Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 623: Expedition (Third Update)


Six knights descended on famous cities in various countries... This news not only completely detonated the Holy Spirit Forum, but also completely detonated news and public opinion around the world.

In an instant, all kinds of news about alien invasion were flying around, and the legends were all true.

Countries have also entered various states of alert.

However, these news had nothing to do with the players standing in the Lionheart City Square. In addition to being immersed in shock, they were also filled with an indescribable sense of excitement.

"I knew Queen May was real! Not a paper figure!"

"My dream has come true! My wife can come to reality!"

"Can Freya also go to reality?"

This is the true inner thought of the players who are in the carnival atmosphere, while a small number of players are deeply worried.

Many players have experienced the horror of the Cinder Dragon.

The Flame Cinder Dragon ran into reality and went to the upper city in reality... The most dangerous place is the river beach in the upper city.

If the Flame Cinder Dragon caused a fire explosion on the river beach in the upper city...the number of casualties would be so great that the more rational players simply could not imagine it.

So the frontline reporters took these players as representatives and asked about their biggest concerns.

"Your Majesty May, it is too dangerous for the creatures led by the knights you sent to the real world. What is your intention in doing this?"

"I just want the Holy Spirits to know that we are real and this world is real." Queen May's voice echoed steadily in the ears of every Holy Spirit. "You are all my heroes. I have no ill will towards your original world. We are allies now, aren't we?"

"Then why did you do this..."

"The reason is that the Holy Spirits have already sensed it." Queen May finally came to the most crucial part of this confession. "Since I am real and this world is real, then the enemies and monsters in the Holy Spirit must also be real."

This sentence instantly calmed down the players who were in a carnival atmosphere.

Yes, if my wife is not a paper man, then those dangerous monsters are not paper men either!

"Those monsters, the Void Zerg, the Oblivion Legion... they also have the ability to go into reality." Queen May's words began to spread among the player community like an extremely subtle panic virus.

Not only the player community, including cloud players, but also the audience who were attracted by the arrival of the Six Knights to watch Queen May's live broadcast were infected with a panic.

Some countries even immediately began to ask, "What is the Annihilation Legion?" "Are the Void Zerg the kind of monsters that lay eggs in other people's stomachs?"

After all, no matter who it is, it would be impossible to remain calm when hearing that they are about to be invaded by a natural disaster like those in science fiction works.

"Holy Spirits... haven't you repelled those natural disasters several times before?"

Queen May immediately spoke to comfort the players who were in a panic, but this time the comfort was useless. The panicked players were still panicking, and the players who were listening to Queen May's speech carefully were still listening carefully.

"But the enemy is stronger than we expected... The arrival of the Oblivion Legion and the Void Zerg is difficult to resist, but we still have a chance."

Queen May began to narrate the real business, including the content of the expedition to another world, which included the purpose of improving her own peak level.

However, these remarks did not receive a strong response from the players. The biggest reason was that the players were discussing the news that the Holy Spirit character was coming to reality.

Queen May turned around and looked at Jiang Qiao who was standing behind the scenes. Jiang Qiao made an OK gesture to indicate that it was okay.

After that, the six knights disappeared from the real world, but the waves they caused in the real world have not ended yet.

The discussion about the Holy Spirit is unusually hot all over the world.

However, this kind of discussion is limited to those who don’t play Holy Spirit or even play games. Most Holy Spirit players and even core players have already made their choices in the face of the choice raised by Queen May.

The time came to the next day, and the base of the Leaping Nuclear was in Freya's room in Mo Shigui.

"Please don't leave." Mo Shigui's little daughter hugged her legs and looked at Mo Shigui pitifully.

Like the choices made by most core Holy Spirit players, Mo Shigui decided to participate in the expedition mission to another world to improve his peak level.

"I'll only be away for a month." Mo Shigui didn't have much experience and didn't know how to comfort his daughter for a moment.

"In another month, your daughter will be twelve years old, and this alien expedition will definitely take more than a month." Nancy stood in Mo Shigui's room and looked at him and said, "There are so many Holy Spirit players..."

"It's not a question of whether to go or not, it's a question of having to go! I don't want my wife and my daughter's lives... to be in the hands of others."

Mo Shigui knew the impending danger of the Annihilation Legion and the importance of this battle.

He didn't want to be without any ability to resist when the Legion of Annihilation arrived.

"I... understand. Your Freya and I will take good care of Song Xi." Nancy could also understand Mo Shigui's current mood.

It’s a pity that the couple couldn’t just leave their nine-month-old child alone. They wouldn’t feel at ease even with Freya taking care of Nancy.

Mo Shigui nodded slightly and looked at Freya again.

"Please come back safely." Freya thought about it for a long time, but in the end she could only say this sentence because Nancy was watching her.


Mo Shigui paused for a while and didn't know what to say. Finally, he packed his luggage, said goodbye to Nancy, his daughter... and Freya, and left Freya's room.

When Mo Shigui arrived outside the base of Leaping Nucleus, he found that a large number of Leaping Nucleus players had gathered in the base.

The entire stronghold was so crowded that it was almost impossible to get through.

"President! You finally came out. We were just waiting for you to make the next move." The delicious white snake walked up and said.

"Download the dungeon? Have you read the instructions for the expedition to another world? This dungeon is not like the previous ones that can be downloaded casually." Mo Shigui directly spoke to all the members of Leaping Nuclear present through the guild channel.

"Of course we know this. Isn't it just sleeping for two or three months in real life? President Yin also gave us a raise!" Mom's Dog Barked and sent an emoticon of a cat head holding money and scattering it everywhere to the group.

"Three times." You Ma Bi Si added tonight.

Was it for the salary

"What about the others? No one is employed by the Nucleus! Do your families agree?"

Mo Shigui loudly asked the other players in Leaping Nuclear. One part of Leaping Nuclear was composed of semi-professional players of the club, and the other part was very talented passers-by recruited.

These passers-by players are generally young, and the youngest is only sixteen years old.

"I...I signed a contract with Boss Yin, but I didn't tell my family." Yu Chong in the crowd raised his hand and answered.

Contract? That guy always thinks things through.

"Where are the others?" Mo Shigui asked loudly again, "This dungeon... is not just for fun! You have to think carefully about what will happen if you are unconscious for more than three months in reality!"

Mo Shigui's words successfully dissuaded those players who were a little too excited, but they still chose to stay.

"I... don't have anything to do in real life. Before I played Holy Spirit, I was just... a stay-at-home mom. So... it shouldn't matter even if I fainted at home for three months." A player in the guild said.

"You all went to the dungeon of the Alien Expedition. I, the guild master, don't want to be despised by you for not keeping up with the leveling progress."

"Everyone is here because of the game Holy Spirit. President, do you think our Holy Spirit game time is less than three months?"

Three months was just the most likely time estimated by Mo Shigui; there could also be a longer period of half a year, or even a whole year.

Spending a whole year in the game world without returning to reality? Even Mo Shigui found it terrifying to think about it.

Although the players in front of Mo Shigui were also full of worries, they knew... if they didn't become stronger, everything they cherished would be destroyed.

And this is something only they can do, something only Holy Spirit players can do.

"The guild team for the alien expedition team has been opened, you can apply." At this moment, Mo Shigui no longer wanted to persuade anyone.

A large number of team-up applications from the Leaping Nuclear Guild instantly filled all the places within his sight. Mo Shigui kept clicking to confirm, confirm, confirm...

"Everyone, get moving! Get your supplies ready! This isn't just a simple mission! It's an expedition!"

"Exciting! I've never played this kind of game before. Is it similar to the Crusades?"

The entire Leaping Core started to operate instantly, and the Holy Spirit's largest guild began to show its fangs and claws, taking its first steps towards the other world.

In order to protect their homeland, the Holy Spirits chose to go on an expedition!

The preparation of supplies was completed in less than half a day.

The Leaping Nuclear Expedition Team consists of a total of 3,421 people with an average age of 19. The captain of the expedition team is Mo Shigui.

"Leaping Nucleus! Move out!"

Under Mo Shigui's command, the expedition team headed towards the alien portal on Brand Island.

At the entrance of the portal, Jiang Qiao had been waiting for these warriors for a long time.

"Are so many people going?" Jiang Qiao was a little surprised. Leaping Nuclear was the first guild to make a statement.

"After all, everyone in the guild is a group of leveling maniacs." Mo Shigui made a rare joke at this moment.

"Then... make sure you come back safely." Jiang Qiao and Mo Shigui's hands bumped lightly. The two presidents, who had not talked many times, only exchanged blessings as players on the same front at this moment.

But when Mo Shigui walked into the portal to the other world, Jiang Qiao received a prompt.

'Player Moshigui has been disconnected'

Then… Jiang Qiao’s friend list of more than 600 people suddenly darkened.

'Player Juan Canyun has disconnected'

'Player Black Pot Cooking Meat has been disconnected'

'Player Delicious White Snake has been disconnected'

After arriving at another world line, the players are basically in a local area network and cannot contact each other with the Holy Spirit's original world.

"President, aren't you going?"

Zhao Mingwei was in the center of the Leaping Nuclear Team, looking at Jiang Qiao who was standing at the portal.

"I am considered... a constructive talent. Didn't Mr. Yin and Xiao Yufe choose to stay behind?"

Jiang Qiao noticed that Ye Lina was sitting behind Zhao Mingwei's mount. Ye Lina should have come to see Zhao Mingwei off. Judging from her red eyes, she must have just cried not long ago.

"That's right, can the president be left to your care for a while?"

Zhao Mingwei carried Ye Lina off his mount like a kitten and said to Jiang Qiao.

"No, she is your apprentice, so you should wait for you to come back and take care of her yourself. She can take care of herself in daily life." Jiang Qiao refused without even thinking.

"Yes! Master! I don't need anyone to take care of me, I just hope... you can come back soon." Ye Lina started sobbing again when she said this.


Zhao Mingwei gently rubbed Ye Lina's head, and finally left a last word to Jiang Qiao before he walked into the portal.

"Don't let the game of Holy Spirit become boring while I'm away...planner."

After Zhao Mingwei finished saying this... Jiang Qiao watched him walk into the portal.

(End of this chapter)