said, "Sit down, how about it, have you got any results from the investigation?"

"Look for yourself." The young man sighed and handed over the document in his hand.

The latter reached out to take it, and sat on the sofa in the office to look through it. The more he looked, the more he frowned. After a while, he put down the folder, closed his eyes, and pinched the center of his eyebrows, feeling a little headache.

A week ago, the superior department of Yangcheng received news about the "Qingling Breathing Technique", and organized an investigation team to deal with the matter.

There are not many people in the entire investigation team, there are three people in total, and the team leader is Lu Yan.

At first, a few people only thought that this was another crook coming out to fish in troubled waters and take the opportunity to make money. There have been many similar incidents in various places recently, and they have dealt with them alone. There are two or three cases... It will be resolved soon.

But I didn't expect that after so many days, not only did the mysterious person not be found, on the contrary, as the investigation deepened, even the team leader Lu Yan was "stuck" in.

(end of this chapter)