Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 617: Super power out of control


Wanxiang is attending classes at Jiangcheng University.

Wanxiang's schedule has been very full recently, and her counselor has also discovered that Wanxiang has been secretly skipping some classes to play games.

So the counselor not only kept a close eye on her and kept a strict watch on her, but also seemed to have talked to her mother for a while.

This has resulted in a sharp increase in Wanxiang's class time recently, and the score requirement has also changed from just being excellent to having to be in the top three among all students in the department.

If it were in the past, Wanxiang would not feel any pressure about such a request from her mother.

Because Wanxiang is aware of herself as an excellent student, she will be an excellent student all her life, an excellent student in study and an excellent student in the eyes of her teachers.

However, since Wanxiang started playing the game Holy Spirit, this idea has gradually changed. Choosing to become the apprentice of the sharpshooter Alma has made Wanxiang's thoughts gradually move towards... the question of why I am learning.

Wanxiang could guess her mother's plan. After graduating from an excellent university, she might be arranged to go abroad for training and then find a good position in a state-owned enterprise.

Then what

This was not the future Wanxiang expected, especially after seeing the wonderful world of the Holy Spirit.

As she was lost in thought, the pen she had placed on the table suddenly fell onto the table.

This scared Wanxiang. She turned her head to look at the pen beside her. The pen cap had been thrown off for some reason and some black ink was scattered on the back of Wanxiang's hand.

what happened

Wanxiang could confirm that this was the pen she usually used, but she clearly did not touch it just now.

This doubt continued until Wanxiang's cell phone vibrated slightly.

Wanxiang seldom plays with her cell phone in class. Her secret to becoming an excellent student is her strong self-control.

No matter how boring this class is, Wanxiang knows that since she is sitting in the classroom, she must learn that this time will not be wasted.

Therefore, no matter how much Wanxiang wanted to play with the Holy Spirit, she would force herself to suppress her inner desire and listen to the class seriously.

But there was only one exception, that was... Jiang Qiao chatted with her privately, or Jiang Qiao popped up in the Holy Spirit Fighting Group.

Wanxiang set up special reminders for these situations through the "Holy Spirit·Cloud Player" APP. This slight vibration should be Jiang Qiao's appearance in the Holy Spirit quarrel group.

This made Wanxiang look up at the teacher on the podium.

As an excellent student, she always sat in the front row during class. Moreover, the teacher was very strict and required students to put their cell phones in a pocket before class.

Wanxiang, like many of her classmates, has two mobile phones, one for her cell phone bag and one for her own use. Some students even have three spare cell phones.

While Wanxiang was struggling, her phone vibrated several times in a row, which meant that Jiang Qiao was chatting in the Holy Spirit Fighting Group, and was chatting very happily!

What on earth is Jiang Qiao talking about

Wanxiang was so anxious that she felt uncomfortable. Jiang Qiao seldom chatted so happily in the Holy Spirit Fighting Group. Basically, every time he went to the Holy Spirit Fighting Group, there was something important to announce.

Add to that the recent experience and the pressure put on her by not charging more for more milk...

Isn't it just that the phone was taken away? What's there to be afraid of

Wanxiang, an excellent student, played with her mobile phone during class for the first time in her life.

No update today: the next book, the next book, the people of the Void Secret Realm will be coming on 3/10!

Caramel: Are you going to reach the peak level

No update today: Yeah, but Caramel boss, don’t you Coke fanatics have your own fleet

Caramel: Yes, we have it, but we can be more efficient if we work together.

Peak level

What is the peak level

Wanxiang had only not played Holy Spirit for about three hours, so how come there was another keyword that she couldn't understand

In order to intervene in the discussion of the Holy Spirit group, Wanxiang instantly opened the interface of her mobile phone and browsed the Holy Spirit forum and the Holy Spirit official website, and figured out what this peak level was.

Right now, the Holy Spirit Forum is buzzing with controversy over this peak level.

Most players believe that this peak level setting will completely transform Holy Spirit from a health-conscious and social MMORPG into a liver-intensive and grinding game.

However, there are also a small number of hardcore players who feel that they have no desire to explore the Holy Spirit after reaching the maximum level. They think this peak-level mechanism, where you gain different abilities based on the monsters you defeat, and the ability to stack them infinitely, is great.

Wanxiang has been playing Holy Spirit for such a long time that she has her own opinions on some of the game’s updates.

The peak level will undoubtedly completely change the setting of the Holy Spirit game format.

But this is good news for her.

Because Wanxiang is facing the same trouble as Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Mingwei's control over mental energy is many times beyond the level that a player should have.

After Wanxiang received instruction from the sharpshooter Alma, although she gained a new profession of metal control, her energy and mana consumption became the biggest factors that hindered Wanxiang's performance.

Wanxiang didn't expect the peak level to improve her attack and defense much, as long as it could increase her magic value.

Wanxiang: President, I also want to come @No update today.

No update today: Wanxiang?! Aren’t you in class

Wanxiang: Today...there is no main lesson to talk about.

At this moment, Wanxiang had no choice but to lie, although this lie was quickly exposed by a screenshot of Jiang Qiao's course.

No! We have to be online! Now!

When Wanxiang raised her head, she was thankful that... her teacher didn't notice that she was secretly playing with her phone, or even if she did, she didn't remind her.

But how do I leave this classroom? Say I have a stomachache

Wanxiang was not confident in her acting skills, but when she was considering whether to pretend to be sick...

“Holographic projection has now been integrated into every corner of our lives.”

The teacher said that what he said made Wanxiang feel something...

This was not an illusion... When Wanxiang placed her hands on the table, she had an illusion that she was connected to the computer desk.

In the past, this feeling was very faint, so faint that the evening fragrance was almost ignored.

But it might be because the more lessons Alma, the sharpshooter, taught her, the more Wanxiang learned.

Now Wanxiang can feel something deeper when she touches these electronic devices.

The flow of electric current within the equipment, the exchange of digital data, and even... Wanxiang had the illusion that she could interfere with the operation of these devices.

It's not an illusion.

Wanxiang's fingertips lightly touched the metal surface of the computer desk, and a power she felt from the Holy Spirit lingered in her body.

Metal interference.

This is the most basic skill taught to her by the sharpshooter Alma. Its extended function is to interfere with the normal operation of some high-precision equipment.

This time, Wanxiang’s method was... to turn off all the equipment in the classroom!

The moment this thought came to her mind, the holographic projector on the podium and the lights in the classroom were all turned off.

Suddenly the whole classroom went dark, and the students around were also in panic.

"power cut?"

"Everyone calm down, the circuit breaker in the classroom may have tripped. We can just change classrooms." The teacher was also very calm. After trying the switch equipment to no avail, he directly led the students to change classrooms.

It really worked!

Wanxiang looked at her fingertips in some disbelief. What she had just used was not the eagle eye ability of her profession, but the ability given to her by Professor Alma, the sharpshooter.

Although she has many doubts in her mind now, she can just go online and ask Jiang Qiao what's going on!

So she took advantage of the time when changing classrooms and did something that many students didn't dare to do, which was... skipping class.

(End of this chapter)