Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 615: I touched my wife!


In the coach's lounge of the Leaping Nuclear Club.

Mo Shigui was sitting at a desk analyzing the data of major professional teams around the world.

The approaching Holy Spirit League and Dispute regular season have made Mo Shigui busy recently. Although he is the president of Leaping Nuclear, he has not forgotten his identity in reality.

The coach of the Leaping Nucleus.

Due to the recent parallel operation of the Holy Spirit League and the Dispute regular season, his workload in reality has increased dramatically, which has also led to a significant reduction in Mo Shigui's online time.

Just as Mo Shigui was analyzing some data of the new members of the White Sword Team, the sound of a holographic projector turning on suddenly rang out behind him.

This made Mo Shigui put down the mouse in his hand and turn around to look behind him.

The coach's lounge of Leaping Nuclear is very large, and the configuration inside is also very complete, from game cabins to holographic projectors.

And the holographic projector was not activated by Mo Shigui, but by... Mo Shigui's daughter in the game.

The holographic projector created a little girl with black hair and black eyes, about seven years old. After seeing Mo Shigui, she ran over happily.

"Dad!" The little girl named Song Xi by Mo Shigui and Nancy opened her arms and wanted to run into Mo Shigui's arms.

Mo Shigui also subconsciously squatted down and wanted to pick up his daughter...but she passed through Mo Shigui's body and ran behind him.

It was only then that Mo Shigui realized that his daughter was just a... holographic projection.

"Hmm!" The little girl puffed up her cheeks when she found that she couldn't touch her father. "Dad, please don't stay here! Go back!"

What she meant by going back was... logging into the game.

At this time, Mo Shigui was a little dazed listening to his daughter's words. Maybe to her, the world of the Holy Spirit was real, and this world was false.

"Dad has a lot of work to do here. Can I go back to accompany you in the evening?" Mo Shigui didn't seem so outstanding when he became a father for the first time.

But work and family are choices that every mature man must face, and the same goes for Mo Shigui... He has tried his best to take care of both sides.

"That's too long to wait."

The little girl rubbed again and found that she still couldn't touch her father, and she looked very aggrieved.

"Song Xi, be obedient." Mo Shigui could indeed put the work of analyzing the contestants into the Holy Spirit, but he tried it and concluded that his daughter would crawl all over him.

"I'm sorry, Holy Spirit...I should have kept her in check."

When the little girl was acting coquettishly again, a voice that stunned Mo Shigui sounded behind him. His Freya appeared in this room in the form of a holographic projection without him knowing when.

Not long after he and Nancy got married in the game, Mo Shigui and his own Freya reached a kind of...reconciliation-like relationship, so Mo Shigui could feel at ease leaving his daughter in the care of his own Freya.

"It's okay. After all, she has the privileges of a player, and you may not be able to control her." Mo Shigui felt a headache looking at his daughter who was jumping up and down and acting coquettishly.

In this state, Mo Shigui had no way of catching her. If he turned off the holographic projector, she would definitely hate him when he returned.

"Holy Spirit...I've been thinking about something."

Freya picked up Mo Shigui's daughter and looked at Mo Shigui who was sitting at the desk again.

"What's up?"

Mo Shigui still felt a little heavy when he heard this, because he knew that the emotional knot between him and Freya had not been resolved.

"If I were a real person, would the result be different?"

Freya looked at her fair arms, and could still see clear traces of the puppet at the joints of her fingers.

"No, I shouldn't expect to be a human being, but I still hope to touch you in reality." When she said this, her light gray pupils looked at Mo Shigui again.

"If it's your actor, maybe...possibly." Mo Shigui was not trying to attack Freya, but even though he had realized that the Holy Spirit was real, he could not imagine the scene of the NPC in the Holy Spirit coming to reality.

Even now, Mo Shigui still regarded that Lady Disaster as... just an actor playing the role of an NPC in the game.

This is Mo Shigui's method of convincing himself, his reason for convincing himself.

"What if I can?" Suddenly, Freya stretched out her hand to Mo Shigui, and then said in a very low voice, "Please... touch me, Holy Spirit."

"This is impossible."

Mo Shigui clearly believed that Freya in front of him was just a holographic projection like his daughter, but Freya's determined eyes still shook Mo Shigui's stubbornness.

He stretched out his hand somewhat unsurely and held Freya's hand. The moment he touched Freya's hand, a turbulent flow of data emerged on Freya's arm, but the turbulence soon disappeared... Mo Shigui felt the touch!

The doll's skin is cold yet has a slightly warm touch!

This was not an illusion, he truly felt the touch of his own Freya in reality!

"Why..." Mo Shigui murmured to himself in disbelief. Song Xi, who was picked up by Freya, reached out and touched his father out of curiosity.

But she didn't touch him, and Mo Shigui's daughter still maintained the holographic projection state.

The feeling of Mo Shigui touching Freya quickly disappeared, and his hand passed through Freya's hand again, as if the touch just now was just an illusion.

"I... don't know. These are some abilities I have recently realized. I don't know if the Creator will allow it." Freya retracted her hand and said, "If I frightened you, I apologize... Holy Spirit."

"No, it's okay. I'll be online later."

Mo Shigui was sure that the touch he had just felt was definitely not fake. Although it was only two or three seconds, in these two or three seconds Freya had indeed crossed the boundary between virtual and reality and entered reality.

At this time, President Yin happened to hold a special meeting.

Mo Shigui now has a lot of questions in his mind that he wants to ask, but Freya cannot answer these questions... I'm afraid the only one who can answer them is the dog planner.

This made Mo Shigui open the message in the Holy Spirit Fighting Group...

The messages in the Holy Spirit Fighting Group were flooded with one topic.

Bubble: What is the Holy Spirit E1 exhibition

Mr. Yin: It’s a game exhibition dedicated to the Holy Spirit. Planner Gou may have some important news to announce on it.

Bubble: You are a sponsor, don't you know what to publish? And what's the matter with this location? It's in the suburbs, shouldn't it be in the city center

Mo Shigui doesn't really care about this kind of game exhibition. What he cares about is the promotion of this Holy Spirit Game Exhibition... The slogan is "Holy Spirit... will officially become your second life."

(End of this chapter)