Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 83: Sandbox Magic Theory No. 2


The level of printing in the Draai Kingdom is still very early, so books are still very precious, and often only wealthy people have a certain collection of books.

Because of this, the packaging of the books is extraordinarily beautiful... well, at least for this era.

When Lin Tuo opened this thick, cardboard-painted book with complicated patterns on the cover, what caught his eyes was a line of cursive characters on the title page:

"All mysteries come from the dark realm."

dark field

Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn't quite understand the meaning of this unfamiliar word, so he continued to read without being entangled.

Although the book is very thick, but limited by the precision of printing, there are not many words on a single page. In addition, his thinking is quick now, so he can read very quickly.

Not long after, he turned more than half, and he finally understood the meaning of "dark domain".

"This... Does it refer to the spirit world?"

This reading is indeed very basic, just enough to help Lin Tuo understand the power research system of this era.

According to this handout, whether it is a knight, a wizard or anything else, the power they possess comes from "magic power", and the way to absorb magic power comes from ancient times, bestowed by the Creator God.

When Lin Tuo was collecting books before, he had flipped through the classics of the church. In this regard, the caliber of theology and mage scholars is very unified.

As for "magic", according to this book, aside from the church's set of fooling people, the recognized origin is an unperceivable field.

According to the description in the book, listen, it roughly corresponds to the "spirit world".

And the derivation process of "spell" is quite a "coincidence".

"According to the records in the book, in the early days of civilization, only the group of wizards possessed extraordinary power.

They are born with all kinds of mysterious powers... Until later, more and more people strengthened themselves through cultivation methods, and out of various needs, they gradually began to study extraordinary powers. "

"The thinking of early scholars was to analyze and study the innate abilities of wizards, trying to reproduce and learn, but this attempt has never made any real progress.

There are many kinds of talents and abilities, and there are few repetitions. The wizards are completely ignorant of their own spell-casting process, which is closer to instinct... Well, this is consistent with Huaxi's description of his own power. "

"It was not until the birth of an exception in the Dong Sano era in history that this situation was broken."

on the island.

Lin Tuo flipped the book forward and unfolded to a certain page, only to see a line of text clearly written on the page:

"In the 21st year of the Eastern Sano Dynasty, Riley, the feudal knight of Deep Valley County, was seriously ill with typhoid fever. He dreamed of strange scenes in his coma. After recovering from the illness, he acquired the ability of flames, which is no different from innate witchcraft..."

In short, it was the time of Don Sano, an ordinary person who had only mastered the cultivation method had a serious illness, and after waking up, he awakened his abilities.

It caused a great commotion. After all, it is extremely rare for ordinary practitioners to master "witchcraft" the day after tomorrow.

Therefore, this knight was directly analyzed by the dynasty scholars as a guinea pig, and finally "deciphered the mystery of the spell", and based on this, he developed a "spell" that can be learned by ordinary practitioners.

It also officially broke the wizard's monopoly on extraordinary power.

There is also a picture on the page of the book, which is a strange pattern, which also refers to the world's first researched and widely learned spell-first-order fireball.

"According to the book, the so-called spells, or abilities, essentially originate from the spirit world.

Human beings who have absorbed magic power can adjust their spirits in various ways to resonate with the spirit world, thereby leveraging the power of the spirit world and casting spells... Well, is this their theory... "

On the island, Lin Tuo was thinking and flipping through the pages, sometimes falling into contemplation, sometimes realizing something.

It took more than two hours to read a book.

"Bang." When he closed the entire book heavily, Lin Tuo finally understood the research results of No. 2 sandbox humans.

It's a theory that can't be proven.

It doesn't matter either.

The key lies in the formed, learnable "magic".

According to the records in the book, the release method of magic is also very simple.

The first is to clear the mind as much as possible and eliminate distracting thoughts. After that, the corresponding images are sketched in the consciousness—mostly complex pictures similar to the arrangement of various molecular structures.

Once constructed, the corresponding spell effect will be realized.

Novices often need to use some auxiliary means.

For example, complex rituals, spells, medicines, etc., help the mind to immerse into an ethereal state, and after mastering it well, you can cast spells directly without assistance.

"Interesting results." Lin Tuo praised.

After digesting for a while, he didn't continue to read, but opened all the books and tried to sort them out.

There was no classification when I searched before. Many books here are duplicates. There are also some books in other categories, which are not very useful and need to be thrown away.

The whole process took more than half an hour, and Lin Tuo finally finished sorting out the batch of books.

There are only twenty or thirty books in total that are really useful.

Among them, there are only a dozen volumes that have the core value, that is, the specific magic content is recorded. Considering the status of the church, it should be considered complete.

Lin Tuo briefly browsed through the basic spells such as "Fireball", "Ice Cone", and "Wind Blade", and the number of advanced spells is relatively small.

But collecting so many doesn't mean he can learn all of them.

First, according to the magic theory of this era, everyone's own "spirit" has different degrees of affinity for different elements.

In other words, some people are naturally suitable for learning fire magic, some are water magic... some are simply not suitable for several main elements.

It can be learned, but whether it is the difficulty of learning or the later achievements, it will be more difficult.

Lin Tuo never thought that he would be some kind of "magic genius"... He expected in his mind that his talent was probably at the level of ordinary people.

Secondly, most of the spells here are actually of no practical significance to him. If they are only used for self-defense and fighting, most of them are not as useful as Huabing Fist.

It takes a lot of time to learn, and the gain outweighs the loss.

On the contrary, a few of them are more partial to magic, which are more attractive to him.

"Well, put it away first, and then take the time to choose and study it. Although most of the magic is not very useful to me, if I teach it, maybe... it can be of good use value." Lin Tuo thought silently.

After all, he just took in two "peripheral members", and if he doesn't need them, he can reward them to his subordinates.

Of course, these are not in a hurry.

In addition, there is also a theoretical book "A Preliminary Study of Ritual Magic" that he has read a few more times. It is a cutting-edge exploration of the magic model by a certain scholar.

After looking through it, it has little practical value, but the future can be expected.

After sorting these out, Lin Tuo packed the dozens of books and stuffed them into a box, then switched consciousness, and used his body to take them out of the sand table.

By switching the observation mode, the bookcase was restored to its original size.

"Now, the study finally lives up to its name." When the busy work was over, it was around four o'clock in the afternoon.

After reading the book all afternoon, Lin Tuo stretched his waist, and immediately took off the avatar of the cloak, and put it into the center of Yangcheng through the sand table, near a large seafood market.

Tomorrow is the "begging sacrifice" of the Sea Clan, so Lin Tuo has to prepare some food for them in advance.

When talking with the sea tribe named Peia before, he asked about the sea tribe's recipes, well, like the "ancestor" of human beings, they are omnivores.

In theory, throwing anything at random is enough for them to survive the disaster year.

But Lin Tuo thought about it, and decided to give them a good meal. After all, they have insisted on offering sacrifices for so many years...

"Since they are marine creatures, it's always right to give them some seafood." Muttering, Lin Tuo, wearing shorts and a T-shirt, walked out of an alley in Yangcheng, and walked into a nearby seafood market while it was still bright.

Twenty minutes later.

In the study room, Lin Tuo's body probed into Yangcheng again, took back the avatar that had been purchased, and placed it in the courtyard of the martial arts hall.

When Lin Tuo "separated" from the air with the bag full of food, he heard a crackling sound.



Huaxi, who was wearing exercise clothes, was seriously following the daily training plan, punching the wooden man in the courtyard with a serious face.

Under the sun, his entire face was sweaty and flushed.

At this moment, she was not surprised to see Lin Tuo appearing, she was used to this scene, she just blinked curiously, stared at the big bag he was carrying in both hands, and wrinkled her nose.

A salty smell...

"Teacher, have you bought fish?"

Lin Tuo nodded, walked towards the kitchen, and said with a smile: "Okay, today's training is over, you go to wash your hands, and then come to the kitchen, instead of going out for dinner, let's make it ourselves."

Huaxi froze for a moment, lowered her hands, then blushed and said awkwardly: "But... I... I don't know how to cook fish yet."

Lin Tuo smiled: "Of course I will do it, and I will teach you by the way."

Huaxi was startled, a little surprised, teacher... would you know this

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket

(end of this chapter)