Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 619: Very poor gaming experience


Zhao Mingwei just grabbed Ye Lina from another world and fell into the deep pit accurately.

The violent thoughts formed dense thunderclouds in the sky. The moment Zhao Mingwei fell to the ground, the thunderclouds turned into thunders that were loud and fell into the deep pit.

All the soul-eating insects in the deep pit were turned into debris and torn to pieces by the spirit energy...

This was the second time Zhao Mingwei had released this... second awakening which had not yet been completed. Zhao Mingwei hadn't even thought of a name for the second awakening.

But these two awakenings are very useful when you need to cause large-scale damage and have teammates to help control monsters.

However, Zhao Mingwei was not satisfied with the large-scale destructive nature of the second awakening, because he was now kneeling on the ground and was once again in a state of total exhaustion.

It is difficult to control and consumes huge amounts of energy. These two factors have determined that the second awakening cannot be used in a real duel with masters.

This time, Zhao Mingwei was just like when he was fighting Alma. His whole body became stiff and he was half-kneeling on the ground, even having difficulty standing up.

However, what was a bit worse was that Ye Lina from another world was lying in front of Zhao Mingwei...looking at her with an expression of 'looking forward to what will happen next'.

"You are suddenly so enthusiastic, is it because you saw me?" Ye Linlin fell to the ground unharmed.

At the end, Zhao Mingwei even used his hand to support the back of her head, for fear that she would hit the rocks behind her when she landed.

"… "

Zhao Mingwei was too lazy to answer him. He tried to stand up and absorb all the experience points overflowing from the surrounding soul-eating insects.

But Zhao Mingwei tried to stand up to learn from the experience of the surrounding soul-eating insects, but he almost fell due to a bump under his feet.

"As the original humans, you are still too weak." Ye Lina immediately stood up and supported Zhao Mingwei with her shoulders.

No matter which world Ye Linlin is in, her height has not changed much, about 1.69 cm... Zhao Mingwei is 1.8 meters tall, so Ye Lina can only push him with her head.

"Original humans?"

This was the first time Zhao Mingwei heard this word, a word he had never mentioned when he and Jiang Qiao were exploring the parallel world.

"Don't you know?" Ye Lina was a little surprised. "Logically speaking... you primitive humans have accepted the godhood of the God Devourer, so you should know your position and... identity on the star map."

"I only know the God Eater."

With Ye Lina's support, Zhao Mingwei spread out his left hand, and the light... the light from the corpse of the Soul-Eating Insect gathered in the palm of Zhao Mingwei's hand.

This large ball of light eventually turned into Zhao Mingwei's experience, raising his peak level from level 40 to level 52, and Zhao Mingwei's magic value also increased by 273 points.

It’s not too much, but not too little either. Zhao Mingwei’s current upper limit of magic value is 54,000 points, which can be increased to 70,000 points by taking drugs and using various BUFF skills.

But releasing the second awakening skill once can consume 60,000 points of Zhao Mingwei's magic value.

At level twelve, the magic value limit increase of 273 points is already very good.

"Didn't your God-Eater tell you about his original ethnic group?" This time it was Ye Lina's turn to be surprised.

Zhao Mingwei shook his head slightly. He also had some understanding of the background setting of the Holy Spirit, but only the fanatical plot setting fans like the Starry Scribes would dig deep into the small details that were irrelevant to the main storyline.

"It's the original human beings. This is your original race, and it can be said to be one of the weakest races on the star map." Ye Lina couldn't help but explain to Zhao Mingwei.

"But one advantage is your plasticity. You can perfectly bear all the power. But how should I put it... No god on the star map would do such a thankless task, so your status on the star map is more like... a pet."

When Ye Lina said this, she secretly glanced at Zhao Mingwei, but there was no expression on Zhao Mingwei's face, neither happy nor sad.

The weakest race on the star map... Zhao Mingwei also has some experience with this. The most direct manifestation is that the leader of the Annihilation Legion has a health value that is more than a hundred times that of a Holy Spirit at the same level, and the same is true for all attributes.

It’s not that Jiang Qiao doesn’t want to make the Holy Spirit as strong as a lord-level monster, but... the players’ souls and bodies cannot bear such a strong power.

"So what do you think after hearing this?" Ye Lina once again showed her quirky side in every world.

"what idea?"

After absorbing the experience of the Soul Devouring Bug, Zhao Mingwei regained some strength and let go of Ye Lina's support. A gentleman in the distance rushed over with a murderous look on his face, and Zhao Mingwei raised his hand to remind the gentleman...

They are still deep in the enemy's territory.

If Qi Junzi had not been held back by a large number of reapers, she might have come with her magic sword to capture Ye Lina.

"Reincarnation, or reshaping one's own body." If Ye Lina had a tail, it might have been shaking non-stop. "We, the Sons of Chaos, can give our offspring many special new bodies. I haven't used this ability yet, but you should be able to..."

"Not really interested."

Zhao Mingwei probably figured out what Ye Lina wanted to do. She wanted to poach people from Gou Planner!

But it has always been you, the dog planner dad, who has poached other people's talents, and there has never been a reason for others to poach the dog planner's talents.

"Wait a minute, listen to me first. There are many powerful races or bodies on the star map, such as the Eternals and the Elemental Spirits. One of them cannot be harmed, and the other can control endless energy. I can't do anything about the Eternals, but I can help you get the latter."

Unlimited mana, this does seem to be a very tempting plug-in.

What is currently restraining Zhao Mingwei's combat effectiveness may be the consumption of his magic points and his physical energy.

But after listening to it, Zhao Mingwei still had no intention of stopping.

"Wait a minute, even if you are not interested, at least give me a reason. It is so tiring to rely on the soul and body of the original human to control the power of the God Devourer."

"Reason? There is only one reason... because your world is too boring."

After leaving these words, Zhao Mingwei disappeared in front of Ye Lina in an instant.

This Ye Lina is a better fighter than Zhao Mingwei, so he doesn't need to worry about her safety in the Void Zerg.

"Boring?" Ye Lina was stunned for a moment and wanted to catch up, but this time it was Jiang Qiao's turn to come to her side.

"My dear daughter of Chaos, owner of the God Devourer Godhead, God Devourer of another world, what are you doing here with an army of Spell Thieves?"

Jiang Qiao was actually also shocked when he discovered Ye Lina, but all the Spell Thieves on the battlefield were engaged in a confrontation with the Void Zerg, which made Jiang Qiao realize...she might not have any malicious intentions in coming this time.

"I'm here to help you. In your current state, it should be difficult to deal with this Void Zerg controlled by the outside world."

"Help us... then... before I thank you, can you ask your spell thieves not to steal the monsters from our Holy Spirit?" Jiang Qiao said helplessly.

"Monster robbing?"

Jiang Qiao was too lazy to explain and simply placed his fingertips on the other person's forehead. She did not resist much and let Jiang Qiao implant a simple Holy Spirit chat system into her consciousness.

So... Ye Lina was finally able to see part of... the world as seen by the Holy Spirit, including the chat window.

[Current] Ruya Yihe: I'll burn your dreams! Why did the Spellthief suddenly appear on this map

[Current] Baibaibai: The Spellthief cannot be beaten, and he has a green name... Are they here to babysit us like those extinction units

[Current] Daping8650: Not a babysitter! Not a babysitter! These spell thieves are here to steal monsters. The planning is so disgusting. It’s okay to steal monsters, but they can’t fight green-name monsters!

"The holy spirits under your command... don't seem very happy." Ye Lina took a look at the current chat channel with a lot of elegant and easy-going people, and instantly turned on the stupid mode.

"Those law thieves are under your command... Don't give them a general order like 'save the Holy Spirit'! As a commander, shouldn't you be in charge of the actions of your soldiers?"

Jiang Qiao thought that there was nothing wrong with what these Spell Thieves did. As soon as they entered the battlefield, they began to assist the Holy Spirits in clearing out the Void Zerg and rescuing those Holy Spirits in crisis.

Compared to the spell thieves on Brand Island where Jiang Qiao is, they are simply reliable and good teammates!

But the premise of all this is... the Holy Spirits are here to attack the Void Insect Nest, not to level up here.

"Let me go! What are you doing? My double experience potion time is almost up! Let me go!"

"This Holy Spirit seems to have gone mad after being infected by the brain worm. Quickly hold him down!"

Well... this group of spell thieves also quickly built a base for backup and healing, and moved a large number of Holy Spirits who had gone insane through leveling into the base.

"I don't know how to give orders." Ye Lina said innocently.

"Then leave the command to me..."

Jiang Qiao really wanted to kick her back to the parallel world line now, but the arrival of the reinforcements of the Spell Thief gave Jiang Qiao some new ideas.

For example...capture Rosh's mother alive, not the Void Worm Queen.

(End of this chapter)