Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 72: Death drops


On this spring evening, as the clouds cleared, a clear blue sky was revealed.

A rainbow spanned the entire sacred plain, and between the ruins of the city and the huge fingerprints, countless wizards cheered and embraced, weeping with joy.

For them, the past scenes were full of drama. They had already given up hope of living, but never thought that they would actually survive.

Not only that, the extremely powerful church that weighed on the heart of the entire continent was actually destroyed in this way.

And the one who changed the fate of all of them was actually a mysterious strong man who had never met them before.

Thinking of this, grateful, curious, and awe-inspiring gazes cast their gazes on the figure above the holy city.

However, at this moment, Lin Tuo was not in such a relaxed mood.


Relying on the main body, floating in mid-air, Lin Tuo frowned and stared at the pile of black ash below. After looking at it for a long time, he finally exhaled lightly, confirming that the thing was dead.

The power of the laser cannon did not disappoint him. Of course, to a large extent, it was also because the defense of the giant pope was lower than he expected.

Lin Tuo was worried before that the high temperature of the laser cannon would not cause too much damage to him. Now it seems...

"It's just the appearance... an embroidered pillow."

Complaining in his heart, Lin Tuo looked at the city below again. The originally bustling holy city had been completely reduced to ruins, the buildings collapsed, the ground was cracked, and there were countless corpses hidden in it.

A doomsday scene.

Seeing this, Lin Tuo was silent for a moment, then withdrew his gaze, manipulated the body, and let himself land beside the black ash.

Observe carefully, the huge "corpse" of the pope is also very interesting, and there is no huge mountain of corpses.

In fact, most of them are some kind of carbonized black ash. It seems that when it died, it has returned to its normal size, and even the huge "crown" and "scepter" have also returned to normal.

In addition, there is a mass of aether, or, in the parlance of the world, "magic power" pervading all around.

"Did it escape after this thing died?" Lin Tuo was a little surprised. After all, the entire knight army was crushed to death before, and the escaped ether was not too much.

Suddenly, Lin Tuo's eyes lit up, and as the cold wind blew away the black ash, a translucent strange energy group emitting a hazy white light was revealed.

Seems to be a "death drop" for the giant Pope.

Lin Tuo observed carefully, repeatedly confirmed that he did not notice any dangerous aura, and then carefully tried to touch it.

At this moment, in his retina, the virtual panel popped up again without warning.

And a line of familiar text emerged:

[Special items are detected, do you want to analyze them?]

"This is..." Lin Tuo's heart skipped a beat, he was no stranger to this scene.

Previously, in No. 1 sandbox, Daxizhou Laboratory, when he touched the "Secret Seal", this hidden function of the evolution sandbox was triggered.

"Sure enough, the 'something' that caused this crisis is similar to the secret seal..."

Feeling the soft touch of this energy between reality and reality, Lin Tuo gave an idea in his heart:


On the virtual panel, a slightly slower progress bar quickly filled up.

[Analysis completed]

At the same time, an analysis report came into Lin Tuo's mind in the form of information flow:

Attribute: Spiritual origin (transcendent items, dropped by the death of life in the spiritual world. Suspected to accompany the ether from the spiritual world into the material world)

Rating: Moderate

Condition: perfect, unstained

Ability: After absorbing, ether can be consumed to construct a certain range of virtual dreams with itself as the origin, and pull the target consciousness into it to exert influence (except for the user, other targets will greatly reduce their psychological defense after entering the dream... )

Negative effects: During use, the caster's own spirit will be burdened, and a certain degree of sleepiness and fatigue will be felt, which can be recovered through sleep and other methods... It is recommended to control the time of single use according to your own situation...

Attachment: memory fragments (part of the memory fragments stripped from the original source in the evolution sandbox, can be read, have no negative effects, and will be automatically cleared after ten hours)

[Didi—the host has contacted two spirit world items, satisfying the authority to unlock some information about the spirit world, please read it at the right time]

Slightly closing his eyes, he quickly read the entire report with his consciousness in his mind. Immediately, Lin Tuo was surprised to find that such a notification popped up on the virtual panel.

"Unlock some information about the spirit world?" Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows. Through this period of contact, he has gradually figured out some rules of the evolution sand table.

Take the mall as an example. The items in the mall are not static, but will automatically change with the ether points Lin Tuo owns.

For example, before his points were less than 100 points, there was no "Common Language" in the mall.

For another example, before he has less than 1000 points and has not created a sandbox, he has not listed the "Creation Range".

In other words, if the evolution sandbox is a system.

Well, many of its internal functions are hidden by default until Lin Tuo meets the relevant conditions for use.

Right now, this piece of information seems to be part of the "hidden rules".

"Is it possible to unlock the relevant information only when I have come into contact with two or more items in the spiritual world? Is it a protection mechanism?"

Lin Tuo couldn't help thinking.

Remember, the analysis report of the "Secret Seal" mentioned that its extraordinary power comes from "spirituality", and the "spiritual origin" in his hand directly mentioned that it came from "life and death drops from the spiritual world" .

In other words, both are related to the mysterious "spirit world".

And Lin Tuo has known for a long time that the ether comes from the "spiritual world", but before that, no matter how he asked, the information given by the evolution sand table was extremely limited.

As a result, he has always lacked understanding of the "spiritual world".

Unexpectedly, the relevant information has been unlocked now.

However, when Lin Tuo was surprised, he did not choose to read it immediately. Instead, he pressed down first and turned his attention to the analysis report of the "spiritual origin".

As stated in the report.

This group of energy actually also has a special extraordinary ability attached to it.

It looked... interesting.

Moreover, its "negative effect" is much lighter than that of "Secret Seal".

The point is, this thing seems to be "absorbed" by him!

If the "Secret Seal" is just a badly damaged consumable with unacceptable negative effects.

Then, this mass of energy is more like a "skill" that fell from the sky.

Lin Tuo was very moved.

However, for the sake of caution, he also resisted the idea of "absorbing", and was going to wait until he returned to the sand table and figured out what the "spirit world" was before making a choice.

"Well... but these memory fragments can be read now."

If Lin Tuo judged correctly, this should be the so-called "spiritual creature", that is, part of the memory of the unknown life possessed in the body of the huge pope.

It may be possible to get the whole picture of the whole incident from it.

"Open the attachment." With a thought, in the next second, Lin Tuo felt a series of "pictures" flashing before his eyes.

It was a picture presented in the "first perspective", and it was not very coherent, and there were some jumps, which should be due to memory damage.

Because it was played in the consciousness, it took less than a minute for Lin Tuo to finish reading all the pictures.

Combining the information he knew and adding a little brain supplement, he finally roughly completed the cause and effect.

in short:

The culprit who caused the whole incident was a spirit creature called "Nightmare".

More than a year ago, it came to the Northern Continent from the spirit world. At first, it was confused, but later, it was pleasantly surprised to find that there were many "delicious foods" living in this world.

That is to say, those wizards with natural abilities, as well as many practitioners who are "slightly inferior" but "can be full".

Driven by instinct, it tries to hunt and prey. However, the special nature of creatures in the spirit world makes it difficult for it to affect the material world.

Therefore, it came to the holy city "Hayex" after some observations, and used its ability to weave dreams and pollute the spirit to try to control the Pope and a group of high-level church leaders.

At first, it didn't go well, especially since the old Pope himself was a powerful transcendent with a strong spiritual will and extremely difficult to control. The first attempt to pollute him failed.

However, this is not in vain. The "Nightmare" who is good at perceiving people's hearts quickly spotted the Pope's inner desire for life-his lifespan is running out, and even the most powerful man in the mainland cannot escape death.

As a result, Nightmare began to try to "cooperate" with the Pope as a god at the cost of "granting endless life". Although the latter saw the essence of its "demon", he could not resist the temptation of "eternal life" after all.

And once there is a loophole in the spiritual defense, the rest will be easier.

Nightmare persuaded the pope to secretly capture the "wizard" and devour it, in exchange for extra life. In this transaction, the pope was gradually polluted.

Until later, his spirit was completely controlled by the nightmare, and the act of hunting and killing wizards was issued in the name of the "Ordinance of Heresy".

In the process, with the help of the Pope's power, Nightmare has successively polluted a large number of high-level church officials and controlled the entire Knights Templar.

And the next thing... It's what Lin Tuo saw.

"Huh..." He exhaled lightly, and when he finished reading, those memory fragments immediately disintegrated and dissipated, leaving only a sigh.

"A story about a high-ranking person who was lured by a demon to become corrupt step by step." Lin Tuo concluded with a complicated smile.

What makes Lin Tuo feel the most absurd is that by reading the memory of "Nightmare", he already knows that this spirit creature has no right to grant "eternal life" to others.

The "lifespan" obtained by the pope and the top church leaders is just an illusion fabricated by the nightmare, nothing more.

But for this illusion, what was paid was the lives of thousands of innocent wizards.

In the cold wind, Lin Tuo's cloak rattled.

"What a sad story," he thought.

(end of this chapter)