Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 85: Two documents, the official pilot


The spell has worked!

At this moment, as the huge tentacles fell, on the altar, only this thought remained in Queen Siren's mind.

Immediately, he suddenly reacted and shouted: "Dodge!"

As her words fell, thousands of sea tribes dived into the water neatly in the audience, and on the ice, well-dressed sea tribes also slid towards the edge of the altar.

Soon, however, they realized that there was no need to flee.

Because, the falling speed of that incomparably huge tentacle is very gentle, the closer it is to the sea surface, the slower it falls, and its landing point is not here, but ahead.


So, under the eyes of countless pairs of eyes, the huge tentacle finally slowly dipped into the sea surface, and caused a burst of not too violent waves.

The Siren Queen just waved her hand and used her magic to calm it down.

It's just that the water level of the entire altar has inevitably risen a lot.

It wasn't until the tentacle slowly landed on the bottom of the sea and lay quietly on the sea bed that countless sea people finally came to their senses.

"Good... big tentacles..."

In the auditorium, the team leader Peia suddenly jumped out of the water, looked at the turbulent sea, and muttered to himself.

There are also creatures like octopus in this world.

And, for the Sea Clan, this is the more delicious type of their recipes.

This news was learned yesterday when Lin Tuo questioned Paya.

"One horn is only this big, how many sea clansmen would it take to eat a complete octopus?" Beside, another sea clansman looked forward to it.

Similar emotions filled the surroundings. When the wind and waves subsided a little, many sea people sneaked in and used ice blades to dig.

Soon, a soldier broke through the water and waved the meat on the ice fork, excitedly saying: "It's for food!"

There was a brief silence.

On the surface of the sea, tens of thousands of Sea Clan finally showed joyful expressions, cheering and dancing.

"Dear Sir Wizard," amidst the noise, the Siren Queen, dressed in Chinese clothes, came to Lin Tuo again, with an excited and complicated expression, "I don't even know how to thank you. Such a huge piece of meat is enough for us to survive. through famine."

Lin Tuo, who switched back to consciousness, smiled and said:

"That's good. As for the thanks, there's no need for it. In my opinion, it might just be a coincidence. It's very likely that it won't work until next year."

After all, I can't keep feeding... he mused to himself.

"I understand that the eyes of the gods are all over the world, and they will not stay in this world for a long time... This time, we are already very satisfied, and besides, asking too much is also harmful and not beneficial."

The Siren Queen is more intelligent than Lin Tuo imagined.

After a pause, she said again: "It's just that there is still a gift of thanks."

As she spoke, she thought for a while, then suddenly raised her hand, and out of nowhere, she took out a delicate and small pure white conch, and handed it over:

"We can't repay you for your help, and human civilization is far more advanced than that of the sea people. Please accept this conch.

You may not need it, but you can transfer it to others. In the future, whenever the holder encounters danger on the stormy sea, if you play it, our family will definitely provide help. "

And windfall

Lin Tuo raised his eyebrows. Although this thing is basically useless to him, it is a gift anyway, so it is not bad to accept it, and it is also good as an ornament.

Thinking about it, he took it with a smile, and immediately reached out and took out a scroll of parchment from his arms. The paper was picked from the pile of books, but the content on it was written by him last night:

"Then I'll accept it, and it just so happens that I also prepared a gift.

This is a cultivation method mastered by humans. Ordinary people can use it to absorb magic power. Although you are different from humans, maybe you can also try to practice. "

Yes, Lin Tuo had this idea long after he knew that these salted fish had mastered language and writing.

At the beginning, these beings were not enlightened, but now they have their own civilization, which just makes up for it.

"This... is too precious." After being stunned for a few seconds, the Siren Queen said in a panic, and at the same time reached out to take it and hold it tightly.

Relying on the induction of the Sea Clan's talent, she secretly confirmed that this thing is of great benefit to them.

Quickly put away the scroll, the sea queen said seriously:

"The conch I gave you just now, in the future, no matter what kind of help you need, as long as my family can do it, there will be no difference!"

This is... The reward has been upgraded

Lin Tuo was amused and didn't care. He nodded casually, exchanged some pleasantries, declined the invitation to the Siren Queen's dinner, and flew away with his body.

Watching Lin Tuo's figure run towards the sky, it gradually became a small dot, and finally disappeared. On the huge ice floe, the queen was absent-minded for a long time, until Peia's voice came from behind:

"King, everyone is waiting for your order. Should we..."

The Siren withdrew his gaze, turned around, and looked at the countless eager clansmen holding ice knives and forks behind him, with a smile on his beautiful face:

"Order! The whole family... serve dinner!"

"It's interesting." Li Shan, in the study.

A gust of breeze blew through the open window, Lin Tuo rubbed the conch pendant, shaking his head and laughing.

"How does it feel... like raising a group of pets..."

After muttering something, Lin Tuo shook his head again, and immediately called out the virtual panel, clicked on the settings, and turned on the time acceleration.

After dealing with these matters, the sand table finally started to accelerate again.

On the long table, on the north and south continents and the large ocean, the light and shadow immediately blurred.

Click click, a new line of text appeared in the operation log:

[The evolution of the world, 3653 years... In the stormy sea area, sea creatures acquire cultivation methods, and the evolution process of tribal civilization is accelerated]

"I'm really looking forward to it... I just hope there won't be any other spirit world creatures snatching food." Lin Tuo muttered, looking at the time.

There is a gap of about half a day between the reality and the time of the sandbox, so it is already afternoon.

In the dark night of summer, Lin Tuo has nothing to do for the time being.

Huaxi's training is steadily on track, and the sand table has returned to normal development. Li Tai and Jiang Yishan have just entered the inspection period, and it is not suitable for them to meet too often. The days seem to be relaxed all of a sudden.

"Do you want to play an exciting game?"

After thinking about it seriously, Lin Tuo's mind came alive again.

He bent down and pushed the computer away, and was about to touch the mouse when suddenly, the screen of the mobile phone on the table lit up suddenly.

Lin Tuo's heart skipped a beat, and he took it over, and found that it was the owner of a local group in @全员:

"Big news! Everyone, take a look at these two documents! I feel like Dayang City is going to be on fire!"

Below, several group members have replied at this moment:

"what happened again?"

"What happened?"

"see the picture!!!"

Lin Tuo blinked, swiped up, and finally saw the two pictures posted by the group leader, both of which were taken with a mobile phone, and the backgrounds were all paper documents without exception.

Click on it, and the title of the first document is the Provincial Department of Education:

"Notice on offering "self-cultivation courses" in junior high schools, high schools, and universities in Yangcheng City"

"Relevant institutions:

According to the Ministry of Education's "Notice on Organizing the Pilot Project of Experimental Self-cultivation Courses" (Jiaofa [20××] No. 6), from now on, it is planned to organize pilot projects in junior high schools, high schools and ordinary colleges and universities throughout the city, and establish a "self-cultivation course" course"… "

The document was very short, and there were not many key contents. Lin Tuo scanned it once, froze for a moment, and then looked at the second document.

Well, this one was promulgated by the Yangcheng City government, and compared to the previous one, it looks much simpler:

"Implementation Opinions on Preparing to Establish a Fitness Center for the Citizens"

The content is much more than the previous one, but the photo only took the first page. At first glance, it seems to be just an ordinary document for the establishment of a public fitness center.

But looking at the two together, it is immediately worth pondering.

In the study, Lin Tuo was silent for a moment, and finally an unexpected look appeared on his face:

"Sure enough... have you started to act?"

On this ordinary afternoon, two photos began to spread wildly in the local Yangcheng community.

Accompanied by some "gossip".

The source of the photo is unknown, but it is not considered classified.

They are all public documents, and anyone on the Internet can check them on the official website.

If it was placed in other cities, this kind of document would not attract much attention. However, for the people of Yangcheng, it is different.

There are also many people who can't understand, so some people in the group analyze:

"The whole document is roughly about two things. One is to open a 'self-cultivation class' in middle schools and universities in the urban area, and the other is that the government wants to build a self-cultivation center..."

"It sounds like nothing, but the problem lies in the word 'self-cultivation'... According to the news, the so-called 'self-cultivation' is more like cultivation!"

"The content of the self-cultivation class is "Qingling Breathing Technique"!"

"As for the self-cultivation gym, I'm not very clear yet, but I heard that it may be a place set up by the government and assigned special personnel to help practice, similar to government-run gymnasiums, yoga halls and the like."

"Obviously, the country already knows about the breathing technique and attaches great importance to it. It plans to use Yangcheng as a pilot and promote it, and it may even be promoted to the whole country in the future!"

Breathing... pilot...

Hearing these words, the minds of many people in Yangcheng became complicated. In the past days, although there have been a large number of students and adults, they tried to practice every day.

Even, many people's physical fitness and memory have been significantly enhanced.

However, in general, the practice of breathing technique is still a secretive existence.

Among acquaintances, they will talk about each other, but in public, few people admit that they are practicing.

There are also many people who have always been highly vigilant, and even conclusively believe that this is simply false, a kind of pseudoscience.

The arrival of two documents, however, tore away the thin paper.

Tell everyone clearly that the country has realized the value of this cultivation method, and it has been proven effective, and even decided to conduct a trial in Yangcheng, the birthplace.

This obviously means a lot.

For Lin Tuo, the most intuitive feeling is that when the sun sets and night falls, in the observation mode, the rising ether line in the Yangcheng area in the sand table ushers in a new round of increase.

Thanks to book friends: Three-cornered hat forest, his old Gong, and the eleventh rainy day for rewarding support~

(end of this chapter)