Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 616: Peak level!


Four fragments of the godhead.

The power of the four fragments of the God of Devouring God is enough to rival that of many powerful gods.

At this moment, Jiang Qiao also had some disagreements on how to use these four fragments of the divine nature.

First of all, Jiangqiao can be used as usual to increase the upper limit of players' career levels, expand the number of people on the server, integrate the world within the fragment of the divine nature into the server, and expand the size of the server map.

But... this is how the fragments of the Godhead are used when "Holy Spirit" is treated as an MMORPG game.

All aspects have been expanded, including new versions, new skills, new professions, new maps, new BOSS and so on.

These are what players expect.

But this time Jiang Qiao wants to use these four fragments of the divine power to enhance the combat effectiveness of the players, or the combat effectiveness of the holy spirits.

So how can we improve the combat effectiveness of the Holy Spirits in a short period of time

Expand the number of players on the server

These four fragments of the divine power were fused together, and with each additional fragment Jiang Qiao acquired, the strength of the amplification would increase significantly.

If all of it is used to expand the number of players on the server, Jiang Qiao can instantly increase the number of players on the server to 50 million.

This is indeed a...pretty good result in the history of modern games. After all, the current server capacity of Holy Spirit is only about two million people.

But it doesn't make sense.

During Jiang Qiao's confrontation with the Void Zerg and the Lord of Annihilation, Jiang Qiao has experienced an eternal and unchanging truth on the star map.

That is, in the face of absolute individual strength, no matter how large the group is, it is meaningless.

Therefore, Jiang Qiao decided to focus all his efforts on strengthening the personal strength of all the Holy Spirits.

The final conclusion is...

"Peak level?"

As usual, Hai Lan sat on the sofa, holding an IKEA shark doll and listening to Jiang Qiao's plan. Even after going through so much, Hai Lan was still stunned.

"That's right, the peak level." Jiang Qiao pulled out a whiteboard and tried to explain to Hai Lan what the peak level was.

"Wouldn't it be enough to simply raise the upper limit of players' career levels?" Hai Lan asked a somewhat silly question as usual.

"If all four fragments of the Godhead are used to upgrade the class level, the players will not be able to reach their realm..."

Jiang Qiao has now realized the restraining power of the three gods of order, time and space on the growth of creatures on the star map.

The most intuitive way to put it is... the lower the level of control players have over their own strength, the slower their career level will increase.

The reason is that when Jiang Qiao first designed the career growth path, it was intended to allow players to pursue the path of becoming gods and mastering the rules.

For example, after Caramel’s second awakening, he can be called the Sword God. He has now comprehended a rule-based control method called Sword Intent.

But... what about ordinary players? Most players are still ignorant about controlling their profession, let alone reaching the pinnacle of their profession.

Even at the first level, for players like Caramel and Zhao Mingwei, the higher their professional level, the greater the bottleneck they encounter, and the more difficult it is to improve.

Therefore, it is irrational for Jiang Qiao to blindly upgrade his career level.

"Then... the peak level..."

"The peak level is to use the God of Devouring to break the routine and devour the characteristics, and focus on improving the various values of the Holy Spirits." Jiang Qiao picked up a small chicken leg and said, "You eat this chicken leg. The calories will be digested, right? What we originally ate was converted into creation energy. Creation energy is used for construction, but now more than half of it is given to the players."

To put it simply, the peak level is the level that players can upgrade when their profession level reaches the maximum level. For each peak level upgrade, the system will increase the player's attribute values based on the monsters hunted by the player.

For example, the Void Zerg are divided into Reapers that focus on melee combat and Energy Zergs that focus on long-range energy bombardment.

If the player accumulates experience and improves his peak level by hunting the former, then the attribute points reward may be strength, constitution, upper limit of health, etc., and the latter may be intelligence, spirit, upper limit of magic value...

The most important thing is that there is no upper limit to the peak level!

The professional level may only be level 85, but the peak level can be increased infinitely.

Why can a level 75 Lord BOSS have millions of health points, but a level 75 Holy Spirit has a maximum health limit of only 300,000

"Will this completely destroy the balance of the game?" Hai Lan said this not out of concern, she just made a small suggestion.

"It won't collapse. It will just change some of the ways of playing the game of Holy Spirit. But... how should I put it? Everything we do now is just to survive."

Jiang Qiao didn't know when the next attack by the Annihilation Legion would be, but before that this was the fastest way Jiang Qiao could think of to increase the combat effectiveness of the Holy Spirit.

Hai Lan had no objection. After all, in order for her godhead to be complete, she needed to kill the Lord of Annihilation at least. Jiang Qiao was now using these four fragments of the godhead to start changing the rules of the Holy Spirit World.

First of all, regarding the acquisition of creation energy, the monsters killed by players will no longer all be converted into creation energy and belong to Hai Lan, but will become more of the players' own power.

Previously, it was Aquamarine eight and Players two, but now it is Players seven and Aquamarine three.

In this version update, Jiang Qiao only updated one thing.

Peak level!

This also indicates that the shackles binding the players will be completely broken!

… … …

Leaping nuclear base.

Zhao Mingwei swung his fist against Feng Yi's forehead, and Feng Yi froze in place. In the end, the system determined that Zhao Mingwei won.

"Why is your mental clone still moving? And the damage is so high?" Feng Yi asked in confusion after leaving the duel arena.

He felt that he was very close to Zhao Mingwei, but the closer he got, the greater the gap Feng Yi felt. Today, he came to challenge Zhao Mingwei with full confidence, but was beaten by Zhao Mingwei's two great beast clones, Suzaku and Dragon and Tiger, without any chance of fighting back.

“…Comprehension? Actually, I can’t really explain it.”

Zhao Mingwei took a deep breath and began to adjust his somewhat disordered breathing.

"Let's have another round." Feng Yi's character was still unwilling to admit defeat. He always felt that he lost before because he did not expect that Zhao Mingwei's mental clone would move again.

"No more fighting." Zhao Mingwei refused decisively.

"It's not like you to want to leave after winning one game... Captain." Feng Yi's words could be considered a provocation. Zhao Mingwei was indeed not the type to leave after winning one game. The key point was...

"I have no strength left."

Zhao Mingwei raised his hand very frankly and then quickly dropped it, telling Feng Yi that he no longer had any strength.

"..." Feng Yi glanced at Zhao Mingwei's magic value, and his magic value quickly recovered to the full value.

All players who can play Holy Spirit in the game cabin know that the more sophisticated the operation and the more it exceeds the scope specified by the system, the more energy will be consumed in reality.

The movements Zhao Mingwei had just made with his telekinetic clone were as delicate and repressive as his own, and the damage was terrifyingly high.

This was already beyond the system's limit of cheating ability, so it was natural for Zhao Mingwei to feel tired in reality.

In fact, Zhao Mingwei often feels tired and exhausted.

The higher his mastery of mental energy, the more sophisticated and complex his control of it, the faster the feeling of fatigue will envelop him.

At this moment... Zhao Mingwei felt his limits as a human being.

Not just the limit as a human being, but also the limit as an ordinary gamer.

The magic value at full level is simply not enough to support Zhao Mingwei to release as many... mental skills he created himself.

While Zhao Mingwei was thinking about this...he received a private message from Jiang Qiao.

The Annihilation Legion is about to arrive, and Mr. Yin and Jiang Qiao, who know the truth, are busy preparing for war.

For example, President Yin is building a battlefield in the other world to welcome the arrival of the Annihilation Legion. What about Jiang Qiao

"Xiao Ye, let's go! Let's go level up!" This was the first message Jiang Qiao sent in his private chat.

"Level up? But I'm already at the maximum level." Zhao Mingwei also asked Jiang Qiao why he didn't raise the level cap. Jiang Qiao's conclusion was... Hailan's level cap was only that high, and I couldn't raise it even if I wanted to.

'Watch the update!'

Jiang Qiao's reply prompted Zhao Mingwei to open the Holy Spirit's official website, where a new update announcement appeared.

This update did not add any new copies or new equipment, it only updated a new level system, which can change the level system of the entire Holy Spirit ecosystem.

Peak level.

From this moment on, you...will have no limits, Holy Spirit!

Zhao Mingwei took a look at the description and promotional slogan of the peak level, and the enthusiasm he had when he first played the game Holy Spirit suddenly surged into his heart again.

That's leveling up! Even if you don't eat or sleep, you have to kill the holy monsters first!

PS: Actually, it is useless to recommend this book... If possible, you can give your recommendation votes to the new book "Demon Spirit Protection Association"

(End of this chapter)